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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

You will play by the rules or you will be leaving us. This is not me singling you out for any special treatment, its a simple fact. These rules are in place to protect the forum, if you dont like it, email an Administrator whom i am sure will be happy to deal with your complaints in a manner they see fit :o

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

We do punish the flamers, we also jump on the trolls, sh1t stirrers and 'disruptive' elements. We dont particulary enjoy 'censoring' people but if you are in breach of the forum rules we will act accordingly. If you open 3-4 threads all discussing the same basic topic in several areas of the forum, you will have threads either merged, locked or deleted.

Thanks for your understanding!

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I know already my future is doomed here.

I have no respect for authority and least of all some volunteer moderators who want to censor me because they don’t like what I say about them.

What a joke they are, like some Hall Monitors back in elementary school.

Give them a little authority and they start pushing you around.

I guess it is human nature but it makes me puke and is a dis-service to ALL.

You will play by the rules or you will be leaving us. This is not me singling you out for any special treatment, its a simple fact. These rules are in place to protect the forum, if you dont like it, email an Administrator whom i am sure will be happy to deal with your complaints in a manner they see fit :o

What Totster said:

“The problem ringo is that the topics you were starting are associated with trolling due to the flame fests they normally provoke.”

So how is it my fault if a flame fest starts?

Punish the flamers not me.

…and by the way…what flame fest? I must have missed it?

..or was it just a flame fest that you were “afraid was going to occur”?

So you want to censor me, for some fear of what someone else may say later?

Exactly what I would expect more from a Hall Monitor.

You know you can’t have it both ways, you can’t have a lively discussion forum

and discourage people from posting lively topics.

We do punish the flamers, we also jump on the trolls, sh1t stirrers and 'disruptive' elements. We dont particulary enjoy 'censoring' people but if you are in breach of the forum rules we will act accordingly. If you open 3-4 threads all discussing the same basic topic in several areas of the forum, you will have threads either merged, locked or deleted.

Thanks for your understanding!

Get right down to it, ALL the topics here are about the same basic topic, Thailand.

Pimps is not the same topic as AIDS

Aids is not the same topic as sex slaves.

So where in the rules does is talk about sh1t stirrers and disrptive elements?

See what I mean, give you guys a little authority and you start making your own rules.

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your obviously up for a bit of a tussle here JRingo... allow me to oblige...

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

So that begins to cover the flameing aspect and could also cover some of your recent threads...

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

That adequately covers the flameing, trolling (aka Shit stirring and being disruptive) aspects you were seeking clarification on.

also, your getting dangerously close to...

5) Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

In case you have missed the rules, you can find them here...


I've dealt with hundreds of 'undesireable' types here and i have no qualms about dealing with any new ones that might appear. I've dealt with trolls who consider themselves wordsmiths, who consider themselves more intellegent than anyone else on the board and i've dealt with trolls who simply use hateful or vulgar language. A troll is a troll and we have a special place for them...

You'd actually started out ok, some of your topics were contriversial or borderline but they incited some good debate and discussion, so they are/are allowed to run. Dont spoil that by trying to go head-to-head with the moderator team. We are loyal only to the board and should your influence become detremental to the board then you might find your presence here short-lived.

If you have an issue with any particular moderator or any moderators actions, you have two options, either Pm the moderator directly to discuss the subject or send your complaint to an administrator.

Now maybe we can get back to the topic in hand instead of making this topic about moderator actions and policies, otherwise i'm going to have to shut this thread down in accordance to rule number 5.

Have a nice day now! :o

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your obviously up for a bit of a tussle here JRingo... allow me to oblige...
1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

So that begins to cover the flameing aspect and could also cover some of your recent threads...

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

That adequately covers the flameing, trolling (aka Shit stirring and being disruptive) aspects you were seeking clarification on.

also, your getting dangerously close to...

5) Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

In case you have missed the rules, you can find them here...


I've dealt with hundreds of 'undesireable' types here and i have no qualms about dealing with any new ones that might appear. I've dealt with trolls who consider themselves wordsmiths, who consider themselves more intellegent than anyone else on the board and i've dealt with trolls who simply use hateful or vulgar language. A troll is a troll and we have a special place for them...

You'd actually started out ok, some of your topics were contriversial or borderline but they incited some good debate and discussion, so they are/are allowed to run. Dont spoil that by trying to go head-to-head with the moderator team. We are loyal only to the board and should your influence become detremental to the board then you might find your presence here short-lived.

If you have an issue with any particular moderator or any moderators actions, you have two options, either Pm the moderator directly and open a discussion about the subject or send your complaint to an administrator.

Now maybe we can get back to the topic in hand instead of making this topic about moderator actions and policies, otherwise i'm going to have to shut this thread down in accordance to rule number 5.

Have a nice day now! :o

So, I am in violation of something, no matter what I say.

Geez. :D

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Get right down to it, ALL the topics here are about the same basic topic, Thailand.

Pimps is not the same topic as AIDS

Aids is not the same topic as sex slaves.

So where in the rules does is talk about sh1t stirrers and disrptive elements?

See what I mean, give you guys a little authority and you start making your own rules.

I spose it was only a matter of time before it came to all this.... you have lived up to the expectations I had.. I knew I wasn't wrong.

totster :o

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Get right down to it, ALL the topics here are about the same basic topic, Thailand.

Pimps is not the same topic as AIDS

Aids is not the same topic as sex slaves.

So where in the rules does is talk about sh1t stirrers and disrptive elements?

See what I mean, give you guys a little authority and you start making your own rules.

I spose it was only a matter of time before it came to all this.... you have lived up to the expectations I had.. I knew I wasn't wrong.

totster :o

Not to be a smart a** but I think discusion forums get along just fine without ANY moderators.

Once in a while someone creates a big mess...and yeah sure clean that up....but interfering with peoples opinions is uncalled for and everyone suffers.

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Thanks for the explanation, Marshbags . . . thought you were calling me old for being here a couple of years already! :o

As for Ringo - give the guy some space, as some posters seem to deliberately drive his comments into the area of contentious commentary. I might not generally agree with him but he certainly has added an element of healthy debate here, which is an area that had been floundering for a while. I'd rather enter a discussion about AIDs than how to wash my bum . . .

Ringo, you might not like the fact that this is a moderated board, but you will have to live with it. they are doing this 'work' of their own volition and in their time.

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Not to be a smart a** but I think discusion forums get along just fine without ANY moderators.

Once in a while someone creates a big mess...and yeah sure clean that up....but interfering with peoples opinions is uncalled for and everyone suffers.

Beleive me (not that i expect you will) if it wasnt for the moderator team here this board would be full of nigerian spam offering you $250m if you'd just send the administration fee, you'd have viagra and cialis spam everywhere and you'd have load of hooky links taking you to places that would infect your PC with all kinda of worms and trojans. This is one element of moderator work you dont get to see because we are quick to remove these kind of posts.

Also, if it wasnt for the moderation team this forum probably wouldnt be accessable from within Thailand. We already have been informed that cetain Thai officals frequent this board and we have been visited by the MICT recently to judge the content of this site.

If you want to discuss more base topics there are plenty of forums out there that cater to your needs, but Thaivisa.com runs a clean ship, thats the way Admin want it, thats the way it will be.

Hope that helps !


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Well Chuchok misquoted me a couple times, so no apology needed.

You get the point though?

Do you prefer this type of topic here?

Seems like this forum is all about making money now. Pay attention...that means selling advertising...and getting people to visit here. So, my guess is that if you ask George he would encourage lively discussion and not discourage it.

As long as it stays friendly and civilized ...and that's me! :o

I never asked for an apology sunshine.just mearly stating a fact that you were wrong.

Well lets put it this way, why would you go to the great lenghts and cost of putting TV together, if you wern't trying to make a buck?? :D

Edited by chuchok
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If you are selling advertising you need readers.

To get readers you need interesting topics.

Like a newspaper ...you need Headlines.

Sensational headlines...like Sex Slaves!!....Pimps!!....AIDS!!

Works for newspapers, one would think would be good for here as well.

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JRingo. Can't you just let the issue of 'being moderated' go? Afterall you were aware of it when you signed up for the membership, to complain about it now seems a little foolhardy. Kind of like soldiers who sign up for 15 years and then complain when they have to go off to war!

The moderators have a tough job in my opinion. They are trying to balance our wants with the requirements of the Thai Government, two often conflicting viewpoints. Whilst the result is a controlled environment the alternative is no environment at all. It seems you fail to appreciate the power of the government at blocking access to the web from Thailand. We cannot debate that as an issue, but I am sure you are aware that it happens?

I think your topics are very good, and have their place on this forum just as much as the more light-hearted 'wipe or spray' topic did. This is a forum where things are discussed from the intelectual to the asinine. Thats what makes it so good, and prevents us leaving in droves. Accept the balance, afterall, if all you want is intellectual conversation simply don't open certain threads.

Perhaps the issue relating to your topics is that you are acting like a catylyst for topics that result in flamefests. Some people will simply not like your subject matter (as you don't like others) and will call you a troll because they feel that they want to flame you. Whatever your feelings, having read this thread, you certainly do like to bait people as your current 'cat and mouse with the mods' seems to indicate.

At the end of the day this is a public board and you are not forced to stay here. If you were playing football would you pick up the ball and run with it? Would you complain about the rules when you were penalised for such actions? Rules are there to be followed, if you don't like it, then don't play.

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I just want to comment on the recent topics we have had here, and applaud the Moderators for letting these topics run.

The posts count has shot up, and many of the usual quiet posters have made a contribution, reminds me

of the Forum a few years ago.

Good stuff.

Do you guys think that controversial subjects are a good thing, or do you just wanna see the usual topics?

Any chance of Erco and Begs coming back? :o

Not only has the posts count gone up but also new topics that relate to Freelance workers etc. etc.

Those topics came back after barladies.com got banned for Thai residents...

Slowly but surely I see more and more subjects on barladies surfacing.

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Those topics came back after barladies.com got banned for Thai residents...

Got banned did it ? I'm not surprised.

I visited that site once, full of Sex Tourists boasting and congratulating themselves on their ability to pay women for sex.

They may as well boast of the ability to breathe.

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I visited that site once, full of Sex Tourists boasting and congratulating themselves on their ability to pay women for sex.

Maigo - I was disgusted to see you boasting such things there, could be a bit more descrete. :o


If your patient enough, the moral crusaders will let their halo slip at some point :D

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