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36+ years coming and living in Thailand.


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I have been coming/living in Thailand for over 41 years, married 40 of them, same women. In my early days I did get assaulted (you should see the other guy) and robbed in Udorn. I put it down to being young, drunk and not listening to my future wife. She told me to take off my gold chain... I am sure I got scammed along the way, but since getting married I let my wife do the negotiations.

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I have never been ripped off, scammed, robbed had a motorbike accident or any real problems in Thailand. I think it comes down to ones behaviour, attitude and who they associate with. I understand that there is obvious corruption etc here, however there is in every country. I would much rather be here in Thailand say for example where you know it happens and who does it than in Australia where the Government rip everyone off behind their backs but the population just accept it. I have lost more money in Australia than I ever have in Thailand. Right now the Government in Australia are holding $120000 of my money which I am still trying to get. Then there is all the taxes and high cost of living. Stuff that, I'm never going back to that s$%t hole again.

Too be honest behaviour, attitude and who you associate with may help but it won't prevent things especially accidents.


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I have never been ripped off, scammed, robbed had a motorbike accident or any real problems in Thailand. I think it comes down to ones behaviour, attitude and who they associate with. I understand that there is obvious corruption etc here, however there is in every country. I would much rather be here in Thailand say for example where you know it happens and who does it than in Australia where the Government rip everyone off behind their backs but the population just accept it. I have lost more money in Australia than I ever have in Thailand. Right now the Government in Australia are holding $120000 of my money which I am still trying to get. Then there is all the taxes and high cost of living. Stuff that, I'm never going back to that s$%t hole again.

What has not happened during 100 years can happen in a day


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What happens in other countries has no relevance as the thread is not about where have more scams or frauds .

OP stated he never been scammed or ripped off, which is utter nonsense, because he has. But either did not realise it, wrote it off because of the amount or not smart enough to understand what happened.

You're questioning the OP's intelligence when you can't even manage to understand the definition of the key word in the thread

And seem to doing it a bit rudely also too be honest.

Edited by davethailand
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I've only ever visited Thailand as a tourist and, aside from the low-level rip-offs, queue-jumping, etc, I've been robbed a couple of times (card theft from hotel room in Patong and pick-pocketed near Silom), and attacked by a ladyboy scam artist in Chiang Mai. When I've been away from the tourist traps, I've mainly been done by tuk tuk drivers pulling a fast one. Small fries but still annoying and unacceptable. Apart from Chiang Mai though, I've only ever felt physically threatened by the damned soi dogs and, in that respect, I usually feel safer in Thailand than at home in the UK.

So, from my strictly tourist perspective, my opinion is that there are obvious pros and cons, in terms of trouble and strife, when visiting Thailand. You claim to have had no trouble in 36 years of living there but it would be interesting to hear what issues other long term expats have encountered e.g. effective lack of rights, business dealings, handling unsatisfactory services or building work etc. There are plenty of horror stories and, sadly, plenty of expats who seek to play them down by automatically blaming the victim: 'the foreigner made a Thai lose face and so he had it coming', etc, excuses so utterly ludicrous that they would never be uttered back home but which are sometimes, nonetheless, given by expats in Thailand.

One quick point. The idea, that foreign victims of criminality in Thailand typically deserve it, is a pretty hateful one and it seems to have made its debut in this thread. I can understand a Thai-supremacist coming out with that kind of nonsense but quite why the holier-than-though mob needs to repeat it remains a mystery.

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the luck of people like OP is total oblivion so even when they do get scammed, they do not even know it.

I have been living in Thailand for 31 years, first arrived here in 1983 and like the OP it seems I am also a lifer.

I do admit during my early years in Thailand, I was ripped off and scammed big time. But it wasn`t so much that I was gullible, it was more so because of my naivety and inexperience, and over the years I started to catch on, although by that time it had cost me dear money wise and even today still feel angry about about how much of a chump I was in the past and how stupid I was to take people at face value and on trust.

As a foreigner living in Thailand, I do enjoy the lifestyle, but I would never say that it`s normal, meaning, I will always feel like a foreigner living in a foreign land, no matter how long I stay here, which is something I accept, get on with my life in Thailand without moaning and complaining about things.

I believe that regarding Thailand, westerners either love it or hate it, and when reading many of these threads and posts it appears there are many who hate it here, but as I have said many times in the past, Thailand is what you make of it.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I discovered Thailand in 1975 while still in school and moved here two years later at 23 years old. I have recently started to think that people like us, in some odd way prove the point that Thailand is really hard for many people, rather serving as an example of how good or easy it can be. The things which make it easy for me could also be seen as the reasons others have a hard time.

I didn’t come here with tones of baggage from a past life. I took 20 years to learn the language and explore the various levels of Thailand’s class structured society before I settled down. When I finally married, I already had a life here and I knew more about Thailand than my wife did. I was able to share my Thailand life with her rather than depending on her to explain everything to me.
Someone who discovers Thailand as an old man simple doesn’t have the luxury of time that I had. So I tend to look at those of us who have been around forever as anomalies and not necessarily as good role models.

We are not anomalies. We are realistic. The youngsters come here and see an Asian society. It is completely different than anything they know. Some may be incapable.

They have been paying through the nose for things they never need. Their government does it to them. It is not on a personal level, so the never see it. Politicians have perfected a way to fack you and make you happy for it.

Now they get "ripped off" for 60 cent and it makes them angry but a politician can make them pay $60 and they feel good about it.

The Thai government does that too, don't forget that, the only difference is you know when they are ripping you off, I first came to Thailand in the 70s, the village people accept things more than they did in the day, but the big city people have learned the game of control, and deceipt, and all the other bad things that come with street knowledge, 20 years to learn the Thai language, you should have listened more, it is what it is, if you stay away from all the scum you are fine, if you mix with the scum, it will be just a matter of time

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Nothing serious really happened, apart from a few incidents...

2. I wouldn't say I got ripped off. But I blindly said yes in a pharmacy to procure some (lol) acne pills at Chiang Mai airport. They were astonishingly expensive. I thought they would charge a whole package, but no, they charge for one slip containing 10 pills. After all I did say yes- it was my own decision and stupidity. On the other hand... whatever.. I had the cash

Were they roaccutain or accutain? If so then they are extremely expensive anywhere in the world, but then again they are the only pills in existance that work (although can be very dangerous). Only other option is if you are in Korea you can have each and every pour on your face laZored shut (takes over a year of visits).

Anyway, back to the pills. I take 1.no 10mg capsule per Month (0.34mg per day) which is a bespoke 'extreme low dose' (usually patience are taking their weight or double their weight in KG per DAY, over a period of 6 months, in an attempt to kill the affliction.) I have been taking this 'ultra low' dose with zero side effects for a few years now with absolutely flawless and perfect results. I'm 70kg

And anywhere around the world I've procured them (90% of cases you need a prescription from the derm) they are over $100 a box, or more, I can't remember. So you were not scammed, if it's roeaccutain that you recieved. Very potent. A strip of 10 would last me 10 months, so I won't even be able to get through a whole box before they expire.

Edited by Grindting
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Wow !! The OP appears to be such a remarkably intelligent watchful clever person.

You are just so good and smart !!

I don't know the purpose of your post is but sounds like your blowing your own trumpet... :-)

Don't you have better things to do with your day than wasting time on here letting others know how your last 36 years went....

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Wow !! The OP appears to be such a remarkably intelligent watchful clever person.

You are just so good and smart !!

I don't know the purpose of your post is but sounds like your blowing your own trumpet... :-)

Don't you have better things to do with your day than wasting time on here letting others know how your last 36 years went....

I thought the OP was an attempt to balance all of the negative things that get said here by the weekend millionaires, digital nomads and the last of the good old boys who feel it necessary to tell us all that them girls have lied to them again.

The rule of thumb in the business world is 8 people are told about a bad experience and 1 about a good experience.

Your post I believe that is referred to as ad hominem posting. Ad hominem (Latin) means “against the man”. As the name suggests, it is a literary term that involves commenting on or against an opponent to undermine him instead of his arguments. I think I got that right.

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Since this is like a confessional for scam experiences, "I paid 20 baht for a 10 baht bus ride one time in Pattaya 4 years ago."

I also went to a Thai hospital that had a sign up by the cashier that foreigners would pay more than Thai people and I did I paid more. It was still a 10th or what I would have paid for the service in the West but I guess I got scammed.

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OP, only have been here for 7 years and as you, never had any problems.

I think people create problems for themselves, so they can cry on TVF.

Yes the last one applies to me.......I got........married and am happy ever after.thumbsup.gif

Fortunate. In my 47 years of traveling to and living in Thailand; I too have never been ripped-off, scammed or attacked. However, I have been robbed--which may be all of the above. Now, before the normal assumptions/accusations arise, allow me to say I was riding with my non-Thai wife at 7pm in a nice residential neighborhood. A couple of yayhoos came by on a scooter and snatched my wife's handbag. No problem, I thought, I'll just catch-up to them and kicked them off their scooter. As I approached, the thief on the back drew a pistol. Needless to say, I accepted their right to have the purse. However, that was six years ago, we are still here. Things like this happen in all countries; yes, even with the gun.

Now, a second question about being ripped-off, scammed, or attacked. Have any of those happened to you at the hands of a non-Thai, while here in Thailand?

I believe there are hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of expats and Thais that have been ripped off by those ar**hole ATM skimmers. They are all non-Thai. I hope they all get a non curable intestinal worm and diahorrea forever.

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I discovered Thailand in 1975 while still in school and moved here two years later at 23 years old. I have recently started to think that people like us, in some odd way prove the point that Thailand is really hard for many people, rather serving as an example of how good or easy it can be. The things which make it easy for me could also be seen as the reasons others have a hard time.

I didnt come here with tones of baggage from a past life. I took 20 years to learn the language and explore the various levels of Thailands class structured society before I settled down. When I finally married, I already had a life here and I knew more about Thailand than my wife did. I was able to share my Thailand life with her rather than depending on her to explain everything to me.

Someone who discovers Thailand as an old man simple doesnt have the luxury of time that I had. So I tend to look at those of us who have been around forever as anomalies and not necessarily as good role models.

Seriously, how much baggage from their past life could one possibly have at the age of 23

Maybe he was talking about reincarnation?

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

I realise the concept is hard to grasp but do try as its not too difficult even for a 5 year old .

What happens in other countries has no relevance to my post or the thread itself .

OP proclaimed that in 36 years he has never been scammed . Scams do not relate to only intentional action but any actions which fraudulently relieve you of more money than it costs.

The amount makes no difference at all, the fact of being even 2 baht more.

IF OP or yourself added scammed on grand scale then it would be a totally different matter, but to state never been scammed or ripped off is being totally unaware and oblivion to what happens around or what is what.

You want to tell me you never paid tourist price ? Or never were overcharged because you not a thai? For your sake I hope you will not confirm, as saying yes would make you a big fool with no clue at all.

Hotels have cheaper rates for locals , condo's are sold at cheaper prices to locals , entry fees to certain locations are cheaper for locals , just a driving fine is half for locals .

Wrong again sadly dear boy

Repeating the line about the size of the scam indicates you completely missed the point

So far your examples are:

* buying a t-shirt from a market which is not regulated

* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

for hotels? I book on booking.com and receive a genius discount which essentially cuts the inflated price back down to what locals would pay

for tours? is this regulated? again - my wife haggles - I don't bother

You seem to think that pricing is regulated?

Yeah sure taxis are metered and they take you for a run around if you don't know where you're going - same can happen anywhere in the world

Scams are illegal

Being charged more than a local for an unregulated purchase is not

I suggest you choose your words more carefully in future

If you feel you've been charged more than a local, then you need to learn how to haggle

you write that your wife haggles, well there you go because Thai wives /gf's will always pay more than when you do it yourself because of the lose face thing and the notion that she knows that you can afford it and the seller is a Thai (no bashing meant )

Sent from my S4 LTE

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* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

National Parks usually write Thai prices in Thai script and Thai numerals.

If you can't read them how would you know?

You only see the tourist price on the sign.

(Local) Bus fares, ferry prices, often dual pricing and when they see a foreigner with a Thai girl they charge both the higher price.

(down south from airports to ferry to island they almost all have dual pricing)

So how would you know what the local price is?

Ticket office person just states higher price.

Unless you chat in Thai with other passengers, you would never know.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

National Parks usually write Thai prices in Thai script and Thai numerals.

If you can't read them how would you know?

You only see the tourist price on the sign.

(Local) Bus fares, ferry prices, often dual pricing and when they see a foreigner with a Thai girl they charge both the higher price.

(down south from airports to ferry to island they almost all have dual pricing)

So how would you know what the local price is?

Ticket office person just states higher price.

Unless you chat in Thai with other passengers, you would never know.

Shhhh, AOA you are talking too much sensegiggle.gif

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Just realized I have been coming here for 46 years the last 22 living and working here. I also can't remember any significant situations. No fights, no extras asked from the police or immigration, no scams (yes, attempts but failed). I guess I remember more positive things than negative happening to me. Yeah, I know, I need to get out more. biggrin.png

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* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

National Parks usually write Thai prices in Thai script and Thai numerals.

If you can't read them how would you know?

You only see the tourist price on the sign.

(Local) Bus fares, ferry prices, often dual pricing and when they see a foreigner with a Thai girl they charge both the higher price.

(down south from airports to ferry to island they almost all have dual pricing)

So how would you know what the local price is?

Ticket office person just states higher price.

Unless you chat in Thai with other passengers, you would never know.

when I brought my ex over from the Philippines, we were always charged Thai price for her. When I had a Thai drivers license and presented it I was always charged Thai price. maybe they just see you as a chump and treat you accordingly.
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* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

National Parks usually write Thai prices in Thai script and Thai numerals.

If you can't read them how would you know?

You only see the tourist price on the sign.

(Local) Bus fares, ferry prices, often dual pricing and when they see a foreigner with a Thai girl they charge both the higher price.

(down south from airports to ferry to island they almost all have dual pricing)

So how would you know what the local price is?

Ticket office person just states higher price.

Unless you chat in Thai with other passengers, you would never know.

when I brought my ex over from the Philippines, we were always charged Thai price for her. When I had a Thai drivers license and presented it I was always charged Thai price. maybe they just see you as a chump and treat you accordingly.

They see me as a Thai, and charge me Thai price.

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Good on you (post) OP. You sound like a quality human being, and I mean this in the most serious way, not the online sarcastic way.

Although I have lived a 1/3 of my life in Thailand, you have still managed to live my entire lifetime (plus 7 years!) in Thailand with out having issues, which I believe, is commendable. I believe a laid back approach to things may work out for the best. I am mystified why some people insist on being here or visiting here if they do not enjoy the country, the people, or the culture.

here is a quasi racially insensitive happy face wai2.gif

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OP, only have been here for 7 years and as you, never had any problems.

I think people create problems for themselves, so they can cry on TVF.

Yes the last one applies to me.......I got........married and am happy ever after.thumbsup.gif

I came Dec 5 1977, been here ever since except for a 6 month stint in the States in 1987, Speak the language fluently and I have never had any problems. I am street smart, keep my nose clean, follow almost every rule I am supposed to and would never dream of living back in the States. 37 years next month on the King's birthday, that's why I remember the date I came. Photos of the King everywhere and a holiday when I arrived at Don Muang.

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OP, only have been here for 7 years and as you, never had any problems.

I think people create problems for themselves, so they can cry on TVF.

Yes the last one applies to me.......I got........married and am happy ever after.thumbsup.gif

I came Dec 5 1977, been here ever since except for a 6 month stint in the States in 1987, Speak the language fluently and I have never had any problems. I am street smart, keep my nose clean, follow almost every rule I am supposed to and would never dream of living back in the States. 37 years next month on the King's birthday, that's why I remember the date I came. Photos of the King everywhere and a holiday when I arrived at Don Muang.

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

Paying 200 THB for a shirt that you might be able to buy somewhere else is *not* a scam...the seller is free to price his merchandise however he wants, and the buyer is free to buy or not buy.

Likewise, if you go to a national park, and the sign clearly states that admission for Thais is 50 THB and addmission for farang is 500 THB, that is *not* a scam...you are free to pay, or not.

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