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How to Deal with a Jerk as a Landlord?

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Stay for oner more month and then move without paying the last rent. And there you got your one month deposit back....

In reality this isn't going to work is it ? He's already paid his rent for this month, just a couple of days 'late' but still within the agreed upon payment period.

If you don't pay your rent and then proceed to stay there for another month using up the deposit you will bring all sorts of problems on yourself.

The agent will be the one stealing the deposit - most likely not the apartment owner - this kind of thing is very common, everywhere.

Slightly off topic but in the UK they bought out new laws to try and avoid this scenario - deposits must be paid into special third party escrow account and no withdrawal can be made until both parties agree on who gets what. It works with honest letting agents but I know of a case in the UK right now where someone's done a runner with 100's of thousands of pounds of rent and deposits, he was the letting agent. The tennants and the landlords were all left empty handed.

And your point is ?

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Stay for oner more month and then move without paying the last rent. And there you got your one month deposit back....

In reality this isn't going to work is it ? He's already paid his rent for this month, just a couple of days 'late' but still within the agreed upon payment period.

If you don't pay your rent and then proceed to stay there for another month using up the deposit you will bring all sorts of problems on yourself.

The agent will be the one stealing the deposit - most likely not the apartment owner - this kind of thing is very common, everywhere.

Slightly off topic but in the UK they bought out new laws to try and avoid this scenario - deposits must be paid into special third party escrow account and no withdrawal can be made until both parties agree on who gets what. It works with honest letting agents but I know of a case in the UK right now where someone's done a runner with 100's of thousands of pounds of rent and deposits, he was the letting agent. The tennants and the landlords were all left empty handed.

And your point is ?

My point is inside the post.

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Tell him you have friends in immigration

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

funny thing you mentioned, actually i do;)

I've had similar issues with irish landlords...where are you residing? may be the same landlord.

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These kind of people OP are the lowest of the lows and are everywhere. Intimidators.

Not sure if it helps but it makes the good people better and helps to build your character?

Best of luck, not sure how long you are going to last at that place.

My landlord no longer fixes things, quote it's annoying unquote.

When and if we move, the new place will have new problems of its' own.

Unless we buy or maybe we pay double and still i doubt it.

BTW where are you staying, where do you live? Message me if you can't post it here, thanks.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, find a way to befriend him and smooth things over.

This might be the most difficult and maybe mature way with a very huge pay off perhaps.

Or just pay the rent on time;)

Few days grace is just that a grace, not a green light to pay late every month.

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Does he own the property, or is he an agent / sub let?

If he isn't the owner, find out who is and deal direct.

He is an agent, I already stated that above. As for the owner, I already emailed this individual, still waiting for a reply.

no need to reply to this thread anymore people, I got all the info i needed, i dont want to come accross a drama queen like someone stated earlier but 500.00US dollars his not a small amount & I will not give this prick 1 penny from it! money his hard to come by these days.

Email is NOT the thai way, is the owner thai? why don't you call him/her or see them in person?

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, find a way to befriend him and smooth things over.

This might be the most difficult and maybe mature way with a very huge pay off perhaps.

Or just pay the rent on time;)

Few days grace is just that a grace, not a green light to pay late every month.

Yeah you are right, it is a very small issue, better i move on to the next thread, i just have issues with bullies and intimidators and this is probably not the only problem he has there.

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Would not be much of a surprise if the Irish Landlord was actually reading this thread and recognised the circumstances outlined.

If so, there may be some interesting contacts between the OP and his landlord in the next few days!

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, find a way to befriend him and smooth things over.

This might be the most difficult and maybe mature way with a very huge pay off perhaps.

Or just pay the rent on time;)

Few days grace is just that a grace, not a green light to pay late every month.

Yeah you are right, it is a very small issue, better i move on to the next thread, i just have issues with bullies and intimidators and this is probably not the only problem he has there.

That is considering if OP is telling the truth and not doing the drama queen exaggeration.

Even more so, OP already confirmed he was asked to pay on time, but insists on paying late

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I will not name any names here but im having issues with my landlord (IRISH FARANG), its obvious he has personnal issues towards me and he is the biggest I ever met. He does not respect the contract that was signed between me and him... EX: contract states rent due on the 28th of every month but not later then the end of the month... So, today I want to pay rent & he had a fit, telling me rent is due on the 28th, i know its due on the 28th but the contract states i have until end of month... This is the second time & both times he has been verbally aggressive towards me & even try to intimidate me with banging on the table or getting up and ready to fight. How to deal with this kind of human being? he will always be right no matter what, cant win with this guy...

BTW, im a frequent visitor on Thaivisa but never signed for an account but I had to sign up today to get this off my chest and share it with people on here. I also like to state, he is just an agent renting condos out.

thx for reading.

If I was you I would just pay on the 28th to avoid the hassle plus its no benefit to you holding onto it for that 2-3 days I assume, right or wrong it would just be easier. Once the contract is over you should give him a months notice and leave, no point in trying to get into a battle and at the end of the day if you do not like him for whatever reason your best off moving on and finding a landlord who is hopefully more pleasant to deal with.

If you really cannot stand dealing with him anymore, leave just before the rent is due and say good bye to your deposit but really I don't think that is the best way of dealing with it because he has won then.

I have had some really nice landlord in Thailand and some really annoying ones in the UK, you know what they say about landlords.

Anyway good luck

Edited by ryanhull
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I will not name any names here but im having issues with my landlord (IRISH FARANG), its obvious he has personnal issues towards me and he is the biggest I ever met. He does not respect the contract that was signed between me and him... EX: contract states rent due on the 28th of every month but not later then the end of the month... So, today I want to pay rent & he had a fit, telling me rent is due on the 28th, i know its due on the 28th but the contract states i have until end of month... This is the second time & both times he has been verbally aggressive towards me & even try to intimidate me with banging on the table or getting up and ready to fight. How to deal with this kind of human being? he will always be right no matter what, cant win with this guy...

BTW, im a frequent visitor on Thaivisa but never signed for an account but I had to sign up today to get this off my chest and share it with people on here. I also like to state, he is just an agent renting condos out.

thx for reading.

If I was you I would just pay on the 28th to avoid the hassle plus its no benefit to you holding onto it for that 2-3 days I assume, right or wrong it would just be easier. Once the contract is over you should give him a months notice and leave, no point in trying to get into a battle and at the end of the day if you do not like him for whatever reason your best off moving on and finding a landlord who is hopefully more pleasant to deal with.

If you really cannot stand dealing with him anymore, leave just before the rent is due and say good bye to your deposit but really I don't think that is the best way of dealing with it because he has won then.

I have had some really nice landlord in Thailand and some really annoying ones in the UK, you know what they say about landlords.

Anyway good luck

thx for the input.

Edited by stephanschalko
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, the tenant should pay on or before the 28th to make the immediate problem go away. The second issue is whether dealing with this or any other unpleasant landlord is sufficient to move out. It sounds in this case that it is. However I wouldn't play any payment games or revenge scenarios to worsen the situation. What I might do however is take the advice of some contributors above and move any valuables out ahead of giving my notice. Only at the end of the notice period and after the landlord had refused to return the deposit (assuming that he goes that far) would I report or threaten to report the matter to the police.

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What about dealing with a jerk of a Real Estate agent-of which Chiang mai seems to have an over abundance of these giggling-airhead- female- stupid but arrogant female so-called agents.

RecentlyI I replied to an advertisement for a building in the OLd City.I was pleasantly surprised to recieve a reply in two days because normally the agents never reply at all once they see the inquiry is from a Farang.Just like when we walk into Home Pro for instance.There are dozens of silly twits who are supposed to be assistants who dont have a clue about anything , lolling about the area giggling and laughing but they miraculously scatter and dissapear l;ike magic as soon as a Farang walks through the door.So In any case this silly girl or woman who is supposed to show me the building is trying to direct me to another building that I am not interested in and I distinctly told her by e-mail that I needed to see the main choice first, so she sets a time and date and sure enough doesnt pitch up, but instead goes to the wrong place and calls me from there,and then becomes all offended when I lightly chastise her for getting it wrong(most likely intentionally since all Farangs are below the superior Thai intelligence)even after two very clear messages from myself to her mail account,and then she tries to laugh it off.I am amazed at the attitude here which we all know is that Thais can do no wrong and Farangs are always wrong.She wouldnt last one day in a genuine estate agency abroad.Obviously she may have some wealthy backers(Father) and she needs everyone to kotow to her,even with all her faults.Sometimes I wonder why I am still trying here,THais are so far behind on everything except patting themselves and each other on the back.Canakya Pandit the great Philosopher says that "Chastisement is pregnant with all good qualities while showing to much love is the cause of the ruination of ones character(in other words it produces too many spoiled brats,hint hint.),like the male priviged youngsters here that feel they can murder anyone with impunity.TIT.

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