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America is stretched to breaking point: watch the markets


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Yep time to be 'Short Selling' or cashing up. The smell of Freddie and Fanny is in the air ---- Hopefully, they have resurrected under another name?? The AUD isn't taking a dive nor is the USD strengthening for nothing.

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The topic, "The United States is now battling on four fronts - squaring off against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, bombing ISIS in Syria and Iraq, grappling with a threatened Ebola pandemic at home, and trying to prevent its stock market bubbles from busting."

Not Bush. The OP is about current events not 2008. Get with the topic. Obama has had the lowest approval ratings of any PresidenT since Nixon.

Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon
The OP is obviously about Obama's policies and not about two Presidential terms ago.

Trying to prevent stock market bubbles from busting is a clear reference to the 2008 financial crisis and Bush was at the helm at the time. Why are you in such a state of denial? Is it OK to bail out Wall Street when the CEOs of Goldman Sachs, AIG, etc., made stupid and incompetent decisions with their investor's money?

The OP is clearly about now. Not 2008.

The OP "Now, seven years later, there are fears that US stocks can't continue to rise forever, as judged by the swing of equity prices over the past week or so. The trouble is that this time the Fed has run out of ammunition. The interest rate, which is almost zero, can't be brought down further. If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent.

The whole article is about Obama and how he has messed up the country. Read it.

Sorry if any of my posts have bold. The first paragraph of the article is bold so to quote that paragraph I used bold.

First of all, I accept you apology for your posts being 'bold'. (Pun intended) And you seemed to be more obsessed about limiting my freedom of expression than anything else. How can you discuss the present without putting things in an historical context? Bush was at the helm at the time of the Wall Street bailout in 2008. The question I put to you is: Do you agree with government intervention to prop up companies who have acted recklessly and irresponsibly (and possibly illegally)? As for the Fed, Obama kept the Bush appointees on the Fed for quite some time. I really don't understand how you can hold Obama responsible when the deregulation of Wall Street occurred before he took office. The issue is deregulation, not who is President - issues like the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

I agree with you that the Fed is without any more tools to react to another stock meltdown other than to reinstate QE or basically making more liquidity available for Wall Street. If the Fed isn't able to respond adequately, then we are faced with another bail-out. When things are going good, the hue and cry is for unrestrained capitalism. When the sh*t hits the fan, all the CEOs are lining up at the government trough for a handout. Nothing but corporate socialism.

Obama is only going to be around for several more years. The inherent problems in the US economy were there before him and will be there after he leaves office. I lost 40% of my 401(k) during the financial crises. If that was the only source of my retirement earnings, I'd be SOL. I don't know how old you are and it's none of my business. But I will tell you this, the disappearance of defined pension benefit plans for American workers and replacing then with retirement plans that makes them willing or unwilling participants as stockholders does not bode well for the future. The crisis facing future retirees is fraught with danger and uncertainty. I truly fear for the ability of my children to live as well as have. To fix the fundamental flaws in our economic system will take someone with more vision than exists in either mainstream party in the US. Despite your opinion of Obama, he's a good capitalist with close ties to Wall Street. As for predictions, Hillary will be the next US President and probably not much to your liking as well. If you want to rant and rave some more about me being off topic, be my guest. I'm finished.

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The OP is clearly about now. Not 2008.

The OP "Now, seven years later, there are fears that US stocks can't continue to rise forever, as judged by the swing of equity prices over the past week or so. The trouble is that this time the Fed has run out of ammunition. The interest rate, which is almost zero, can't be brought down further. If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent.

The whole article is about Obama and how he has messed up the country. Read it.

Sorry if any of my posts have bold. The first paragraph of the article is bold so to quote that paragraph I used bold.

First of all, I accept you apology for your posts being 'bold'. (Pun intended) And you seemed to be more obsessed about limiting my freedom of expression than anything else. How can you discuss the present without putting things in an historical context? Bush was at the helm at the time of the Wall Street bailout in 2008. The question I put to you is: Do you agree with government intervention to prop up companies who have acted recklessly and irresponsibly (and possibly illegally)? As for the Fed, Obama kept the Bush appointees on the Fed for quite some time. I really don't understand how you can hold Obama responsible when the deregulation of Wall Street occurred before he took office. The issue is deregulation, not who is President - issues like the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

I agree with you that the Fed is without any more tools to react to another stock meltdown other than to reinstate QE or basically making more liquidity available for Wall Street. If the Fed isn't able to respond adequately, then we are faced with another bail-out. When things are going good, the hue and cry is for unrestrained capitalism. When the sh*t hits the fan, all the CEOs are lining up at the government trough for a handout. Nothing but corporate socialism.

Obama is only going to be around for several more years. The inherent problems in the US economy were there before him and will be there after he leaves office. I lost 40% of my 401(k) during the financial crises. If that was the only source of my retirement earnings, I'd be SOL. I don't know how old you are and it's none of my business. But I will tell you this, the disappearance of defined pension benefit plans for American workers and replacing then with retirement plans that makes them willing or unwilling participants as stockholders does not bode well for the future. The crisis facing future retirees is fraught with danger and uncertainty. I truly fear for the ability of my children to live as well as have. To fix the fundamental flaws in our economic system will take someone with more vision than exists in either mainstream party in the US. Despite your opinion of Obama, he's a good capitalist with close ties to Wall Street. As for predictions, Hillary will be the next US President and probably not much to your liking as well. If you want to rant and rave some more about me being off topic, be my guest. I'm finished.

All that stuff is true kind of. But the temperature of the lunar landscape is not covered in this topic nor are things that happened before the time period that the OP is referring to. The OP is talking about the USA now and how Obama has overloaded the country on four fronts. OP, "on four fronts" The topic is not how it got there. If the topic was how it got there one would have to discuss WWII and the Cold war and the US and Russia during that time and the Crusaders and Muslim fighting in the middle ages. And the origins of Ebola. Do you get it. You want to bash Bush. OK start a topic. His bashing is not part of this topic. If you want to discuss this OP write something and I'll be happy to discuss it.

Edited by thailiketoo
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That's only part of the story and neglects to mention the huge profit US companies make on most of those US imports.

The US is China's largest buyer of it exports but almost all of that is merchandise that China manufactured for US companies under US direction. Those items come into the US to be sold in American stores, in other countries, and online.

US companies are making a huge profit from the cheap labor in Asia, and US consumers are benefiting from low cost merchandise, so of course its imports are large.

If, for instance, a smartphone is made in Asia with cheap labor, Asia is picking the bones and a US company is making the big money on that item by holding the patents, brand name, and even the manufacturing technology. Nike has a pair of shoes made in China for $10 and sells them in another country for $100. Who's the winner?

If you look at the EU as a single entity, they seem to be a larger buyer of exports:


The EU isn't a country.

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The topic, "The United States is now battling on four fronts - squaring off against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, bombing ISIS in Syria and Iraq, grappling with a threatened Ebola pandemic at home, and trying to prevent its stock market bubbles from busting."

Not Bush. The OP is about current events not 2008. Get with the topic. Obama has had the lowest approval ratings of any PresidenT since Nixon.

Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon
The OP is obviously about Obama's policies and not about two Presidential terms ago.

Trying to prevent stock market bubbles from busting is a clear reference to the 2008 financial crisis and Bush was at the helm at the time. Why are you in such a state of denial? Is it OK to bail out Wall Street when the CEOs of Goldman Sachs, AIG, etc., made stupid and incompetent decisions with their investor's money?

The OP is clearly about now. Not 2008.

The OP "Now, seven years later, there are fears that US stocks can't continue to rise forever, as judged by the swing of equity prices over the past week or so. The trouble is that this time the Fed has run out of ammunition. The interest rate, which is almost zero, can't be brought down further. If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent.

The whole article is about Obama and how he has messed up the country. Read it.

Sorry if any of my posts have bold. The first paragraph of the article is bold so to quote that paragraph I used bold.

James Rickards lectures and writes books during the day but at night Rickards runs up and down the hills and howls at the moon.

Rickards is another one who predicts the return to the gold standard after his pronouncement that the USD$ is kaput or very soon will be mort.

He's another fringe right wing reactionary gold bug so I'll leave it to the Financial Times to sort this out.....

‘The Death of Money’, by James Rickards

Review by James Mackintosh

An entertaining prophesy that will convert few non-believers
Everyone loves a disaster story but few more than Jim Rickards.
Rickards – a former general counsel for hedge fund Long Term Capital Management, whose 1998 collapse reverberated through Wall Street – sets out to be the acceptable face of those pushing for a return to the gold standard.
He even pitches the International Monetary Fund’s own currency, special drawing rights, as an alternative new global money. Few non-believers are likely to be convinced.
Edited by Publicus
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The OP is simply stating what many others have already written about...the US has run up a debt that can never be repaid...printing money like there is no tomorrow which will someday end badly...

Americans and the world are being sold a multitude of lies concerning the US economy...unemployment...and the so-called recovery...

Any one of many events now going on in the world could be the tipping point to send the US economy...stock market...and US dollar into a tail spin...

This is not bashing...consider it a warning...prepare yourself...a day of reckoning is coming...

Dream on. In the lastest side by side debt to GDP figures the World Bank had:

The US was 93.8%

The UK was 103.2%

Japan was 196.5%


The US has the world's largest economy by far. LINK

The US has the most usable land of any country, the most natural resources, is fast gaining on the world's largest oil producers and will pass them, and is leaps and bounds ahead of other countries in technology.

Don't hold your breath.

I think you will find the Brits up with the most advanced technology, along with Germany, they usually give it to the Yanks after.

Edited by Thongkorn
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The OP is simply stating what many others have already written about...the US has run up a debt that can never be repaid...printing money like there is no tomorrow which will someday end badly...

Americans and the world are being sold a multitude of lies concerning the US economy...unemployment...and the so-called recovery...

Any one of many events now going on in the world could be the tipping point to send the US economy...stock market...and US dollar into a tail spin...

This is not bashing...consider it a warning...prepare yourself...a day of reckoning is coming...

Dream on. In the lastest side by side debt to GDP figures the World Bank had:

The US was 93.8%

The UK was 103.2%

Japan was 196.5%


The US has the world's largest economy by far. LINK

The US has the most usable land of any country, the most natural resources, is fast gaining on the world's largest oil producers and will pass them, and is leaps and bounds ahead of other countries in technology.

Don't hold your breath.

I think you will find the Brits up with the most advanced technology, along with Germany, they usually give it to the Yanks after.

I always had the impression that Silicon Valley was in the U.S.

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Global Growth Woes Threaten to Beset U.S. Economy Five-Year Recovery Faces Latest Test of Resiliency as External Shocks Mount

Economists doubt the U.S. can dodge all harm if the weaknesses overseas mount, creating the potential for a negative feedback loop of soft growth. Emerging economies, not the U.S., drove global growth for much of the last decade. Now, many of those markets—Brazil, Russia and South Africa, for example—are slumping and relying on the U.S. for growth. Together, they represent a global economy that isn’t firing on all cylinders


Edited by Asiantravel
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I think you will find the Brits up with the most advanced technology, along with Germany, they usually give it to the Yanks after.

I always had the impression that Silicon Valley was in the U.S.

What about the Brits landing on the moon and all those British space stations and all those British World Wide Webs? And Britosoft and Boogle and Britishbook?

Edited by thailiketoo
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I think you will find the Brits up with the most advanced technology, along with Germany, they usually give it to the Yanks after.

I always had the impression that Silicon Valley was in the U.S.

What about the Brits landing on the moon and all those British space stations and all those British World Wide Webs? And Britosoft and Boogle and Britishbook?

You still of the impression that th US invented the www? Time to read up a bit.

Oh and can you remind us where Von Braun was born and what he has to do with the moon landings.

Edited by TheCruncher
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I think you will find the Brits up with the most advanced technology, along with Germany, they usually give it to the Yanks after.

I always had the impression that Silicon Valley was in the U.S.

What about the Brits landing on the moon and all those British space stations and all those British World Wide Webs? And Britosoft and Boogle and Britishbook?

You still of the impression that th US invented the www? Time to read up a bit.

Oh and can you remind us where Von Braun was born and what he has to do with the moon landings.

It had nothing to do with Switzerland or the USA. William Hale (1797-1870), was a British inventor and rocket pioneer started the whole thing everybody knows that.

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This is heading the way of off-topic. Although a thread about famous inventors of famous things like the WWW, the spacecraft and the toaster would make a great thread.

Perhaps start one in the pub?

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The OP writes, "If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent. When will it happen? Nobody knows for sure about the timing. What is certain is that the US is engaging in several battles all at once, each posing huge risks to global stability."

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chines trying to get out of the American real estate market.

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The OP writes, "If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent. When will it happen? Nobody knows for sure about the timing. What is certain is that the US is engaging in several battles all at once, each posing huge risks to global stability."

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chines trying to get out of the American real estate market.

You should do some research before you post that nonsense, the US markets are held artificial at their level.

You must have noticed that between 25 September and 14 October the major US market indexes declined by more than 10 %.

And how about this.


Markets looking for another lifeline from the Fed

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That piece is really quite sensationalist. Wow. Sounds like a bunch of irrational American bashing. Yes, markets go down sometimes especially after they've gone up a lot for a long time.

yes America has some big problems, but which country has not?

America has oil, gas and other natural resources. And it is big so it won't go down easily. No matter if some people would like to see it or not.

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The OP writes, "If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent. When will it happen? Nobody knows for sure about the timing. What is certain is that the US is engaging in several battles all at once, each posing huge risks to global stability."

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chines trying to get out of the American real estate market.

You should do some research before you post that nonsense, the US markets are held artificial at their level.

You must have noticed that between 25 September and 14 October the major US market indexes declined by more than 10 %.

And how about this.


Markets looking for another lifeline from the Fed

What can't you read? I said the US stock markets are collapsing.

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The OP writes, "If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent. When will it happen? Nobody knows for sure about the timing. What is certain is that the US is engaging in several battles all at once, each posing huge risks to global stability."

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chines trying to get out of the American real estate market.

You should do some research before you post that nonsense, the US markets are held artificial at their level.

You must have noticed that between 25 September and 14 October the major US market indexes declined by more than 10 %.

And how about this.


Markets looking for another lifeline from the Fed

What can't you read? I said the US stock markets are collapsing.

Keep up the apologist excuses.

Here is some news from your national hero today, guess why he lost 2,5 Billion$ only this week. More to come, keep your head in the sand, your country is as bankrupt as can be and the only way out will be to dupe the man in the street. I hope you realise that includes you.


Warren Buffett's bad week: $2.5B lost on two stocks

IBM and Coke represent two of Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK-A) three biggest investments, but their operational missteps have already cost him $2.52 billion this week

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What can't you read? I said the US stock markets are collapsing.

Keep up the apologist excuses.

Here is some news from your national hero today, guess why he lost 2,5 Billion$ only this week. More to come, keep your head in the sand, your country is as bankrupt as can be and the only way out will be to dupe the man in the street. I hope you realise that includes you.


Warren Buffett's bad week: $2.5B lost on two stocks

IBM and Coke represent two of Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK-A) three biggest investments, but their operational missteps have already cost him $2.52 billion this week

Why are you writing, "Keep up the apologist excuses?"

I said you were right.

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chinese trying to get out of the American real estate market.

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America has been crashing for years , it's not an overnight event , same with Europe and a whole host of other countries , I don't hope America goes down or any other country as it will all fall like dominoes, if anyone thinks they won't be affected they better think again , no matter where you live

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What can't you read? I said the US stock markets are collapsing.

Keep up the apologist excuses.

Here is some news from your national hero today, guess why he lost 2,5 Billion$ only this week. More to come, keep your head in the sand, your country is as bankrupt as can be and the only way out will be to dupe the man in the street. I hope you realise that includes you.


Warren Buffett's bad week: $2.5B lost on two stocks

IBM and Coke represent two of Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK-A) three biggest investments, but their operational missteps have already cost him $2.52 billion this week

Why are you writing, "Keep up the apologist excuses?"

I said you were right.

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chinese trying to get out of the American real estate market.

You're in the wrong forum with that kind of comments, they should be posted in pub.

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The OP is just another scruff racing up and down hills and howling at the moon.

The OP clearly endorses Putin's nuclear weapons threats against Europe and Nato countries which makes him as tightly wound as Putin and the local general are.

He fails to condemn IS; fails to mention the many serious domestic and international problems of Russia, China, Thailand, the Brics and speaks of Ebola as god's gift to those who bash the United States.

The Nation along with Thailand are developing into crackpot central, the hub of the marginal and the marginalized.

I'd noticed some recent effort on the part of TVF to try to limit the latitude of the whacked out fringe lunatic posters so this thread topic is a setback in this respect too.

You're still posting, so their jobs isn't quite done now is it...

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What can't you read? I said the US stock markets are collapsing.

Keep up the apologist excuses.

Here is some news from your national hero today, guess why he lost 2,5 Billion$ only this week. More to come, keep your head in the sand, your country is as bankrupt as can be and the only way out will be to dupe the man in the street. I hope you realise that includes you.


Warren Buffett's bad week: $2.5B lost on two stocks

IBM and Coke represent two of Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK-A) three biggest investments, but their operational missteps have already cost him $2.52 billion this week

Why are you writing, "Keep up the apologist excuses?"

I said you were right.

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chinese trying to get out of the American real estate market.

You're in the wrong forum with that kind of comments, they should be posted in pub.

Please point out where I said anything that was not an economic statement?

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The OP is just another scruff racing up and down hills and howling at the moon.

The OP clearly endorses Putin's nuclear weapons threats against Europe and Nato countries which makes him as tightly wound as Putin and the local general are.

He fails to condemn IS; fails to mention the many serious domestic and international problems of Russia, China, Thailand, the Brics and speaks of Ebola as god's gift to those who bash the United States.

The Nation along with Thailand are developing into crackpot central, the hub of the marginal and the marginalized.

I'd noticed some recent effort on the part of TVF to try to limit the latitude of the whacked out fringe lunatic posters so this thread topic is a setback in this respect too.

You're still posting, so their jobs isn't quite done now is it...


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What can't you read? I said the US stock markets are collapsing.

Keep up the apologist excuses.

Here is some news from your national hero today, guess why he lost 2,5 Billion$ only this week. More to come, keep your head in the sand, your country is as bankrupt as can be and the only way out will be to dupe the man in the street. I hope you realise that includes you.


Warren Buffett's bad week: $2.5B lost on two stocks

IBM and Coke represent two of Berkshire Hathaway's (BRK-A) three biggest investments, but their operational missteps have already cost him $2.52 billion this week

Why are you writing, "Keep up the apologist excuses?"

I said you were right.

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chinese trying to get out of the American real estate market.

You're in the wrong forum with that kind of comments, they should be posted in pub.

Thought this wuz the pub.

Outta here...

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The OP writes, "If a crisis were to hit the US market again, and it will, the Fed will be caught without any rescue tools. Some say the market could crash 50 per cent. Others, such as "The Death of Money" author James Rickards, argue that it could collapse by 70-80 per cent. When will it happen? Nobody knows for sure about the timing. What is certain is that the US is engaging in several battles all at once, each posing huge risks to global stability."

He is right. Look at all of the indicators. Thai baht going through the roof in value along with the Aussie dollar and gold. The American stock market collapsing. Price of oil going sky high and all the Chines trying to get out of the American real estate market.


Oil prices down to 82 a barrel and down 10 + % for the last 30 days and 16 % for the year.

Nasdaq back up to 4435 today. Up 5% in last 5 days and up almost 13% for the year.

Dow up to 16,633 today. Up 3.04% for last 5 days and up 7.5 % for the year.

S&P up to 1,947 today. Up 4.57% for last 5 days and up 11 % for the year.

Lol, you must be in some parallel universe based on you economic data interpretations.

BTW, the Chinese got their but whipped in CMOs and buying up real estate in the US during the mid 90s as they were desperate to get their money out of China. Please get them out of our real estate market as they just artificially drive prices up for those of us here. Thanks God they are broke and pulling back and better they lose than us in the 2008 collapse.

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