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British stars speak out against dog-meat trade's cruelty: Thailand


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In a country where fox and other wild animals and birds hunting is a major sport, should look at it's

self first before criticize any one else, people who live in glass houses.....

Fox hunting was banded a long time ago
For an animal loving nation Brits have one of the worst records on animal cruelty. Badger cull springs to mind and dont the Royal Family hunt? And yes im a Brit btw

But not a good grasp of the relative records on animal welfare....Thailand has no equivalent to RSPCA etc and no animal welfare laws at all...I believe the only attempt at legislation is still stuck in PPP parliament.

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Is this any better? > http://www.canadasshame.com/Why.aspx

Most people would agree that there is something terribly wrong with shooting baby seals and smashing in their skulls, yet despite international outrage, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat and skin hundreds of thousands of these gentle creatures every year. So why is Canada killing seals?

Many have not yet eaten their first solid meal or learned how to swim before they are beaten and skinned for a product that no one needs. Sealers crush baby seals' skulls in before they skin them. Virtually all seals killed in Canada's annual slaughter are younger than 3 months old. Veterinarians and Department of Fisheries officers have found that many seals' skulls are not adequately crushed, which means that those seals may be skinned alive.

Many things that happen in our backyard we choose to be blind, while condemning our neighbors actions.

Guess this is a basic human trait?

Edited by ravip
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Not read every page, so don't know if anybody else has commented on this:

And dogs are not ordinary animals.

I would like to assure you, they are. You may have a dog that loves you, does tricks, is obedient, blah, blah, blah, but there are many animals that can be taught. Usually responding well to affection - or food.

I do tricks, am obedient (most of the time), love my owner, blah, blah, blah. And in return I get affection and food.

And guess what? I'm an ordinary human being (aka animal) - just like you.

For those that have eaten dog, does it taste like chicken? And that's a genuine question, no sarcasm or anything else intended.

More like pork IMHO.


Almost any animal can rival a dog for love, affection and tricks, if you have the time.

Done it myself with rabbits, chickens and ducks.

Friends have done it with rats, parrots and sheep.

I can't see any limitation.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Not read every page, so don't know if anybody else has commented on this:

And dogs are not ordinary animals.

I would like to assure you, they are. You may have a dog that loves you, does tricks, is obedient, blah, blah, blah, but there are many animals that can be taught. Usually responding well to affection - or food.

I do tricks, am obedient (most of the time), love my owner, blah, blah, blah. And in return I get affection and food.

And guess what? I'm an ordinary human being (aka animal) - just like you.

For those that have eaten dog, does it taste like chicken? And that's a genuine question, no sarcasm or anything else intended.

More like pork IMHO.


Almost any animal can rival a dog for love, affection and tricks, if you have the time.

Done it myself with rabbits, chickens and ducks.

Friends have done it with rats, parrots and sheep.

I can't see any limitation.

some posts, rather than adding to the discussion, just reveal how little people know or understand about animals and their behaviour.

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Not read every page, so don't know if anybody else has commented on this:

And dogs are not ordinary animals.

I would like to assure you, they are. You may have a dog that loves you, does tricks, is obedient, blah, blah, blah, but there are many animals that can be taught. Usually responding well to affection - or food.

I do tricks, am obedient (most of the time), love my owner, blah, blah, blah. And in return I get affection and food.

And guess what? I'm an ordinary human being (aka animal) - just like you.

For those that have eaten dog, does it taste like chicken? And that's a genuine question, no sarcasm or anything else intended.

More like pork IMHO.


Almost any animal can rival a dog for love, affection and tricks, if you have the time.

Done it myself with rabbits, chickens and ducks.

Friends have done it with rats, parrots and sheep.

I can't see any limitation.

some posts, rather than adding to the discussion, just reveal how little people know or understand about animals and their behaviour.

Agreed. Plus many posters just ignore the fact that the thread is about the inhumane treatment of dogs in this barbaric trade and lecture people about tolerance of cultural practices etc. Some of the posts here are appalling ignorant and an insult to the posters who treat the topic with the serious moral attention that it deserves.

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Not read every page, so don't know if anybody else has commented on this:

I would like to assure you, they are. You may have a dog that loves you, does tricks, is obedient, blah, blah, blah, but there are many animals that can be taught. Usually responding well to affection - or food.

I do tricks, am obedient (most of the time), love my owner, blah, blah, blah. And in return I get affection and food.

And guess what? I'm an ordinary human being (aka animal) - just like you.

For those that have eaten dog, does it taste like chicken? And that's a genuine question, no sarcasm or anything else intended.

More like pork IMHO.


Almost any animal can rival a dog for love, affection and tricks, if you have the time.

Done it myself with rabbits, chickens and ducks.

Friends have done it with rats, parrots and sheep.

I can't see any limitation.

some posts, rather than adding to the discussion, just reveal how little people know or understand about animals and their behaviour.

Agreed. Plus many posters just ignore the fact that the thread is about the inhumane treatment of dogs in this barbaric trade and lecture people about tolerance of cultural practices etc. Some of the posts here are appalling ignorant and an insult to the posters who treat the topic with the serious moral attention that it deserves.

Should be a topic that encompasses every farmed animal tbh regarding suffering and treatment, nothing especially moral or immoral or more serious about eating dog above another animal though.

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some posts, rather than adding to the discussion, just reveal how little people know or understand about animals and their behaviour.

Agreed. Plus many posters just ignore the fact that the thread is about the inhumane treatment of dogs in this barbaric trade and lecture people about tolerance of cultural practices etc. Some of the posts here are appalling ignorant and an insult to the posters who treat the topic with the serious moral attention that it deserves.

Should be a topic that encompasses every farmed animal tbh regarding suffering and treatment, nothing especially moral or immoral or more serious about eating dog above another animal though.

Farmed animals in western countries are killed as humanely as possible whereas dogs (and cats) eaten for food in Vietnam, China and Korea are basically tortured, during transport and actual killing. If you cannot see the difference between this and the methods used by civilized nations to dispatch animals farmed for food then you are indeed blind to the realities of life. It is a waste of time debating this topic with people who ignore the cruelty of this trade.

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In a country where fox and other wild animals and birds hunting is a major sport, should look at it's

self first before criticize any one else, people who live in glass houses.....

looking after foxes and wild animals means no Rabies,Thailands has Rabies


Edited by MAJIC
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some posts, rather than adding to the discussion, just reveal how little people know or understand about animals and their behaviour.

Agreed. Plus many posters just ignore the fact that the thread is about the inhumane treatment of dogs in this barbaric trade and lecture people about tolerance of cultural practices etc. Some of the posts here are appalling ignorant and an insult to the posters who treat the topic with the serious moral attention that it deserves.

Should be a topic that encompasses every farmed animal tbh regarding suffering and treatment, nothing especially moral or immoral or more serious about eating dog above another animal though.

Farmed animals in western countries are killed as humanely as possible whereas dogs (and cats) eaten for food in Vietnam, China and Korea are basically tortured, during transport and actual killing. If you cannot see the difference between this and the methods used by civilized nations to dispatch animals farmed for food then you are indeed blind to the realities of life. It is a waste of time debating this topic with people who ignore the cruelty of this trade.

The realities of life is no one species is more important than another when it comes to treatment, all animals in Asia have a similar fate thats the point im making, its not cats and dogs thats the issue its the treatment of animals regardless of the species, now had you mentioned pigs or cows or chickens etc youd be closer to reality.

​If dogs were farmed in Europe would the humane treatment be any different than farming pigs ? no i dont think so.

Similarly dont think that farm animals here get any different treatment to each other... regardless of the species, ill say it again the word dog can be substituted for any animal here with the rest of the story left untouched and it would still be true. Which IS appalling.

Now is your concern for animals in general or just the domestic type ?

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Animals can die without suffering. Not impressed by the views above, hope the dogs keep you mmiserable.

when was the last time you visited an abatiour? halal of course means even more suffering, nobody who eats meat is an 'animal lover'

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Should be a topic that encompasses every farmed animal tbh regarding suffering and treatment, nothing especially moral or immoral or more serious about eating dog above another animal though.

Farmed animals in western countries are killed as humanely as possible whereas dogs (and cats) eaten for food in Vietnam, China and Korea are basically tortured, during transport and actual killing. If you cannot see the difference between this and the methods used by civilized nations to dispatch animals farmed for food then you are indeed blind to the realities of life. It is a waste of time debating this topic with people who ignore the cruelty of this trade.

@Spock and in support of englishoak,

Never seen a battery chicken farm or a pig factory in the west?

Livin' in a dream world.......... most meat animals live's in the west are hell from start to finish.

At least in the third world many of the animals get to play outside in fairly good conditions for much of their lives.

I understand, but don't really care, you are the one deluding themselves.

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Should be a topic that encompasses every farmed animal tbh regarding suffering and treatment, nothing especially moral or immoral or more serious about eating dog above another animal though.

Farmed animals in western countries are killed as humanely as possible whereas dogs (and cats) eaten for food in Vietnam, China and Korea are basically tortured, during transport and actual killing. If you cannot see the difference between this and the methods used by civilized nations to dispatch animals farmed for food then you are indeed blind to the realities of life. It is a waste of time debating this topic with people who ignore the cruelty of this trade.

@Spock and in support of englishoak,

Never seen a battery chicken farm or a pig factory in the west?

Livin' in a dream world.......... most meat animals live's in the west are hell from start to finish.

At least in the third world many of the animals get to play outside in fairly good conditions for much of their lives.

I understand, but don't really care, you are the one deluding themselves.

this poster is displaying a massive lack of knowledge of farming and animal welfare legislation in "the West".....and in Thailand.

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this poster is displaying a massive lack of knowledge of farming and animal welfare legislation in "the West".....and in Thailand.

Most pigs and chickens in the west are kept inside in cages without enough room to turn around, all their life.

The pig warehouses are so crammed that they die from methane poisoning if the electricity fails and the ventilation fans stop.

The chickens are so distressed than many of them are bald.

USA, NZ, Denmark intensive pig farming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensive_pig_farming

USA CAFO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentrated_Animal_Feeding_Operation

Pigs in Thailand (not CP) are out in the open for most of their life.

Chickens in Thailand (not CP) are out and about the houses and farms all their life.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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