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Pridiyathorn is the richest in Prayut cabinet

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M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula being the richest with 1.3 billion baht

M.L. Panadda Diskul has 1.315 billion baht,

OK then. I disagree.

Why don't you read the post correctly?

Pridiyathom has B1.378 billion. Pannadda comes in 2nd with B1.317 billion. Only disagree when the poster has made the error.

Thank you sir. Quite correct, my error.

I enjoyed the crow with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

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the most popular PM in the last decade

Leaving aside the fact that, even by the low standards of Thaivisa, it is breathtakingly stupid to think that this describes Prayuth, there's really no need to repeat this in every sentence. Perhaps you don't realize, but doing so doesn't make it truer. You could - and perhaps do - repeat it as a holy incantation for every moment of your waking life and it would be still be laughably wrong.


The King once said in an unusually serious birthday speech said Thailand was being run as a ' wholly owned subsidiary ', no prizes for guessing who the PM was at the time.

Khun Pridiyathorn the richest member of this government is a blood-relative of the King!!coffee1.gif

How is he related?


Try this:

He is a son of Prince Priditheppong Devakula, he is therefore a grandson of Prince Devawongse Varopakarn, and a great-grandson of King Rama IV. (Mongkut). Reflecting his distant royal descent, Thai media refer to him as Mom Ui (Thai: หม่อมอุ๋ย; "Lord Ui"), following his nickname "Ui".[4]



This only proves: only the rich can be in government.

You have a pretty low standard for what constitutes "rich".

Narong Pipatanasai, the minter of education. He has 6.9 million baht in assets

Well, my guess is that he is just the smartest of them all. Smart enough to hide his assets properly.

the most popular PM in the last decade

Leaving aside the fact that, even by the low standards of Thaivisa, it is breathtakingly stupid to think that this describes Prayuth, there's really no need to repeat this in every sentence. Perhaps you don't realize, but doing so doesn't make it truer. You could - and perhaps do - repeat it as a holy incantation for every moment of your waking life and it would be still be laughably wrong.

A little like:post-218648-0-43813400-1414810999_thumb. djjamie front left!!


Great to see the cabinet setting the sample with there open and transparent drive of asset declaration.

The most popular PM in the last 10 years certainly has a nice nest egg of 128 million baht (which is 4 times the increase, not the net, but the increase of yingluck's wealth when she was in office)

Of course the most popular PM in the last decade has a bit of catching up to do to reach Chalerms dizzying figure of 171 million baht.

And just as Chalerm was not investigated and arrested for unusual wealth the good PM Prayut won't be either. Well done to both of them for securing a comfortable future for there families.

Of course those with an agenda will stay silent on Chalerm and denounce Prayut.

That is called PTP logic you know.

Try to do your homework on Chalerm!!

I know he is as corrupt as they come, but he and his family are actually running several private schools(!!) in and around Bangkok. So his wealth are (at least to a certain extent) traceable. Wonder what kind of business the general has been running??whistling.gif


When you have the sort of money being declared here why the need to be corrupt and try and increase it in the short time they will be in office and run the risk of getting caught and having it confiscated. A look at how it was obtained in the first place might be in order. But I doubt they'll do that.

Given that 128mill. baht is wealthy by many standards, in dollar terms if it includes a couple of houses and some investment condos, its not outrageously so, and nowhere as much as some 'other' families have.

in the short time they will be in office and run the risk of getting caught and having it confiscated.

I'm not sure it will be such a short time. And in the (admittedly massively improbable) case that the generals were corrupt, just how likely is it that they would be caught and have their illicit earnings confiscated? Less than the probability of being struck by lightning whilst hitting a hole in one with a winning lottery in their pocket, or about the same?


There are a couple of reasons why senior generals have wealth not commensurate with their army salaries. Firstly, they hail from families that are already wealthy. Secondly, they hold multiple lucrative directorships alongside their military careers. Their army salary is pocket money.

I assume these directorships are with companies that do not do any business with the military. That would be a conflict of interests, and of course it would never be tolerated in the Thai military. whistling.gif


Great to see the cabinet setting the sample with there open and transparent drive of asset declaration.

The most popular PM in the last 10 years certainly has a nice nest egg of 128 million baht (which is 4 times the increase, not the net, but the increase of yingluck's wealth when she was in office)

Of course the most popular PM in the last decade has a bit of catching up to do to reach Chalerms dizzying figure of 171 million baht.

And just as Chalerm was not investigated and arrested for unusual wealth the good PM Prayut won't be either. Well done to both of them for securing a comfortable future for there families.

Of course those with an agenda will stay silent on Chalerm and denounce Prayut.

That is called PTP logic you know.

nonsense post


Next 2 disclosures: how much tax did they pay and how much did they give in charitable donations? Easy to provide answers in the interest of transparency.

Fair questions. Why don't you ask them yourself?


The other paper printed the itemized list of assets of the individuals listed. The items included watches, handbags, amulats, other jewerly, land, houses, etc.

How would you value a used rolex or any piece of jewerly for that matter? How is value set on property, what you paid, or what you want to sell it for or perhaps what you have been offered.? Do professional people get involved in these declared values?

The status here seems to be somewwhat based on what a man/family is worth, looking at the items listed and their value as declared by the owneer may give you a idea of one method used in an attempt to upgrade your social standing. Another method is the presense of thugs where ever and when you travel, another is name dropping of well known people as personal friends.

I guess what I am trying to say is believe no more than half of what you thought you saw and about 20% of what you thought you heard. Then do a lot of research , watching and wait for results before making too many judgements about people, their situations, intent, background, honesty or lack thereof, etc.


Chosen people run their company named Thailand.

I think Thailand Inc was coined during the good Mr Thaksin's tenure?

The King once said in an unusually serious birthday speech said Thailand was being run as a ' wholly owned subsidiary ', no prizes for guessing who the PM was at the time.

If you think that Thaksin was the first to use Thailand as private corporation you are completely oblivious to Thai history. I don't think there is any doubt that he and his benefited immensely from their tenure, but it was peanuts when put against other regimes, both elected and unelected. Which PM was called the ATM PM? It wasn't Thaksin. Although the primary difference between Thaksin's trough was - as one fairly well qualified historian recently put it - at least in his tenure others also benefited, especially those further the down the chain.

These repeated references to Thaksin's corruption as it if was something unique can only be described as a deeply blinkered delusion that has no place in the real world.


This only proves: only the rich can be in government.

You have a pretty low standard for what constitutes "rich".

Narong Pipatanasai, the minter of education. He has 6.9 million baht in assets

go ask your average thai wage slave if 6.9 is "rich" to them?

and thats not even addressing that you firstly believe that figure and then not worrying about what is in others names

show me an average wealth politician and i'll show you a liar


nice to see the PM mention those motocy guys when talkin' bout corruption. Sometimes, they ask for an extra 2 or 3 baht over the real price of the journey. This must not be allowed to continue and I say Hail! Hail! Heil! (oops).

Pridiyathorn? Well, not all of his money comes from his government salary. He won the Tha lottery. So did his wife (and his pet cat, Geoff). He then won 'Who wants to be a Millionaire'. Several times. After this, he invented the iphone. He also bought 100m bahts worth of shares in the company that sells braces to middle class females in Thailand at just the right time about 7 years ago. About 20 years ago he though 'Hey, what about making some skin whitening products' .Hs wife invented the jet engine. His pet dog, Alan, was in the garden, diggin' for some food..amd up from the ground came a bubbulin' cruude...


I don't understand why they still work with that much money on the bank. I would buy an island and make it my own paradise.

They did. They now own all the islands in Thailand and are getting a handsome return on their investment. One is causing a few headaches for them right now though.


The police chief and his wife are doing well too, even though they are not in the cabinet and not required to declare assets. According to publicly available information on the SET's Settrade English language website http://www.settrade.com/simsImg/news/2014/14067082.pdf they recently invested B360 million in a small cap stock, called Watana Capital (WAT), via a private placement at B0.036. The stock went up 14% today and 16% the day before and is now at B0.08. So their position is now worth B800 million, if they didn't sell too early. Nice work, if you can get it.

Anyway hats off to the police general and his wife for being such astute investors and investing openly in their own names rather than through nominees as many others do.

What about the General's wealth?

Any comments, or do you wish to continue avoiding the subject with your misdirection?

I am not sure what you mean about misdirection, nor do I know which general's wealth you are referring to, as just about everyone in the cabinet is a general.

It is hard to find publicly available information about sources of wealth of cabinet members or other leading figures but I have come up with public information about a sizeable market windfall freshly netted by the police chief. What have your researches come up with?


nice to see the PM mention those motocy guys when talkin' bout corruption. Sometimes, they ask for an extra 2 or 3 baht over the real price of the journey. This must not be allowed to continue and I say Hail! Hail! Heil! (oops).

Pridiyathorn? Well, not all of his money comes from his government salary. He won the Tha lottery. So did his wife (and his pet cat, Geoff). He then won 'Who wants to be a Millionaire'. Several times. After this, he invented the iphone. He also bought 100m bahts worth of shares in the company that sells braces to middle class females in Thailand at just the right time about 7 years ago. About 20 years ago he though 'Hey, what about making some skin whitening products' .Hs wife invented the jet engine. His pet dog, Alan, was in the garden, diggin' for some food..amd up from the ground came a bubbulin' cruude...

Pridyathorn made a lot of money in the underground cable company he invested in.


NACC said M.R. Pridiyathorn has 1.378 billion baht assets with no liabilities. so this is the chap who did all the overtime at evenings and weekends and never went to the pub or smoked a cigarette a good saver.


Can you imagine what the universal guaranteed answer to the following questions to this lot would be:

1. How do you feel about having an open Q&A session on Thai society in London

2. How do you feel about foreigners owning land and businesses 100% that directly compete with Thais on Thai soil to increase competition and encourage migration and skills importation.

3. What do you think of farangs in general?

I'd like to see what their disclosure is of their assets abroad now that would be some interesting reading.

  • 1 year later...

No doubt all those outstanding members of society have earned their money through hard labour and honesty!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Smurf: I've been doing a little background checking and cannot find anything on the funds, the PM moved OS - I think about $25Mus; looking high and low including the dark web, everywhere - means the PM has a cyber crew cleaning up his dirty laundry (doing an outstanding job too).blink.png


M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula being the richest with 1.3 billion baht

M.L. Panadda Diskul has 1.315 billion baht,

OK then. I disagree.

Why would you disagree ?

NACC said M.R. Pridiyathorn has 1.378 billion baht assets with no liabilities.

The poorest minister is Admiral Narong Pipatanasai, the minter of education. He has 6.9 million baht in assets.

Prime Minister Gen Prayut has 128 million baht in assets.

PM’ Office Minister M.L. Panadda Diskul has 1.315 billion baht,


I don't understand why they still work with that much money on the bank. I would buy an island and make it my own paradise.

They have done that already.......


For anyone who thinks that Thailand has not been systematically and serially raped, you just don't understand Thainess. The whole country is a series of mafiosi families. headed up by 'the Commission'.

But all that will change. Forget the referendum, that's just an enabling tool. Forget the election, that's just the enabler which owns the tool. Massive change requires blood to be shed, it's always been that way, and now it's Thailand's turn. 1976 and 1992 were just the support acts, 2010 was just a clearing of the throat. The orchestra is tuning up. Soon the first movement will begin.

Tap tap.



And you want the Thai people to believe that one of your goals is to eradicate corruption Mr. Military man worth 128 million baht.

What a joker.

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