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*Edited by me*

Why edit? Let anyone complain! There will always be someone who likes it!

Anyway, I don't listen to many english songs so I don't really know that song.

"Phom kit wa paeng thai dee kwa!"

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You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl   :o

Yes you can. But efforts have to be made! :D (Both)

There'd be a very small success rate I reckon. Do you know many success stories ?


Yes, I do. I know a lot in HK. But the word success is hard to define.

There are some thai girls who stay with their husbands loyally but are not very happy due to the fact that a lot of chinese guys are quite selfish. Of course there are also quite a few cases where the girls do not behave very well(and the men being very good husbands).

hey miss cuteypants.....give us all a rest from your sugary sickly high school teenage  drivel and put a sock in it.

Thanks for your comment. When I decided to join this forum, I didn't expect everyone would love everything I wrote here. So, that's all right. I cannot please everyone anyway. When I said something smart, someone accused me of being a white male. When I said something so girlie or stupid, someone was offended by it. Uhhh... who says women are hard to please?

Dear Ugly-Cutey,

It's not the namby-pamby banter that is so irksome nor is it the fact that you are an ex-bargirl-cum-quasi-omnicient katooey in pig's clothing. I believe the issue is that you're turning ThaiVisa's threads into a frickin' social club in an obvious and nauseating ploy for succourance from behind the distant facade of an anonymous avatar.

In this world of information overload, I find it near impossible to shift through all the shit to get to any salient points of converastaion; and your little snipets of "girlyness" are like white noise.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have fun. I'm also not saying that the world shouldn't be about you, you, you. I'm sure there are others who would subcribe to the Ugly-Cutie vapid-mindless thought of the day. There are social forums expressly for this purpose. This is a call to everyone to, garuna na ha, keep our threads in the right topic. It's the least we can do to keep the forums useful for everyone.

What was this topic about, anyhow? Oh, yeah: Being cheap is all about levels. I know people who show off their Rolex's but make the girl go betsu-betsu on everything, which is the norm in Japan, but not in LOS. There is also a certain amount comparison and of fairness in the deal as well.

For example, let's say you have an income and you share it with your "significant other." You do this on your own accord out of love or for whatever. For the most part, unless that girl is in some form of entertainment profession it is unlikely that her income comes anywhere near what your income is. This includes pentioners and retirees as well. If she is a poor girl from the farm then what she has to compare this to is one thing. If she was a poor girl from the farm and she met you while she was "working" then the comparison is different. If she "working" and she's not from the farm then I wonder how you met her in the first place.

A man who lives on a few frozen bananas doesn't seem the type to socialize in Bangkok's elite social circles or to fraternize at the Miss Thai Universe after parties. So, to answer your question. If she hasn't dumped you yet then you're not that cheap. But, if she's telling you that you are then there is some basis for her comparison. Find out what it is. Are you going to let that affect your relationship, ru blao?

:o You see, Ugly Cutey, you made me post off topic! Oh now, I'm pussy whipped! I'm under your spell! I feel the strange urge to dress up in women's clothing. :D I'm sorry. You're right! It is all about you! I have to go eat a bacon sandwhich now.



PS: The fact that you are a closet pig lover is one of your most redeeming qualities, na ha. :D

You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl   :o

Yes you can. But efforts have to be made! :D (Both)

There'd be a very small success rate I reckon. Do you know many success stories ?

I would like to ask, if anybody has any statistic or other information like that .....

We know how many people are living in Thailand. But:

How many are women, somewhat between 18 - 35 years old?

How many of them are bar-girls, or related to any similar entertainment-job?

I think, the percentage is very small, compared to all the other girls, who have nothing to do with it and do not want to have anything to do with it.

You might travel around in wide areas in Thailand, where is nothing similar to Bangkok or Pattaya......And you might look around in Bangkok and Pattaya and you will find many girls, who are NOT related to direct customer service, but are doing different jobs: bookkeeping, nursing, laundry, sales and so on.....

How many girls in Thailand are really bar-girlies?

*You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl*

You can, but it is not easy...... There are some conditions however.

The treatment is somewhat similar to a drug-addict or alcoholician.

It might work successfully in such a way:

1) The girl herself must be willing to try it out. - And to give herself up to somebody who she loves and trusts. She must understand, that the first weeks are especially difficult and that she alone without help cannot quit this bar-life easily.-

If the girl is not ready to go that way, it is rather hopeless.

2) The man must be willing to accept this girl as his wife as she is, never to talk about her past in a bad way, and must be firm enough to overcome the following weeks. You cannot stay with this girl on a *leased wife* or *marriage for rent* relationship. Be serious yourself, and if you cannot, then better do not try it out....

Both of you must agree to fight through this difficult time together....

3) Move away from that sexy place, and settle down where there is no nightlife at all.

Remove any alcohol, cigarettes, disco-CDs - everything what might be related to that kind of life....This means also mobile phone calls to her former bar-girl-friends... and so on....

4) Stay with the girl all time, do not let her stray....and stay firm, if the girl is starting to quarrel with you, and begging or crying for money, drinks, phone-calls and calls you a Cheap Charlie....

5) Make some sport, have best food, send her in any simple school (typist, book-keeping, computers or whatevery) - go early to sleep....keep her totally separated from her former life.

If the girl trusts you and loves you, and you stay firm with her, you both might overcome that period and start a regular family life -

Like drugs and alcohol however, you have to stay away from such entertainment areas totally in your future, or you will soon find yourself again in the same situation as before.

Success Stories:

I do not know any success stories about a Thai bar-girl, who decided by herself to become a bar-girl.

I know however one success story, where the Thai girl (already longer time ago) was forced by criminals to work in the sex-industry. The Thai girl - forced by beatings and forced to drink alcohol - was bought out by paying money by an European and became indeed his wife (the difference is however that this girl never had any feedom and never had any earnings out of her forced sex-life)

I know also one success story of another European with a Philippine wife. This was easier however, as the girl had no relatives anymore (orphan) and was not really into alcohol, drugs and disco-life. The first month was also very hard to overcome,

they made it in the way I explained above.


hey miss cuteypants.....give us all a rest from your sugary sickly high school teenage  drivel and put a sock in it.

Thanks for your comment. When I decided to join this forum, I didn't expect everyone would love everything I wrote here. So, that's all right. I cannot please everyone anyway. When I said something smart, someone accused me of being a white male. When I said something so girlie or stupid, someone was offended by it. Uhhh... who says women are hard to please?

Dear Ugly-Cutey,

It's not the namby-pamby banter that is so irksome nor is it the fact that you are an ex-bargirl-cum-quasi-omnicient katooey in pig's clothing. I believe the issue is that you're turning ThaiVisa's threads into a frickin' social club in an obvious and nauseating ploy for succourance from behind the distant facade of an anonymous avatar.

In this world of information overload, I find it near impossible to shift through all the shit to get to any salient points of converastaion; and your little snipets of "girlyness" are like white noise.


PS: The fact that you are a closet pig lover is one of your most redeeming qualities, na ha. :o

For MinutePigglet: (also for Taxexile)

Please read your own postings....

And you are calling others to be off the subject?

I said it already:

I have my opinion, and you have your opinion, and the poster, who is using the nickname *LovelyCutie* has her opinion.

Respect this please, otherwise you should not be astonished, if you receive in return of your own postings the same or similar compliments you offer to others .....

ThaiVisa-Forum is for everybody, everybody means for everybody, about any topics, which is somehow related to Thailand.....

Just about your subject: Being cheap

Being cheap is not always in the sense of money....being cheap can be also understood in that way, you are talking to other people....


Just about your subject: Being cheap

Being cheap is not always in the sense of money....being cheap can be also understood in that way, you are talking to other people....


+++ :o

You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl  :o

Yes you can. But efforts have to be made! :D (Both)

There'd be a very small success rate I reckon. Do you know many success stories ?

A few.... a very few. :D

She is a a former BG and is used to having some money. If she was still working the bar she would be making at least 500 baht a day. If it was me and I wanted to keep her home at night and away from the temptation of turning some tricks behind my back I'd be giving her around 500 baht a day which really isnt very much. I can see why she might be insulted at the 100 baht a day allowance. But if thats all you can afford I'd say you cant really afford to have a girlfriend. You have got to pay to play. Nobody gets it for free. I'd say you've been getting it for almost free. I think the girls deserve a little more respect ie. $.

That's 15.000 a month pocketmoney after allexpenses are covered by the stingy boyfriend already. For what? looking pretty and calling her lover cheap charlie?

If somebody who can only afford a 100 B per day allowance shouldn't have a girlfriend, most Thai men should be single.

With guys such as yourself around, no wonder we foreigners are regarded as milking cows!

That's 15.000 a month pocketmoney after allexpenses are covered by the stingy boyfriend already. For what? looking pretty and calling her lover cheap charlie?

If somebody who can only afford a 100 B per day allowance shouldn't have a girlfriend, most Thai men should be single.

That's a good one, Natee. But even the "rich" Thai people pay a lot of money to "keep" some young ladies with them,... :o


This thread is about what's-his-name (forgot already after two back to back yawners from Yohan) being cheap or not.

It's not about bar-girls, but it might be about what it takes to keep them happy.

It might also pertain to what it takes to live on the cheap with a limited income. Something a lot of people do and try to do in LOS.

Who ever said what's his name was dating a bar-girl anyhow?

It's not about people's limited knowledge (read ignorance) of what it must be like to grow up Thai or in a rural area or why Khon Thai choose to "date" a farang.

It's about what's his name being cheap or not.

Hey, what's your name, you'r not cheap until she dumps you. And, if she sticks with you when you're broke. Well, you've chosen wisely, my son.

If my girlfriend called me a cheap charlie, first I'd check to see if she was serious. Then I'd tell her to pay her own bar fine.

If my wife told me I was a cheap charlie, I'd check her in as non-compos-mentus.

If Yohan told my I was a cheap charlie, I'd buy him a beer and dictionary.

By the way, where is Ugly-Piggy? I think she's avoiding me. I miss her so! :o

Geez, my fingers smell like tuna again. That's what I get for touching myself while eating... :D



PS: Natee, anybody ever tell you that you look amazingly like Iggy Pop?

Hey, what's your name, you'r not cheap until she dumps you. And, if she sticks with you when you're broke. Well, you've chosen wisely, my son.

The best comment, so far,... :o

If Yohan told my I was a cheap charlie, I'd buy him a beer and dictionary.

By the way, where is Ugly-Piggy?  I think she's avoiding me.  I miss her so! :o

Geez, my fingers smell like tuna again.  That's what I get for touching myself while eating... :D



PS:  Natee, anybody ever tell you that you look amazingly like Iggy Pop?

Thank you very much for your invitation, but I do not drink any alcohol, not even beer, as I prefer to keep my brain in an operable condition when concentrating to do my work.

Thank you for your offer to buy me a dictionary, but I really do not need one. Living in Asia for almost 30 years, I know to communicate in several Asian languages without looking up simple words in a dictionary.


Being cheap is not always in the sense of money....being cheap can be also understood in that way, you are talking to other people, how you treat people, how you consider the others....

Read your own postings once more, please, if you do not yet understand what I mean.

About the posting of WINLE, I said it already, reading his arguments, which I found very openminded and reasonable and polite to all readers in this forum, I do not think, he is a cheap charlie.

It has nothing to do with the fact, he pays her baht 100,- or 1000,- per day.

I consider other facts - seems he does not forget to pay her every day since many months without reminder, that the girl is fairly good treated without any intention to change her for another much younger girl, his open way to tell to her, that he is not interested in marriage..... and so on.....

The reason, that you pay or pay not a certain amount of money to keep a girl within your rooms, does not qualify you to be a cheap or great Charlie, there are other circumstances to consider, like the way the girl is treated by the person, who pays her.

Sounds to me, you think, for money you can treat any girl like a piece of human garbage.



Being cheap is not always in the sense of money....being cheap can be also understood in that way, you are talking to other people, how you treat people, how you consider the others....

It may be true in some cases but I am not sure the Thai definition of being cheap is so broad,... :o


Being cheap is not always in the sense of money....being cheap can be also understood in that way, you are talking to other people, how you treat people, how you consider the others....

It may be true in some cases but I am not sure the Thai definition of being cheap is so broad,... :o

Only the Thai definition?

Are you sure? If you see it from the side of money only, you might better make a list of all our countries as well.

Or do you see any difference between a Thai bar-maid, or an American escort, or an European callgirl?

Baht 1000,- daily might make you a great Charlie in Thailand, but for sure not in my country, where you count in minutes maybe in hours, but surely not in days or weeks.

The only difference I see, is the required amount of money, but basically it is the same story.

I found the Asian definition about cheap Charlie is still much nicer than the European or American definition.


PS: Natee, anybody ever tell you that you look amazingly like Iggy Pop?

Who said it's a picture of me? It is Iggy Pop. will change it to avoid further confusion...

Are you sure? If you see it from the side of money only, you might better make a list of all our countries as well.

I am not sure, I did not visit all the countries in this world.

But what I know is that IN THAILAND, THEY see it from the side of money only.


Gotta be off topic again. So, if you don't feel like reading my post, feel free to scroll down.

As for The Pig,

The boy's nickname is "winle". I don't have to be a rocket scientist, but I remember.

Who ever said what's his name was dating a bar-girl anyhow?

I am afraid it's winle himself. Although it was not that clear on his original post, but later on page 10, he said it.

It's about what's his name being cheap or not.

I also remember he asked if he was cheap. It's not exactly about bar girls. But the fact is, other factors will not be disregarded. People will definitely post their opinions here, and also their experiences. That's why it might be off topic sometimes. That's why some have discussed "bar girls". If you just open your mind and stop looking for something to pick on me, you will understand what I'm trying to say.

And BTW, I haven't been avoiding anyone. You are nothing to me. Why should I avoid you?

As for taxexile,

hey miss cuteypants.....give us all a rest from your sugary sickly high school teenage drivel and put a sock in it.
you can be as girly as you like, that wasnt what i complained about !!


Anyway, if anyone feels like picking on me but doesn't want to be "off topic" here, I am sure you know how to PM or send e-mail via the forum. Don't be a hypocrite.

... I told you it would be off topic. If you read all this, don't complain. D**n, I promised myself to take a high road. Gotta try again.

O.K, its like this, been with the G.F about 6 months, when we first met,(yes in a bar) we were out drinking and having fun all the time, basicly a holiday, i then felt it time to settle down and chill out a bit, now she moans about me being a cheap charlie, you tell me who is right

i pay 4000b p.m for the room plus electric and water all in about 5000

i pay for the bike 2000 p.m

i give her a 300 b 1-2-call every month to yak yak with family and frinds

i give her 100b every day for food, which i know is well enough for them to eat on

plus we go out drinking twice a month, and i'll spend at least 1500b per night

so can the members here tell me, am i cheap or is she wanting to much?

p.s the fridge is always full of water, sodas bannanas....

Actually Yes and NO ......... On your part, you thinking that as a thai, 100 baht should be enuff for her for a day. MInd you , she is a huamn being not a animal she still need make up and misc ( sanitary pad,postinor and etc) SHe is in bkk if she looks pretty i think you are proud in some ways too. But If you think back , if she is going to get a normal job without you ..... how she is going to survive ?? i think less than 100baht , hehe :o:D:D:D:D

Human can never treasure what they have now , why ?????

Small things amuse small minds. 12 pages on this earth shattering topic.    :o    jeeeeez

huh uh :D

you must be an excellent doctor



I was about to cheer you up but then I see how you replied which was brilliant. Classic! You are an intelligent girl and very strong. "Gaeng mak!"

I do not know what had aggravated these guys nor do I know what they have been talking about(with my limited english knowledge). I guess it's something not very nice. And it must take them a lot of grudges to write such a long post just for the purpose of flaming other people. Perhaps they have had some very bad experiences in their lives?

Anyway, bad apples will fall to the ground themselves and rot, there is no need to pick them or even touch them. But they do exist!

Please keep on posting, I for one like reading your posts.(at least)

And for being off topic, almost every post here ends up being off topic!

It is a natural thing, everything in life is related!

So true Meemiathai ... often diametrically off topic :o


Last time I say it:

Yawner: Cheap (as discussed here is STINGY) has nothing to do with the way you treat people; or more accurately they way I write my posts. Sure, I may be abrasive, pendantic, and even intenionally rude (yeah for me!). I might even be tawdry, sleazy, and contemptible because I lack of any fine, lofty, or redeeming qualities. Might that be intentional? Would you like me more if I said cutsey, wootsie, little ramblings? You probably would. Go drink a beer, then you'll understand.

Stinky Pootie & Lesbian friend (with mustache): your recent additions prove that you both add very little more than opinion and would much rather talk about yourselves than anything else. Which is ineed fine and the status quo. However, every single topic you discuss turns into something about you. That's what's aggravating. I invite you to return and read very closely my prior post about how flippant and whimsical postings diminish the integrity of a well organized forum like Thai Visa. Sadly, I don't even think you're even trying to be annoying while your closeted katooey costume is gathering dust.

Anyhow, I wouldn't take it too personally either. I mean being lambasted by a pig, really! We are here to have fun and enjoy and learn from eachother, no? I did mean what I said though about turning this place into a social club. But, since you gals (or at least one of you is when the other is not on top wearing a pig suit and waving one of those wooden dildos around like a cowgirl's lasso), seem to think everything is related, why don't we just toss out topics and forums all together? We could just pick up our mobiles and have a party line! Less girly musings and more facts, garuna na ha.

Hey, What's your name, (yes, I could have written Winle to prove I have more than 4 brain cells); but then rocket scientists aren't funny. I think it's all been said: You now have to sift through 12 pages of crap to find it. Yes, some of it mine. Don't forget it's all about us!

Oh ######, I broke a nail. Can you believe these mannish ruffians and their treatment of this delicate little pig? I'm ready to crumble. Maybe, I'll start a thread on the best nail polish at Mah Boon Krong...

Love and kisses to all!


100 baht should be enuff for her for a day. MInd you , she is a huamn being not a animal she still need make up and misc ( sanitary pad,postinor and etc)

All things like that come into the weekly bugdet/shop at lotus, i dont expect her to buy those types of things out of her food money,

having said that, she is now working and will be earning her self about 4500-5000b p.m, thats more than i was giving her so is it now fair, to stop her money from me and let her live of her earnings??

This will leave more money for shopping and mabey an extra night out a month..

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