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I need to replace the digital scale that was stolen last month. It would have to have a digital readout that is switchable between grammes and ounces, and be portable. Plenty of analog ones around, but I havn't managed to find any digitals yet. Thanks MM

I need to replace the digital scale that was stolen last month. It would have to have a digital readout that is switchable between grammes and ounces, and be portable. Plenty of analog ones around, but I havn't managed to find any digitals yet. Thanks MM

MM Give a try at the couple of shops just North of and Same side of the street from the Montri Hotel. Cross the moat from Rydges Hotel.

I bought a digital there about 3 years ago and its has worked pretty well. Mine does not convert between the grams/ounces but they have a pretty good selection and may have what you are looking for. When you do find one let me know where cuz the conversion sounds like a good idea. Beats the hel* out of all the calculator work.

When you find one, ask the shop if they have vaccum sealers. Looking for one of those too. Slightly stronger than a household one would be preferrable



Thanks mate. I know exactly where you mean, before you get to the temple there is one shop that has a ton of scales outside. Been in there before, but I wasn't looking for a digital scale then :o Will give it shot later...Thanks

I have previously bought some from chemical supply houses. Got through about five so far :D

Thanks P they were on my list to visit. Judging by your failure rate, they wouldn't appear to be too robust :o I only need them to weigh upto about 500 gms.

I have previously bought some from chemical supply houses. Got through about five so far :D

You have broken five sets of scales weighing "chemicals".....So that's where you have been all this time ,Khun Sa... we got you now... :D:o:D

I need to replace the digital scale that was stolen last month. It would have to have a digital readout that is switchable between grammes and ounces, and be portable. Plenty of analog ones around, but I havn't managed to find any digitals yet. Thanks MM

Bought mine fromTesco though it was a BKK branch.


The five sets of scales were used over a ten year period, were subject to a huge amount of work and were in use daily in my kitchens. Reasons for failure included such things as young children trying to weigh things in the bath, a worker moving the scale and placing it on a hot griddle, a theft and other such misadventures. None "failed" through overwork.

The five sets of scales were used over a ten year period, were subject to a huge amount of work and were in use daily in my kitchens. Reasons for failure included such things as young children trying to weigh things in the bath, a worker moving the scale and placing it on a hot griddle, a theft and other such misadventures. None "failed" through overwork.

But i still think you are "Khun Sa" incognito.... :o

I have previously bought some from chemical supply houses. Got through about five so far :o

I was looking in the kitchenware section of Central today, and found a nice one. Two problems....first it did not have a conversion switch, and the second was the PRICE!! Will keep looking in the other places suggested.

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