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Bangkok is 8th most dangerous city in the world for women using public transport: survey

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so bangladesh,india,afganistan,pakistan,iraq,iran,libya,egypt,saudi arabia,yemen,somalia and many other countries is better then thailand? haah

this is pure bullshit.

This is not about the quality of public transportation, but about womens safety on public transport!!whistling.gif

Who do you think are of risk of getting groped?? (since all contries you mentioned are muslim, apart from India)


I can tell you know will be groping me and asking me to buy her drink!

what about the harassment men have to go through! walking in shopping markets or walking past redlight areas, massage palors, no one talks about that!


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I find this interesting but not too surprising. I grew up and lived in the USA not too far from New York state and New York City and I remember all the stories and movies and what not talking about New York City and the attacks and safety issues there back in the 70s and into the 80s. Having been to Thailand a dozen times, I am a little surprised about its low rating. But I have basically used the BTS Skytrain mostly when in the city. I have only taken a few of the local buses. I thought the BTS was fine


so bangladesh,india,afganistan,pakistan,iraq,iran,libya,egypt,saudi arabia,yemen,somalia and many other countries is better then thailand? haah

this is pure bullshit.

No, not necessarily better, just safer and also many of those places did not run the survey. Try reading the op without the I'm-in-love-with-Muang-Thai blinkers on!


I ride the BTS or MRT everyday and I see some very attractive women in the cars, I have never seen one 'sexual harrased' or hit on.. so i don't know what this survey is talking about saying it's 8th bad in the world.. i don't ride busses but i see them drive by and i have not seen women being harassed.. ON THE OTHER HAND.. according to this survey New York is much safer for women, really!? THIS IS NY:


cmon, there are no guys behaving like this in bangkok-with such regularity.. some people have critized that NY woman for making the video because all the guys harrasing her are black and hispanic..well.. Bangkok doesn't have blacks and hispanics..


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That's a fake survey, most men in public transportation would offer seat to women which you don't see in others Asean countries as I travel most of the countries and Thailand men are most gentlemen!

dude ehhh. ..... you need to travel coach & open up them peepers, you do not know how lucky you are being born with a sack. :-) wel

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so bangladesh,india,afganistan,pakistan,iraq,iran,libya,egypt,saudi arabia,yemen,somalia and many other countries is better then thailand? haah

this is pure bullshit.

I don't make fun of you, but you are missing something, read the article again.

I agree with a few of the other comments. This survey is virtually worthless. This doesn't surprise me. "YouGov" does a lot of surveys that do not conform to good survey practice.

However, surveys like this do have one powerful attribute: they tend to reinforce biases.

My personal experience in Bangkok, where public transportation is my only way moving around, I have seen almost no bad behavior.

My wife lived in Bangkok for 23 years as an adult. She told me there are incidents of harassment on the buses, but not the trains or taxis.

The difference in our experience is probably because guys who do harassment are sneaky little creeps.

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