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I am not a believer that girls go to bars because they are poor.  This country has millions of poor girls but only a small percentage end up working as a prostitute.


State the reasons you believe!!!

I will never understand anyone willing to have a girlfriend let alone a wife that is/was a prostitute.  If thats all you want then you can easily find one from wherever you are from.

But more than likely the situation will still be the same as here.

Tooooooooo many beautiful girls in Thailand to end up living and cavorting with a prostitute.

So the prostitutes are low-lives! Right? <deleted> are you? The world is a wonderful place but it is your type of people who makes it harder to live!

I would rather make friends with prostitutes than to meet your kind of people!

I am not a believer that girls go to bars because they are poor.  This country has millions of poor girls but only a small percentage end up working as a prostitute.


State the reasons you believe!!!

I will never understand anyone willing to have a girlfriend let alone a wife that is/was a prostitute.  If thats all you want then you can easily find one from wherever you are from.

But more than likely the situation will still be the same as here.

Tooooooooo many beautiful girls in Thailand to end up living and cavorting with a prostitute.

So the prostitutes are low-lives! Right? <deleted> are you? The world is a wonderful place but it is your type of people who makes it harder to live!

I would rather make friends with prostitutes than to meet your kind of people!

meemiathai, Im with Eric on this one - there are millions of poor people in this country as in a lot of countries - its up to the individual, how they want to "get on" in life. I know of girls from poor families, that go to University and then pay back the government loans, after they graduate.

There is also a government scheme in Thailand, where you can borrow up to 20,000 baht to start your own business - so mate, everyone has a choice.

Anytime someone posts anything about degrading a hooker, you get angry.

I understand your love for your wife and she probably is a wonderfull person, only you can judge that.

Guest IT Manager
meemiathai, Im with Eric on this one - there are millions of poor people in this country as in a lot of countries - its up to the individual, how they want to "get on" in life. I know of girls from poor families, that go to University and then pay back the government loans, after they graduate.

There is also a government scheme in Thailand, where you can borrow up to 20,000 baht to start your own business - so mate, everyone has a choice.

Anytime someone posts anything about degrading a hooker, you get angry.

I understand your love for your wife and she probably is a wonderfull person, only you can judge that.

Nice response Gent and I agree. It isn't a given that a poor person ends as a BG. It really seems to be choice in the biggest percentage of cases. There have been suggestions regarding simple laziness, biggest buck for the bang etc., but in the long run, it is the individuals' choice, or that of their directive force (parent, BF etc), that makes the decision to work.

I know some really nice people who are/were prostitutes. I don't use their occupation as a measure of their worthiness or otherwise for my friendship.



I am with the gent and IT. Everybody has a choice. A great number of prostitutes have chosen to be in the sex business because of their lazinesses and easy money. My ex-boyfriend told me once he asked a prostitute's son what he wanted to be when he grew up. The boy said "I want to be a hooker". We just wished he would have a better choice in the future.

But there are some nice and sincere women working in this business too. There might be only a few. But they do exist.

But there are some nice and sincere women working in this business too. There might be only a few. But they do exist.

I think that two of them have now quit the game to marry Yellermen... The other one had to return home to look after the family's sick buffalo...:o

But there are some nice and sincere women working in this business too. There might be only a few. But they do exist.

I think that two of them have now quit the game to marry Yellermen... The other one had to return home to look after the family's sick buffalo...:o

Hopefully, the motorbike won't go dead next.. and mama won't want baby buffalo after the sick one fully recovered.. :D

I think you're a pig trapped in a bar-girl's body.

... counting 1 to 1000 ... a pig is a pig ... a pig is a pig ...

I understand your love for your wife and she probably is a wonderfull person, only you can judge that.

You certainly are a gentleman! A very nice one!

Nice response Gent and I agree.

And Mr IT, you consider this a nice response? And agree? :o

I know of girls from poor families, that go to University and then pay back the government loans, after they graduate.

There is also a government scheme in Thailand, where you can borrow up to 20,000 baht to start your own business - so mate, everyone has a choice.

You think everyone is borned with the capability to go to universities or to start a business? Everyone has the opportunity to learn while being brought up, what is right and wrong, which direction to head for in their lives?

I know of girls from poor families, that go to University and then pay back the government loans, after they graduate.
Yes? You know? How poor are they? I don't suppose you know anything about poverty. Or otherwise you won't be having such comments!
so mate, everyone has a choice.
Mate, you should feel lucky that you were born in the west where people can take everything for granted! Those are places where you can say everyone has a choice!

And LovelyCutie, I don't suspect you came from a poor family?


I am not at all asking people here to marry or to befriend prostitutes. But I do think it is very wrong to judge a person by his/her job. Only judge them until you know them in person.

There are good/bad girls in hi-sos. There are good/bad girls who are accountants. And also good/bad girls who are prostitutes!

And LovelyCutie, I don't suspect you came from a poor family?

No, we're not poor. We're not loaded. We just earn enough to live our modest lives. With all respect, I still believe everybody has a choice. There are more women who have chosen to be in the business than the ones who have been forced into it. There are poor people living under a bridge. There are poor people living in a shithole having a few leaves over their heads, instead of a roof. There are poor people who walk mile after mile to collect soda cans, empty bottles, paper, and stuff. It might take a very long time and a lot of effort to find a choice. But at the end of the day, we all have a choice. IMHO.

I know of girls from poor families, that go to University and then pay back the government loans, after they graduate.

There is also a government scheme in Thailand, where you can borrow up to 20,000 baht to start your own business - so mate, everyone has a choice.

You think everyone is borned with the capability to go to universities or to start a business? Everyone has the opportunity to learn while being brought up, what is right and wrong, which direction to head for in their lives?

I know of girls from poor families, that go to University and then pay back the government loans, after they graduate.
Yes? You know? How poor are they? I don't suppose you know anything about poverty. Or otherwise you won't be having such comments!
so mate, everyone has a choice.
Mate, you should feel lucky that you were born in the west where people can take everything for granted! Those are places where you can say everyone has a choice!

And LovelyCutie, I don't suspect you came from a poor family?

You sound like you are sticking up for the bar girls, for no other reason, than you married one?, maybe you should have a deep think on what makes you so angry discussing it.

The poverty side, well I was a street kid for four years and a run away for most of my preteen years, so to not eat and to be poor, I have a fair idea of what thats about - there was no government handouts to kids under fifteen at that time - The Salvation Army and the government early morning soup van, were the only restaurants I went to.

My point is, I would say that my situation when growing up, was probably as bad as any "bad upbringing", but I didnt sell myself to eat etc, I worked for food and shelter and ended up joining the Army, which saved my life! The majority of the people I grew up with are dead from drug related stuff, be it overdose or gang related - the feel sorry for you stories, that you bring up, fall on deaf ears with me - although I agree its sad, its only a hurdle - jump over it!

And LovelyCutie, I don't suspect you came from a poor family?

No, we're not poor. We're not loaded. We just earn enough to live our modest lives. With all respect, I still believe everybody has a choice. There are more women who have chosen to be in the business than the ones who have been forced into it. There are poor people living under a bridge. There are poor people living in a shithole having a few leaves over their heads, instead of a roof. There are poor people who walk mile after mile to collect soda cans, empty bottles, paper, and stuff. It might take a very long time and a lot of effort to find a choice. But at the end of the day, we all have a choice. IMHO.

Superb answer - you amaze me :o

I'm a lovely cutie.

I think you're a pig trapped in a bar-girl's body.

well there you go mate, congratulations!

Shhhh.... don't wake him up. He accused me of being a white sicko pretending to be a Thai woman the other day! :o


Reading here some of the last postings, I feel, I have to repeat again, what I posted a while ago in the same thread:

Some rather weak foreign men, feminists and such groups of people are writing here stories, like if all bar-girls are forced brutally into that kind of sex-labour. Yes, we all know, that there are such criminal cases.

Often such sad cases of misuse are minors, or Asian men or women, who are not Thai, but from neighbouring countries......

This is true!

However many bar-girls are 20+, have their Thai ID, and are doing that by their own will and nobody forcing them into that kind of job. They are totally free to leave anytime and to try out any other source of how to earn some money for their daily life. But very few of them are even willing to try.

This is also true!


The character of some women to offer sex to men against money has nothing to do with their financial situation.

I met women, not only in Thailand (there are quite a number of countries, which are much worse off than Thailand), who are so poor, that they did not even know, what to eat tomorrow, and had only ragged clothings.

I gave in this thread 2 examples of Thai ladies, I know personally, and both have a very modest life and working very hard to survive. Their income ist barely enough for their daily needs.

But there is no way by offering money to strip them off their panty and get them posing nud_e in front of you except in case of marriage (or MAYBE violent rape, but expect any possible resistance in that case!) .....

We are talking here much about the poor bar-girls.

Why do we not talk about the other poor ladies in Thailand?

They are also poor and deserve some consideration.


There are poor people living under a bridge. There are poor people living in a shithole having a few leaves over their heads, instead of a roof. There are poor people who walk mile after mile to collect soda cans, empty bottles, paper, and stuff. It might take a very long time and a lot of effort to find a choice. But at the end of the day, we all have a choice. IMHO.

Do you want to be one of them? Can you? I am not sure how happy these people are with their lives but I am sure I don't want to live like that.

I don't think it is a sin if someone wants to have a better life and can only achieve it by being a prostitute. Anyway, there are lots of reasons why women become prostitutes.

I guess perhaps you won't understand it until your pocket is empty with lots of bills waiting for you. :o

I think you're a pig trapped in a bar-girl's body.

... counting 1 to 1000 ... a pig is a pig ... a pig is a pig ...

Dear LovelyCuttie,

There are several possible ways to handle this kind of lovely provocations, indeed:

1. Emotional way: :o

# Action: you tell him to <deleted> off, get lost, and eat shit & drink pee while he get bloodily sodomised in public by his father, without KY, with his mother watching while masturbating, sucking his (her?) little brother, and being vaginally seeded by a leprous & syphilitic tramp on a manure heap, on which he lays as a pig, whatever...

# Analysis: you are not acting, but only re-acting ; therefore being manipulated

# Energetic Reality: by reacting, you have allowed an energetic link to be created between you and him, and your energy is being litterally sucked out by him (actual vampirism) through every word you tell him on this emotional communication's mode

# His Appreciation: he made you react! yes! you are sooo easy! he is having great fun & is loving it, enjoying it sooo much he can't help and has to provoque you again whenever he can, but please understand him, your energy is sweet & better than both "beer+xtasie+multiple orgasm" together. He might not really know about the "Energetic Reality", as it might also happen on an emotional level for him as well, but this is what happens.

2. Mind way: :D

# Analysis: why would you waste your time & energy to talk with pigs recently reincarnated in human beings, to educate them ? good luck, you probably already know that pigs have been on this planet for around 45 millions years, while humans only 1 million years, look at the difference of speed of evolution (...)

# Action: ignore him

# Energetic Reality: you didn't allow any energetic link to be created, and on which he can feed

# His Appreciation: he can't make you re-act, therefore has no fun (= can't feed on you). He will stop probably sooner rather than later and try to find another prey

3. Heart way: :D

# Energetic Reality: he is dearly spending his energy, trying to create an energetic link with you, in order to suck your energy

# Analysis: he is one of your multiple life teachers, spending his energy in order to make you understand a truth of life, and therefore helping you to go forward

# Action: thank him for his efforts, and recognize in him somebody who is helping you. Try to thank him with a good & warm sense of humour (and doing so giving him back the energy he gave you, but without allowing any further energetic link)

# His Appreciation: If he is not aware of what he is actually doing, he will be so surprised of your unexpected action (not re-action) that he will not only stop bugging you, but will also start using his mind to understand what has happened. If he is aware, he will immediately stop and look elsewhere for food.

Anyway at the end of the day, your are always free to chose the way you desire at this point in your time, and the choice is yours only ! :D

May I take the liberty to recommend you to leave the "Emotional way" for your sexual interactions, and so to get the best of it !...:D


My GF has a long term customer that is a BG. The BG has been complaining that she doesn't like to have to sell(rent?) her body to farangs.

My GF and I discussed this over a 3 day period and because we like the girl and felt sorry for her predicament, we decided to offer her a job working in my GF's business.

The BG thought about the offer for 0.0000000001 of a second and replied, "No way, I'm too lazy to do that".

I don't think it is a sin if someone wants to have a better life and can only achieve it by being a prostitute. Anyway, there are lots of reasons why women become prostitutes.

What are the reasons?

Reading here some of the last postings, I feel, I have to repeat again, what I posted a while ago in the same thread:

Some rather weak foreign men, feminists and such groups of people are writing here stories, like if all bar-girls are forced brutally into that kind of sex-labour. Yes, we all know, that there are such criminal cases.

Often such sad cases of misuse are minors, or Asian men or women, who are not Thai, but from neighbouring countries......

This is true!

However many bar-girls are 20+, have their Thai ID, and are doing that by their own will and nobody forcing them into that kind of job. They are totally free to leave anytime and to try out any other source of how to earn some money for their daily life. But very few of them are even willing to try.

This is also true!


The character of some women to offer sex to men against money has nothing to do with their financial situation.

I met women, not only in Thailand (there are quite a number of countries, which are much worse off than Thailand), who are so poor, that they did not even know, what to eat tomorrow, and had only ragged clothings.

I gave in this thread 2 examples of Thai ladies, I know personally, and both have a very modest life and working very hard to survive. Their income ist barely enough for their daily needs.

But there is no way by offering money to strip them off their panty and get them posing nud_e in front of you except in case of marriage (or MAYBE violent rape, but expect any possible resistance in that case!) .....

We are talking here much about the poor bar-girls.

Why do we not talk about the other poor ladies in Thailand?

They are also poor and deserve some consideration.


Well written and factual - here here!


Prostitution- its a job like any other job.

I'm the firm believer that let a person do what they want with their own body unless they are physically forced into it.

It's quick/easy dosh and very lucrative and to boot they normally are able to do and go places they normally could never afford.

Staying in a room with a ferang is almost payment enuf when you see the living standards which are the norm. (small cramped room w/ quite a few other bodies living there with you)

Comes down to choice and laziness - hmmm would I rather slave away 7days a week or have fun and get paid extremely well?

Do you want to be one of them? Can you? I am not sure how happy these people are with their lives but I am sure I don't want to live like that.

I don't think it is a sin if someone wants to have a better life and can only achieve it by being a prostitute. Anyway, there are lots of reasons why women become prostitutes.

I guess perhaps you won't understand it until your pocket is empty with lots of bills waiting for you. :o

I honestly do not think anyone wants to be one of them, including me. If one could have chosen, no one would be born in that such situation. I also don't think all those people are happy with their lives. But yet, they have chosen to make a living by picking up garbage, etc. I was not saying anything against prostitutes. I even said that there ARE real nice women in this business. I've met one.. a nice, friendly, and blunt ex-prostitute who had been waiting for someone to rescue her.

As for having an empty pocket and lots of bills waiting to be paid, I've been there. I know what it's like. Believe me. I could have made a s**t load of money as a prostitute, but I just didn't choose that way. :D

You sound like you are sticking up for the bar girls, for no other reason, than you married one?,

I will stick up for anyone who is less fortune in their lives, and while not having harmed anyone for what they do being looked down upon by the others who think they are of higher status. Have you be harmed by all the prostitutes you came across with?

The poverty side, well I was a street kid for four years and a run away for most of my preteen years, so to not eat and to be poor, I have a fair idea of what thats about - there was no government handouts to kids under fifteen at that time - The Salvation Army and the government early morning soup van, were the only restaurants I went to.

My point is, I would say that my situation when growing up, was probably as bad as any "bad upbringing", but I didnt sell myself to eat etc, I worked for food and shelter and ended up joining the Army, which saved my life! The majority of the people I grew up with are dead from drug related stuff, be it overdose or gang related - the feel sorry for you stories, that you bring up, fall on deaf ears with me - although I agree its sad, its only a hurdle - jump over it!

May I ask which country you are from? Do you think all people have Salvation Army or the government to run to? And for what you have achieved, good for you. Perhaps you were brilliant, intelligent and hard-working. But I would like to remind you that not everyone has the same ability and luck while struggling for a living.

Khun Bozo,

Thanks for your post ka. I appreciate your time and effort to type all that. I've read it a few times just to take it all in. I think I'll just take a high road here, even though it's pretty hard for me not to bite back.

Oh well ... a pig is a pig ... a pig is a pig ...


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