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Bin Laden's shooter to give his first televised interview


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I'm glad that he is speaking out. This man - and everyone on the mission - are true American heroes.

Pity you don't know about the Doctor who devised the blood tests to catch Bin laden. He is now languishing in a Pakistani jail, Yes a rel hero, forgotten by America.

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I thought it was illegal to murder a foreign citizen in a foreign land or even go there without permission. GOD BLESS AMERICALAND OF THE FREE

If he was guilty why not carry out due process then we could see it done, It seems incredulous to kill such a high profile target instead of capturing him and torturing to get the info you need.

Edited by japsportscarmad
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Do you really think Ben is dead, come on.

Totally dead.

Neversure, one of my law partners is a former special forces guy. Those guys aren't scared of shit and so what if he speaks out. No one is going to do anything to him, especially here in the states. I would agree he would be marked if trying to travel to certain countries that I doubt he or anyone in their right frame of mind would want to go.

Truth is, these lamo wanna be terrorist Muslims are weak, unorganized and just generally pusses. I don't think anyone who is a real bad arse, such as special force guys, are scarred of these nutbag wusses.

"Truth is, these lamo wanna be terrorist Muslims are weak, unorganized and just generally pusses. I don't think anyone who is a real bad arse, such as special force guys, are scarred of these nutbag wusses."

If these 'muslims are weak, unorganized and just generally pusses' how did they manage to fly those planes into those two towers in New York?

Unorganized? No. Weak and pusses? 100% guaranteed. Otherwise, why kill innocent women, children, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles...only the weak do that.

And don't forget the weak cowards with ski hoods!

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Salman Rushdie got a death sentence for just writing a book!!

And it was crap

Rushdie should have been forced to pay back the £2 million pound he cost the British Taxpayer for his protection,the end product to his crap book was that he made himself an easy fortune,for deliberately inciting Religious Nut Cases,to seal his fortune! a one way ticket back home to make his dubious points would have been much cheaper!

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I couldn't agree more he was an insignificant pansy lefty writer, who had berated Mr Bobby plod a lot then becomes some national liberal,hero ( vos they have no real,heroes).

His books are shit and he made his dosh through himinfimity for upsetting bearded muslim gentlemen yes make him pay it back to let them have him.

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Salman Rushdie got a death sentence for just writing a book!!

And it was crap

Rushdie should have been forced to pay back the £2+ million pound he cost the British Taxpayer for his protection,the end product to his crap book was that he made himself an easy fortune,for deliberately inciting Religious Nut Cases,to seal his fortune! and using other countries and their resources to publicise deliberate inflamatory views to sell his books,had he not had the protection of the British Government,and several other avenues of free protection,he would undoubtedly have never risen to fame! and arguably it is perfectably acceptable to defend ones true beliefs, but not purely for money!

A one way ticket back home to make his dubious points would have been much cheaper for all concerned!


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As far as I am concerned, 9/11 was mostly a fluke. The only reason it worked was because we were so woefully unprepared for something so crazy (to a Westerner). How are you going to get all those people to kill themselves? The terrorists used our own naïveté against us. You have to give them that.

Easy answer..."WE CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH" ...and AGAIN.....

Fox will edited the interview, in the same way its edited the videos about 9/11....and WE will believe it AGAIN......like believing that 2 massive IRON AND CONCRETE big towers like the WTC can just becomes FINE DUST by fire from planes fuel...

UP TO YOU...and I am not Thai...


Thank god you aren't Thai!

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Before another member gets into trouble for posting conspiracy theories, please remember this forum rule:

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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I'm glad that he is speaking out. This man - and everyone on the mission - are true American heroes.

Pity you don't know about the Doctor who devised the blood tests to catch Bin laden. He is now languishing in a Pakistani jail, Yes a rel hero, forgotten by America.

I seem to know more about him than you do. I agree that we should get him sprung, but he did not even know who the CIA were looking for. He helped us, but not specifically to get Bin Ladin.


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As far as I am concerned, 9/11 was mostly a fluke. The only reason it worked was because we were so woefully unprepared for something so crazy (to a Westerner). How are you going to get all those people to kill themselves? The terrorists used our own naïveté against us. You have to give them that.

Easy answer..."WE CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH" ...and AGAIN.....

Fox will edited the interview, in the same way its edited the videos about 9/11....and WE will believe it AGAIN......like believing that 2 massive IRON AND CONCRETE big towers like the WTC can just becomes FINE DUST by fire from planes fuel...

UP TO YOU...and I am not Thai...


I watched the towers get hit with my own eyes. I saw them collapse with my own eyes. I was on my way to work there when it happened. I saw the streams of disheveled people walking uptown trying to get off the island. Some didn't have any shoes, many were covered with dirt and debris. I spent days trying to locate co-workers to see if they were OK and alive. Some didn't make it. I was at ground zero only a days after it happened, and was there several times a week for months after that.

Sickening what you post. Many innocent lives were lost and many lives were forever ruined. I know mine was changed forever.

Thank you for that. I know several people that just barely made it out. One could not talk about it years later without tearing up. He got out, but he lost many friends and coworkers. Many suffered lingering health and emotional issues years after, but Americans pulled together and overcame. That's what we do and we do it well.

Those now trying to use this incident as conspiracy propoganda, in a celebratory manner or to feed some dysfunctiinal mental illness are pathetic creatures.

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Another celebration of holy and righteous violence, brought to you, inevitably enough, by Fox.

?!? Tool or idiot? Hard to tell by simply reading cold hard words over the Internet. Holy violence? Nah, you f--- with the bull, you get the horns.

He was taken out as a matter of national security. We let our guard down and got burned. Never again.

The only ones standing behind some stupid notion if self righteous holy war are the pathetic, rageful ragboys running around terrorizing women and children under the guise of holy war. I suppose its a but like Darwinism in that there ridiculous actions simply serve to erase their miserable existence.

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No definitive pictures of a body.....buried at sea........

"Photos, or it didn't happen", is one of the internet mantras of our age.

If photos are provided, the back up mantra is

"FAKE!!! Photoshopped! Do they think we're fools or something?".

In other words, damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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