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Koh Tao: Prosecutors unfazed by retraction of confession in British tourists' killing


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yeah, statements obviously start to change a bit once a plastic bag is removed from someones head for a few days and once a lawyer is even allowed to show up, giving a sense of hope that you might even have a chance to survive the next night... I guess that's what they mean with "we are not fazed, confessions are recounted frequently"...? or did I get that wrong...?

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

The answers the BIB give to every doubt is the cause of international concern.

As to what Thai laws allow, you might want to check with the PM about that, as Burmese and UK police are coming over/already here to look at the case.

To observe as stated in the article. They are not here to investigate.

I don't believe for one minute that the UK will fly all the way to Thailand, just to ask questions, or to look at stuff that they cant confirm them selfs to be true or not true, if they even end up in Thailand at all, We are a nation that need more proof than he said, she said, so just because the Thai police says this happened and that happened, we would expect to see a bit more than that, and as far as Thai laws go as to what it permits or does not permit, is BS, as there are lots of things Thai law does not permit, that Thai people do every day

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

The answers the BIB give to every doubt is the cause of international concern.

As to what Thai laws allow, you might want to check with the PM about that, as Burmese and UK police are coming over/already here to look at the case.

There is only one law right now, Martial Law. The Law is whatever the generals say it is and they can overrule the judiciary anyway.

"....it remains unknown when the case will be complete and ready for filing" Pol Thawatchai.

So much for the perfect and complete case announced by Pol Comm General and PM.

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Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see :)

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

The answers the BIB give to every doubt is the cause of international concern.

As to what Thai laws allow, you might want to check with the PM about that, as Burmese and UK police are coming over/already here to look at the case.

To observe as stated in the article. They are not here to investigate.

I don't believe for one minute that the UK will fly all the way to Thailand, just to ask questions, or to look at stuff that they cant confirm them selfs to be true or not true, if they even end up in Thailand at all, We are a nation that need more proof than he said, she said, so just because the Thai police says this happened and that happened, we would expect to see a bit more than that, and as far as Thai laws go as to what it permits or does not permit, is BS, as there are lots of things Thai law does not permit, that Thai people do every day

I happily refer you to both international law as well as UK law.

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For 2 days in a row there have been stories of Burmese murdering people. There will probably be a lot more before the trial. They are setting the stage with this, showing how bad the Burmese are, to gain pubic support and turn them against Burmese, creating doubt of their innocence.

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Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see smile.png

I hate to break this to you, but conspiracy theories on social media are not evidence.

Please elaborate,, I was under the assumption that photographs and statements from witnesses are evidence,, ofcourse, a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory.. but evidence is still evidence, even if it's used in a conspiracy theory ..

*edit* You mentioned social media.. Am I getting it right that if the conspiracy theory is in a book it's evidence? But if it's on social media it is not? What if it's from a book that was scanned and posted on facebook?

Edited by hobz
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To put everyones mind at ease it would be nice if they would do the testing of the 2 Burmese with the British police present and compare then to the original print out of the samples that were sent to Singapore. Or allow the Brits to take their own samples.

They would be offering that opportunity on a plate, so to speak, if the two Burmese' DNA genuinely matched that found inside and on Hannah.

What is there for them to hide by only allowing 'observation' and no one but the RTP allowed to test and give the results of the DNA.

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have been focusing on evidence and witnesses

on evidences perhaps but witnesses................???? theres is no witnesses !!!coffee1.gif

There's witnesses of the coverup ...

* Taxi driver claimed he got beaten by cops for not giving false testimony ..

* Sean McAnna claimed mafia figures (photographed inside the sealed off crime scene) wanted to make him a scapegoat

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To put everyones mind at ease it would be nice if they would do the testing of the 2 Burmese with the British police present and compare then to the original print out of the samples that were sent to Singapore. Or allow the Brits to take their own samples.

They would be offering that opportunity on a plate, so to speak, if the two Burmese' DNA genuinely matched that found inside and on Hannah.

What is there for them to hide by only allowing 'observation' and no one but the RTP allowed to test and give the results of the DNA.

It's against Thai law to allow foreign police work on a Thai case ..

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Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see smile.png

I hate to break this to you, but conspiracy theories on social media are not evidence.

Please elaborate,, I was under the assumption that photographs and statements from witnesses are evidence,, ofcourse, a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory.. but evidence is still evidence, even if it's used in a conspiracy theory ..

*edit* You mentioned social media.. Am I getting it right that if the conspiracy theory is in a book it's evidence? But if it's on social media it is not? What if it's from a book that was scanned and posted on facebook?

So, if for example, I said you did it.. Posted a photo of you online.. It is now evidence of your guilt?

Even if, as is the case in several photos on Facebook, it's clearly photoshpped?

if I claim everyone knows you did it, does that make it true?

What if I get a few people to agree with me?


Evidence is evidence. FB is not evidence.

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Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see smile.png

No no no no Hobz. You got it all wrong. Wrong, I say.

The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats (sorry) killers is overwhelming. Are you forgetting :

- the undisputed DNA match of the killers with the semen recovered from the victim's orifices?

- the numerous witnesses who placed the killers at the scene of the murder at the time of the murder?

- the confessions they freely gave out, which they have only retracted recently as all these pesky human rights activists and lawyers have given them false hope that they will avoid being hanged?

- the video evidence showing the suspects running away from the time scene?

- the discovery of David's phone next to the suspects residence?

- all the other facts that you and others have no access to and have no business knowing

Conspiracy? Cover up? No way. No way, I say

- disbelievers' suspect was beyond any shadow of doubt, in Bangkok attending classes / exams at the time of the murder.

- the girl friend's FB comment that he was mia? Rumours, fake, made up by CSI LA

- the cousin's claim she was with him when her FB page indicated she was in Pattaya? another rumour, fake, her FB was hacked by CSI LA

- altercation at the AC Bar? Rumour, fake - where is the video evidence?

- police statement that a suspect had fled to Bkk? Mistake in translation. Police meant to say no suspect had fled to Bkk

- village headman, brother, son etc as suspects? Mistake in translation. Police meant the headman's workers

Gotta stop now. My head hurts.

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The only reason this farce has continued without anyone in the current administration questioning it is because it goes way higher than a mob family.

The only question is why northernjohn, the bastion of pro-coup semantics and his fellow posters JTJ and jdinasia are against a new set of eyes looking into this mess. Surely we all after the truth, aren't we?

I just see them as peacocks showing their feathers. They hope that the b2 will swing so they can say they knew they were guilty. This will give them some weird ego trip. They are not really interested whether they actually committed the crime or not.They are Just proving themselves as clever farangs that know the system better than us daft farangs that have only been here xx years. I wouldn't mind betting they can't string a Thai sentence together or even pronounce their wife's name correctly.

I really hope the bobby's are allowed to take a proper look.

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Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

Do you even hear yourself? You are suggesting all of this information including his test be released to the public?

If you want to find something in the news then go right ahead but it is common knowledge the police clearly stated he was not on the island and clearly stated they pursued him because somebody said he left the island early the next day. The followed up on the lead, just like they did with the farang friend with the cut. The followed up on many leads until they got the guys whose DNA matched --- but you don't believe this and therefore will not believe any evidence but are very happy to make up theories you believe in based on you not knowing things you have no business knowing.

Wow, The list of evidence supporting that the current suspects are scapegoats is overwhelming ... It's too long to even list... Do some more research and you will see smile.png

I hate to break this to you, but conspiracy theories on social media are not evidence.

Please elaborate,, I was under the assumption that photographs and statements from witnesses are evidence,, ofcourse, a conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory.. but evidence is still evidence, even if it's used in a conspiracy theory ..

*edit* You mentioned social media.. Am I getting it right that if the conspiracy theory is in a book it's evidence? But if it's on social media it is not? What if it's from a book that was scanned and posted on facebook?

So, if for example, I said you did it.. Posted a photo of you online.. It is now evidence of your guilt?

Even if, as is the case in several photos on Facebook, it's clearly photoshpped?

if I claim everyone knows you did it, does that make it true?

What if I get a few people to agree with me?


Evidence is evidence. FB is not evidence.

Evidence, broadly construed, is anything presented in support of an assertion. <-- From wikipedia ..

So,, yes, you claiming that I am guilty supports the assertion that I am guilty .. However, IT IS VERY WEAK if it's only you claiming that,, and you have no other supporting evidence... Now,, let's say 1000 people all have similar claims against me .. It may still not be enough to convict me in a courtroom.. But it's still evidence!

Different courts have different laws regarding what can be entered into a court room.. Like "he said that she said" can usually be dismissed,, depending on other factors as well..

Now let's go back to what we have..

We have a photograph of the 2 suspects along with a third suspect on a motorbike. We have statements from the police saying that one of the victims had dyed his hair blonde. None of the scapegoats on the motorbike had blonde hair.. This is just a few hours before the crime..

That's just one piece of the evidence that you think is irrelevant simply because it was posted on facebook...

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Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene. So they are not being asked for DNA samples again by authorities but of course their lawyers are welcome to get new samples.

Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

There will be no reply by jtj to this post

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This forum following sure can take up a lot of one's time. I'm still watching for further news on a couple seemingly

forgotten cases. the one of a Chinese tourist being beaten by couple guys who showed up on motorcycle with clubs of some

sort and the Russian girl raped after accepting motorcycle lift. Both were somewhat near Phuket. Anyone know what I've not heard? Also, seems to be no further mention about the parents of the Brit son also killed in Koa Tao last year who wanted

further investigation. They claimed to be suspicious of the findings and lack of answers. Anything further on that?

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