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People actually let there wife control all the finances?

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when you are a old fart for sure it easier for them to have their 30 years younger wife take care economy because without money she wouldn't be there..

Hope she treats you well because you just gave up all your power

I honestly believe that power in a relationship should not be money. If it comes down to that, then you are probably in the wrong relationship. Then again, mutual trust might be the answer to your original question.

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heard this week from a mate, who has been married for nearly 20 odd years, in what appeared to be the "perfect relationship" and his soon to be Ex-Mrs has been siphoning off cash and has been playing hide the sausage with someone else for the last 6 odd years and has just been caught out.

This is the rub. Every time on here that someone says "mine is different" I say to myself "It isn't over yet." Even if it's 20 years they can walk, catching a guy by surprise.

I'm happy for those who are happy being married.

I'm happier for myself because there are too many fish in the pond to choose just one.

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A fellow American I just met, gave has wife (30 years younger than him) ALL his money (8MB) when they married 10 years ago.

And also gives her ALL his pension every month, he asks her for pocket money when he wants to go out.

10 years, seems to still be working for them.

There's no fool, like an old fool. She probably feels sorry for him and at least if she has it is unlikely to be one that will con him out of it.

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  • 1 month later...

when you are a old fart for sure it easier for them to have their 30 years younger wife take care economy because without money she wouldn't be there..

Hope she treats you well because you just gave up all your power

Nope...the power is on loan. I do it..to a certain extent. I stash about 40 percent away, in a USA bank, each month. She cannot get that. Sixty percent goes to her bank...and covers all our expenses. She is quite generous. Sometimes buying me 10 or 12 beers, if I beg enough. LOL.

Actually, it works fine. My secret is the ATM card for my account in the USA. Can get money anytime I want...but why bother. Let her be happy. (and she is). I get good eats, beer, trips and no bills. Bliss.

Saving 10,000 usd this year...for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thing about trust is that you have to use some judgement as to who it's wise to place your trust in.

Funny how it's always someone else that's judgement is faulty.

Not your girl, cos your girl is different.

She certainly is.

So is mine SB

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I dont know whether I am just lucky!

My dilemma comes from the many tales of woes that come from so many,posters who really must have a bad relationship with their alleged loved ones and partners

Yes I think on the balance of probabilities, that I am lucky or at least third time lucky

You seen I have been married three times now and maybe, just maybe luck is more elemental than good management when it came to marrying the right one.

My Mrs may well be stocking up for when she is on her own ( the probabilities of me hitting the sod before her , me being 22 years older are on short odds but you never know, you know!)

Never the less I am sure that whether I was around or not her habits would not change.

She would still look for the yellow tab bargains in TESCO or Big C

She would still haggle like a good un for the last baht

I am of course one of those Falangs/Farangs who have benefitted enormously because of the typical Thai male predisposition to being a bit of a lad with the ladies , shagging around, leaving many babies without a Poppa and generally being shiftless gits with no sense of either responsibility or ethical morality.

The above paragraph is written by me an observer and is general in its simplicity and truth.

I acknowledge that specifically there are and in the majority, many good examples of Thai manhood

My Mrs is a born organiser, a born Boss, a born leader.

Paul getty was onced asked, to what he attributed his financial success too, his answer was ;

"I always found someone who could do the job better than me and used them for the purpose"

In a previous existence I too was extremely successful in business, not to the extent of Mr Getty but never the less an extremely wealthy bod, now i am more or less skint but that isn't the point that I wish to make

For most of my business life I followed Mr Gettys advice and found it to be good advice and it works also in the matrimonial department.

I didn't consciously look for a partner with a natural flair for management, or leadership qualities, it was pure luck that I found her, the queen of my kingdom

I read all the derisory posts from those whom are obviously not equally yoked with their wives.

I read comments like "get a pair" "be a man", grow some balls Etc Etc

The people who post such drivel are the types who assume that they are in charge of any given situation or are typical bullies who like to manipulate and be in charge thinking that because they are sic "Men" that they are somewhat superior and because they bark they think that they make a difference!

What a bunch of misguided fools these posters are

Without the "Boss" as I lovingly refer to my Mrs I wouldn't even be in Thailand, I would be in a Country where there was a vestige of covert law, common sense, integrity and a better climate more suited to my UK origins

Enough said let those with another point of view demolish my opines with logic and not bravado or BS

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  • 6 months later...

When i was married/family back in OZ my wife and i had separate bank accounts,that's how we liked it.And here in thailand i control the finances,but i guess everyone's different and any guy that has joint bank accounts with his thai lady or hands her the cash to divvy up does so cos he's happy to do this way.

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In my native country, I kept total control of the $$$.

Here, $$$ management takes up valuable time which could be utilised in other more important areas eg

house cleaning, ironing, flower decoration or

base activities eg drinking, whoring, watching porn

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why all you galahs are flapping your wings about this. If you got it right in the first place your wifes family would be paying you an allowance out of gratitude for marrying their daughter....as in my case. I live in her house, eat her food and I luv her long time. But I have bought things. A motorcycle for por, a new 2 door fridge for her, a scooter for her kid from a previous marriage, 100k baht to help pay for the new tractor. So, it's swings and roundabouts. My money is safely tucked away in a bank in Australia...and that's were it will stay.

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