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Is min. wage really 300 THB / day?


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Geez you blokes read the previous posts. Yes I earned over 100k/yr in au. My point was always how can farang live here and talk about 250 baht vs 300 baht / day for his wife.

I have stuck with the OP. ..

MANY sadly talk about my posts. Fact is how many farang live here and have their chicks work for min wage.

Surely your kiddin me. My Thai gf is sitting next to me laughing at some of the farang rubbish. Esp 50 yr old living on 6000 baht a month and the super rich 30 yr old that came here 20 yes ago. But most of all the OP.

HER reply ....<deleted>

I really don't see what's wrong with a Thai person working for the Thai living wage. To me that's better than having her sit around the house all day doing noting and getting paid for it.

Encourages laziness and entitlement surely?

I think a lot of our viewers are " absolutely clueless " ( kind respect where due ) to the real prices and the real cost of living in Thailand! If you are a single Thai living on your own then a normal 300 baht a day wage is great and more than enough to live on and enjoy life! All over Thailand you can get rooms from 1,000 baht a month ( mine is 2000 baht a month) and houses in the countryside from 2,000 to 3,500 a month in Chiang Mai. These are real and accurate rental prices! I am non materialistic and do mot need the " fancy " or " ponsy " things in life - just the basics are enough for me! But many farang come to Thailand bringing with them there " farang lifestyle " and have no idea about the real cost of living here in Thailand. a 300 baht a day wage would bring me in a cool 9,000 baht a month ( if you live as a Thai and eat Thai food then 100 baht a day is enough for food etc every day! )

Farang Jaidee - " Living The Dream "...... alt=wub.png>

I'm not materialistic at all.

I sold all my crap years ago and now everything I own can fit into a small backpack (small enough to be taken on a flight as carry on luggage to give you an idea) and consists of one notebook laptop, a smart phone, and some clothes.

I won't go back to buying 'stuff'.

However I would never live in a 1,000B apartment. The lowest price I've seen that is liveable (by my personal standard) is 5,000B but that didn't have hot water so I wouldn't even live there. Even in tropical Thailand I don't want to take cold showers. It was a basic place but it was clean and had all that you needed (except hot water)

What's the point in coming to Thailand to live like a (poor) local?

The whole appeal of Thailand (for me personally and i thought for most) that you can live a better standard of life there than back home. A standard that you couldn't have back home even if you wanted (unless you were seriously rich).

I like living in Thailand because I can have a nice place with a pool and gym, maid service, laundry done for me, eat out every night, drink beers regularly, nights out and dating and it still hardly costs anything.

I've had months in BKK where I've only spent 25,000 baht even with all of the above. That's a bargain to me.

I just don't see any appeal of having to live there if your can't have better standard of living.

Obviously if you've no money then you've little choice and Thailand is probably a better place to be than back home where everything is expensive but it just isn't appealing and I hope I never have to like like you do.

No offense to you, I genuinely hope you do enjoy your life and it's not through necessity that you have to live on such a tight budget but it isn't for me and it's got nothing to do with materialism or being "poncy" or "fancy".

I'd never be called fancy in my life. But being able to eat somewhere other than the street or spending money on a nice experience isn't 'fancy' or 'poncy'.

Living in a nice apartment that you actually don't mind spending time in other than a 25 sqm sweatbox doesn't make someone either of those.

Being able to use public transport for convenience over walking the hot, busy, and not walking friendly streets of BKK is a bonus.

Someone said this in another thread and I agree with them. You are a snob.

And don't say because you live a simple life on a budget that you can't be a snob. You can and you show all this signs of snobbery - turning your nose up at anyone who doesn't live like you and referring to them as "poncy" etc.

It's snobbish.

I think she likes me, seems to laugh a lot etc etc. Yes she likes the life I provide her.

Honest questions, but we should continue to be with you if you didn't provide her with any money?

Lets say you were suddenly broke with no cash at all, would she stick around?

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We all know the answer to that question...when the payments stop she will be off as fast as " a robbers dog " (old London saying)

Says the bloke that lives on 6000 baht a month.

Seriously, you are deluded.

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I don't understand how Mr Jacksam (a regular viewer) can live with a lady when you know she is only there because you pay her! I can see his Thai GF in the end joining me working in the rice field for a cool 300 baht a day...... " fabulous"

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The lads and lasses at the car wash I frequent, really knock themselves out with the vigour of their work,not move as if walking through waist deep water as I see in Lotus etc. They make a car look like new and never seem to pause between tasks.

They get Baht150 per day.

I always give them Baht200 to share and still think the cost is too cheap. I think it's about Baht200 (depending on size of car and inside/outside).

Baht500 would not be too expensive.

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Many things are under the 300 b min wage radar, for instance not long back we went up to 3 pagodas pass on the song tau and the Mrs got talking to a Burmese lady who told us that the Burmese girls who come over the border every day to work in the clothing places there get 90 b per day.

Farm labor is often on contract, a worker will own a sprayer and contract to spray paddy as well as other farm jobs done on contract.

Cleaners and others can also be on contracts therefor avoiding any Min wage.

Then there are 'deductions' made by some employers.

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My Monthly Budget :

Rent : 2000 baht ( inc free wifi & sat tv )

water/elec 500 baht

food 2400 baht ( 80 baht a day )

mobile 50 baht

monthly shop 500 baht ( toothpaste,bleach,1x razor etc etc )

laundry 30 baht (one wash a month )

Misc Trips 500 baht ( Train trips note : the average 1 hour train journey in Thailand is about 10 baht )

Total ( approx ) cost 6000 Baht a month!!

For a Thai to earn 300 baht a day (9,000 baht a month ) would give them " more than enough " to live on and give them a seriously cool lifestyle!

# Please note though that i am single,i do not drink or smoke,i cook most of my own food ( all fresh ) i walk almost everywhere ( because i love it! ) and ride a bicycle sometimes! and most afternoons soaking up the lovely sunshine on the beach with cool tunes.......

Farang Jaideewub.png

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Oh and i would love to work in a rice field all day for 300 baht a day! ( although my back probably couldn't handle it! ) but i would be outside in the gorgeous sun all day! i would need " rubber gloves " though viewers as i am rather scared of " hideous creepy crawlies " that would be " lurking about around my feet " ...........w00t.gif

Could you work in a rice field viewers..?

F.J xwub.png

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My Monthly Budget :

Rent : 2000 baht ( inc free wifi & sat tv )

water/elec 500 baht

food 2400 baht ( 80 baht a day )

mobile 50 baht

monthly shop 500 baht ( toothpaste,bleach,1x razor etc etc )

laundry 30 baht (one wash a month )

Misc Trips 500 baht ( Train trips note : the average 1 hour train journey in Thailand is about 10 baht )

Total ( approx ) cost 6000 Baht a month!!

For a Thai to earn 300 baht a day (9,000 baht a month ) would give them " more than enough " to live on and give them a seriously cool lifestyle!

# Please note though that i am single,i do not drink or smoke,i cook most of my own food ( all fresh ) i walk almost everywhere ( because i love it! ) and ride a bicycle sometimes! and most afternoons soaking up the lovely sunshine on the beach with cool tunes.......

Farang Jaideewub.png

theres alwys exceptions. apparently you are one. i bet on the other end thesr a guy living on$500,000 ayear.

did you forget tp put bargirls in your budget..............lol.

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It's me again....

The OP.

First, I would like to thank those who replied with good, on topic, information about the current min. wage in Thailand.

I had no internet access for about 24 hours and just spent quite a while going through all of the replies to my thread.

It is really amazing to see how many seemed to miss the whole point of my thread.

In a nut shell: I was simply curious about the current min wage in Thailand...that's all!

So many of you replied about how much you earn or earned and " how could you let your wife work for so little?"

I think I explained rather clearly that how much the job at the school pays has nothing to do with weather my wife will accept the job or not!

As far as how much you currently earn or earned in the past....who cares??? It has nothing to do with the thread or topic!

I also made pretty "big money" in my past life and am doing O.K. now, but why would I feel the need to brag bout it???

It has nothing to do with my thread!

As I stated before, if my wife takes the job, it is because she wants to be busy and enjoys giving back to the community..especially the young children.

Maybe next time you feel the urge to go crazy with an off topic reply, you should read the OP's thread twice so you are clear on what the topic is.

If you are so full of yourself that you have the need to tell everyone how well off you are, how much you earn and what a wonderful successful person you are....

Start your own thread!

Call it " I Really, Really Love Me and Want You to Love Me Too!"

Thanks again to those who did stay on topic with good information!

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Is the law the same for part time workers ? As the law is based on 48 hours per week.

Businesses have been finding ways to get around the law anyway they can since it came in.

Schools have always been a pocket lining exercise, just look at teachers and teflers salaries and then junking them for cheaper Phillipinos.

The new, latest and greatest trend is about hireing Chinese to teach English for even less than the Filipinos!

The problem is that most people who understand the English language have difficulty understanding it when Filipinos speak it.

They are not native English speakers, when speaking to people from their own country they speak Tagalog or Spanish, not English.

I am looking forward to hearing how the even less expensive Chinese English teachers sound when they attempt to speak English!!

"Engrish??? No Plobrum!"

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The new, latest and greatest trend is about hireing Chinese to teach English for even less than the Filipinos!

The problem is that most people who understand the English language have difficulty understanding it when Filipinos speak it.

They are not native English speakers, when speaking to people from their own country they speak Tagalog or Spanish, not English.

I am looking forward to hearing how the even less expensive Chinese English teachers sound when they attempt to speak English!!

"Engrish??? No Plobrum!"

I know about 100 English teachers from the Philippines working in Thailand who all speak English better than the gentleman in the Video. If you don't understand them I think the problem is you not them.

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The new, latest and greatest trend is about hireing Chinese to teach English for even less than the Filipinos!

The problem is that most people who understand the English language have difficulty understanding it when Filipinos speak it.

They are not native English speakers, when speaking to people from their own country they speak Tagalog or Spanish, not English.

I am looking forward to hearing how the even less expensive Chinese English teachers sound when they attempt to speak English!!

"Engrish??? No Plobrum!"

I know about 100 English teachers from the Philippines working in Thailand who all speak English better than the gentleman in the Video. If you don't understand them I think the problem is you not them.

I presume you are referring to his accent! Spoken English is more than just accents. it's sentence structure, correct use of words etc. And probably the gentleman in the video would actually beat most Filipinos and Thais in that regard. Interesting that you know about 100 Filipino teachers in Thailand, how did that come about?

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The new, latest and greatest trend is about hireing Chinese to teach English for even less than the Filipinos!

The problem is that most people who understand the English language have difficulty understanding it when Filipinos speak it.

They are not native English speakers, when speaking to people from their own country they speak Tagalog or Spanish, not English.

I am looking forward to hearing how the even less expensive Chinese English teachers sound when they attempt to speak English!!

"Engrish??? No Plobrum!"

I know about 100 English teachers from the Philippines working in Thailand who all speak English better than the gentleman in the Video. If you don't understand them I think the problem is you not them.

I presume you are referring to his accent! Spoken English is more than just accents. it's sentence structure, correct use of words etc. And probably the gentleman in the video would actually beat most Filipinos and Thais in that regard. Interesting that you know about 100 Filipino teachers in Thailand, how did that come about?

I dated teachers for a while. I met people from the Philippines who owned language schools were partners in language schools and who were teachers at government schools. Also a number of the people I know are entertainers, singers and musicians in bands that play in Thailand and in addition they teach English and music. Also at my place of business we use people from the Philippines to write and interpret orders from other countries and have some inspection people from the Philippines. In business and personal life I have no trouble understanding 100% of people from the Philippines who live in Thailand. I should say I don't know any who don't have at least a BA degree except for the entertainers.

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I wish more tourists would read a thread like this. So many Thais in the Tourism sector can collect a days pay in a tip and it`s mostly through ignorance on the holidaying farrang. I suppose fair play to the bell boy or whatever, but it seems unfair then to the factory worker slogging away 6 days a week without similar reward.

I always try and tip the maid when in Thai hotels (assumming their work is decent) as their reaction is always one of genuine appreciation and thanks, unlike customer facing people like bell boys etc who think collecting 100 baht every 2 minutes is reasonable!

I genuinely can`t imagine working for 10 hours to get £5 (250 baht) in return. The income inequality in this country sucks.

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This might sound rude but I can't understand how expats here esp if they are retired can have their wife/gf working for that sort of money per day.

A lot of Thais just want something positive to do. Having a job might be the difference between a happy and an unhappy wife.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

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This might sound rude but I can't understand how expats here esp if they are retired can have their wife/gf working for that sort of money per day.

Means you can't go and travel etc etc.

My gf doesn't work for that very reason. If we were in AU sure she could work and get at least 600/hour.

I could go home for a month and make 180000bath.

How could I have her work in Thailand

Maybe the lady in question wants or enjoys work. She may be doing it to give something back to the community and not for monetary gain only.

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I wish more tourists would read a thread like this. So many Thais in the Tourism sector can collect a days pay in a tip and it`s mostly through ignorance on the holidaying farrang. I suppose fair play to the bell boy or whatever, but it seems unfair then to the factory worker slogging away 6 days a week without similar reward.

I always try and tip the maid when in Thai hotels (assumming their work is decent) as their reaction is always one of genuine appreciation and thanks, unlike customer facing people like bell boys etc who think collecting 100 baht every 2 minutes is reasonable!

I genuinely can`t imagine working for 10 hours to get £5 (250 baht) in return. The income inequality in this country sucks.

Those in power love income inequality. Those on the low end keep them in power..................lol. Never ceases to amaze me how people will vote AGAINST their own self-interests.

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I think a lot of our viewers are " absolutely clueless " ( kind respect where due ) to the real prices and the real cost of living in Thailand! If you are a single Thai living on your own then a normal 300 baht a day wage is great and more than enough to live on and enjoy life! All over Thailand you can get rooms from 1,000 baht a month ( mine is 2000 baht a month) and houses in the countryside from 2,000 to 3,500 a month in Chiang Mai. These are real and accurate rental prices! I am non materialistic and do mot need the " fancy " or " ponsy " things in life - just the basics are enough for me! But many farang come to Thailand bringing with them there " farang lifestyle " and have no idea about the real cost of living here in Thailand. a 300 baht a day wage would bring me in a cool 9,000 baht a month ( if you live as a Thai and eat Thai food then 100 baht a day is enough for food etc every day! )

Farang Jaidee - " Living The Dream "......wub.png

Although I respect your life choices, and to each their own/live and let live and all that, I think you are a bit clueless if you think that

the average Thai mindset is that "a normal 300 baht a day wage is great and more than enough to live on and enjoy life!".

Thais do not live on 300 baht a day or less because they love it, they do it because they HAVE TO.

Most Thais, not unlike anybody else, would love to have more and also get a bit more of that "farang lifestyle".

Sorry, but, I think the sun gets in your eyes too much while you walk everywhere.

Most Thais would love to switch from that 1,000 baht p/m rent "room" to a nice house with garden and eat nice meals instead of

street fast food take-away everyday.

And since you mention 'lazy': yeah, if one loves to get by with only a few hundred baht per day for food and drink and spend most of the time

hanging around and can do that (as a lot of people do in this country), then yes, one can enjoy life. I will give you that.

In any case, I'm happy for you that you enjoy your life, cos that's what it's all about.

I'm not a materialistic person, but I don't want to live in a 1,000 baht a month room in a ghetto.

Note that I am in Bangkok. And, my rent is below 8K a month.

Yeah I think alot of Thais want more money, they see lots of Farangs throwing money around.. A Thai girl once told me lots of Thai girls want a Farang so they can have a easy life..

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Correct - it is 300 Baht per day nationwide.

Workers on monthly salary are paid for 30 days.

Our gardener is paid monthly. And it averages above 300 baht/day. But, if push came to shove on exactly how much per day he was paid, it would certainly not be based on "paid for 30 days" per month, but on 26 days. (6days x 52weeks = 312/12 = 26). Purely a mathematical exercise, since what we pay him is above 300 baht/day, whether 30, or 26, is the divisor. But, for a populist purest, the true math would have to be shown, namely, you're being paid for 26 days per month, not 30.

His wife was bored at home, but we really didn't want to pay an extra 300 baht/day marginal cost -- for no more than probably 100 baht worth of marginal return for her services (we figured faster raking of grass and hedge trimmings would allow him extra time for additional pruning, whatever.) Anyway, some value added at the margin, plus they do work well as a team, so some psychological value, I suppose. But mainly, her husband asked us to hire her, so it became more a favor than anything else.

But, this is an excellent example of what's happened to workers at the margin of economic productivity. Those who can't produce enough to warrant their 300 baht cost are laid off. And for an unskilled operation, where the majority of workers can't match their now mandated marginal cost with their marginal return, well, turn off the lights. Classic economics. But, I imagine reality has trumped populism in the majority of cases, at least at the mom and pop level -- and workers still have their jobs, with a paycheck to match their productivity -- which is still, for many, below 300 baht. At least this is suggested -- by the fact that we really don't hear much, if anything, anymore about how the new minimum wage has played out.

As for our gardener's wife -- she's happy at a little over 200 baht/day. And, if she somehow demanded 300 baht (after going to a meeting of the local reds), well, she's smart enough to know where that would put her. Suspect my example is fairly widespread, particularly with domestic help -- at least at the margin, and the decision to hire just one more worker.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My Monthly Budget :

Rent : 2000 baht ( inc free wifi & sat tv )

water/elec 500 baht

food 2400 baht ( 80 baht a day )

mobile 50 baht

monthly shop 500 baht ( toothpaste,bleach,1x razor etc etc )

laundry 30 baht (one wash a month )

Misc Trips 500 baht ( Train trips note : the average 1 hour train journey in Thailand is about 10 baht )

Total ( approx ) cost 6000 Baht a month!!

For a Thai to earn 300 baht a day (9,000 baht a month ) would give them " more than enough " to live on and give them a seriously cool lifestyle!

# Please note though that i am single,i do not drink or smoke,i cook most of my own food ( all fresh ) i walk almost everywhere ( because i love it! ) and ride a bicycle sometimes! and most afternoons soaking up the lovely sunshine on the beach with cool tunes.......

Farang Jaideewub.png alt=wub.png>

A seriously cool lifestyle on 9k a month?

Given that most young Thais (in BKK at least) are obsessed with smart phone and the newest gadgets, the latest fashion, eating at fancy chain restaurants in malls, going to trendy bars and clubs so they can check in on FB and take selfies their to post on social media to impress their friends and so on that simply isn't possible on 9k a month I think you're deluded.

9k a month is barely enough for a simple life that involves living in a small fan room with no air con, street food three times a day, and walking everywhere as you can't afford public transport, and no extra money for entertainment or treats. If there was an emergency and you needed money for something you'd be screwed.

I'm sure you're happy living your basic existence and I'm happy that you can do it but let's not kid ourselves most people, both Thai and farang, are not happy with that sort of basic existence. It's surviving not living. There's no money for enjoyment purposes and barely enough just to live from day to day.

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Mr Spade....

I admit that living on 6,000 baht a month " all in " is perhaps seen to many of our regular viewers as being as " tight as a gnats chuff " ( kind respect where due ladies..) although as i have shown it can be done depending on the type of person you are!

I know that many of the Thais can be very materialistic ( unusual in what is mostly a third world country....) and yes i know how they constantly seem to " wander about updating there Facebook status " with photos of expensive items and food " ( it should be noted viewers that i also am the owner of a " smart phone " which stays in my room most of the day " switched off " ....)

If you asked most Thais if 9,000 baht a month is enough money,well of course they will say " NO " as they will always want " more and more " hence trying to get themselves hooked by a " lonely gullible farang " who will finance there lives! ( have you ever noticed how you never see a photo of the farang appearing in any of the Facebook photos ..??? )

In the building where i live most of the rooms have air con ( i hate air con and feel it is very bad for you! ) but most will just use a simple fan ( quite adequate may i add viewers...)

So as long as your rent is at a reasonable cost ( 1,500 - 3000 baht per month ) which are normal thai rentals then yes living on 300 baht a day would give you a " cool lifestyle " .....

Farang Jaidee wub.png ( " keeping our viewers up to date with reality " ...)

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Mr Spade....

I admit that living on 6,000 baht a month " all in " is perhaps seen to many of our regular viewers as being as " tight as a gnats chuff " ( kind respect where due ladies..) although as i have shown it can be done depending on the type of person you are!

I know that many of the Thais can be very materialistic ( unusual in what is mostly a third world country....) and yes i know how they constantly seem to " wander about updating there Facebook status " with photos of expensive items and food " ( it should be noted viewers that i also am the owner of a " smart phone " which stays in my room most of the day " switched off " ....)

If you asked most Thais if 9,000 baht a month is enough money,well of course they will say " NO " as they will always want " more and more " hence trying to get themselves hooked by a " lonely gullible farang " who will finance there lives! ( have you ever noticed how you never see a photo of the farang appearing in any of the Facebook photos ..??? )

In the building where i live most of the rooms have air con ( i hate air con and feel it is very bad for you! ) but most will just use a simple fan ( quite adequate may i add viewers...)

So as long as your rent is at a reasonable cost ( 1,500 - 3000 baht per month ) which are normal thai rentals then yes living on 300 baht a day would give you a " cool lifestyle " .....

Farang Jaidee wub.png ( " keeping our viewers up to date with reality " ...)

Whilst 300B a day is definitely possible and certainly enough for the day to day basics there's no money left for entertainment, hobbies, or fun.

What's "cool" about that?

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Mr Spade....

I admit that living on 6,000 baht a month " all in " is perhaps seen to many of our regular viewers as being as " tight as a gnats chuff " ( kind respect where due ladies..) although as i have shown it can be done depending on the type of person you are!

I know that many of the Thais can be very materialistic ( unusual in what is mostly a third world country....) and yes i know how they constantly seem to " wander about updating there Facebook status " with photos of expensive items and food " ( it should be noted viewers that i also am the owner of a " smart phone " which stays in my room most of the day " switched off " ....)

If you asked most Thais if 9,000 baht a month is enough money,well of course they will say " NO " as they will always want " more and more " hence trying to get themselves hooked by a " lonely gullible farang " who will finance there lives! ( have you ever noticed how you never see a photo of the farang appearing in any of the Facebook photos ..??? )

In the building where i live most of the rooms have air con ( i hate air con and feel it is very bad for you! ) but most will just use a simple fan ( quite adequate may i add viewers...)

So as long as your rent is at a reasonable cost ( 1,500 - 3000 baht per month ) which are normal thai rentals then yes living on 300 baht a day would give you a " cool lifestyle " .....

Farang Jaidee wub.png ( " keeping our viewers up to date with reality " ...)

Whilst 300B a day is definitely possible and certainly enough for the day to day basics there's no money left for entertainment, hobbies, or fun.

What's "cool" about that?

There is no space for air conditioning for that, so "cool" is not on the menu I am afraid.
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" Air Con is for Pussies! " Are you a great big Pussy Viewers...?

I don't know anybody in Thailand that actually uses air con! One it is very expensive and also very unhealthy for you! ( It must be noted viewers that i cannot be in an air con place without it giving me the most dreadful sore throat viewers...) I cannot travel by bus,and cannot spend much time in Shopping Malls or even watch a new " cool movie " without being dressed for " Ice Station Zebra ".You will however find in your room/ condo something called a " door and window " now if you keep them open the whole time it creates the most delightful breeze viewers.........

It's no wonder that most of you have " absolutely no idea " how normal Thai people live here in Thailand !!!

with love & a hug,

Farang Jaidee " in touch with reality ..." wub.png

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