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Thai Police: Flaws in Koh Tao murder case now fixed


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A little off topic I know, but I just got to think about it.

Whatever happened to the size 40 footprint, that in the beginning of the "investigation" was considered an important clue?

None of the almost "petite" suspects seem to macth a 40 shoesize!whistling.gif

what has happened to the blonde hair found in hannahs hand? and which one of the suspects dyed his hair from blonde to black? it is all a load of rubbish!!! if I was one of the parents of the deceased I would be arranging my own investigation now!!!!
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Any suggestions of where else to go for holiday because I'm getting less keen to go back to Thailand every day - it could be me banged up for something I didn't do too

Today Cambodia.. if you wait a while, Myanmar will piss all over Thailand as a tourist destination.

Som nam na Thailand: nice little goose that laid golden eggs until your greed and corruption tempted you to eat it. I hope you enjoyed your little feast..555

Edited by eddie61
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Any suggestions of where else to go for holiday because I'm getting less keen to go back to Thailand every day - it could be me banged up for something I didn't do too

southern cambodia.. cheaper and better

Malaysia Langkawi Island... lovely safe duty free and friendly.

Vietnam all along the coastline, mostly unspoilt, safe and unseen.

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Any suggestions of where else to go for holiday because I'm getting less keen to go back to Thailand every day - it could be me banged up for something I didn't do too

southern cambodia.. cheaper and better

Malaysia Langkawi Island... lovely safe duty free and friendly.

Vietnam all along the coastline, mostly unspoilt, safe and unseen.

Don't forget Burma, where also a junta is ruling and communist Laos, because they are all better.

Strange that the rest of the world doesn't join your sentiment.

Which neighboring country you have moved to ?

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The easiest thing to do would be to give a lie detector test, very simple, I would pay with my own money for these two guys to have it done, they are innocent until proven guilty, I would also like to give a lie detector test to the 5-O in charge to see what he has to lie about.

Makes me sick to see these guys go through this B.S.

Saying a prayer every night to see fair justice in this case.

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1st hanna drugged

2nd brought her behind the rocks

3rd min 2 thais - try to rape her ( propably one of them are Nomsod, the other are VHM 2nd son, nephew - or what ever

4th David drops in, want help hanna, get attacked by one of the thais with this knife

5th the 2nd thai leaf hanna, take off the condom - he not errected yet, so no semen inside

6th they finish to kill or iimobilice David , drop him no or later in the sea

7th Sean meantime come in - or were in already before - he dont agree or is a not wanted wittness -

so he is also with the same weapon attacked ( wounds on Davids head and Seans arm seems from same weapon -

8th Sean suceeds to escape

9th David might be still somewhere on floor , but unconscious

10th Hanna is so much drugged, she not able to walk away

11th next shocking - this 2 Burma guys have heard something and have a look,

12th they" got from them the chance to rape hanna , without condom ,

13th after this 2 guys raped hanna , the Thais told them they will hand them over to police

if they will not leave Koh Tau or hide ,

14th Now, they are alone, drown David to the sea, and kill Hanna, even she were maybee also uncousious meantime,

as it seems no defence from her - she wwere killed by the haw, because they fear she could wittnesed next day;

15th they, the Thais did know to escape without footage on the CCTV camera

16th the Burma guys - or a 3rd went to a beachwotch - found the murder scene - and fleed the area - but were captured

by CCTV -

or someone of them remembered that he have lost before something on the rape and wanted to recover it,

17th Davids friend - went maybee later there to search for David as he not returned in the Bungalow -

but he wwre shocked - returned - and feared to be involved or just be later tortured as wittnes by police there,

as everyone there knows about drug, mafia, gangraping and police;

18th Only 1 donger wittnes were left: Sean - so they tried to kill him later, but he suceeded to escape, he still fear their warnings,

that thai mafia would find him everywhere, even in UK and Kill him,

Sean were living and working long time enough on AC bar, he did know , he real would be killed if he would talk;

19th Nomsod and the other Thai inform - his father VHM about the exident

20th Nomsod leave the Iland early morning

21th When the crime were uncovered,

The Big BOss Village Head man´instructed the Police very clearly, how police have to investigate,

that any crime have been done by this Burmese scape goats;

22th On all pictures you can see, the police were never left out a second by the eys and instructions from the village Head man;

23th All bribes have been handed over now,

so the case is " fixed " and clear to go to the prosecution !

Sorry my english , and i am not Sherloc H. but maybee CSI-Th can finalice my report;

That was good reading my man and your language was well understood. I agree wholeheartedly with your version or if not most of it. I certainly believe that Nomsod is the guilty party.

Good read bud, I agree with you.

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1st hanna drugged

2nd brought her behind the rocks

3rd min 2 thais - try to rape her ( propably one of them are Nomsod, the other are VHM 2nd son, nephew - or what ever

4th David drops in, want help hanna, get attacked by one of the thais with this knife

5th the 2nd thai leaf hanna, take off the condom - he not errected yet, so no semen inside

6th they finish to kill or iimobilice David , drop him no or later in the sea

7th Sean meantime come in - or were in already before - he dont agree or is a not wanted wittness -

so he is also with the same weapon attacked ( wounds on Davids head and Seans arm seems from same weapon -

8th Sean suceeds to escape

9th David might be still somewhere on floor , but unconscious

10th Hanna is so much drugged, she not able to walk away

11th next shocking - this 2 Burma guys have heard something and have a look,

12th they" got from them the chance to rape hanna , without condom ,

13th after this 2 guys raped hanna , the Thais told them they will hand them over to police

if they will not leave Koh Tau or hide ,

14th Now, they are alone, drown David to the sea, and kill Hanna, even she were maybee also uncousious meantime,

as it seems no defence from her - she wwere killed by the haw, because they fear she could wittnesed next day;

15th they, the Thais did know to escape without footage on the CCTV camera

16th the Burma guys - or a 3rd went to a beachwotch - found the murder scene - and fleed the area - but were captured

by CCTV -

or someone of them remembered that he have lost before something on the rape and wanted to recover it,

17th Davids friend - went maybee later there to search for David as he not returned in the Bungalow -

but he wwre shocked - returned - and feared to be involved or just be later tortured as wittnes by police there,

as everyone there knows about drug, mafia, gangraping and police;

18th Only 1 donger wittnes were left: Sean - so they tried to kill him later, but he suceeded to escape, he still fear their warnings,

that thai mafia would find him everywhere, even in UK and Kill him,

Sean were living and working long time enough on AC bar, he did know , he real would be killed if he would talk;

19th Nomsod and the other Thai inform - his father VHM about the exident

20th Nomsod leave the Iland early morning

21th When the crime were uncovered,

The Big BOss Village Head man´instructed the Police very clearly, how police have to investigate,

that any crime have been done by this Burmese scape goats;

22th On all pictures you can see, the police were never left out a second by the eys and instructions from the village Head man;

23th All bribes have been handed over now,

so the case is " fixed " and clear to go to the prosecution !

Sorry my english , and i am not Sherloc H. but maybee CSI-Th can finalice my report;

That was good reading my man and your language was well understood. I agree wholeheartedly with your version or if not most of it. I certainly believe that Nomsod is the guilty party.

Good read bud, I agree with you.

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Where is the Scottish guy who was threatened by the bar apes? He has got all the answers.Why haven't the girl victims friends been called to give evidence at the trial? Why is the General refusing a new investigation?

Keep up

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Someone asked for Sean... He was posting here until not too long ago: https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

The little #@$%% knows something and is a key witness if not accessory to murder or worse. I am dumbfounded that Scotland Yard hasn't caught and interrogated him yet.

Hannah's and David's parents should be all over him... But perhaps that is why this tart has cancelled his soundcloud account. Sean is the key!!!! He was there!!!!!!!

CSI LA finally had a reply from Sean. His story has changed said his wounds were from a motorbike accident. He didn't say it was the AC man..he said should anything happen to him talk to the owner of intouch bar.

He is living with his GF and working in Europe (italy)

That's it from him he's no longer talking or blogging.

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Someone asked for Sean... He was posting here until not too long ago: https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

The little #@$%% knows something and is a key witness if not accessory to murder or worse. I am dumbfounded that Scotland Yard hasn't caught and interrogated him yet.

Hannah's and David's parents should be all over him... But perhaps that is why this tart has cancelled his soundcloud account. Sean is the key!!!! He was there!!!!!!!

CSI LA finally had a reply from Sean. His story has changed said his wounds were from a motorbike accident. He didn't say it was the AC man..he said should anything happen to him talk to the owner of intouch bar.

He is living with his GF and working in Europe (italy)

That's it from him he's no longer talking or blogging.

He has always said his wounds were from a motorbike accident. As has the girl in the bar who cleaned him up after the accident. The accident happened well before the murders.

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No no no... its like when your building a house, and you call the city inspector to sign your building permit... he inspects your frameup and finds you are a few cross braces short of code. You go back, shore up your frameing and there you go... perfect.

I know, building permits and codes, and actual inspections make for a less than universally understood analogy, but no analogy is ever perfect.

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A little off topic I know, but I just got to think about it.

Whatever happened to the size 40 footprint, that in the beginning of the "investigation" was considered an important clue?

None of the almost "petite" suspects seem to macth a 40 shoesize!whistling.gif

what has happened to the blonde hair found in hannahs hand? and which one of the suspects dyed his hair from blonde to black? it is all a load of rubbish!!! if I was one of the parents of the deceased I would be arranging my own investigation now!!!!

This is foreign for them..they are very poor. Thank goodness the Myanmar Embassy paid for their visit.

Their lawyers will explain proceedings to them another bonus is that the U.K and Myanmar are on the same page. Unlike the worlds best police force who admitted they get results very quickly none of this forensics, lawyers, fingerprint expert s....t to deal with.

We need a lie detector helicoptered in urgently like yesterday.

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A little off topic I know, but I just got to think about it.

Whatever happened to the size 40 footprint, that in the beginning of the "investigation" was considered an important clue?

None of the almost "petite" suspects seem to macth a 40 shoesize!whistling.gif

what has happened to the blonde hair found in hannahs hand? and which one of the suspects dyed his hair from blonde to black? it is all a load of rubbish!!! if I was one of the parents of the deceased I would be arranging my own investigation now!!!!

This is foreign for them..they are very poor. Thank goodness the Myanmar Embassy paid for their visit.

Their lawyers will explain proceedings to them another bonus is that the U.K and Myanmar are on the same page. Unlike the worlds best police force who admitted they get results very quickly none of this forensics, lawyers, fingerprint expert s....t to deal with.

We need a lie detector helicoptered in urgently like yesterday.

For the RTP? ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

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If there is such a thing as Karma, and whatever God you believe in, then one day the perps and people who have done anything illegal here in this sorry affair will be judged and will be sent into damnation, the whole thing has been disgusting and still is - Shocking, except nothing surprises me anymore in LOS

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Sean mcanna get out of your hole. Man up.

Perhaps he will be called for the inquest.

His travel is being closely monitored.

By whom?? Links please.

He has done a paid interview with a Sunday newspaper.

I wonder if he donated the money to Hannahs appeal or kept it for himself?

Capitalising on a friends death springs to mind.

Interested to see the interview but suspect there will be nothing new.

Breaking this story with hard evidence would make an investigative journalists career and British journos are very good and not easily intimidated.

It would be a reasonable assumption that there are a number of them on this case and DNA will be collected and tested.

This case is far from being finished or fixed. (fixed as in repaired)

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By the British Government of course.

They have not said he is under suspicion or wanted for questioning.

Therefore it is unlawful to monitor his movements unless he has been declared as a person of interest in a crime

that falls under UK jurisdiction.

How do you know he is being monitored, or is it a guess?

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what I worry about is that anything that can show the burmese to be innocent is being published on social media, giving time for the bungling police to get their case argument straight .. just sayin'

If they get something really big, can CSI LA hold back that info ?

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