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Where to buy dry ice in Chiang Mai (for killing weevils in rice)


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We have a couple of 30 Kg bags of rice that somehow got contaminated despite precautions. It has just started so there are not too many and I want to stop them from multiplying.

The only non-toxic way I can think of to kill them is to suffocate them with CO2 in a big plastic container. Just need a couple of handfuls of dry ice to do this.

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I'm pretty sure there was once a thread about this but I did a search and couldn't find it. At any rate, if you have access to a chest freezer with enough vacant space, you could put the rice in there for a couple of days, and that should do the trick. I don't think CO2 is going to kill the eggs. You'll have to keep it sealed until all the eggs hatch.

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I'm pretty sure there was once a thread about this but I did a search and couldn't find it. At any rate, if you have access to a chest freezer with enough vacant space, you could put the rice in there for a couple of days, and that should do the trick. I don't think CO2 is going to kill the eggs. You'll have to keep it sealed until all the eggs hatch.

Eggs are living things too and without oxygen, will die eventually. Of course I don't know how long that will take. I don't have a chest freezer but I have plenty of big containers. The buggers can stay there for weeks for all I care! Being heaver than air, I think the CO2 will stick around for quite a while.

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Bin the rice and buy some clean insect free.All supermarkets sell rice of different qualities ,why waste you time with contaminated rice with eggs, when it is cheap enough to buy a new bag?

The infestation has just started, so the rice is still fine. Would be a shame to throw out 60 Kg of rice because of a few weevils...

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I'm pretty sure there was once a thread about this but I did a search and couldn't find it. At any rate, if you have access to a chest freezer with enough vacant space, you could put the rice in there for a couple of days, and that should do the trick. I don't think CO2 is going to kill the eggs. You'll have to keep it sealed until all the eggs hatch.

Eggs are living things too and without oxygen, will die eventually. Of course I don't know how long that will take. I don't have a chest freezer but I have plenty of big containers. The buggers can stay there for weeks for all I care! Being heaver than air, I think the CO2 will stick around for quite a while.

The female weevil drills a hole in a rice grain and deposits an egg. Then she seals the hole. Apparently, there is enough oxygen sealed in to sustain the egg and hatchling until it emerges from the grain.

Most of the sources on the net seem to prefer freezing as it's the easiest. This one seems the most authoritative. But I didn't search all that hard.


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I'm pretty sure there was once a thread about this but I did a search and couldn't find it. At any rate, if you have access to a chest freezer with enough vacant space, you could put the rice in there for a couple of days, and that should do the trick. I don't think CO2 is going to kill the eggs. You'll have to keep it sealed until all the eggs hatch.

Eggs are living things too and without oxygen, will die eventually. Of course I don't know how long that will take. I don't have a chest freezer but I have plenty of big containers. The buggers can stay there for weeks for all I care! Being heaver than air, I think the CO2 will stick around for quite a while.

The female weevil drills a hole in a rice grain and deposits an egg. Then she seals the hole. Apparently, there is enough oxygen sealed in to sustain the egg and hatchling until it emerges from the grain.

Most of the sources on the net seem to prefer freezing as it's the easiest. This one seems the most authoritative. But I didn't search all that hard.


It's going to be an interesting experiment!

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seems like it's going to be a lot of work. once you kill them, then you will have to sift through 60kg to get rid of the dead insects and eggs. 60 kg.? that could take weeks of putting in a couple of hours a day. no?

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seems like it's going to be a lot of work. once you kill them, then you will have to sift through 60kg to get rid of the dead insects and eggs. 60 kg.? that could take weeks of putting in a couple of hours a day. no?

It's just started, so there are only a few - hardly notice them really. But I have to kill what few there are, otherwise in a few weeks there would be tens of thousands and then, what you said would apply.

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In fact these rice weevils are as small as ants.

They way to go is to microwave a kg at a time.

When they are dead they are too tiny to even notice it when you see the rice moving that is alarming.

No different to drinking coffee with ants in it.

No big deal....if you are so concerned even buying another 30kg is only 750bt for piece of mind.

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some of you guys must eat a lot of rice! i live amongst a couple of Thais and we seldom go through 5-6 kg. in a month. but we only eat brown rice (which seems more filling to me) and small portions and usually only once a day; occasionally twice a day.

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In fact these rice weevils are as small as ants.

They way to go is to microwave a kg at a time.

When they are dead they are too tiny to even notice it when you see the rice moving that is alarming.

No different to drinking coffee with ants in it.

No big deal....if you are so concerned even buying another 30kg is only 750bt for piece of mind.

You drink coffee with ants in it??

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  • 3 weeks later...

In fact these rice weevils are as small as ants.

They way to go is to microwave a kg at a time.

When they are dead they are too tiny to even notice it when you see the rice moving that is alarming.

No different to drinking coffee with ants in it.

No big deal....if you are so concerned even buying another 30kg is only 750bt for piece of mind.

Where do they sells this coffee with ants??? It could be the next big thing, especially for hipsters in the Nimm area!

I want some too! crazy.gif

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In fact these rice weevils are as small as ants.

They way to go is to microwave a kg at a time.

When they are dead they are too tiny to even notice it when you see the rice moving that is alarming.

No different to drinking coffee with ants in it.

No big deal....if you are so concerned even buying another 30kg is only 750bt for piece of mind.

Where do they sells this coffee with ants??? It could be the next big thing, especially for hipsters in the Nimm area!

I want some too! crazy.gif

Could have potential, but wouldn't ant poo coffee have more panache?

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Seeing a little bug on veggies is a good sign the have not been doused with pesticides. Maybe they could be rinsed better.

As for the rice I suggest the OP buy a fresh bag rather than assemble a bizarre contraption channeling the CO2 off-gassing of dry ice, to kill "weevils".

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I just want to report back that I bought a kilo of dry ice from Lanna Dry Ice for 30 baht . I sealed the rice and the ice in a container for one week . All the weevils are dead and no sign of new hatchings .

I'm impressed!. I'm guessing you didn't have an airtight seal but just counted on the weight of the gaseous CO2 since that weight of dry ice would expand into a huge amount of gaseous carbon dioxide.

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