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36+ years coming and living in Thailand.


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I came to live here in 1976 as a single father who had trouble in NZ finding people to look after my 3 daughters while working. Thailand was a wonderfull change for me, everybody seems to love children and finding reliable help was easy. As a single man i had a lot of fun as was probably ripped of by the girls but they deserved all they got haha. I left in 1980 after marrying and I came back here to live 18 years ago, they have been wonderfull years and i still love the place. Ripped off? Scammed? For sure but all within reasonable limits and not nearly enough to change my love for the country and the people. In my first visit i learned to speak Thai fluently and can now read ok to. No place is perfect but for me Thailand is as perfect as i could hope for.

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I discovered Thailand in 1975 while still in school and moved here two years later at 23 years old. I have recently started to think that people like us, in some odd way prove the point that Thailand is really hard for many people, rather serving as an example of how good or easy it can be. The things which make it easy for me could also be seen as the reasons others have a hard time.

I didn’t come here with tones of baggage from a past life. I took 20 years to learn the language and explore the various levels of Thailand’s class structured society before I settled down. When I finally married, I already had a life here and I knew more about Thailand than my wife did. I was able to share my Thailand life with her rather than depending on her to explain everything to me.

Someone who discovers Thailand as an old man simple doesn’t have the luxury of time that I had. So I tend to look at those of us who have been around forever as anomalies and not necessarily as good role models.

i can only speak for myself, but after a few years including learning to read and write the language as well as a decent conservational ability i commonly encounter the feudal drone mentality. not just lack of independent, critical thinking but deficiency of things like what many consider normal vocabulary knowledge. this is not limited to non university graduates either. in my estimation the % of people that would possess a comparable level to say japan or singapore is a fraction of 1%.

to each their own but i could not imagine settling down with someone that knew less about their own country, etc etc than i did

The point I was making was not that my wife was unintelligent, but that in spite of being born in Thailand, she had only lived here ten months longer than I had. As a foreigner I had been afforded mobility and opportunities in Thai society that are not typically available to most Thais.

Therefore I was not dependent upon her and did not need her to hold my hand in order to navigate my way through life in Thailand. Clearly that is not the way things normally work in cross-cultural relationships and not something one encounters everyday here in Thailand.

so she had a non thai education and mind set because of education/ life abroad ?

If you're asking whether we are carbon copies clearly we are not. She has her strengths and I have mine and together there is a synergy of sorts in our relationship.
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lol never been scammed in 36 years? just stop it. of course you been scammed. "wits" or not, someone can get you. this is what the op comes off as...a scam could never happen to someone like himself as hes smarter than everyone else. obviously a total lying troll meant to get the tv community riled up.

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I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

Because if some b4st4rd cheats/robs/injures you, who you gonna call, here? Don't be so naive.

You call the police in a civilized country. If the country is not civilized, i.e corrupt, you call whoever that may be - probably friend in the police force/army. It is foolhardy not to adapt to the customs of your adopted country. too many people here set in their Western ways, rather being right than happy and safe.

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I am all about taking responsibility for our own choices and not laying it off on governments or someone else. I think blaming others is just lazy.

Yes, governments scam you all right, especially in the UK, but what's for the goose is for the gander, if you know what I mean.

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I wonder how may other countries posters have lived or worked in, aside from Thailand. Thailand is a breeze.

Rip offs? Scams? Dishonesty? Lies? BS? Try working in India like I did for a few months. Remember flying out of Delhi and looking down, thinking: 'they deserve each other'.

To top it off, I later had a wonderful and very funny Indian neighbor who advised me to never do business with Indians. When I reminded him that he was Indian, he simply replied that that is how he knew it was true.

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OP that's a long time, what do you remember most about Thailand in 1978?

Meeting my first wife and losing a camera to a thief because I walked off and left it. Tell me that would not happen in, say Singapore, the low crime state?

You don't recall The Thammasat University Massacre of October 6th 1976?

I would have thought that was pretty memorable. It was reported that 41 people died during the crackdown and 3,154 protesters were arrested and treated quite badly. I remember it well as it completely dominated everything else that year.

And I was studying in Birmingham when they had the IRA pub bombings and used to be a regular at one of the New Street pubs but it wasn't the most significant event in my life that year that I can recall.

I lot of people 'remember' significant events in hindsight aided by the wonders of the internet and google searches. For most people close to major events back in the 1970's, only personal involvement makes it stick in the memory since there wasn't too much in the way for farang-speaking media, print or otherwise, way back then.

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U need to go out more day and night.

I been robbed at gun point few months ago.

Pattaya is doggy.

I am so glad that I have not seen the problems that a large percentage of expats in Thailand seem to have.

I got ripped off............

I got scammed.............

I got attacked...............

I got ..........................

Amazing that I have survived 36+ years coming here and just seem to find it normal.

Not to say I haven't experience any problems but I actually find these problems here less that the other places I have lived.

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OP, only have been here for 7 years and as you, never had any problems.

I think people create problems for themselves, so they can cry on TVF.

Yes the last one applies to me.......I got........married and am happy ever after.thumbsup.gif

Fortunate. In my 47 years of traveling to and living in Thailand; I too have never been ripped-off, scammed or attacked. However, I have been robbed--which may be all of the above. Now, before the normal assumptions/accusations arise, allow me to say I was riding with my non-Thai wife at 7pm in a nice residential neighborhood. A couple of yayhoos came by on a scooter and snatched my wife's handbag. No problem, I thought, I'll just catch-up to them and kicked them off their scooter. As I approached, the thief on the back drew a pistol. Needless to say, I accepted their right to have the purse. However, that was six years ago, we are still here. Things like this happen in all countries; yes, even with the gun.

Now, a second question about being ripped-off, scammed, or attacked. Have any of those happened to you at the hands of a non-Thai, while here in Thailand?

No, but if it did, I would not be long in taking retribution, as I would not have to worry about having to take on another six.

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

You were doing well until your last three words.

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OP, your post seems to indicate that your for sure never have had a business here or have lived here full-time, mainly amongst Thai-people. Either that, or you are not able to see, when people try to cheat/scam you.

I myself have lived in and done business in many different countries. One thing I can say for sure, is that Thai-people, are some of the most selfish "money-focused" people I have ever met. When it comes to money, most Thai-people will do basically anything.

It is not all, but the majority for sure. On the other hand, so of the most decent and honest people I have ever met are actually Thai. But they are very very few.

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rolleyes.gif I first came to Thailand a "newbie" in 1977. Been back here at least once a year every year since then.

Been retired here living in Bangkok for 4 years now.

Of course, I made some mistakes and got scammed a few times.

Nothing more than other places however.

If you haven't had a few "bad things" happen to you in over 40 years. you must be dead.

But other places gave me problem also, Thailand wasn't the worst place.

Had my wallet stolen by pickpockets in Turkey.

Had my briefcase stolen in New York, when I was checking out of a hotel.

All I can say is, after 68years, if nothing bad has ever happened to you, you mist have had a really boring life.

.Mine wasn't.


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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

All heil Gonsalviz, we bow down before you and worship at your feet. With your 36+ years coming and living in Thailand and your infinite wisdom, us humble mortals hold you in the highest respect that is reserved for the most esteemed dieties....

I just need to ask what kind of person comes on here to say: I never get scammed, I've lived here longer than anyone esle, I'm smarter hahaha to you people that have been victims or hurt or scammed?...... Get real.

Anyone can get scammed anywhere and anytime. In fact, I got scammed yesterday by a taxi driver. I could have called the police, but the money value just wasn't worth the hassle. Sure maybe I could have avoided it by not getting a taxi and not doing anything. Is that how you live your life by not taking risks?

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OP, your post seems to indicate that your for sure never have had a business here or have lived here full-time, mainly amongst Thai-people. Either that, or you are not able to see, when people try to cheat/scam you.

I myself have lived in and done business in many different countries. One thing I can say for sure, is that Thai-people, are some of the most selfish "money-focused" people I have ever met. When it comes to money, most Thai-people will do basically anything.

It is not all, but the majority for sure. On the other hand, so of the most decent and honest people I have ever met are actually Thai. But they are very very few.

I have come across far more decent and honest Thai people here than Scottish people in Scotland. but although I have met few Scots here, every single one of them has been decent and honest, but for English people, I have met many, and only two turned out to be a--holes, and they were from Yorkshire.

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

if he dose not walk in to the shop 3 doors down.how does he know he was ever scammed,or ever know they are owned by the same person,he was happy paying 200 baht and he was happy thinking he got a bargain.when i buy a shirt or shirts from a shop,i don't go looking in every shop to check prices to see if i paid more.coffee1.gifwai2.gif

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Everywhere has scams. These mostly happen to the ignorant, the gullible, those lacking in vigilance or those without knowledge of local conditions, custom, culture or language. At various stages in my life I have suffered from scams and doubtless it will happen again. To get into some discussion of one country vs another when it comes to scams is absurd. Learn from when you are scammed and laugh it off. At the very least you will have a story to tell and everyone loves to hear a story from one's life when things went wrong.

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I know it isn't really Thailand specific (only because I lived here at the time) but I think I have set myself up quite well for the future in the 17 years I have been here.

The 2,500,000 dollar partnership in offshore coal mining in the GOT

The 22 kilos of gold dust (at bargain price!)

The substantial share of the 'lost' fortune of Saddam as handling fees

My pension investment in flash-freezing of cod liver oil from lake Tanzania

And the numerous other small investments I have made.

Whereas I don't consider myself as ever being scammed, I would blame Thailand only for the poor internet connections in getting my replies.

Note: To those who consider themselves as objects of being scammed here, get out into the real world to understand what scamming means.

For clarity, the above is a joke. There are no cod in lake Tanzania....................tongue.png

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After a long, long time in "The Kingdom"

I have been scammed probably daily, the difference is I KNOW IT, 99.9% of the time it is not important enough to worry about.

i don't have to save face, let them Think they won.

No harm done on either side.

I have also been scammed and knew about it to let others save face.

None of this has effected my feeling about "The Kingdom of Thailand".

I Love it, always have and always will.

Just look at the rest of the world, almost total anarchy every where.

Most people don't know how lucky they are to live in Thailand.

If you don't know , go home and do a reality check!

I feel Safe and Sound in "The Kingdom' always have.

There is a useful idiot, a shill or a dolt behind every excuse for bad behavior. Thank you sir for so eloquently exemplifying this.
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lol never been scammed in 36 years? just stop it. of course you been scammed. "wits" or not, someone can get you. this is what the op comes off as...a scam could never happen to someone like himself as hes smarter than everyone else. obviously a total lying troll meant to get the tv community riled up.

But what is a scam? For me a scam is having something dishonestly taken from you by means of deception.Is paying 150thb for a taxi that you know on meter would only be 50thb?? Not in my opinion. If you're willing to part with something or don't care about the odd 20thb here and there then it isn't a scam. For those who think it is I hope if you own an Apple product you can see the irony as they're the biggest "marketing" scammers going.

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This is my second year in Thailand. So far nothing serious. Well I miss online shopping (Amazon) experiences, a lot cheaper luxury cars and easy access to credit in the US, but I find many things are better and happier in Thailand. My biggest problems here are business related, which happens with all companies in all countries.

If you want scam and getting ripped off, please go live in the US, especially California. You'll see the real scam in much larger amount at government level. And don't get serious ill in the US. Hospitals and insurance companies will rape you.

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

Not truth !!

I know Th for 10 years, but not live here or speak thai;

On local market, want to buy some fruit,

the seller tell me a price, but next shop seller told him immedeatly -

its a farang , you must sell with higher price ,

I was lucky - my Thai father in law where behind me,

I not bought, even i visit this market every week when I am in thailand,

i never go back to this 2 shops !!

You never been ripped off ?

you did speak Thai from first day when you arrived ??

So you know you never ripped off !! Very good !!

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Can you work with a marriage visa? Can you get your citizenship? Can you buy a piece of land in your name? Can you buy a car in your name? Can you create a self-employed company?

Yes, yes, maybe, yes, yes. I'm an American living in Thailand long term.

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I have come across far more decent and honest Thai people here than Scottish people in Scotland. but although I have met few Scots here, every single one of them has been decent and honest, but for English people, I have met many, and only two turned out to be a--holes, and they were from Yorkshire.

I hope you are not trying to infer something about Yorkshire folk. While there are certainly some A-holes around, one shouldn't paint all with the same brush.
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