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Koh Tao headman's son gives DNA sample to quell controversy

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What a wonderful display of a photo-ops...clear him of DNA connections several weeks after the crime..hehe ha ha ha HAHAH LOL...absolutely ridiculous. If the main-stream media had any value or dignity for real reporting..they would not of showed-up for this plain-as-day photo-op.


I hope everyone fighting for bringing up the truth will continue now even stronger after the ridiculous threats! Menawhile I'd say a good 90% of Thai people and foreigners in forums worldwide are not only doubting the official story but are CONVINCED that this murder investigation is a complete stitch-up.

I have never been more ashamed to call this country my home than in the past weeks since they found poor Hannah and David...

Thailand by now has lost all credibility if there ever was any left.

Hopefully all people involved in the cover up will face their appropriate punishment some day, best when they don't expect it and think all is ok and long gone... Then, BAM!!! something happens in Singapore or the UK that turns the case upside down again... The true murders are nailed, the patsies released, while the true culprits are put in front of an international court and sentenced to death by lethal injection. Might be a pipe dream, but it feels comfy to hold on to something, and might the chances be as brittle and flimsy as a butterfly wing...

Nicely said..but that wouldn't be the world were in now...evil reigns at the moment.


HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT THIS PHOTO-OPS ...lol Quell controversy? How is that suppose to happen? If at all. it will have the complete opposite effect and will only solidify the fact that it is/was a cover-up and will show how the police and mafia work together (even the chief of police and mafia head are in the same photo..an irony perhaps?)

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It took a month to get all their ducks in order. Certain samples from the victims had to be swapped first, lab technician got a new house, results were agreed upon, and then, OK I am now ready to provide my DNA sample, look even the chief of police showed up at my photo op.


Unless the UK gets a self taken sample and compare it with the body they have, it all means nothing. bah.gif

As this will not be tried in the UK.. You are quite wrong.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Woraphan, who was also briefly considered a potential suspect in the case, has threatened to press libel charges against anyone who attempts to link him or any of his family members to the killing of the two Britons."

There goes 90% of the Thaivisa membership!!

So JOC or is it JOKE, are you saying that village chiefs (in this case village chief of a small island) who threaten people to shut up is OK?

So even the most thick poster can understand:

First two lines are a quote from the OP, hence the "

Third line is my post!coffee1.gif

The fact that you would assume anyone knows where the quote comes from clearly show who the thick one is here....

Inverted commas mean little, if you want to quote someone best you add that as well...

If quoting someone, inverted Commas would be at the start and end of the quote...your calling people thick here is a little thin..

Just when you thought you were on top of things you come across calling others thick whilst being an ignoramous...thanks for the lulz..

How the hell would anyone know that quote was anything other than your diatribe..you are the thick one here..


WHY oh WHY, has it taken weeks upon weeks to get DNA from this guy?

Because the DNA matches the scapegoats.... so why would they check his DNA? It doesn't make any sense....

Those of us that believe the DNA from victims bodies have been switched will obviously not care about any new DNA tests... because they already matched the scapegoats.. and cannot match someone else too

Those of us that believe the DNA from victims bodies have NOT been switched will obviously not care about any new DNA tests... because they already matched the scapegoats.. and cannot match someone else too

How stupid are people? Who are they trying to convince with these new tests? Anyone that still believes Nom Sod is guilty ALSO HAS TO BELIEVE that the DNA samples from victims bodies have been switched... So again, who the hell are the trying to convince? I know,, people with IQ of 50 ...


I think whoever is behind CSI LA should be very nervous . And rightfully so..you cant just be accusing people on social media of being implicated in murders..Not just this Thai family but the Scottish guy and a few others.

No other civilized country would allow this behavior...

The people behind CSI LA should be held accountable ..

Shouldn't the police and regular media be held responsible as well? I mean they wrote that Nom Sod was captured on CCTV on Koh Tao that night along with Mon the village headmans brother... So if anyone is to blame it should be those that started the rumors.. eg the police chief and "normal" media.

They said they was "hunting him down in bangkok" ... then ofcourse,,, the village headman offered 1 million baht to anyone ... and then the reports about Nom Sod being on MULTIPLE CAMERAS on Koh Tao THE NIGHT OF T HE MURDER disappeared from mass media.. except from CSI LA ..

http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ <-- Here's who they should give 5 years in prison ... they were among the first ones to "falsely" accuse Nom Sod and Mon,.. They should be held responsible for all the wild speculation..



Wow ,, I have completely missed this...

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

"Wow ,, I have completely missed this... " blink.png

How much more have you missed?

It would certainly explain some of your posts...

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

I don't know how much more I have missed.. Please enlighten me instead of making cunty remarks.



Wow ,, I have completely missed this...

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

"Wow ,, I have completely missed this... " blink.png

How much more have you missed?

It would certainly explain some of your posts...

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

I don't know how much more I have missed.. Please enlighten me instead of making cunty remarks.

My name is not Google.


P.S. Welcome to the fray...



I think whoever is behind CSI LA should be very nervous . And rightfully so..you cant just be accusing people on social media of being implicated in murders..Not just this Thai family but the Scottish guy and a few others.

No other civilized country would allow this behavior...

The people behind CSI LA should be held accountable ..

Shouldn't the police and regular media be held responsible as well? I mean they wrote that Nom Sod was captured on CCTV on Koh Tao that night along with Mon the village headmans brother... So if anyone is to blame it should be those that started the rumors.. eg the police chief and "normal" media.

They said they was "hunting him down in bangkok" ... then ofcourse,,, the village headman offered 1 million baht to anyone ... and then the reports about Nom Sod being on MULTIPLE CAMERAS on Koh Tao THE NIGHT OF T HE MURDER disappeared from mass media.. except from CSI LA ..

http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ <-- Here's who they should give 5 years in prison ... they were among the first ones to "falsely" accuse Nom Sod and Mon,.. They should be held responsible for all the wild speculation..

Keep posting silly stuff and ignore that the man you keep accusing has been cleared.

If you do get prosecuted, which is unlikely, you will have nobody to blame but yourself.


Actually, he could have commited the rape and murder without leaving dna at the crime scene.. it is possible.

Sure, there are many things "possible"; however, to find someone guilty of a capital offense you need evidence.

Thanks, I didn't know evidence was needed ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... . . ... . .. . My point was not about if he is guilty,, my point is that to RULE SOMEONE OUT in this case is not enough with dna .. not only because the crime scene may have been contaminated and dna samples contaminated.. but also because it's possible that not all the suspects left dna at the scene... for example the condom with no dna inside it ...

Don't worry that you didn't know evidence was required...many posters here share that lack of understanding.

And lack of DNA is enough to rule someone out from further prosecution when DNA was the only evidence you had tying someone to the crime. There appears to be zero other collected evidence to tie him to this crime or crime scene. No prints, no witnesses, no testimony from other accused, etc..

And that is why he and his family have every right to file a defamation lawsuit against anyone who continues to suggest otherwise in the event his DNA does not match.

The lynch mob will have to put their ropes away.

There are people who witnessed the altercation in the bar. wai2.gifwai.gif

They have been silenced.

And plenty of more credible avenues to follow but after Eighth Region Police Command Commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen (and he was following them) was removed by Bangkok, it all stopped.

If/When it comes to trial, any savvy lawyer will subpoena records and summon witnesses to all sorts of events.

None of which was ever "investigated".

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This assumes completely that the BIB have been honest and upfront from the start.

The odds that there is no DNA in the condom is ludicrously low, so that is probably a wash job. There could have been 10 peoples DNA in the victim, but if the front is to fit up two Burmese , of course there would only be a report of two DNA hits.

I don't beleive anything the cops say about how many people were involved because they have zero credibility. Zero

I agree that they have zero credibility,, but that doesn't mean they must be lying.

The reaction of the prosecutor says enough for me. They have botched and tried to jiggle a case together that is basically bs.

Is it possible the prosecution would have that reaction due to police incompetence,,,, is police lying the only explanation?

Well a positive DNA match would ordinarily get a long way to proving something. The poor girl was gang raped and then had her head smashed in.

So, a positive match would I reckon build pretty much a slam dunk for something. As yet, the case keeps getting sent back.


I think whoever is behind CSI LA should be very nervous . And rightfully so..you cant just be accusing people on social media of being implicated in murders..Not just this Thai family but the Scottish guy and a few others.

No other civilized country would allow this behavior...

The people behind CSI LA should be held accountable ..

Shouldn't the police and regular media be held responsible as well? I mean they wrote that Nom Sod was captured on CCTV on Koh Tao that night along with Mon the village headmans brother... So if anyone is to blame it should be those that started the rumors.. eg the police chief and "normal" media.

They said they was "hunting him down in bangkok" ... then ofcourse,,, the village headman offered 1 million baht to anyone ... and then the reports about Nom Sod being on MULTIPLE CAMERAS on Koh Tao THE NIGHT OF T HE MURDER disappeared from mass media.. except from CSI LA ..

http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ <-- Here's who they should give 5 years in prison ... they were among the first ones to "falsely" accuse Nom Sod and Mon,.. They should be held responsible for all the wild speculation..

Keep posting silly stuff and ignore that the man you keep accusing has been cleared.

If you do get prosecuted, which is unlikely, you will have nobody to blame but yourself.

silly stuff? persecuted? you are talking about the words of Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen as quoted on the ThaiPBS website. are you feeling ok?


Another post with messed up quotes has been removed.

If it was mine please pm me. I see what your app shows me.
This assumes completely that the BIB have been honest and upfront from the start.

The odds that there is no DNA in the condom is ludicrously low, so that is probably a wash job. There could have been 10 peoples DNA in the victim, but if the front is to fit up two Burmese , of course there would only be a report of two DNA hits.

I don't beleive anything the cops say about how many people were involved because they have zero credibility. Zero

I agree that they have zero credibility,, but that doesn't mean they must be lying.

The reaction of the prosecutor says enough for me. They have botched and tried to jiggle a case together that is basically bs.

Is it possible the prosecution would have that reaction due to police incompetence,,,, is police lying the only explanation?

Well a positive DNA match would ordinarily get a long way to proving something. The poor girl was gang raped and then had her head smashed in.

So, a positive match would I reckon build pretty much a slam dunk for something. As yet, the case keeps getting sent back.

If you only want a rape conviction... But what if the defense uses "farang are promiscuous" and it was consensual? Someone else came later and killed them. David was not present during the consensual sex?

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