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New role for Hun Many


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Hun Many, lawmaker for Kampong Speu and 32-year-old son of Prime Minister Hun Sen, was selected on October 12 to the board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians at the Inter-Parliamentary Union, a Geneva-based organisation for parliaments across the world with permanent observer status at the United Nations.

Many, whose status as Cambodia’s youngest parliamentarian has been met with scepticism from some due to his father’s 29-year premiership, was chosen partly thanks to a presentation he gave about challenges and successes that Asian youth face in politics. “I don’t believe he mentioned Cambodia, it was more in general terms,” said the forum’s secretary Zeina Hilal.

Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said that while Many was a capable and educated person, he could not truly understand the political challenges Asian youth face.

“He was always privileged, he doesn’t have to worry about safety, about [political] financing, about opportunities.”

Many could not be reached for comment.



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