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People actually let there wife control all the finances?

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We have a joint account that I transfer into from overseas when it is getting low, makes sense for if something happens to me and I get carted off to hospital she has access to funds, same if I should die she has access to money without going through the court order bit.

She does not touch the joint account, I get money out every month by card and give her money for all the months expenses, she puts this in her account and pays everything with her card, what is left once everything is paid is hers, what that is I don't ask and she has no need to say.

I know she doesn't touch the joint Acc because I get slips from ATM's when I withdraw and keep a record. I keep what I think I will need for the month and can withdraw more if needed.

We don't have to ask each other for money she knows what she will get each month and budgets accordingly.

Any large items like the recent new fridge I pay for, although she buys smaller things like for instance a new rice cooker with her card.

She has her own bank accounts, savings and term deposits, and keeps accounts for her sisters and their kids which they pay into.

There is also the 800k on TD which I control but which we could use in an emergency.

Must be pretty grim living with someone you cant trust.

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We have a joint account that I transfer into from overseas when it is getting low, makes sense for if something happens to me and I get carted off to hospital she has access to funds, same if I should die she has access to money without going through the court order bit.

She does not touch the joint account, I get money out every month by card and give her money for all the months expenses, she puts this in her account and pays everything with her card, what is left once everything is paid is hers, what that is I don't ask and she has no need to say.

I know she doesn't touch the joint Acc because I get slips from ATM's when I withdraw and keep a record. I keep what I think I will need for the month and can withdraw more if needed.

We don't have to ask each other for money she knows what she will get each month and budgets accordingly.

Any large items like the recent new fridge I pay for, although she buys smaller things like for instance a new rice cooker with her card.

She has her own bank accounts, savings and term deposits, and keeps accounts for her sisters and their kids which they pay into.

There is also the 800k on TD which I control but which we could use in an emergency.

Must be pretty grim living with someone you cant trust.

Trust? Not quite, why do you transfer the money from the joint account to her account to pay the bill? If you trust her, why don't you have her pay the bills from the joint account?

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Reading the responses make me wonder how the women really feel about their allowance....

I can answer that one, they feel it isn't enough!

Lets face it, even the person who is working and handing over the allowance, feels the salary they get even month in their isnt enough for what they do, and they should get more, this is human nature...

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We have a joint account that I transfer into from overseas when it is getting low, makes sense for if something happens to me and I get carted off to hospital she has access to funds, same if I should die she has access to money without going through the court order bit.

She does not touch the joint account, I get money out every month by card and give her money for all the months expenses, she puts this in her account and pays everything with her card, what is left once everything is paid is hers, what that is I don't ask and she has no need to say.

I know she doesn't touch the joint Acc because I get slips from ATM's when I withdraw and keep a record. I keep what I think I will need for the month and can withdraw more if needed.

We don't have to ask each other for money she knows what she will get each month and budgets accordingly.

Any large items like the recent new fridge I pay for, although she buys smaller things like for instance a new rice cooker with her card.

She has her own bank accounts, savings and term deposits, and keeps accounts for her sisters and their kids which they pay into.

There is also the 800k on TD which I control but which we could use in an emergency.

Must be pretty grim living with someone you cant trust.

Trust? Not quite, why do you transfer the money from the joint account to her account to pay the bill? If you trust her, why don't you have her pay the bills from the joint account?

Because sometimes, the neighbour's aunt is down on her luck and needs to borrow just Bt 5,000 till next month ... she promises to pay it back soon as.

Sometimes, it has little to do with trust and more about where the expenditure goes.


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We have a joint account that I transfer into from overseas when it is getting low, makes sense for if something happens to me and I get carted off to hospital she has access to funds, same if I should die she has access to money without going through the court order bit.

She does not touch the joint account, I get money out every month by card and give her money for all the months expenses, she puts this in her account and pays everything with her card, what is left once everything is paid is hers, what that is I don't ask and she has no need to say.

I know she doesn't touch the joint Acc because I get slips from ATM's when I withdraw and keep a record. I keep what I think I will need for the month and can withdraw more if needed.

We don't have to ask each other for money she knows what she will get each month and budgets accordingly.

Any large items like the recent new fridge I pay for, although she buys smaller things like for instance a new rice cooker with her card.

She has her own bank accounts, savings and term deposits, and keeps accounts for her sisters and their kids which they pay into.

There is also the 800k on TD which I control but which we could use in an emergency.

Must be pretty grim living with someone you cant trust.

Trust? Not quite, why do you transfer the money from the joint account to her account to pay the bill? If you trust her, why don't you have her pay the bills from the joint account?

Because sometimes, the neighbour's aunt is down on her luck and needs to borrow just Bt 5,000 till next month ... she promises to pay it back soon as.

Sometimes, it has little to do with trust and more about where the expenditure goes.


I hope the man gives her enough to spend. I have seen it often where the women were being restricted on spending and the women have to borrow from someone else. Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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We have a joint account that I transfer into from overseas when it is getting low, makes sense for if something happens to me and I get carted off to hospital she has access to funds, same if I should die she has access to money without going through the court order bit.

She does not touch the joint account, I get money out every month by card and give her money for all the months expenses, she puts this in her account and pays everything with her card, what is left once everything is paid is hers, what that is I don't ask and she has no need to say.

I know she doesn't touch the joint Acc because I get slips from ATM's when I withdraw and keep a record. I keep what I think I will need for the month and can withdraw more if needed.

We don't have to ask each other for money she knows what she will get each month and budgets accordingly.

Any large items like the recent new fridge I pay for, although she buys smaller things like for instance a new rice cooker with her card.

She has her own bank accounts, savings and term deposits, and keeps accounts for her sisters and their kids which they pay into.

There is also the 800k on TD which I control but which we could use in an emergency.

Must be pretty grim living with someone you cant trust.

Trust? Not quite, why do you transfer the money from the joint account to her account to pay the bill? If you trust her, why don't you have her pay the bills from the joint account?

Because it is much easier for her to do everything with her card. She can then keep track of everything, rent electric and everything else in her way without interference from me.

Remember the 'she keeps whats left at the end of the month' bit, how could that work with her using the joint account ?

It is her account and her business something which I don't want to know about and don't question. Trust

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We have a joint account that I transfer into from overseas when it is getting low, makes sense for if something happens to me and I get carted off to hospital she has access to funds, same if I should die she has access to money without going through the court order bit.

She does not touch the joint account, I get money out every month by card and give her money for all the months expenses, she puts this in her account and pays everything with her card, what is left once everything is paid is hers, what that is I don't ask and she has no need to say.

I know she doesn't touch the joint Acc because I get slips from ATM's when I withdraw and keep a record. I keep what I think I will need for the month and can withdraw more if needed.

We don't have to ask each other for money she knows what she will get each month and budgets accordingly.

Any large items like the recent new fridge I pay for, although she buys smaller things like for instance a new rice cooker with her card.

She has her own bank accounts, savings and term deposits, and keeps accounts for her sisters and their kids which they pay into.

There is also the 800k on TD which I control but which we could use in an emergency.

Must be pretty grim living with someone you cant trust.

Trust? Not quite, why do you transfer the money from the joint account to her account to pay the bill? If you trust her, why don't you have her pay the bills from the joint account?

Because sometimes, the neighbour's aunt is down on her luck and needs to borrow just Bt 5,000 till next month ... she promises to pay it back soon as.

Sometimes, it has little to do with trust and more about where the expenditure goes.


I hope the man gives her enough to spend. I have seen it often where the women were being restricted on spending and the women have to borrow from someone else.

Remember I said she has her own accounts both savings and TD, she also has her gold which she has bought herself.

She is a lender rather than a borrower, to her sisters at times but that's not my business.

Anymore nits to pick?

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I hope the man gives her enough to spend. I have seen it often where the women were being restricted on spending and the women have to borrow from someone else.

On the other hand, my pal used to give his wife 50,000bht a month to spend on herself.

That wasn't enough either!

Just like you said in the above, never have enough money to spend, no matter how much you make/have.

As a woman, it does feel liberated to be able to make my own money, to pay my own bills, and to spend anyway I want it.

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I hope the man gives her enough to spend. I have seen it often where the women were being restricted on spending and the women have to borrow from someone else.

On the other hand, my pal used to give his wife 50,000bht a month to spend on herself.

That wasn't enough either!

Just like you said in the above, never have enough money to spend, no matter how much you make/have.

As a woman, it does feel liberated to be able to make my own money, to pay my own bills, and to spend anyway I want it.

Even though we don't need it, my gf still works as often as she can. Makes her feel good about herself.

BTW Somsri, great picture of you.

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My wife deals with our finances, pays the bills and distributes the funds I transfer into mine hers and our bank accounts with everything accounted for, if I were to do it we'd be far worse off, tried it before and was spending well over 50k per month, now our total spend is less than 30k per month for 2 adults and 2 kids, much much less than that when I'm away working and I couldn't say I do without anything I need.

Edited by jonnyscot
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I have been married To my Thai bride since 1993. At the time we married I was in the U.S. Navy and for the first three years I was staioned at a building in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Knowing that I would be heading back to sea duty at the end of those three years I taught her how to handle the finances (pay bills, save, use ATM, etc.), drive a car, and basically how to get along with me being gone for several months at a time.

She has done a great job and still is in charge of paying the bills even though I have long since retired. I spend as I want, but if we are going to be tight during a pay period she will let me know to watch what I spend.

At some point you have to trust people. Could I have gotten burned? The answer is maybe, but if you start with small things (paying the monthly bills) and everything goes well the chances are less. If you cannot trust your wife to handle the finances, what else don't you trust her doing? We are still going strong after 21 years and hopefully the next 21 years will be as good or better than the first.

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I know several couples where the wife basicly controls the finances, they all are successful and happy. Mind you the men all have their own slush funds but the majority of the money is definitely under the wifes control.

It's not for me but it can be done.

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A fellow American I just met, gave has wife (30 years younger than him) ALL his money (8MB) when they married 10 years ago.

And also gives her ALL his pension every month, he asks her for pocket money when he wants to go out.

10 years, seems to still be working for them.

MissFarmGirl ... don't get your hopes up ... laugh.png


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Ok so I was out a few nights ago talking to another expat and he was saying that he knows a few people that let there wives control all there money.

So its your money and you have to ask your wife if you can have beer money or gas money for your motorcycle?

This is the craziest thing ever I can't imagine anyone ever doing this.

This is like playing Russian roulette! Oh my God! Who does this?

Who does this?

Mugs! Idiot mugs who are in la-la land about things in general out in LoS.

In one of your other threads you mention living with your Thai wife etc. Did she or her family try those moves on with you?

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She does the cooking, she does the cleaning, she's Thai. She knows where the money is supposed to go. And, it makes her happy. Why have a partner and not have a partnership? And, OP, please learn how to spell.

So Thai woman are smarter then a Farang with money? lol that's funny.

And who earned it me or her? Me.

And as for my spelling you have to attack me on that because you can't win a debate on the facts.

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She does the cooking, she does the cleaning, she's Thai. She knows where the money is supposed to go. And, it makes her happy. Why have a partner and not have a partnership? And, OP, please learn how to spell.

I don't see female sleeping companions as "partner" material.

Sex toy and/or baby machine, maybe, but not partner.

In business I did have to have "partners", but you needed to keep your eye on them too, else you were cheated.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Sir, I think your surprise derives from a not entirely correct assumption that all the 'expats' in Thailand who did take a Thai woman as a wife, are indeed those married with a poor ignorant / uneducated / uncivilized / even mentally challenged / Thai woman; who probably grew up in an extremely rural context; and who even more probably is a former ladybar / stripper / working girl / harlot.
For this kind of couples, Cupid usually strikes his arrow in Pattaya's or Patong's venues as a romantic framework. The hobbies of these kind of women, never getting even close to the review or planning of the familiar finances, are activities such as playing blatantly puerile games in their (very expensive) smartphone; chatting with guys on Line and/or Facebook while their smart and meticulous bookkeeper is at home doing his accounting; look rubbish at the TV, better if eating rubbish as well; having great fun with the Line and/or Facebook guys they chatted with, when their same accurate accountant has gone to town, perhaps to pay the bills, or just to add a couple of booze in the count for the monthly balance sheet, usually consumed with other financial experts; and of course, going shopping to buy very expensive objects, thing which they can easily get by bribing their personal accountant with some passable sexual activity.

These situations are maybe common, but in my experience, they are not the only ones.

Edited by Zlabermacht
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the only reason why i have a (Thai)wife is to avoid paying tax and to manage the wealth

Nothing like companionship, being together, building a life, possibly bringing up children, and dare I say love, hopdiggitty, I just said it!!!!
... real men dont need money - real men need love, companionship, children, music, beer...

And pray tell how you achieve these things without money? Last time I checked, beer isn't free, nor is love, children, etc...

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