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Missing believed stolen and perhaps illegally sold.

Red Thai registred Triumph TR6 - stolen from Sri Racha.

Police report filed but am not holding my breath.

Reward for any information leading to the cars recovery.

The car may be in the Saraburi region.

Owner retains the original Thai green book.

Car suspected to be in the Saraburi region.

Please contact the OPpost-93020-0-78024800-1413516190_thumb.jpost-93020-0-75346100-1413516262_thumb.j

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Nice car. I had one many moons ago in the UK. Did it have the original engine or the Thai classic with a Toyota lump under the bonnet whistling.gif

Good luck but something like this I would imagine is stolen to order. It isn't easily missed so hopefully you will be lucky thumbsup.gif


I know you put a lot of effort into this one J. Sorry to hear it has gone missing.... it does stick out like the proverbial, so I think it will be easy to find. Just have to get the word out and out fast, before it makes a border.



I know you put a lot of effort into this one J. Sorry to hear it has gone missing.... it does stick out like the proverbial, so I think it will be easy to find. Just have to get the word out and out fast, before it makes a border.


That's the problem so many unguarded boarder areas to get it out.

Somehow I get the feeling it will turn up, it's a nice motor but not that special.


Nice car. I had one many moons ago in the UK. Did it have the original engine or the Thai classic with a Toyota lump under the bonnet whistling.gif

Good luck but something like this I would imagine is stolen to order. It isn't easily missed so hopefully you will be lucky thumbsup.gif

Totally original motor - completly rebuilt by professional engineer. Uprated to approx 165 HP on fast road cam and triple webers.

Gearbox rebuilt to professional standars.

ECU awaiting fitting along with bosch injectors to give approx 200 HP for approx 28 MPG


Please be reminded that a car has a blue book, while green books are for motorbikes. Does the owner have a faked book?

Yes - it's on a blue book and states import duty paid.

The car was never sorn in the uk and retains it;s original UK book = MND 818P

This is a 76 plate but production ceased in 1975 - the car was held back to jack the price by the ealers- I am the 3rd oner - purchase in Nov 1988


Hope you find it,I will spread the word

Tim - that'great and exactly the response we expected from fellow Farang's

This is very much appreciated.




What makes you believe it is in the Saraburi area?

Divorce - <removed> - it's were she originates from.

Goes by the name Lek aka super b****h

The grren MB will be driven my her


Hope you find it,I will spread the word

Great Tim - lets make this work on the Farang side for a change why not !!!!

Good man - Supanburi is also a region the car may be stored - unless the book is forged or fraudently reported by my ex to be as lost / replaced - then road tax will be an issue - maybe not in Thailand - things happen eh?


That is a stunner of a car; sorry to learn it has gone missing.

I used to buy these in Eastern Canada (just before winter), store it throughout the winter and then drive 'em right across Canada to Vancouver to sell, in the early spring and make a bundle. I have many happy memories of many beautiful trips in these TR6's. There's nothing like crossing the Rockies in one of these little convertibles with the stereo blasting then hits of the 70's during the 70's ! ! ! ! ! 55555555

Please keep us all updated in this story, okay ? ?

Hope you get it back soon !



Hope you get it back.

Had a red one too - triple webers, cam, Koni shocks in the rear, OD

Blew it up and stuffed in a 327 Chevy


Hope you find it,I will spread the word

Great Tim - lets make this work on the Farang side for a change why not !!!!

Good man - Supanburi is also a region the car may be stored - unless the book is forged or fraudently reported by my ex to be as lost / replaced - then road tax will be an issue - maybe not in Thailand - things happen eh?

she can only report the book lost if it is registered in her name, which makes it also her car. So is the car registered in her name?


Really the only chance of getting it back is for someone to actually see it, which is a bit unlikely. If the lady knows its value it may even get exported . How to track that option down may be difficult, but I imagine that there are not too many car shippers in Thailand, but don't know. Best of luck.


Hope you find it,I will spread the word

Great Tim - lets make this work on the Farang side for a change why not !!!!

Good man - Supanburi is also a region the car may be stored - unless the book is forged or fraudently reported by my ex to be as lost / replaced - then road tax will be an issue - maybe not in Thailand - things happen eh?

she can only report the book lost if it is registered in her name, which makes it also her car. So is the car registered in her name?

Much of this comes down to hr following:

As the UK book is in my name - then the import duty and blue book MUST be in my name. Bear in mind a thai is allowed 1 duty free import but must have owned the car abroad for 3 years - not so.

In the uk the book is ""The legal keeper"" - this does not mean the legal owner - the bill of sale proves the legal owner.

I may be wrong - but Thailand the registred name in the BLUE book also mean the ""owner""

Export is extremely difficult as you need the book to exit Thailand and the book to enter any other country.

You might drive the car out but you need international insurance - very very difficult on a classic car - I tried for Malayasia / Singapore - possible short term insurance - but very expensive.

My biggest fear is the car may have gone into a ""Private"" collection and there are countless megga rich Thai's with private museums - even a couple of Farang too.

Driving the car without tax - probably an on the spot fine - but without the book the car could easily be seized by the police as the book is proof of import duty paid - so if you cannot prove duty paid - then you lose the car.

Still - please keep an eye for this car - if driven on the road it will be seen foe miles !!!!


Sad news wino47,

She is a beaut, ( the car) unfortunately not in Thailand at the moment, but you have my full support in my best wishes to you for a happy outcome,

Good luck.thumbsup.gif


Sorry for your loss.

Makes the divorce very bitter I'm sure.

Best of luck getting it back.

Sent from my LG-D858

Of course you're referring to the car and not the thieving wench. laugh.pngthumbsup.gif


Hope you find it,I will spread the word

Great Tim - lets make this work on the Farang side for a change why not !!!!

Good man - Supanburi is also a region the car may be stored - unless the book is forged or fraudently reported by my ex to be as lost / replaced - then road tax will be an issue - maybe not in Thailand - things happen eh?

she can only report the book lost if it is registered in her name, which makes it also her car. So is the car registered in her name?

Much of this comes down to hr following:

As the UK book is in my name - then the import duty and blue book MUST be in my name. Bear in mind a thai is allowed 1 duty free import but must have owned the car abroad for 3 years - not so.

In the uk the book is ""The legal keeper"" - this does not mean the legal owner - the bill of sale proves the legal owner.

I may be wrong - but Thailand the registred name in the BLUE book also mean the ""owner""

Export is extremely difficult as you need the book to exit Thailand and the book to enter any other country.

You might drive the car out but you need international insurance - very very difficult on a classic car - I tried for Malayasia / Singapore - possible short term insurance - but very expensive.

My biggest fear is the car may have gone into a ""Private"" collection and there are countless megga rich Thai's with private museums - even a couple of Farang too.

Driving the car without tax - probably an on the spot fine - but without the book the car could easily be seized by the police as the book is proof of import duty paid - so if you cannot prove duty paid - then you lose the car.

Still - please keep an eye for this car - if driven on the road it will be seen foe miles !!!!

If you can somehow get word to the the thieving wench maybe through some relatives or something, make sure she knows that if exported it becomes an International incident under International law of theft and it carries more serious penalties that may even be covered by the UK given it's registered there and that you'll get them involved in the investigation as well as Thailand and the country it is exported to. While in practicality you may not get much help it may just put enough scare into her to at least keep it here and give a bit more time to hunt it down.

Yeah if it gets to rich Thai, you can kiss it good bye, too many connections and funding to deal with, fortunately for you she has to have some pretty well connected Thai's behind her to make those connections.


Warpspeed - in answer:

Now the international aspect is one I had not thought about - thanks and well done!.

BTW - parting out the car is an option but very much destroys the real intrinsic value.

My other serious fear is ""Hell hath no wrath like a women scorned"" - she may just set fire to it !!!!

In any event she will be arrested shortly - the police along with my lawyer witnessed the car on the marital property but we could not recover it owing to her MB blocking access. She claimed to have no keys !!!

So we actually have the police as witness - but again does this hold any value in Thailand? - I will not hold my breath. I will investigate if the UK police will get involved and report back here with my findings.

Thanks to all involved here for your support and very good advise.


Hope you find it,I will spread the word

Great Tim - lets make this work on the Farang side for a change why not !!!!

Good man - Supanburi is also a region the car may be stored - unless the book is forged or fraudently reported by my ex to be as lost / replaced - then road tax will be an issue - maybe not in Thailand - things happen eh?

she can only report the book lost if it is registered in her name, which makes it also her car. So is the car registered in her name?

Much of this comes down to hr following:

As the UK book is in my name - then the import duty and blue book MUST be in my name. Bear in mind a thai is allowed 1 duty free import but must have owned the car abroad for 3 years - not so.

In the uk the book is ""The legal keeper"" - this does not mean the legal owner - the bill of sale proves the legal owner.

I may be wrong - but Thailand the registred name in the BLUE book also mean the ""owner""

Export is extremely difficult as you need the book to exit Thailand and the book to enter any other country.

You might drive the car out but you need international insurance - very very difficult on a classic car - I tried for Malayasia / Singapore - possible short term insurance - but very expensive.

My biggest fear is the car may have gone into a ""Private"" collection and there are countless megga rich Thai's with private museums - even a couple of Farang too.

Driving the car without tax - probably an on the spot fine - but without the book the car could easily be seized by the police as the book is proof of import duty paid - so if you cannot prove duty paid - then you lose the car.

Still - please keep an eye for this car - if driven on the road it will be seen foe miles !!!!

I hope you get it back as I really hate thieves (plus it is an awesome looking car).

Unfortunately with the right connections it is easy to have a replacement book printed with details (name) changed.


If you can somehow get word to the the thieving wench maybe through some relatives or something, make sure she knows that if exported it becomes an International incident under International law of theft and it carries more serious penalties that may even be covered by the UK given it's registered there and that you'll get them involved in the investigation as well as Thailand and the country it is exported to. While in practicality you may not get much help it may just put enough scare into her to at least keep it here and give a bit more time to hunt it down.

Yeah if it gets to rich Thai, you can kiss it good bye, too many connections and funding to deal with, fortunately for you she has to have some pretty well connected Thai's behind her to make those connections.

I doubt that will work Warpy as it's illegal to export a car from the UK without declaring it as exported at which time the registration is canceled. If I were the OP, I wouldn't hang my hat on that too much, especially if he has kept the reg current. If the reg has lapsed and he hasn't completed a SORN each year, he faces another issue to overcome. In any event the UK authorities won't be too concerned about a car going missing in Thailand.


If you can somehow get word to the the thieving wench maybe through some relatives or something, make sure she knows that if exported it becomes an International incident under International law of theft and it carries more serious penalties that may even be covered by the UK given it's registered there and that you'll get them involved in the investigation as well as Thailand and the country it is exported to. While in practicality you may not get much help it may just put enough scare into her to at least keep it here and give a bit more time to hunt it down.

Yeah if it gets to rich Thai, you can kiss it good bye, too many connections and funding to deal with, fortunately for you she has to have some pretty well connected Thai's behind her to make those connections.

I doubt that will work Warpy as it's illegal to export a car from the UK without declaring it as exported at which time the registration is canceled. If I were the OP, I wouldn't hang my hat on that too much, especially if he has kept the reg current. If the reg has lapsed and he hasn't completed a SORN each year, he faces another issue to overcome. In any event the UK authorities won't be too concerned about a car going missing in Thailand.

You may export your car from the uk without any deceleration.

By example you may depart by ferry to Europe and then drive to Thailand without any export from the UK. Entry into other countries requires the car to have a visa stamped over the persons visa and some countries also require a deposit that will be returned hen the car exits th country.

I did precisely this with my BMW 5 series - drove to Malta and back in 1988. The car visa was a red stamp over my visa - a blue stamp.

Doing it this way means the car may return on the original plate.

Declaring the car SORN is purely a road tax issue - so the UK DVLC could come after me for the unpaid tax for the past 24 years.

But only if I apply for road tax in the UK - so the car remains a valid UK registered car - only un-taxed.


If you can somehow get word to the the thieving wench maybe through some relatives or something, make sure she knows that if exported it becomes an International incident under International law of theft and it carries more serious penalties that may even be covered by the UK given it's registered there and that you'll get them involved in the investigation as well as Thailand and the country it is exported to. While in practicality you may not get much help it may just put enough scare into her to at least keep it here and give a bit more time to hunt it down.

Yeah if it gets to rich Thai, you can kiss it good bye, too many connections and funding to deal with, fortunately for you she has to have some pretty well connected Thai's behind her to make those connections.

I doubt that will work Warpy as it's illegal to export a car from the UK without declaring it as exported at which time the registration is canceled. If I were the OP, I wouldn't hang my hat on that too much, especially if he has kept the reg current. If the reg has lapsed and he hasn't completed a SORN each year, he faces another issue to overcome. In any event the UK authorities won't be too concerned about a car going missing in Thailand.

You may export your car from the uk without any deceleration.

By example you may depart by ferry to Europe and then drive to Thailand without any export from the UK. Entry into other countries requires the car to have a visa stamped over the persons visa and some countries also require a deposit that will be returned hen the car exits th country.

I did precisely this with my BMW 5 series - drove to Malta and back in 1988. The car visa was a red stamp over my visa - a blue stamp.

Doing it this way means the car may return on the original plate.

Declaring the car SORN is purely a road tax issue - so the UK DVLC could come after me for the unpaid tax for the past 24 years.

But only if I apply for road tax in the UK - so the car remains a valid UK registered car - only un-taxed.

You may find things have changed now.

I have a problem with a car on the wharf in Soton right now and it's become very messy, very quickly.

It was exported without notification to the DVLA in 2012. (not by me).

Of course this is not helping you find your car. Sorry you have a problem.


There was a bloke recently had his ex take the kids when a Thai court had given him legal custody....I guess you feel the same as he did. I know I would!


If you can somehow get word to the the thieving wench maybe through some relatives or something, make sure she knows that if exported it becomes an International incident under International law of theft and it carries more serious penalties that may even be covered by the UK given it's registered there and that you'll get them involved in the investigation as well as Thailand and the country it is exported to. While in practicality you may not get much help it may just put enough scare into her to at least keep it here and give a bit more time to hunt it down.

Yeah if it gets to rich Thai, you can kiss it good bye, too many connections and funding to deal with, fortunately for you she has to have some pretty well connected Thai's behind her to make those connections.

I doubt that will work Warpy as it's illegal to export a car from the UK without declaring it as exported at which time the registration is canceled. If I were the OP, I wouldn't hang my hat on that too much, especially if he has kept the reg current. If the reg has lapsed and he hasn't completed a SORN each year, he faces another issue to overcome. In any event the UK authorities won't be too concerned about a car going missing in Thailand.

But as I said SHE probably has no idea if it's true or not, so the idea is to put the fear of Buddha into her and besides it's still worth a try when options are few.

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