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Sweden recognises Palestinian state

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If the Israelis give back the land that they occupy in what would be Palestinian areas (decided by UN 1948 or something like that)

The areas that you are talking about were offered to the Palestinian Arabs to by the UN settle a conflict that THEY started. They turned down the deal and declared way on Israel and LOST the war and several more afterwards. Israel owes them nothing until they honor their commitment in the Oslo Accords and directly negotiate with Israel over a state - not trying to circumvent the agreement by going to the UN.

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When will the Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state?

Not sure how many people know this, but anti-semitic incidents are way up all over Scandinavia.

I guess there is no political price for the leaders there to pay to diss Israel in this way.

Being scandinavian, I can tell you that the muslims are definitely getting most of the anti-flak.


Here is some facts.

Gaza was given back years ago and nothing was built or developed economy wise.

Westbank was given to Abbas and the very same thing has happened.

Glad Sweden has recognized Balestine(since there is no letter P in Arabic), now they just need to start acting like a state.

Selling olives does not build economy.

PS. Who did Sweden regonize? Hamas or Fatah? because last time i checked it was 2 different governments running what suppose to be the same "state"

So even assuming Israel gives them everything they want, they will be fighting each other, such as fact of the region and its "natives",

Just FYI, it's actually pronounced "Felestin" in Arabic! laugh.png


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The notion that Jews got a free pass to settle in the Mandate because they were victims of WWII is a fabrication. This may have been an image of popular consumption but the movement that "next year in Jerusalem" had been in the planning for a time prior to WWII; however, historians are not swayed by popular myth- it is clear when and why the movement to the Mandate began. Is it very important? I am unsure. When posters here parrot a false narative they should be held to that. Israel was not a bone that was tossed to a wounded dog.

The idea that some people divorce their underlying motivations from one camp to another- "I am not an antisemite, I am anti Zionist" is a distinction without a difference. Jerusalem is Zion. Jeruslam is the coveted home of a Jewish people divorced from their lands. Yet when we look to the political issues today, and the players, and we see countless muslims evidencing their own Zionism for Jerusalem (Palestine) that is contemporary, contrived, and fictitious, the "Anti-Zionists" are silent. "Anti Zionists" dont offer an equal rebuke. One Zionism has a virtually unbroken claim through millenia and the other has repeatedly demonstrated through 1,400 years claims only insofar as other's made a claim.

In every single age muslims have only sought Zion in response to it being an attraction for others; once possessing Jerusalem, stagnation and disinterest set in. Indeed, Jerusalem was so disinteresting to muslim leaders through the ages that it was repeatedly sold or traded to non muslims. In fact, the Gson of Salah a din sold Jerusalem only years after Grandfather's capture. The phrase from Kingdom of Heaven to Saleh a din "What is Jerusalem worth?" and the answer "Nothing... Everything!" completely sums up the issue. While movie dialogue this is based on a real exchange in letters from that period. "Nothing!" because it really had no inherrent value. "Everything!" because it had inherrent value to other "people of the book."

History is actually not a friend of the muslim-zionist claim to Jerusalem specifically. In fact, large popular and liturgical gymnastics needed to be employed to create the impression, at various times over the ages, that Islam had a claim to Jerusalem. The only reason Jerusalem is sought as a prize is because... it has always been a prize for mulsims since roughly 670ad. A direct you to a link that is as vast in its scope as it is in its accuracy. This link provides a really great view on a trainride from antiquity to the present and properly lays the foundation from which to view the claim to these lands. Sweden's recognizing a Palestinian state, contrary to all facts of history, will serve to promote war, not heal.


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Of course. Simply criticizing Israeli government policies is not anti-semitic. Probably most Israelis do that. Duh. Denying Israel's right to exist, on the other hand, is another matter.


How fitting, Sweden and the UK are both up to their necks in it with Islamic cultural enrichment as witnessed in their rape statistics, prison populations and spiraling welfare bills. What better time to throw the Islamic supremacists a bone to recognize a state with no borders, recently elected representatives, an explicit apartheid policy, an enormous drain on welfare budgets and to top it all including a terrorist organization in its midst. I will take great shadenfreude in witnessing the decline of Sweden.

your Schadenfreude will cause a lot of harm to the indigenous Swedish population. please reconsider ermm.gif

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Of course. Simply criticizing Israeli government policies is not anti-semitic. Probably most Israelis do that. Duh. Denying Israel's right to exist, on the other hand, is another matter.

what kind of matter is denying Palestine's right to exist?

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Here is some facts.

Gaza was given back years ago and nothing was built or developed economy wise.

Westbank was given to Abbas and the very same thing has happened.

Glad Sweden has recognized Balestine(since there is no letter P in Arabic), now they just need to start acting like a state.

Selling olives does not build economy.

PS. Who did Sweden regonize? Hamas or Fatah? because last time i checked it was 2 different governments running what suppose to be the same "state"

So even assuming Israel gives them everything they want, they will be fighting each other, such as fact of the region and its "natives",

Just FYI, it's actually pronounced "Felestin" in Arabic! laugh.png


Great, so they would be Fakestinians?

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Of course. Simply criticizing Israeli government policies is not anti-semitic. Probably most Israelis do that. Duh. Denying Israel's right to exist, on the other hand, is another matter.

what kind of matter is denying Palestine's right to exist?

I don't know. It would depend if a person expressing that also denied the right of the NUMEROUS Arabic and Islamic states (some pure theocracies) right to exist. I have never met even one person who denies the right of all the ARABIC and/of ISLAMIC states right to exist. There might be exceptions like in regard to ISIS. But "anti-Zionists" often hiding behind that label who are actually just Jew haters, are active all over the world. To deny the right of Israel to exist is indeed denying the right of ALL the Jewish majority states in the world to exist, as there is only the one, TINY ISRAEL.

For the record, personally I support a two state solution but think there needs to be direct negotiations between the two parties and also that for the Palestinians must accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, or NO DEAL.

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For the record, personally I support a two state solution but think there needs to be direct negotiations between the two parties and also that for the Palestinians must accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, or NO DEAL.


Semitenoun (Concise Encyclopedia)

Person speaking one of a group of related languages, presumably derived from a common language, Semitic (see Semitic languages). The term came to include Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, some Ethiopians, and Aramaean tribes including Hebrews. Semitic tribes migrated from the Arabian Peninsula, beginning c. 2500 BC, to the Mediterranean coast, Mesopotamia, and the Nile River delta. In Phoenicia, they became seafarers. In Mesopotamia, they blended with the civilization of Sumer. The Hebrews settled at last with other Semites in Palestine.



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How fitting, Sweden and the UK are both up to their necks in it with Islamic cultural enrichment as witnessed in their rape statistics, prison populations and spiraling welfare bills. What better time to throw the Islamic supremacists a bone to recognize a state with no borders, recently elected representatives, an explicit apartheid policy, an enormous drain on welfare budgets and to top it all including a terrorist organization in its midst. I will take great shadenfreude in witnessing the decline of Sweden.

your Schadenfreude will cause a lot of harm to the indigenous Swedish population. please reconsider ermm.gif

It's not I but the Swedes who should reconsider, a months wages each year to stump up on immigrants is no laughing matter.



so the question all Israeli supporters refuse to answer is, "why are Jews so universally disliked in every country they go to".

How about, because it is a convenient age old - "here is a scapegoat I made earlier" whipping boy to keep dragging up?

It often resurfaces each time during times of economic woes and domestic political satisfaction. History shows that pattern.

Q : "How come life ain't good for us anymore?"

A : "Coz' the Jews planned it all that way during a secret meeting"

Observation shows that it crops up again and again in different guises, trying to appear new.

In most recent times, it infests fast food conspiracy theories dished out to bored internet browsers.


so the question all Israeli supporters refuse to answer is, "why are Jews so universally disliked in every country they go to".

How about, because it is a convenient age old - "here is a scapegoat I made earlier" whipping boy to keep dragging up?

It often resurfaces each time during times of economic woes and domestic political satisfaction. History shows that pattern.

Q : "How come life ain't good for us anymore?"

A : "Coz' the Jews planned it all that way during a secret meeting"

Observation shows that it crops up again and again in different guises, trying to appear new.

In most recent times, it infests fast food conspiracy theories dished out to bored internet browsers.

The funniest thing I ever saw on this topic (darkly funny of course) was in a documentary about Jewish comedians/performers in Berlin as the H-man was rising in power. It was a wonderful song that was popular then about blaming the Jews for everything (by a Jew of course) ... and the punch line was something about blaming the Jews for the WEATHER. That pretty much says it all to the haters.


The funniest thing I ever saw on this topic (darkly funny of course) was in a documentary about Jewish comedians/performers in Berlin as the H-man was rising in power. It was a wonderful song that was popular then about blaming the Jews for everything (by a Jew of course) ... and the punch line was something about blaming the Jews for the WEATHER. That pretty much says it all to the haters.

JT... this is too much!

are you trying to tell us that Jews are not responsible for the weather? wink.png


The funniest thing I ever saw on this topic (darkly funny of course) was in a documentary about Jewish comedians/performers in Berlin as the H-man was rising in power. It was a wonderful song that was popular then about blaming the Jews for everything (by a Jew of course) ... and the punch line was something about blaming the Jews for the WEATHER. That pretty much says it all to the haters.

JT... this is too much!

are you trying to tell us that Jews are not responsible for the weather? wink.png

It's not the Jews, it was George W Bush's fault.

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I note that some posters are continuously making off-topic remarks about Israel. This thread is about Palestine and comments will be restricted to the Palestinian situation. It's about Sweden's recognition of Palestine.

Some posts have been removed and future off-topic, inflammatory posts will result in suspension.


As it should be. You don't recognize a country because you believe in it's policies and politics, you recognize a country because it is one. No one will argue that Iran is a country. Why argue about Palestine?

Palestine is not a country by any definitions, like saying that the Thai Muslims in the south

of Thailand and south of the Philippines are claiming those areas for their sovereign country...

Sweden will do the same with south of Thailand and south of the Philippines. The Swedes and are just of the Muslims in Sweden

How sad for a once proud country

My heart goes out to the once great country in America the Swedes are great I guess more to leave to come to America

Or maybe move to the little country of Israel However none will move to the Palestinian


Wondering if the Swedish government was under any internal duress when they made the decision to recognize Palestine.


Swedish Police Release Extensive Report Detailing Control Of 55 ‘No-Go Zones’ By Muslim Criminal Gangs
7:21 PM 11/02/2014
An extensive report mapping out 55 no-go zones was released Oct. 24, showing where law enforcement has all but handed control to criminal gangs.
Officers frequently face outright attacks when trying to enter the areas, which is a step up from the previous problem with attacks on mailmen, fire trucks, ambulances and similar services. Fire trucks and ambulances had to wait for police escort to enter the areas, but now the police themselves need protection.
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Karma, Swedish style. crazy.gif

So it's done. Sweden is the first country in the E.U. that has recognized the "Palestinian" state. Some others now in the E.U. but they did that before joining. So, who's next and when?


Wondering if the Swedish government was under any internal duress when they made the decision to recognize Palestine.


Swedish Police Release Extensive Report Detailing Control Of 55 ‘No-Go Zones’ By Muslim Criminal Gangs
7:21 PM 11/02/2014
An extensive report mapping out 55 no-go zones was released Oct. 24, showing where law enforcement has all but handed control to criminal gangs.
Officers frequently face outright attacks when trying to enter the areas, which is a step up from the previous problem with attacks on mailmen, fire trucks, ambulances and similar services. Fire trucks and ambulances had to wait for police escort to enter the areas, but now the police themselves need protection.


Do you really read this stuff chuck?

And believe it?

Aside from the "Guns and Gear" section of the menu bar, the articles, ranging from "Hottest Woman on the Internet" and "Sexy Sorority Girls ...", to a plethora of anti-Obama and anti-Hilary "stories", show the rag for what it is.

I don't think we need to take your offering seriously.

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A quick search reveals the following link, which takes you to a PDF file that is the actual police report.

Report here: http://polisen.se/Global/www%20och%20Intrapolis/Rapporter-utredningar/01%20Polisen%20nationellt/Ovriga%20rapporter-utredningar/Kriminella%20natverk%20med%20stor%20paverkan%20i%20lokalsamhallet%20Sekretesspr%2014.pdf

You don't have to believe me or The Daily Caller. Read for yourself what the report says.

Bring a translator and give us a book report when you finish.

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