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Thanks for all the replies.

To start off...i am not into drugs and as far as alcohol is concerned, i am a social drinker only. No alcohol in the house, this because i do not need it nor long for it.

Have done alot of introspection related to my life and myself in the last years. Many times very confronting. Especially about the negative sides ofcourse. Some posters have mentioned...the underlying causes. I have tried to honestly search for those myself. Which natural, negative, aspects, instinct behaviour, have always come back from childhood onwards ? I have found those aspects. Only the....why....i am in doubt about that.

Other posters have written that only ONESELF can change it. I agree with that but i cannot finish it alone i have concluded. I need someone to help me overcome the last couple of hurdles. I do not prefer, ignorantly maybe, to use medication with that. The change must come from within, is best i believe.

Without feeling the need to go into, poster AOA mentioned my familysituation. It on 1 way for sure has not helped me but in another way it has helped to focus me to work on myself. This as on the other side nothing is forthcoming so this means now that only i can change it. For me the fight is worth it. Time will prove the outcome.

Thanks again.

The correct medication (not all anti-depressants will work for everybody) will trigger the positive response that does come from within. I subscribe to the 'chemical imbalance in ther brain' theory because it worked for me. I have had several bouts of depression beginning in my forties. Relationship as well as income problems caused the buildup. After discussing it with my UK doctor he suggested either psychotherapy and/or medication. I chose the latter as I wanted to come out of it without a third party. I went on to Prozac (fluoxetine - available cheaply OTC in Thailand and Laos) and within a fortnight I could feel a difference in attitude, allowing ME to open the door to the future again. Within a few more weeks I was a different person and my life improved dramatically after that. It's simply the way you look at things. Nothing else really changes. There were some minor side-effects, but nothing too difficult to manage. After a few months of taking the same dosage every day (this can be established by starting at 20mg, waiting 10 days to see signs of improvement and increasing if necessary). The nice thing about this type of med is that it doesn't give an instant fix (high). It adjusts your serotonin level gradually. When I felt the time was right, I wanted to stop taking it; simple as that. Things were much better for me for several years. Occasionally I felt the need again. Same thing, this time self-treatment (in Thailand). Two or three months later I was okay again. All in all about four bouts in 20 years. Been clear for over a year this time.

Not saying this is what you need or that it will work, just that it did for me - with no big downside. Best not to drink alcohol while on it, can make you hyper.

Good luck whatever you decide to do.

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I just lost a wife of ten years, didn't lose her she just left. When I mean left, she left her entire wardrobe, cosmetics, even the tampons. I've been struggling for 3 months as we are all so far away from home is what the Thais don't seem to understand. they can be at their best friends house in 20 minutes. Takes me 24 hours on a plane to get to mine, I'm fighting it too bro and whatever has got you down, what Umbanda says is true. Put the cork in the bottle if you can, I'm struggling to do it myself, I'm actually having a cocktail as i write this. Threw myself into work for 14 days straight and decided to reward myself. Guess who I'm thinking of right now??

Bro I dropped 1000mg of Valium because I just wanted to sleep the long dirt nap,woke up 6 hours later Tried to hang myself and the neck tie broke. It's a sign or I'm just too stupid to kill myself. Good topic....lots of us are depressed here and we all know the stereotype the Thais have on men showing feelings.

Too anyone reading this, i could use someone to talk to and I would always be willing to talk,,,I'm in it deep now and i need to get out. Somebody told me once that the brightest light comes from the darkest places. My name is Chad and I'm depressed.......(hi chad) anybody anytime, if I can help u then I can help myself and vv

seriously TV real guys, the ones who live her and have been here for a long time and aren't negative about everything like I am right now..021-088-830


Did you get any calls?

How are you now?

Do you need to talk?

checking in


Keep your mind busy, keep yourself busy.

Try not to think too much to get stressed out.

You should fine. Oh it may sound silly but try smelling some nice perfumes, it will help...


OP - PLEASE READ WHAT I POST... and anyone else who is here on this topic thread has stated that they are in serious depression:

Serious Clinical Mental Depression is a BOTH a biochemical malfunction of the brain neuro-chemical balance of neurotransmitters and of social - person situations.

OP -- Some people are genetically predisposed to incur serious mental depression ... the chemical neurotransmitters in the brain Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine bathe the brain at the neuron synapses / junctions --- any imbalance in these chemicals can cause serious mental problems.

Your serious - clinical depression comes from your genetic physical predisposition for chemical malfunctions of mostly serotonin levels in your brain neurons... Depression is triggered in susceptible people when a emotional insult enters their life... a death in the family - especially a child or spouse, divorce or abandonment... and many similar emotional disturbances.

This emotional trigger causes the flaw in your genetic capability to produce and recycle serotonin and thus not be able to process signaling in the brain correctly - mental depression occurs as a result - and increases to the point of not being able to control it - or get out of it ...

Depression is most often combined with irritability, melancholia, anxiety and similar mental states. You feel abandoned, unloved, physically drained, nervous, unable to even deal with simple life activities, you have fears - dread of worse to happen... it becomes overwhelming... you energy levels crash... just fixing a meal and eating becomes a chore ... or you can even get into a reverse of binge eating and gaining weight... life is out of control.

INITIAL TREATMENT ... You have to get proper diagnosis and medication asap ... medication that works to restore your serotonin balance and what is called serotonin 're-uptake' -- basically recycling of serotonin in your brain...

You also need COUNSELING with a trained - psychologist to help train your mind to cease processing negative thoughts - negative ideations ..

NEITHER medicine or counseling work alone to cure the problem -- you need BOTH.

There are many drugs that will elevate your serotonin levels and assist with serotonin re-uptake - recycling... also sometimes your dopamine levels may need adjusting too with other medication. The classic anti-depression medications are Prosac, Xanax, Wellbutrin, Zoloft and many others... One should be very careful when taking these drugs - on physicians orders and as ordered. And GET OFF ALCOHOL ... not easy --- but it compounds clinical depression and drug treatment.

IN ADDITION -- you MUST make a change of scene - and get involved in daily activities that occupy your mind and work to reduce you negative thoughts. Physical exercise - even vigorous walking, swimming, volunteering, -- activities that cause the brain to produce Endorphins -- natural drugs that act like opiates - in small doses

I am not a medical practitioner - but I know what I am talking about.

With some proper medicine, counseling, a change of scene and activities - and you will be able to get up - get out ... do positive things - help others.


For having a depression you need to have proofs, there are basically memories that build up your depression. If you ask youself how do I know I have depression, you will get an answer. By erasing all bad memories and beliefs you slowls overcome depression. THis can be done easy with this technique

You will be able to erase those memories and will not bother you anymore...

We are the creators of our depression....our belief, past experience build it up....

WHen you take away the roots, the tree colapses...


Like the Readers Digest said....Laughter is the best medicine,

Here are 10 simple health-enhancing reasons to have a daily laugh.

1. Laughter helps boost your immune system by increasing T cell activity; those “killer cells” that help our bodies fight viruses and tumours.

2. Laughter helps lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, decreases pain and can also help stabilize blood sugar.

3. Laugher stimulates chemical changes in the brain that help buffer our bodies against the cumulative effects of stress.

4. Laughter burns a few extra calories: according to a recent university study, just 10 -15 minutes’ worth of chuckles throughout the day can burn up to 40 calories.

5. Laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, the mood-elevating brain chemicals behind the “runner’s high.”

6. Laughter helps reduce inflammation throughout the body – good news for your heart, brain and circulatory health.

7. Laughter “massages” internal organs – which is why it’s sometimes referred to as “internal jogging” – with effects similar to exercise.

8. Laughter provides a light workout for the heart, lungs, diaphragm and even the abdominal muscles.

9. Laughter releases tension in the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders and abdomen – all common areas where we tent to hold lots of tension

10. Laughter is physically and mentally therapeutic – an involuntary response that positively alters mood instantly – what could be better?

And now 5 instructions as to how you can laugh.

1. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.

You don't have to dump unfunny friends, but make a point of seeking out new friends who make you laugh and who are ready to laugh. When you're around them, you'll be ready to laugh too.

2. Watch funny movies and TV programs

It doesn't matter how old you are: Tom & Jerry is funny. Pour a bowl of sugary cereal and recreate the Saturday mornings of childhood.

3. Switch off the news.

If you're a newspaper addict, start with the funnies and the human interest stories before you get too deep into the depressing stuff. Switch back and forth to keep your mood light. Don't overdose on darkness.

4. Laugh at yourself.

Laughing at yourself helps to distinguish between "who you are" and "what you do." Everyone mucks up at some point, and it doesn't have to define you as a person. Laughing at yourself communicates to both you and the people around you that it's no big deal.

5. Force a few chuckles

Start with three short "ha" sounds and do several sets of forced laughs to get started with. You'll be surprised at how quickly forced laughs can turn into legitimate ones.

Good stuff thank, covered a lot of ground on laughing.

Now, how about crying?

What does crying do?

The same thing?

Something different?


Whether common depression or the more serious clinical depression, I would sincerely consider ignoring advice on any 'active' strategy that avoids the nitty gritty of handling the emotions that underly the condition, or simply thinks that it should be fought, overcome, or eradicated, that's the wrong stance doomed to failure and will probably be counter productive.

For simple lingering blues why not see a doctor, some have empathy and may also prescribe a mild medicine that would make the business of exploring emotions much less troublesome. There is definitely some value in mild exercise, good food, and hopefully a few nights good sleep. Gradually you will reach a point of contemplation and may learn a great deal.

Crisis depression really needs support and can be frightening and overwhelming. Here in fact counselling is best.

Clinical depression is something altogether different and really does need therapy and probably medicine in my honest (but non professional) opinion.


Sorry to hear about your depression. As one of those health professionals who deals with depression, I would say yes and no too. Its probably a good idea to at least talk to a health person to assess the severity and nature of your depression first. Severe depression is usually best treated with a combination of medication and psychological therapies. Situational depression related to life events can indeed be treated without meds using meditation, relaxation, exercise, dietary changes and buddhist philosophy. PM me if you would like more info. Regards, Tim


Last year I was anxious, had panic attacks, could not sleep,I was hearing sounds that did not exist, I fell totally cut out from others, and could hardly hold a conversation with anyone; I felt miserable, alone and cut off from everything. The world had become a very hostile place all together, my life was hell and I was seriously contemplating suicide.

Would have gone to see a doctor, he would have given me loads of anti-depressors.

Now I am glad I did not


Last year I was anxious, had panic attacks, could not sleep,I was hearing sounds that did not exist, I fell totally cut out from others, and could hardly hold a conversation with anyone; I felt miserable, alone and cut off from everything. The world had become a very hostile place all together, my life was hell and I was seriously contemplating suicide.

Would have gone to see a doctor, he would have given me loads of anti-depressors.

Now I am glad I did not

So, what was the answer? You've told us what you didn't do but not what you did to overcome the depression.


I have lists, i wrote them myself, 1001 ways to deal with depression, the thing is, when depressed, i don't care nor have the drive or motivation, viscous cycle.

There is a kind of comfort in the familiar and what is the easiest but it is not healthy and we are our own worst enemies.

Therapy CAN help but the truth is YOU have to do the WORK when and IF you are ready.

I think it all boils down to how mature and responsible you are for and with your life and we simply are not taught nor have the role models for this.

Most of the important things we have to figure out and do the WORK for ourselves?


I have lists, i wrote them myself, 1001 ways to deal with depression, the thing is, when depressed, i don't care nor have the drive or motivation, viscous cycle.

There is a kind of comfort in the familiar and what is the easiest but it is not healthy and we are our own worst enemies.

Therapy CAN help but the truth is YOU have to do the WORK when and IF you are ready.

I think it all boils down to how mature and responsible you are for and with your life and we simply are not taught nor have the role models for this.

Most of the important things we have to figure out and do the WORK for ourselves?

You wouldn't have had time to be depressed writing 1001 ways to deal with depression.

  • Like 1

I have lists, i wrote them myself, 1001 ways to deal with depression, the thing is, when depressed, i don't care nor have the drive or motivation, viscous cycle.

There is a kind of comfort in the familiar and what is the easiest but it is not healthy and we are our own worst enemies.

Therapy CAN help but the truth is YOU have to do the WORK when and IF you are ready.

I think it all boils down to how mature and responsible you are for and with your life and we simply are not taught nor have the role models for this.

Most of the important things we have to figure out and do the WORK for ourselves?

Your opinion is similar as to the 1 i held. Till now i have tried to do what you wrote. It is going to slow, maybe because selfanalyses is not completely correct, dunno. I need though help with, IMO, the last step. Hindsight...maybe my limitations were bigger than i thought.


you CAN actually rewire the brain i believe

look into quantum psychology or hypnosis

for those that believe in meds, i think it addresses the symptoms NOT the cause

i read a book 'depression and the body'

it supports one theory that depression is NOT an emotion but actually blocked emotions or dare i say blocked energy or a very low kind of energy

all emotions are a kind of energy so the trick is to transmute the lower to the higher

there must be many techniques

here are some things that help me

'i am thankful for.....in my life'

'let go'

thai chi, meditation, and breathing

allow accept describe and transmute (quantum psychology)

create compassion in your life for oneself and others

i say compassion because love simply is too hard to muster sometimes

depression is a large bag of tricks

try to keep things simple and go easy on yourself

like i said for me, i dont care or not having the drive or motivation is the obstacle

the only thing stopping me is myself so i have to learn new and better habits

once or twice this year i decided NOT to go down the road of depression and it actually worked so i am certain it is possible (for me)


Last year I was anxious, had panic attacks, could not sleep,I was hearing sounds that did not exist, I fell totally cut out from others, and could hardly hold a conversation with anyone; I felt miserable, alone and cut off from everything. The world had become a very hostile place all together, my life was hell and I was seriously contemplating suicide.

Would have gone to see a doctor, he would have given me loads of anti-depressors.

Now I am glad I did not

So, what was the answer? You've told us what you didn't do but not what you did to overcome the depression.

I changed my diet.

  • Like 1

Last year I was anxious, had panic attacks, could not sleep,I was hearing sounds that did not exist, I fell totally cut out from others, and could hardly hold a conversation with anyone; I felt miserable, alone and cut off from everything. The world had become a very hostile place all together, my life was hell and I was seriously contemplating suicide.

Would have gone to see a doctor, he would have given me loads of anti-depressors.

Now I am glad I did not

So, what was the answer? You've told us what you didn't do but not what you did to overcome the depression.

I changed my diet.

I generally, if being on a diet I feel much more light and happy. But I doubt that it is easy to switch when you are in depressions.

  • Like 1

Last year I was anxious, had panic attacks, could not sleep,I was hearing sounds that did not exist, I fell totally cut out from others, and could hardly hold a conversation with anyone; I felt miserable, alone and cut off from everything. The world had become a very hostile place all together, my life was hell and I was seriously contemplating suicide.

Would have gone to see a doctor, he would have given me loads of anti-depressors.

Now I am glad I did not

So, what was the answer? You've told us what you didn't do but not what you did to overcome the depression.

I changed my diet.

I doubt very much if that would work for everybody.


absolutely .....begin by exercising , look at your diet , it can be that simple ..... meds should be your last resort ..goodluck !!

VERY very dangerous advice, without a doubt this can help but to suggest this can replace expert advice is madness - to suggest curing clinical depression can 'be that simple' is just apalling - see an expert.

There are hundreds of reasons why you may be depressed, you may not even be depressed at all ! Get help - its what the experts are there for.

professionals are there to make money from you...if you did not have it before you went in, you will when you come out........

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a couple of more points:

keep very hydrated, this probably can solve 50% of all health problems. simple = best

drink a lot of clean water until your pee is clear every day early in the day

thais seem very nu-neurotic and i suspect their levels of inner depression (i forget the term for inner and outer caused depressions) is less than farang

i am not saying they are genuinely happy all the time but i think neurosis and depression are NOT as common place, a fascinating topic i think


I have lists, i wrote them myself, 1001 ways to deal with depression, the thing is, when depressed, i don't care nor have the drive or motivation, viscous cycle.

There is a kind of comfort in the familiar and what is the easiest but it is not healthy and we are our own worst enemies.

Therapy CAN help but the truth is YOU have to do the WORK when and IF you are ready.

I think it all boils down to how mature and responsible you are for and with your life and we simply are not taught nor have the role models for this.

Most of the important things we have to figure out and do the WORK for ourselves?

In truth I regard this as poor advice. Depression is a manifestation often bought on by fatigue, your advise would most likely worsen it. For me, if anything, it is a matter of letting those negative feelings having their way and seeing what they are trying to point to, Depression calls for a deeper response and a real change on an emotional level. A bucket list won't solve anything.


I have lists, i wrote them myself, 1001 ways to deal with depression, the thing is, when depressed, i don't care nor have the drive or motivation, viscous cycle.

There is a kind of comfort in the familiar and what is the easiest but it is not healthy and we are our own worst enemies.

Therapy CAN help but the truth is YOU have to do the WORK when and IF you are ready.

I think it all boils down to how mature and responsible you are for and with your life and we simply are not taught nor have the role models for this.

Most of the important things we have to figure out and do the WORK for ourselves?

In truth I regard this as poor advice. Depression is a manifestation often bought on by fatigue, your advise would most likely worsen it. For me, if anything, it is a matter of letting those negative feelings having their way and seeing what they are trying to point to, Depression calls for a deeper response and a real change on an emotional level. A bucket list won't solve anything.

He wrote out 1001 ways to deal with depression?

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As pointed out already there is a general misunderstanding about depression. It is a condition perhaps best dealt with by professionals.

The best thing us sufferers can do is take wise counsel.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  • Like 1

a couple of more points:

keep very hydrated, this probably can solve 50% of all health problems. simple = best

drink a lot of clean water until your pee is clear every day early in the day

thais seem very nu-neurotic and i suspect their levels of inner depression (i forget the term for inner and outer caused depressions) is less than farang

i am not saying they are genuinely happy all the time but i think neurosis and depression are NOT as common place, a fascinating topic i think

The two different types are inner caused or outer caused, endogenous and exogenous depression.

I think this was mentioned in the thread somewhere but not identified by the name i forgot.

Those caused by an outside event such as death of a loved one is normal and expected and takes time and other support.

Those caused from inside for no apparent reason are more complicated and medications are often suggested or prescribed but not necessarily address the cause, just the symptom. It's debateable.


a couple of more points:

keep very hydrated, this probably can solve 50% of all health problems. simple = best

drink a lot of clean water until your pee is clear every day early in the day

thais seem very nu-neurotic and i suspect their levels of inner depression (i forget the term for inner and outer caused depressions) is less than farang

i am not saying they are genuinely happy all the time but i think neurosis and depression are NOT as common place, a fascinating topic i think

The two different types are inner caused or outer caused, endogenous and exogenous depression.

I think this was mentioned in the thread somewhere but not identified by the name i forgot.

Those caused by an outside event such as death of a loved one is normal and expected and takes time and other support.

Those caused from inside for no apparent reason are more complicated and medications are often suggested or prescribed but not necessarily address the cause, just the symptom. It's debateable.

I had no outside event (death of love one ...) and anti-depressors would have been of zero help.


My best advice, start to write daily on what one feels, ie almost like a book, by getting the feelings out and putting on the paper"sort of speak" one can release all the negative energy and perhaps see things differently.

Disclaimer: This was advised to me by a doctor after i lost my entire family in the space of few months and did hit the bottle pretty heavy. Did work well :)

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