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Koh Tao murder suspects retract confessions: 'interpreter assaulted us'


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Wow I'm hearing on the wind that a mom n pop shop owner has CCTV footage of an individual on the island the night of the murder that says he wasn't there. I believe the British police already have the footage. Apparently the owner doesn't like the headman on koh tao. He is going to release the footage at the right time. Possibly very shortly.

Why would you make something up like that?

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Re JD 356 They will see the DNA report, not examine the evidence.

They will examine the process in which the 'evidence' was obtained. They will ask to see the whole 9 yards, not be fobbed off just reading the report. Isn't it about time you got real, they're here to fact-find and report back on what they find, along with recommendations going forward.


They're here to observe. I am sure they will ask about the processes used. Recommendations? Not a chance. These are coppers not political officers.

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Re JD 356 They will see the DNA report, not examine the evidence.

They will examine the process in which the 'evidence' was obtained. They will ask to see the whole 9 yards, not be fobbed off just reading the report. Isn't it about time you got real, they're here to fact-find and report back on what they find, along with recommendations going forward.


They're here to observe. I am sure they will ask about the processes used. Recommendations? Not a chance. These are coppers not political officers.

They are, by the very nature of their job roles, investigators. Sorry to disappoint you, the veneer of observation has many layers underneath.

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How does a guy who was scared for his life, then say he had a good nights sleep, expect anyone to believe him.

He was running to stay alive one minute then up having a lovely breakfast the next.

What a lying piece of shit.

Sean McAnna

You're an idiot. For believing the newspapers who misconstrued something I wrote on Facebook, and for taking someone you don't know to commit suicide when you don't know the facts yourself. I never said I knew the killers. I said if I got killed then it was by someone looking for a scapegoat. I would love to help the investigation, but I've said everything I could possibly say.

Like the burmese, the head, the son.

We dont have all the numbers.

But we all know the numbers we have are not adding up.

Sean mcanna you never added up from day 1.

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My guess is the British police have already done quite a lot of investigating. There is a good chance they have DNA from Hannah and maybe from both sets of suspects. They most certainly will have talked to the victims' friends and Scotty Sean and may have uncovered the real motive. I believe this is what made Cameron talk to the prime general and made the pg agree to let the Brits come to "observe." There is also the possibility, as some have suggested here, that they plods have been here incognito for a while.

Quite a lot more investigation can, and most assuredly will, be done while observing. Much to the obvious disappointment of JD/JTJ etc.

Tick tock

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I see the usual suspects are out in force with their usual anti thai tirades.

Happy to live out their life in a country they despise so much. Mind bogglingly ironic but most of the morons can't see beyond the cheap beers and even cheaper carnal comforts.

The uk sends police help when in its own backyard law and order, public safety etc still remains one of the top 3 concerns of the average Brit.

Recreational drug use , alcohol abuse and the violence fuelled by these scourges grows by the day. Victims of these scourges continue to go unheard, despite the presence of the wonderful British bobby... Spare me this unequivocal claptrap!

Lord Lucan remains at large, Stephen Lawrence's disgraceful murder was whitewashed and UK police institutional racism continues unchecked.

But hey keep watching your reruns of ' only fools and horses', wipe away the tears when you hear Jerusalem at last night of the proms.

Pitiable small minded hypocrites the lot of you

Hey don't take it out on us because of the 8-0 scoreline.


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I've not read every post, but does nayone have any news on that facebook or instageram post by Nomsod's girlfriend? In it she said something about missing her boyfriend and that he wasn't in BKK. Is that post real and is it really by his g/f on the night of the murder?

If this is actually true, this is one of the first things I wold be looking at. It could be massive.

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They've arrived! The British police came yesterday and are currently in Bangkok, including a forensic specialist, go get em lads


I have a feeling it will be Frustration City for the Brit specialists. Every meaningful thing they'd like to do will be thwarted by Thai controllers (Thais could even teach the N.Koreans a thing or two about official control). I hope I'm wrong. Let's see what ensues in the next week.


I have only this to say

If they get the run around,

and this doesn't go according to a real investigative path,

the international hammering which has already started,

will turn into an even worse international outrage,

and it will no longer be CSI LA and few social media hounds,

it will be Scotland Yard, with real press conferences and then they can kiss their tourism business goodbye for good and the Thai PM will not be welcome anywhere

Each day that passes, it's increasingly becoming obfuscating officialdom vs a multitude (like most of us) wanting an adept investigation including independent DNA testing/comparisons.

Thai officialdom, if it's orchestrating a frame-up (which I think they are) are then facing the grim reality of their careers (and money flows) getting hampered if it's proven they're crooked. They won't suffer legal charges, because Thais are unable to indict their brethren, no matter how dire the crime. Therefore, they would rather suffer the condemnation and derisive laughter of the foreign press, than have their careers be derailed. Above all, they know that all things blow over. People (Thais in particular) have short memories, and there are always new stories cropping up to take peoples' attention.

Example: how many are still discussing the two double murders (4 young healthy farang women) on Ko Phi Phi from a few years ago? Both cases were unsolved. Thai officialdom knew the focus would fade - so everyone could get back to the business of raking in money from farang visitors.

Wow I'm hearing on the wind that a mom n pop shop owner has CCTV footage of an individual on the island the night of the murder that says he wasn't there. I believe the British police already have the footage. Apparently the owner doesn't like the headman on koh tao. He is going to release the footage at the right time. Possibly very shortly.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.

Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.

I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.

Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.

I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.

You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.

Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.

I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.

You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

They can report their findings to the coroner in England as part of the inquest, I would have thought. But probably not much else.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.
Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.

I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.

You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

They can report their findings to the coroner in England as part of the inquest, I would have thought. But probably not much else.

Probably, but am not sure. Depending on how they were tasked coming here. If under the auspices of the FCO, maybe not.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.

Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.
I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.
You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

Yes. 3 observers.

They get to observe /evaluate, not interfere.

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SteveFong, on 23 Oct 2014 - 05:18, said:
boomerangutang, on 23 Oct 2014 - 04:52, said:
thailandchilli, on 23 Oct 2014 - 04:15, said:

They've arrived! The British police came yesterday and are currently in Bangkok, including a forensic specialist, go get em lads


I have a feeling it will be Frustration City for the Brit specialists. Every meaningful thing they'd like to do will be thwarted by Thai controllers (Thais could even teach the N.Koreans a thing or two about official control). I hope I'm wrong. Let's see what ensues in the next week.


I have only this to say

If they get the run around,

and this doesn't go according to a real investigative path,

the international hammering which has already started,

will turn into an even worse international outrage,

and it will no longer be CSI LA and few social media hounds,

it will be Scotland Yard, with real press conferences and then they can kiss their tourism business goodbye for good and the Thai PM will not be welcome anywhere

I think the inquest into the deaths of Hannah and David, when it starts, is going to be very interesting.

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SteveFong, on 23 Oct 2014 - 05:18, said:

boomerangutang, on 23 Oct 2014 - 04:52, said:

thailandchilli, on 23 Oct 2014 - 04:15, said:

They've arrived! The British police came yesterday and are currently in Bangkok, including a forensic specialist, go get em lads


I have a feeling it will be Frustration City for the Brit specialists. Every meaningful thing they'd like to do will be thwarted by Thai controllers (Thais could even teach the N.Koreans a thing or two about official control). I hope I'm wrong. Let's see what ensues in the next week.


I have only this to say

If they get the run around,

and this doesn't go according to a real investigative path,

the international hammering which has already started,

will turn into an even worse international outrage,

and it will no longer be CSI LA and few social media hounds,

it will be Scotland Yard, with real press conferences and then they can kiss their tourism business goodbye for good and the Thai PM will not be welcome anywhere

I think the inquest into the deaths of Hannah and David, when it starts, is going to be very interesting.

Why would you think that? The inquest Into a death overseas will determine cause of death (homicide) and almost nothing else.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.
Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.
I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.
You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

Yes. 3 observers.

They get to observe /evaluate, not interfere.

jdinasia......I wish I had a £1.00 for every time you have said here to observe! I would be a rich women! (Yawn)

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^^JD, I guess we'll have to wait and see, but wouldn't be surprised if the inquest reveals more details than that.

check out JLCrab's posts...

Perhaps a report which may be available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

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Since they are here to observe only and not to investigate, 3 should be plenty.

Is that wishful thinking on your part? From your posts, it sounds like you'd like the frame-up to continue unhindered.

I guess you need your hearing checked. Feel free to check out today's threads.

You mentioned, "3 should be plenty." 3 is a small number, particularly when squared up against the full force of Thai police and army brass, all of whom are locking arms to maintain the cover-up.

By all indications, the UK specialists are in Thailand as observers only. That could mean; they can look at things, but can't do anything tangible to further the investigation. When I go to an art museum, I'm an observer. I'm not participating in creating art or how the paintings are displayed.

In sum, there are 3 hamstrung observers versus dozens of police brass supported by dozens of army brass. All the brass can make decisions re; the case. The Brits are essentially helpless. I hope I'm wrong, but to allow the Brits to do anything tangible would risk derailing the cover-up, and you get one guess re; whether Thai brass want to do that.

I can also turn into a full fledged travel ban

and to the ex pat community, a se la vie, for good

don't under estimate what may happen to Thailand over this

the US and UK may find this a good excuse for their other world domination plans

Thailand would be a pushover if they want to stir things up here

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A post has been removed. The CSI LA Facebook page is not considered a source of news. The link CSI LA are using is in the Thai language and the News section of Thai Visa is an English language only forum.

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