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What would you suggest for a single guy in his 50's


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Find someone who speaks fairly good English already or who is working diligently to attain such a skill. You will never learn Thai. (Ok, there are exceptions but not many)

Probably the worst advice given so far.

Thai girls who speak English usually have high expectations and an unsavory past.

Rubbish..... So you are telling me, my 13 and 20 year old step daughters, who have a great english, which has been taught to them as part of the school curriculum, have an unsavoury past? Put the broad brush away mate....

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I'll Use a quote for an answer " You can't always get what want, you can't always get what need, but if you try some times you get what you deserve." I would start in another country my friend cause if you been out of loop long time might ended up getting burnt unless your a total orge then different country.

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I remember the first wave of Polish barmaids....omg....cute doesn't cut it....now they just send the bricklayers.

That's what the EU did for us.

Typical british statement any problem which appears on the island blame the EU for it whistling.gif

Send some dirndl wearing beauties over then...not bloody Merkel!

I will think about it, anyway if you like meet a plenty of beauties in Dirndl, then you have to join the octoberfest in München.

About Ange she reminds me sometimes on the Iron lady from your island. giggle.gif

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Dear OP, Is your single friend 50's also stupid? If he not stupid can not have Thai wife then.



Would he be the sort of person you would be interested in?


Sure but for that age i dont want to disturb. Next time i hope you have a single friend age 30's for me.


Dear Miss otocheater, it must difficult for you as a single Thai Mother in her 30's with two kids to be able to attract attention from a Western man also in his 30's?

But, then I remembered a friend of MissFarmGirl. Her friend, is latish(ish) 30's, average looks, had 4 kids, different fathers in Thailand (don't know if they were all different).

She met a Pom in his 30's, he fell in love, as for her, I don't know.

They got hitched, moved to Australia had a kid together (not sure in which order). Their young daughter is a little treasure, great personality, cute as a button. They seem happy together.

He's a heck of a nice bloke. The 4 Thai kids remain in Thailand. Hate to think how much he has to send to her Family back in Thailand. I've never asked ... none of my business.

So, maybe yours is not just a dream, but could happen.


Haha...thanks OP. Sounds quite serious... I prefer stay single for a while...


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I will definitly take advice from anyone who runs a quote from Hotel California on their posts...good suggestions!


Once the Thai bug bites 'he can check out, but he can never leave' ...

What region; what age, weight. height; compliant or fiesty; kid/s or not; does he want to have kids (with her)?

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so little info and no feedback from the 50 year old.....so questions questions questions/.............

have you been to Thailand before ? more than a 2-3 week holiday ?

do you plan to live in Thailand ? Retire there ?

Do you want kids or her to have them already ?

are you looking for a 20 year old or 30+ , the older ones are past the sell by date and are getting pressure from family

Do you have enough money to do this ???

If your real reason is to get out of dreary cold Europe , then take a few months vacation and see if you can handle the heat and Thai BS.

there are many places that are warm and sunny most of the year ,

last important thing , just like in the West the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up.........protect yourself......

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OP needs to post a bit more info.

I'm the OP.

I wrote the OP because it was a genuine post by a new member.

That new member is reading the thread, so your information is being passed on.

Apparently, coincidently, he is looking to live @ Chiang Mai

Now they've got a location the encircling crowd will make vultures appear vegetarian

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What calibre of man is he?

Funny you know some people look for partners who are totally unsuitable for them.....he could hang out at a few business get together and just get to know people or make friends generally in Bangkok and see what happens.

For me I wasn't really looking....but just struck gold....but I'm a lucky man....

Hell mind you I'm considerably younger....

My Momma said I would meet the right one in church. She didn't say temple but that is the way it went.

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Tell him the biggest majority of Thai girls on the dating sites are hunters, farang are the game. Some one I know (cough cough) uses this to his advantage. by playing shy and lonely, and appearing gullible. the hunter becomes lost in kerching land. Once they smell blood the panties are down to the ankles, even before the first meeting.

A little bit of cheesiness in the form of "you're not like the other girls" "I feel comfortablre with you" (*all online) and its game over They do not realize that they have become the prey and invitations to visit soon follow, with them providing accomodation and tour guide, as well as the main objective

For the more local girls as above but remain stingy (easy when you're from Yorkshire) once they realize you ain't ever gonna be a walting ATM, they scarper, by which time the objective has already been achieved

*The deal needs to be done online to avoid unneccessary expenses suich as food and drink

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BKKdreaming, on 05 Nov 2014 - 07:34, said:

so little info and no feedback from the 50 year old.....so questions questions questions/.............

have you been to Thailand before ? more than a 2-3 week holiday ?

do you plan to live in Thailand ? Retire there ?

Do you want kids or her to have them already ?

are you looking for a 20 year old or 30+ , the older ones are past the sell by date and are getting pressure from family

Do you have enough money to do this ???

If your real reason is to get out of dreary cold Europe , then take a few months vacation and see if you can handle the heat and Thai BS.

there are many places that are warm and sunny most of the year ,

last important thing , just like in the West the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up.........protect yourself......

Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

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Don't look for love in the bars unless it is only to satisfy your physical needs. Don't be in a hurry. Find happily married farangs with Thai wives and take their advice. Check out your pick very carefully. Private detective? Spend a year, or better, two or more, together before marriage. Visit the relatives. Don't invest a lot of money. Don't leave your brains at home when you come here. Follow the above advice and you stand a good chance of finding a very good wife. Ten years before I found a good woman amongst all the dreck and gold digggers. Be patient, many girls here; you won't be lonely. As the Aussies say, 'Good on ya'.

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Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

Faz, I'm fast becoming a Fan. You've taught me something.

A Thai lady, who I know well, has had Thai 2 kids and the plumbing tied/cut (what ever the procedure was).

She's not a Lassie of means, so I didn't know how she swung that OP.

Will have to enquire (delicately) next time I see her.

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Hey Man ,

If you are financially stable and still in your 50s you should not stay here and if you would want to stay here Please do yourself a favor to not tell anyone you have got money.

Rule number one in Thailand : Never Show your money and trust any Thai people as a partner even if she becomes your wife .


the best option is to go to Philippines and bring a nice and cute Girl of your choice from there and live with her here in Thai country ( this is only if you Like to live in Thailand ) , This way you have a companion that is more honest and have less rights in Thailand and she much more appreciate what you offer her VS Thais that can always tells you that the husband / Boyfriend of her bar Girlfriend bought her a house and car and 5 million Bahts in her saving account and you just bumbum me for free.

Please be smart as you may wake up and finding yourself outside of 7-11 drunk and not even knowing where you live and begging for some donation to get back to your country.

This is Thailand where the Friendly Smile are Long Gone and they " Only thing " that it is in " Most " people's mind is to get what you have saved in life and kick you outta here as " THIS IS THEIR COUNTRY " and you / US are always called Farang and no matter how long you lived here and how many lives you saved or how many kids you have for from Thais.

Chok Dee buddy.

So Long

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David48, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:32, said:
Faz, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:24, said:

Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

Faz, I'm fast becoming a Fan. You've taught me something.

A Thai lady, who I know well, has had Thai 2 kids and the plumbing tied/cut (what ever the procedure was).

She's not a Lassie of means, so I didn't know how she swung that OP.

Will have to enquire (delicately) next time I see her.

Hi David, yes it's a fact.

Thai women are offered free sterilization after 2 children.

They are not pressured into accepting the offer, but it won't be offered free later.

Certainly most of the Thai women I know with 2 kids took up the offer.

Keep your eyes open, you will rarely see a Thai woman with more than 2 kids.

Not sure how that works if you have twins. Maybe Miss Farm Girl can answer that question?

Similar system in China with the 'one child policy'.

Free sterilization offered after one child, but thereafter they pay huge 'fees', increasing with each subsequent child.

China has this policy to control the massive increasing population.

Thailand I suspect offers it to control the financial strains on families.

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It's been over 11 years but here is how I found my wife and we have been happy ever since. I was in my late 40's at the time. We found each other on Thai Lovelinks. I must say that over 90% of the women I contacted were not worthe the effort since they were only looking for $$$. It was usually 4-5 contacts with a woman before they asked for money for their mother, father.... that's when I said goodbye. We dated for over 1 year before we decided to get married. At around the same time, my wifes best friend also found a husband the same way and they have been married for over 10 years and have a daughter.

Best of luck in your search!

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grumbleweed, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:17, said:

Tell him the biggest majority of Thai girls on the dating sites are hunters, farang are the game. Some one I know (cough cough) uses this to his advantage. by playing shy and lonely, and appearing gullible. the hunter becomes lost in kerching land. Once they smell blood the panties are down to the ankles, even before the first meeting.

A little bit of cheesiness in the form of "you're not like the other girls" "I feel comfortablre with you" (*all online) and its game over They do not realize that they have become the prey and invitations to visit soon follow, with them providing accomodation and tour guide, as well as the main objective

For the more local girls as above but remain stingy (easy when you're from Yorkshire) once they realize you ain't ever gonna be a walting ATM, they scarper, by which time the objective has already been achieved

*The deal needs to be done online to avoid unneccessary expenses suich as food and drink

So the biggest majority of Thai women on dating sites are 'hunters' and farangs are the 'game'.

Then you proceed to manipulate these Thai women into a false belief, so you become the 'hunter' and the Thai woman the 'game'.

Well, if that's your solution to finding a decent Thai woman with whom you can have a meaningful relationship, then your only going to get what you deserve.

Those kind of women are not just prevalent to Thailand, they exist everywhere.

Having a low esteem of women, usually means you have a low esteem of yourself.

A beer guzzling, dick swing farang, just looking to get in a woman's pants is likely to attract like for like.

So don't tar all women with the same brush, look in the miiror first and ask yourself why would a woman want that!

Reading some replies, I'd go as far as to say it's probably harder for a Thai woman to meet a decent respectable farang, than the other way around.

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As a farang older than 50, my thinking process is as follows:

1. We speak a very different language

2. Our customs are worlds apart

3. We come from a very different society with different environment and experiences

4. There is usually a large age difference

5. Laws and local interpretations of laws never favors us


Best option is to be happy, kind, calm and enjoy the many ladies that come your way. With any luck you might have 20 great 2 year relationships. Yippy!!!

If one comes your way and you really like her then live together

After 5 years of harmony and bliss with no yellow flags ... consider village marriage

After another 5 years of happiness and no hints of problems on the horizon, consider legal marriage.

What ever you do, Do not jump the gun, it will come back and bite you in the ass. BIG TIME!

Just saying


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As a farang older than 50, my thinking process is as follows:

1. We speak a very different language

2. Our customs are worlds apart

3. We come from a very different society with different environment and experiences

4. There is usually a larost women worth their salt wont wait that long on the CHANCE of security. so you end up withge age difference

5. Laws and local interpretations of laws never favors us


Best option is to be happy, kind, calm and enjoy the many ladies that come your way. With any luck you might have 20 great 2 year relationships. Yippy!!!

If one comes your way and you really like her then live together

After 5 years of harmony and bliss with no yellow flags ... consider village marriage

After another 5 years of happiness and no hints of problems on the horizon, consider legal marriage.

What ever you do, Do not jump the gun, it will come back and bite you in the ass. BIG TIME!

Just saying


that ensures that all youre getting is a sex object as no women worth their salt will wait that long on the off chance of a secure future.

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grumbleweed, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:17, said:

Tell him the biggest majority of Thai girls on the dating sites are hunters, farang are the game. Some one I know (cough cough) uses this to his advantage. by playing shy and lonely, and appearing gullible. the hunter becomes lost in kerching land. Once they smell blood the panties are down to the ankles, even before the first meeting.

A little bit of cheesiness in the form of "you're not like the other girls" "I feel comfortablre with you" (*all online) and its game over They do not realize that they have become the prey and invitations to visit soon follow, with them providing accomodation and tour guide, as well as the main objective

For the more local girls as above but remain stingy (easy when you're from Yorkshire) once they realize you ain't ever gonna be a walting ATM, they scarper, by which time the objective has already been achieved

*The deal needs to be done online to avoid unneccessary expenses suich as food and drink

So the biggest majority of Thai women on dating sites are 'hunters' and farangs are the 'game'.

Then you proceed to manipulate these Thai women into a false belief, so you become the 'hunter' and the Thai woman the 'game'.

Well, if that's your solution to finding a decent Thai woman with whom you can have a meaningful relationship, then your only going to get what you deserve.

Those kind of women are not just prevalent to Thailand, they exist everywhere.

Having a low esteem of women, usually means you have a low esteem of yourself.

A beer guzzling, dick swing farang, just looking to get in a woman's pants is likely to attract like for like.

So don't tar all women with the same brush, look in the miiror first and ask yourself why would a woman want that!

Reading some replies, I'd go as far as to say it's probably harder for a Thai woman to meet a decent respectable farang, than the other way around.

"Beer guzzling dick swinging farang"

OUCH! It would appear I've touched upon a sore point.

As attacking the person rather than the principle is a trait of either the less mentally evolved or the chemically retarded, I apologize for not being able to respond in kind

However, having some knowledge of psychology I can respond to your comment concerning "low self esteem"

Quite often, to compensate for an inferiority complex, people will attempt to associate themselves with success. A common way of doing so is to support a successful football club and broadcast their support to the world, using such things as their avatar. A common name for such behaviour is "little dick syndrome". Which, funnily enough, brings us nicely to dick swinging........

Need I go on?

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BKKdreaming, on 05 Nov 2014 - 07:34, said:

so little info and no feedback from the 50 year old.....so questions questions questions/.............

have you been to Thailand before ? more than a 2-3 week holiday ?

do you plan to live in Thailand ? Retire there ?

Do you want kids or her to have them already ?

are you looking for a 20 year old or 30+ , the older ones are past the sell by date and are getting pressure from family

Do you have enough money to do this ???

If your real reason is to get out of dreary cold Europe , then take a few months vacation and see if you can handle the heat and Thai BS.

there are many places that are warm and sunny most of the year ,

last important thing , just like in the West the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up.........protect yourself......

Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

Oh...really? I got two awesome kids and My sin sod will never been negociated. Its increase like a property in the market as my kids is already super star.


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Oh...really? I got two awesome kids and My sin sod will never been negociated. Its increase like a property in the market as my kids is already super star.


Miss otocheater ... no talk of SinSot please.

Lot's of places to discuss that in the Family and Children Forum.

Or the Marriage and Divorce Forum ... take your pick.

But we don't discuss SinSot @ the Pub.

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Oh...really? I got two awesome kids and My sin sod will never been negociated. Its increase like a property in the market as my kids is already super star.


Miss otocheater ... no talk of SinSot please.

Lot's of places to discuss that in the Family and Children Forum.

Or the Marriage and Divorce Forum ... take your pick.

But we don't discuss SinSot @ the Pub.

I forgot at the pub i can only talk dirty. Next time i will find another fun topic then. X


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BKKdreaming, on 05 Nov 2014 - 07:34, said:

so little info and no feedback from the 50 year old.....so questions questions questions/.............

have you been to Thailand before ? more than a 2-3 week holiday ?

do you plan to live in Thailand ? Retire there ?

Do you want kids or her to have them already ?

are you looking for a 20 year old or 30+ , the older ones are past the sell by date and are getting pressure from family

Do you have enough money to do this ???

If your real reason is to get out of dreary cold Europe , then take a few months vacation and see if you can handle the heat and Thai BS.

there are many places that are warm and sunny most of the year ,

last important thing , just like in the West the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up.........protect yourself......

Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

Oh...really? I got two awesome kids and My sin sod will never been negociated. Its increase like a property in the market as my kids is already super star.


Dream further pride comes before the fall giggle.gif

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I forgot at the pub i can only talk dirty.

It's not a necessary requirement for a visit to the pub to talk dirty. You could for instance just be yourself, na krub. coffee1.gif

Edited by Morakot
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otocheater, on 05 Nov 2014 - 14:16, said:
Faz, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:24, said:
BKKdreaming, on 05 Nov 2014 - 07:34, said:

BKKdreaming, on 05 Nov 2014 - 07:34, said:

so little info and no feedback from the 50 year old.....so questions questions questions/.............

have you been to Thailand before ? more than a 2-3 week holiday ?

do you plan to live in Thailand ? Retire there ?

Do you want kids or her to have them already ?

are you looking for a 20 year old or 30+ , the older ones are past the sell by date and are getting pressure from family

Do you have enough money to do this ???

If your real reason is to get out of dreary cold Europe , then take a few months vacation and see if you can handle the heat and Thai BS.

there are many places that are warm and sunny most of the year ,

last important thing , just like in the West the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up.........protect yourself......

Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

Oh...really? I got two awesome kids and My sin sod will never been negociated. Its increase like a property in the market as my kids is already super star.


Dear Miss ottocheater, I think you may have misinterpreted my post.

My reply was in relation to BKKdreaming quote: the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up

'Knocked up' is an expression used to describe a woman who gets pregnant deliberately in order to trap a man into marriage.

I merely noted that most Thai women with 2 children have probably been sterilized (can't have more children).

I was actually defending Thai women with children, because they would have no need to resort to such a method to catch a man.

A method that is frequently used in western Country's by girls who want to trap a man into marriage.

I never mentioned your children but I'm sure they are awesome as you state.

I never mentioned 'Sin Sod' either.

But as you mention it, in the UK a 'Sin Sod' is known as a 'Dowry'.

In our culture a 'dowry' was always paid by the family of the woman, to the family of the man.

Of course this practice disappeared a long time ago, but it is part of our history.

Just as the 'Sin Sod' of Thailand and the 'Dowry' of China is also part of history within your culture.

However the culture of a 'Sin Sod' is rarely practiced in Thailand and China anymore, except for when a wealthy man comes along and suddenly it becomes a means to extract money.

Personally if you want to resurrect an old cultural custom between a farang and a Thai, then expect a farang to resurrect his cultural customs.

They cancel one another out, so to speak.

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grumbleweed, on 05 Nov 2014 - 13:19, said:
Faz, on 05 Nov 2014 - 09:43, said:
grumbleweed, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:17, said:grumbleweed, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:17, said:

Tell him the biggest majority of Thai girls on the dating sites are hunters, farang are the game. Some one I know (cough cough) uses this to his advantage. by playing shy and lonely, and appearing gullible. the hunter becomes lost in kerching land. Once they smell blood the panties are down to the ankles, even before the first meeting.

A little bit of cheesiness in the form of "you're not like the other girls" "I feel comfortablre with you" (*all online) and its game over They do not realize that they have become the prey and invitations to visit soon follow, with them providing accomodation and tour guide, as well as the main objective

For the more local girls as above but remain stingy (easy when you're from Yorkshire) once they realize you ain't ever gonna be a walting ATM, they scarper, by which time the objective has already been achieved

*The deal needs to be done online to avoid unneccessary expenses suich as food and drink

So the biggest majority of Thai women on dating sites are 'hunters' and farangs are the 'game'.

Then you proceed to manipulate these Thai women into a false belief, so you become the 'hunter' and the Thai woman the 'game'.

Well, if that's your solution to finding a decent Thai woman with whom you can have a meaningful relationship, then your only going to get what you deserve.

Those kind of women are not just prevalent to Thailand, they exist everywhere.

Having a low esteem of women, usually means you have a low esteem of yourself.

A beer guzzling, dick swing farang, just looking to get in a woman's pants is likely to attract like for like.

So don't tar all women with the same brush, look in the miiror first and ask yourself why would a woman want that!

Reading some replies, I'd go as far as to say it's probably harder for a Thai woman to meet a decent respectable farang, than the other way around.

"Beer guzzling dick swinging farang"

OUCH! It would appear I've touched upon a sore point.

As attacking the person rather than the principle is a trait of either the less mentally evolved or the chemically retarded, I apologize for not being able to respond in kind

However, having some knowledge of psychology I can respond to your comment concerning "low self esteem"

Quite often, to compensate for an inferiority complex, people will attempt to associate themselves with success. A common way of doing so is to support a successful football club and broadcast their support to the world, using such things as their avatar. A common name for such behaviour is "little dick syndrome". Which, funnily enough, brings us nicely to dick swinging........

Need I go on?

Quote grumbleweed: Someone I know (cough, cough) uses this to his advantage

Indeed sir, it would appear that I have touched a nerve, although why you should take offence when it's only someone else.

Oh No! (cough, cough,) really means it's you...............I get it.

Well in that case I must point out that your post depicts you as someone with no respect for women and a 'cheap charlie' as the Thai term goes.

You still have time to redeem yourself and say 'what I meant is'

The OP describes himself as a respectable man looking for a respectable woman.

I fail to see how your post helped him in any way, shape, or form.

Looks to me like your a sore loser, because the hunter got hunted and shot down.

As for my 'avatar', I guess you support 'Leeds United' then.

As my 'avatar' depicts, I was born and raised in Manchester. A mancunian and proud of it.

I can understand a tyke thinking a Man Utd supporter is chemically retarded. I take no offence to either comment.

Inferiority complex and suffering from small dick syndrome....................Nah!

I'm in a happy relationship with a Thai girlfriend, nice house, money in the bank, living the dream in LOS.

I'm not the one making up excuses and deceiving in order to get a Thai woman in bed.

I've already got a gem and in bed she calls me 'too long'.

That's as succinct as I'm going to be on the matter.

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