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Cobra Gold to resume in 2015

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Cobra Gold to resume in 2015
Kris Bhromsuthi


US Ambassador Kristie Kenney, who will complete her term in Thailand next month

BANGKOK: -- Kenney: US did not downgrade ties after coup; Obama-Prayut handshake possible

The United States will resume the annual Cobra Gold military exercise in Thailand next year, outgoing US Ambassador Kristie Kenney confirmed yesterday.

The Cobra Gold training will be held in Thailand next year, as Thailand remains an important partner and friend to the US, she said. The exercise was not held this year.

However, she said the ban on military aid could not be restored until there was an elected government in Thailand. "There is nothing that can be done about that because it is according to our law," she said.

In an exclusive interview with Nation Multimedia Group chairman Suthichai Yoon yesterday, she explained that Thailand remains a very important strategic partner of the US, as they are actively involved in the region.

The US and Thailand have held the Cobra Gold exercise together since 1980, each year involving some 13,000 participants from US-friendly nations across the region. The annual military drill is one of the largest US military exercises and a key element in the US pivot to Asia strategy.

Shortly after the coup on May 22, the US decided to block $4.7 million in security-related aid to Thailand, which accounts for roughly half of its $10.5-million in annual assistance. Officials also said they were considering moving the annual exercise to other countries.

"Sometimes we may disagree but that doesn't mean we abandon each other; it is important to know where we disagree so we can work on it," the ambassador said.

Prayut to sit beside Obama

Prime Minister and coup leader Prayut Chan-o-cha and President Barack Obama are scheduled to attend the Asean Summit in Myanmar's new capital Nay Pyi Taw on November 12-13. The Thai and US leaders are expected to sit next to each other under the seating arrangement.

Despite US disapproval of the takeover, the US ambassador said the coup leader-turned-prime minister could expect the US president to treat him as per diplomatic protocol.

"The president is always gracious and will never be rude. He values protocol over political disagreement," she said in reply to a question on whether the two leaders would shake hands with each other.

Kenny will leave Thailand after almost four years as ambassador. During her time in Bangkok, she had to deal with diplomatic fallout of the coup.

Although the junta has unveiled its road map for the country's return to democracy with a general election due to be held at the end of next year, she still has some concerns, such as the continued imposition of martial law in some areas and freedom of expression.

She clarified that the US had not downgraded its relationship with Thailand after the coup.

Among the most challenging times she has experienced in Thailand, she cited the 2011 floods more than the coup.

"The flood affected everyone in the country. I found it personally very challenging as a human being; the embassy staff came to live at my house because they had nowhere else to go, they even had to bring their grandmas and their dogs!" she joked.

However, she was also very impressed with how Thai people responded.

"I was very impressed with the resilience of Thai people; everyone helped each other and bounced back from the crisis,"

Political issues aside, she said she loved the country and regretted that she had not visited all the provinces.

"I have been to 48 provinces and each of them is very unique in its own way. I will return some day to visit the rest," Kenney said.

The ambassador is scheduled to leave Thailand on November 6 and will assume her new role at the US foreign department as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Communication and Outreach in Public Policy in Asia.

She said the next US ambassador should be approved by Congress and will be posted next year.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Cobra-Gold-to-resume-in-2015-30246230.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-25

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"US did not downgrade ties after coup; Obama-Prayut handshake possible"

I think I'll wait until I hear that from Obama.

The Nation's reporting seems to be getting worse. Some high level heavy handed influence?

The only reason that Obama will sit next to Prayut IF this is even true, is to tell him some home truths, graciously, much the same as Cameron being the sole European leader to agree to meet with him in Italy yet these people are trying to imply that America approves when it clearly does not.

Thailand can dream their little dreams & spin this as they please but Obama will be putting pressure on him to resign.

Lost faith in all reports from The Nation now. Clearly government propaganda.

Or maybe the US will play Prayut's game & say now that it resume in 2015 but slowly & continually set the deadline back ad infinitum.

Edited by ScubaPhuket
Removed criticism of The Nation
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"the exercise was not held this year"


Hmmmm... Kenney or someone must have forgotten to tell all the thousands of multi-national troops that participated in the exercise this year.

Edited by Musot
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Democracy is the only thing the USA will tolerate. Our Nation would be invalid if we supported any other system. George Washington could have been hanged, by British Royalists, but instead...he proudly smiles on the almighty USD.

Thanks to the Greeks. Almost every Government Monument in the USA has at least one of the three Greek Pillars (Columns) Dorian, Corinthian, or Ionic.

Sometimes...history must be studied...to understand why we do the things we do.

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^ There's a long list of undemocratic regimes the US has not opposed and has essentially approved of...Marcos, Shah of Iran... It's a long list.

I guess so - but it undermines all this talk coming out of Washington about democracy and human rights.

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^ There's a long list of undemocratic regimes the US has not opposed and has essentially approved of...Marcos, Shah of Iran... It's a long list.

and why should they? just for your benefit?

even an idiot has some kind of strategy in mind. perhaps timing, logistics, long term strategy, or lack of public support.


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"US did not downgrade ties after coup; Obama-Prayut handshake possible"

I think I'll wait until I hear that from Obama.

The Nation's reporting seems to be getting worse. Some high level heavy handed influence?

The only reason that Obama will sit next to Prayut IF this is even true, is to tell him some home truths, graciously, much the same as Cameron being the sole European leader to agree to meet with him in Italy yet these people are trying to imply that America approves when it clearly does not.

Thailand can dream their little dreams & spin this as they please but Obama will be putting pressure on him to resign.

Lost faith in all reports from The Nation now. Clearly government propaganda.

Or maybe the US will play Prayut's game & say now that it resume in 2015 but slowly & continually set the deadline back ad infinitum.

Come on Obama has no problem with Saudi Arabia. Check the human right facts.....

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"US did not downgrade ties after coup; Obama-Prayut handshake possible"

I think I'll wait until I hear that from Obama.

The Nation's reporting seems to be getting worse. Some high level heavy handed influence?

The only reason that Obama will sit next to Prayut IF this is even true, is to tell him some home truths, graciously, much the same as Cameron being the sole European leader to agree to meet with him in Italy yet these people are trying to imply that America approves when it clearly does not.

Thailand can dream their little dreams & spin this as they please but Obama will be putting pressure on him to resign.

Lost faith in all reports from The Nation now. Clearly government propaganda.

Or maybe the US will play Prayut's game & say now that it resume in 2015 but slowly & continually set the deadline back ad infinitum.

"US did not downgrade ties after coup; Obama-Prayut handshake possible

I think I'll wait until I hear that from Obama."

Do you have many conversations with President Obama then?

Who is it you think is lying - Ambassador Kenney or the reporter / newspaper ?

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And since when does a President decide what the country does???

That would be the definition of a Dictatorship not democracy. Stop giving Obama so much credit.

Get educated on democracy. Nixon got tossed out, could happen again. Obviously, Obama gets away with many things because he knows how the government works. He is inside the system. If not, the Judiciary would Impeach.

Must have alot of supporters there...huh? huh? huh?

Edited by slipperylobster
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^ There's a long list of undemocratic regimes the US has not opposed and has essentially approved of...Marcos, Shah of Iran... It's a long list.

and why should they? just for your benefit?

even an idiot has some kind of strategy in mind. perhaps timing, logistics, long term strategy, or lack of public support.


I didn't say they should or should not.

I simply pointed out your error in saying that they would not.

Clearly, they have. Many times.


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And since when does a President decide what the country does???

That would be the definition of a Dictatorship not democracy. Stop giving Obama so much credit.

Get educated on democracy. Nixon got tossed out, could happen again. Obviously, Obama gets away with many things because he knows how the government works. He is inside the system. If not, the Judiciary would Impeach.

Most have alot of supporters there...huh? huh? huh?

That's the difference. Leaders are accountable in a democracy. Not above the law or able to assume dictatorial powers at will like is so many in some countries do.

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Actually...had it up to my ears with weak minds trying to throw America into the garbage ditch.

America is not a person, nor is it a tangible object. You put the blame on who? Pathetic, shallow minded, jealousy of a system that endorses freedom.

Sure we are evil...and sure we are good. A Nation of people....not Gods. We do bad and good because we are human.

As sure as hell....we are doing something....at least. Unlike the childlike adults that profess America is stupid and weak and they mess things up. Lets just sit here and do nothing. The world is good. it will all be ok. There are no evil entities that will cross out border, crucify our mom and dad and rape our daughters.

Hey, That's why most of Europe has genes from Mongolia. Go figure it out, kids.

If what you say is true that Europe has genes from Mongolia, then the USA must have as well.

Most of the immigrants to the USA were from Rurope in the beginning.

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Actually...had it up to my ears with weak minds trying to throw America into the garbage ditch.

America is not a person, nor is it a tangible object. You put the blame on who? Pathetic, shallow minded, jealousy of a system that endorses freedom.

Sure we are evil...and sure we are good. A Nation of people....not Gods. We do bad and good because we are human.

As sure as hell....we are doing something....at least. Unlike the childlike adults that profess America is stupid and weak and they mess things up. Lets just sit here and do nothing. The world is good. it will all be ok. There are no evil entities that will cross out border, crucify our mom and dad and rape our daughters.

Hey, That's why most of Europe has genes from Mongolia. Go figure it out, kids.

If what you say is true that Europe has genes from Mongolia, then the USA must have as well.

Most of the immigrants to the USA were from Rurope in the beginning.

Nice deduction...sherlock. Except for the Indians...they were already from mongolia.

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^ There's a long list of undemocratic regimes the US has not opposed and has essentially approved of...Marcos, Shah of Iran... It's a long list.

and why should they? just for your benefit?

even an idiot has some kind of strategy in mind. perhaps timing, logistics, long term strategy, or lack of public support.


You called?

Tell me, where can I buy an Old Glory to fly in front of my house?

After all, Costas flies the Greek flag in front of his.

It would be symbolic of the long history of democracy.

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^ There's a long list of undemocratic regimes the US has not opposed and has essentially approved of...Marcos, Shah of Iran... It's a long list.

and why should they? just for your benefit?

even an idiot has some kind of strategy in mind. perhaps timing, logistics, long term strategy, or lack of public support.


You called?

Tell me, where can I buy an Old Glory to fly in front of my house?

After all, Costas flies the Greek flag in front of his.

It would be symbolic of the long history of democracy.

go visit the Capital Building in Washington. They even fly it briefly over that Greek edifice for bragging rights.

have a blast.

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Democracy is the only thing the USA will tolerate. Our Nation would be invalid if we supported any other system. George Washington could have been hanged, by British Royalists, but instead...he proudly smiles on the almighty USD.

Thanks to the Greeks. Almost every Government Monument in the USA has at least one of the three Greek Pillars (Columns) Dorian, Corinthian, or Ionic.

Sometimes...history must be studied...to understand why we do the things we do.

"Democracy is the only thing the USA will tolerate. "

You mean like the 'democracy" in Iran under their puppet the Shah? Or "democracy" in Zaire while they propped up Mobutu? Saudi Arabia? Iraq when we backed Sadaam before we took him out? Arizona?

To serve its imperialist interests, the U.S. government backed and financed murderous dictators around the world. From the fascist Augusto Pinochet in Chile to the criminal regime of François Duvalier and his son Jean-Claude (“Baby Doc”) in Haiti to the corrupt Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic to the murderous Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines to the criminal Mobutu Sese Seko of the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) to Indonesia’s mass murderer Suharto to the vicious Shah Reza Behlavi in Iran.

"Sometimes...history must be studied...to understand why we do the things we do."

Apparently you're either being sarcastic or you found it easier to just swallow the propaganda ...

“History Would be Something Extraordinary, if Only it Were True” –Tolstoy Edited by Suradit69
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Actually...had it up to my ears with weak minds trying to throw America into the garbage ditch.

America is not a person, nor is it a tangible object. You put the blame on who? Pathetic, shallow minded, jealousy of a system that endorses freedom.

Sure we are evil...and sure we are good. A Nation of people....not Gods. We do bad and good because we are human.

As sure as hell....we are doing something....at least. Unlike the childlike adults that profess America is stupid and weak and they mess things up. Lets just sit here and do nothing. The world is good. it will all be ok. There are no evil entities that will cross out border, crucify our mom and dad and rape our daughters.

Hey, That's why most of Europe has genes from Mongolia. Go figure it out, kids.

If what you say is true that Europe has genes from Mongolia, then the USA must have as well.

Most of the immigrants to the USA were from Rurope in the beginning.

Immigrant population into the US has been changing US demographics since before the 1950’s.

About 41 million foreign-born immigrants lived in the United States in 2012. Thailand’s total population was 66.79 million on January 1, 2013!

About 60% of immigrants to the US came from ten countries in order of highest ranking: Mexico, India, China (excl. Taiwan), Philippines, El Salvador, Vietnam, Cuba, So. Korea, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala.


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The US during the Obama administration has generally been more cautious and pragmatic in international relations than previous administrations. I don't see the US making any blatant diplomatic moves against the Junta government so long as the military does not act violently to civilian protests. Case in point is the jailing by Egyptians of the Al Jezeera reporters for allegedly supporting Islamic terrorism; the US has objected in the name of freedom of the press and speech but taken no actions (ie., sanctions) against the government.

The US may be following the same diplomatic policy as with the military coup in Egypt. Other than suspending military aid (but continuing humantarian aid), the US maintained a cordial relationship with the Egyptian Junta while requesting a quick return to democracy. And after one year, Egypt did just that with OPEN and FREE elections and a full referendum on the new constitution. The need for Egypt's continuing security in the Sinai against radical Islamics that provides a degree to protection to israel may be a practical reason for US patience.

One year for Thailand would be May 2015 with maybe a grace period until the end of 2015. Gen. Prayut has been promising elections in late 2015 up until a week ago. Now it's either in 2016 or sometime beyond because of the unspecified time needed for a new constitution and the need for continued martial law. Gen. Praut has not committed to a referendum on the new constitution. So the POTUS can play a waiting game without altering regional loyalties but the Junta is on a limited time table.

Remember also the POTUS after 2015 is only in office one more year and he may not want to leave a legacy of supporting a military coup. Also, the Republicans may play their pro-democracy cards for election positioning furthering the claim that Democrats are weak with dictatorships while Democrat possible POTUS candidates like Hillary Clinton may adopt a more aggressive stance against Thailand's coup leadership to nuetralize the Republican claims. She owes Obama nothing.

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