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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

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Following the recent articles in the Guardian and the BBC, an appeal for those with information to come forward has been put out by the organisers of the petition to have the U.K. government independently investigate this case.

They ask that if you have any information you believe can help in this case, or if you simply wish to write a message of support to Win and Zaw, please contact them at [email protected].

The email I have received from them also indicates that there is a photograph in existence of the argument at the AC bar on the night of the murders.

Now is the time to act. Let's hope something good comes out of this appeal.

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It is a bit concerning when we are given rumours from unnamed sources in the RTP.

We have heard about a p-relim report and 20 witnesses, neither of which has been confirmed.

I wonder how many Bangkok RTP will share information that is sensitive with a farang?

My own source in the UK emphatically states there will not be any reports, prelim or otherwise shared with the RTP.

Any sharing will be done at diplomatic level, not law enforcement.

Sorry, but this has to count as a rumour as I cannot substantiate it publicly.

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It is all happening now..............apparently Maj Gen Suwat himself turned up for a closed door meeting with the NHRC yesterday to testify that officers did not abuse or torture the two suspects, he also insisted that the translator did not assault the suspects..... this after the police had failed to show up on four previous occasions............................



So what is it then?

Your always asking for links. Im would just like you to explain the evidence that you know of that cleared him after a Royal commander had previously mentioned he HAD evidence and CCTV to implicate him in the murder.

If you want have a debate , or at least back up your opinion you need to explain yourself and not give short inept answers.


Back and look at your question again.

Ha ha. Pointless debating with you. Like I said....short inept answers

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So could it be possible that in the end all this speculation and conspiracy theories of mafia's etc .. Is all is about to be proved pointles and police actually have right guys?

Im not saying they have but what if they do. That would make meny of you hopefully read hole this thread again from start. Then watch a mirrow and maby find new hobby after.

Just thinking only reason their familes would give such statement is that they have been told by british team's report about it.

Or wait could it be that the headman has bribed English investigators 2 and who knows even parents of victims?


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26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.


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But my link referred that parents of victims are on mindset that police have right people in custody and that somehow they are been convinced that police's evidence is strong against 2 burmese boys.
I was highly supriced of father making such statatement about matter.


reported some time hope the defence drag the pancake flipper in for questioning.

The wine bottle is now a new murdered weapon.

According the the pancake vendor / translator,the suspects used wine bottle to attack David which is conflicted to the police report.


no decent person wants to see this happen

Las Vegas police reveal DNA error put wrong man in prison


Or this

DNA bungle sends wrong man to prison


DNA Exoneree Case Profiles

There have been 321 post-conviction DNA exonerations in United States history. These stories are becoming more familiar as more innocent people gain their freedom through postconviction testing. They are not proof, however, that our system is righting itself.

The common themes that run through these cases — from global problems like poverty and racial issues to criminal justice issues like eyewitness misidentification, invalid or improper forensic science, overzealous police and prosecutors and inept defense counsel — cannot be ignored and continue to plague our criminal justice system.



So could it be possible that in the end all this speculation and conspiracy theories of mafia's etc .. Is all is about to be proved pointles and police actually have right guys?

Im not saying they have but what if they do. That would make meny of you hopefully read hole this thread again from start. Then watch a mirrow and maby find new hobby after.

Just thinking only reason their familes would give such statement is that they have been told by british team's report about it.

Or wait could it be that the headman has bribed English investigators 2 and who knows even parents of victims?

It's looking more and more like the Brits are only running with what the Thai cops told them. Have you heard the expression; 'garbage in garbage out'? If the Thai cops told them a bunch of conspiracy garbage which nails the B2, then that's about all the Brits have to tell the parents. Then sure, the parents would tend to believe what they're told.

The only alternative is for the Brits to come up with evidence independently. But wait a cottonpickinminute. The Brits were expressly forbidden (by the Thai PM) to gather evidence. They were told they had to be nothing more than OBSERVERS. Connect the dots.


It is interesting to recall the earliest reported police comments to see how the story has evolved. From The Nation on 21st Sept, four days after the murders:

"Somyot had earlier said the authorities would ask the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct the test, as the police's Institute of Forensic Medicine's DNA test was capable of only identifying the sex."


Reports on Thai language news sites are saying the police chief and senior officers involved in the Koh Tao murder investigation are in London for a human trafficking conference and will hold talks on the murders with David Cameron and the head of the National Crime Agency.


So could it be possible that in the end all this speculation and conspiracy theories of mafia's etc .. Is all is about to be proved pointles and police actually have right guys?

Im not saying they have but what if they do. That would make meny of you hopefully read hole this thread again from start. Then watch a mirrow and maby find new hobby after.

Just thinking only reason their familes would give such statement is that they have been told by british team's report about it.

Or wait could it be that the headman has bribed English investigators 2 and who knows even parents of victims?

It's looking more and more like the Brits are only running with what the Thai cops told them. Have you heard the expression; 'garbage in garbage out'? If the Thai cops told them a bunch of conspiracy garbage which nails the B2, then that's about all the Brits have to tell the parents. Then sure, the parents would tend to believe what they're told.

The only alternative is for the Brits to come up with evidence independently. But wait a cottonpickinminute. The Brits were expressly forbidden (by the Thai PM) to gather evidence. They were told they had to be nothing more than OBSERVERS. Connect the dots.

The British government has also made its concerns known, with a Metropolitan police team sent to Thailand to look at the evidence gathered by detectives there.

The Met report has been shared with the victims’ families, who on Friday evening released statements through the Foreign Office saying the case against the suspects appeared “powerful and convincing”. Both families said they wished to see a fair and transparent trial, but they also expressed confidence in the Thai police investigation so far.



They will conclude that the circumstantial evidence, the eyewitnesses who saw them that night near the crime scene together with the "indisputable" DNA match plus the fact they confessed is ENOUGH to convict them. This was decided back in September and boy oh boy the RTP didn't expect the social media avalanche to get in their way but here we are, almost 3 months later and the madness goes on!

Nobody can do anything about this! Face saving in the most important issue here, they will not throw out the case, they will pad themselves on the back for a job well done! During the trial you will hear nothing about Nomsod & Co. or other possible suspects, about CCTV evidence, about David his wounds being from another weapon etc.

The only thing you will hear, their DNA fits, so we must convict. Bet on it! They will not convict purely on the DNA evidence, they will just back that up with a load of circumstantial fabricated rubbish!

Thailand SHAME ON YOU! It is disgusting!

Mother of murdered backpacker Kirsty Jones calls for more help from the FCO

"The sperm had been procured elsewhere and inserted into the victim’s vagina. This has happened before in Thailand,"

In the vacuum that followed, two incredible hypotheses were put forth. The first was that there had been no rape, that the sperm had been procured elsewhere and inserted into the victim’s vagina. This has happened before in Thailand, a technique to throw investigators off the scent. Police investigators even tested the hypothesis by sending agents out into the streets to buy fresh semen – they returned successfully two hours later. But subsequent British investigationsdeemed this impossible. Apparently, there is some characteristic quality that distinguishes sperm that has been ejaculated and sperm that has been injected. The British Home Office has insisted ever since that a genuine rape took place, the murder occurring concurrently as she was strangled with a sarong. The fact that two transvestites admitted two years later to supplying the sperm (not their own) was dismissed without explanation.

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