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Man parks plane at pub in Australia


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This one will fix the Thai debt problem in years ahead, if they ever discover speed cameras..

A little bit of joy on the Gold Coast (QLD) which will just about pay for a new highway every couple of years. Motorists who put their foot down as they go down the hill, don't even see these cameras which are fitted facing the rear of the cars.

That's so the cameras can see if the driver is wearing white shoes, in which case he is automatically let off the charge.

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Australian pilots are the best, I watched those documentaries on Australiano pilots, seen them fly over a crocodile nest, a nest raider suspended by a piece os string attached to the flying machine swoops down chatting away to his mate in the flying machine, but also to the audience, the Superman fights off the mother croc a swoops away with a swag bag of loot. Croc eggs for his breakfast.

You gotta love these guys.

Oh by the way, no little children where hurt , because there is not another human for miles and miles away.

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Well, this is a post (OP) creating mixed feelings and thoughts.

1. Proud to be an Ozzie.

2. What a bunch of spirited people!

3. Remembered a young West German landing a light plane on Red Square in Moscow dodging all Soviet Air Defense System long time back.

Anybody can recall this?


Edited by ABCer
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Here is the image of the offending beast ...


I am loving this story, as I was born not far from where this happened.

And my first pilot training as a teenager was in an aircraft not too dissimilar to this one (although it had wings oddly enough. And went slightly higher)

Bit annoyed with my early instructors though - there wasn't anything in the training manual about a pub visit in between circuits. Can I get my money back?

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I thought at first when I glanced at it , that it was a Piper Tomahawk, since the tail looked like it was a smashed-up cruciform shape ( and not the 'T' shape of the Skipper) - but I don't know if there are any Tomahawks in OZ (anyone know ?) However , the rear window is clearly a Skipper, since the Tomahawk is one piece from side to side. Sad condition for such a fine old bird.

Driver could never be fined by police for improper parking. Completely straight, between the lines and right up to the curb - amazing for nose wheel steering with no reverse. Kudos to the driver - he earned his beer.

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I thought at first when I glanced at it , that it was a Piper Tomahawk, since the tail looked like it was a smashed-up cruciform shape ( and not the 'T' shape of the Skipper) - but I don't know if there are any Tomahawks in OZ (anyone know ?)


Here you go - it was in one of these I did my early training in the cadets.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - he got fined $5,000....

WA man fined $5000 for parking plane outside Pilbara pub


Anthony Whiteway says he parked his wingless plane perfectly.

A man who taxied his light plane down a main street in Western Australia's Pilbara region and parked it outside a pub has been fined $5000.

Anthony Whiteway, 37, was charged with committing an act likely to endanger the life, health or safety of a person, and faced Newman Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The plane had its propeller running, its wings removed and was being steered by foot pedals.

Read more: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/wa-man-fined-5000-for-parking-plane-outside-pilbara-pub-20141119-11pmsh.html

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An aquaintence of mine in Tasmania, (Peter S----) was running a drilling business at places on the rugged west coast, but lost his drivers licence for being "under the influence" too many times. No problem, - he extended his pilot's licence to that of a chopper pilot and could land anywhere and get one of his workers to pick him up in a vehicle. Well, - the law only banned him from driving road vehicles; - no mention of aircaft! (We all thought it was hilarious; - More ways to skin a cat....)

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The story made me smile ... though it's not as uncommon as you think.

There is a famous Horse Race held in the middle of no-where ... literately.

The Birdsville Races.

Just how remote is Birdsville? Well, when the race is not on, the population is about 120.

Below is the racetrack.


Many just simply fly in ...



So, if we are prepared to do the above, the story about the guy with his plane and going to the Pub just makes me ... laugh.png


Obviously never been to Silverstone for the British F1, hundreds of helicopters landings and take off's all day on race day.

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An aquaintence of mine in Tasmania, (Peter S----) was running a drilling business at places on the rugged west coast, but lost his drivers licence for being "under the influence" too many times. No problem, - he extended his pilot's licence to that of a chopper pilot and could land anywhere and get one of his workers to pick him up in a vehicle. Well, - the law only banned him from driving road vehicles; - no mention of aircaft! (We all thought it was hilarious; - More ways to skin a cat....)

Yes it seems stupid, the limit in the UK for pilots is much lower than that for car divers so it would make sense that if anyone who had a pilot licences was convicted for DUI they should also have their pilots licence revoked.

Yes, propellers scare me, always had a good look round and a very loud "Clear Prop" out the window before starting.

And if passenger on a commercial with props I always want to sit forward of them.

Edited by Basil B
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