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Russian tourist dies after jet-ski crash in Phuket

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It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

I am at a loss with this place, death everyday here "now" in Phuket, i will be glad to have a break from this carnage at months end.... back home for high season.... i honestly thought when we had the coup, things were FINALLY looking up.....but alas, still unnecessary deaths because there is ZERO duty of care shown by the grubby element of Thai society and the piss weak authorities dont give a rats arse.......If it was my Son or brother,I would lodge a civil suit against the operator, local authorities and the TAT and make it as public as i could so all can see what this place is REALLY LIKE, as its their responsibility to ensure the safety of others before renting out a potentially deadly piece of machinery......Just like the motorbikes, they rent out to all and sundry NO questions asked, then the corrupt BIB, book them down the road for NOT having a license....

HELLO, why doesn't the corrupt BIB stop the vendors from renting to folk without licenses in the first place so we can curb all the unnecessary farang deaths on bikes as well? We all know the reason for this dont we! I have had this debate with a few BIB before, the answers are just buck-passing and defy logic, what an absolute joke! I do love this place' but i get awfully frustrated sometimes, especially when some poor bugger loses their life as a dIrect consequence of a GREEDY Thai......... i live in thailand, work and pay tax in thailand, married to a thai, have land up North and have many lovely Thai friends.....BUT, I have had a gun pointed to my head and been bashed by Thai's in groups as they are cowards and why,because i am a farang and they are jealous or whatever and because I dont take "all" their crap, so i am qualified to put my 2 cents worth in....just my rant, coz i see this everyday and it is NOT getting better and no-one in thailand the LOS (LAND OF SCAMS) EVEN CARES!!! Its a shame for the country and all the descent Thai's out there ... please BE SAFE EVERYONE!!

Scott - this is Thailand this is how it is. suggest your ticket should be one way if you don't like it.

Unnecessary farang deaths on bikes are caused by farangs on bikes. How often have you seen a group of people on 3 mopeds, that costs more than renting a car - why are they not in a car, there choice, there life. STOP blaming the Thai's.

Guess what, and I am not saying it is right, but if you DONT want get beaten up or have gun pointed at your head - you do have to put up with their crap. You are 'qualified' to put your 2 cents in, and a group of 8 guys are 'qualified' to beat you up and point a gun at you.

And again, reasonable point to suggest he lost his life as much to his own foolishness as a result of a greedy Thai. I would love to know what business you are in as there are probably plenty times when you could have possibly have made a safe decision but opted to take the one that makes you more money. just about every one every where in the world does it, I doubt you would be different.

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It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

"Unsuspecting and Trusting"??

Russians have more street sense by age 5 than most Americans at age 40.

The victim was a grown man who was out there having fun and accepted the risk.

Happens all the time.

What a crock! So your argument is based on the general absurd statement that Russians are street smart at 5, which negates the clear breech of duty of care causing death!...,ROFL You have No idea on the Legalities of this topic obviously! Go tell the grieving relatives what you said you grub,you are no better than these crooks' thinking life is soo cheap! I care about peoples welfare and try to instill these values in my thai staff as well as my kids, like i was brought up, what about if this guy had never used a jet-ski before, he wouldn't know the risks would he...... did the thai's tell him those risks? I highly doubt it!! .

Are you American? With a statement like that, it clearly confirms you are correct' that "some" (and I wont tar all with the same brush like you have) Americans do have the intellect of a 5 yo when 40, you only have to observe the sad state of the USA now.....the laughing stock of the world.... You insensitive <removed>!


Jet skys in the wrong hands are killing machines.

In europe when the speed is over 5km an hour one needs a license which needs some seriuos studying.


It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

I am at a loss with this place, death everyday here "now" in Phuket, i will be glad to have a break from this carnage at months end.... back home for high season.... i honestly thought when we had the coup, things were FINALLY looking up.....but alas, still unnecessary deaths because there is ZERO duty of care shown by the grubby element of Thai society and the piss weak authorities dont give a rats arse.......If it was my Son or brother,I would lodge a civil suit against the operator, local authorities and the TAT and make it as public as i could so all can see what this place is REALLY LIKE, as its their responsibility to ensure the safety of others before renting out a potentially deadly piece of machinery......Just like the motorbikes, they rent out to all and sundry NO questions asked, then the corrupt BIB, book them down the road for NOT having a license....

HELLO, why doesn't the corrupt BIB stop the vendors from renting to folk without licenses in the first place so we can curb all the unnecessary farang deaths on bikes as well? We all know the reason for this dont we! I have had this debate with a few BIB before, the answers are just buck-passing and defy logic, what an absolute joke! I do love this place' but i get awfully frustrated sometimes, especially when some poor bugger loses their life as a dIrect consequence of a GREEDY Thai......... i live in thailand, work and pay tax in thailand, married to a thai, have land up North and have many lovely Thai friends.....BUT, I have had a gun pointed to my head and been bashed by Thai's in groups as they are cowards and why,because i am a farang and they are jealous or whatever and because I dont take "all" their crap, so i am qualified to put my 2 cents worth in....just my rant, coz i see this everyday and it is NOT getting better and no-one in thailand the LOS (LAND OF SCAMS) EVEN CARES!!! Its a shame for the country and all the descent Thai's out there ... please BE SAFE EVERYONE!!

Scott - this is Thailand this is how it is. suggest your ticket should be one way if you don't like it.

Unnecessary farang deaths on bikes are caused by farangs on bikes. How often have you seen a group of people on 3 mopeds, that costs more than renting a car - why are they not in a car, there choice, there life. STOP blaming the Thai's.

Guess what, and I am not saying it is right, but if you DONT want get beaten up or have gun pointed at your head - you do have to put up with their crap. You are 'qualified' to put your 2 cents in, and a group of 8 guys are 'qualified' to beat you up and point a gun at you.

And again, reasonable point to suggest he lost his life as much to his own foolishness as a result of a greedy Thai. I would love to know what business you are in as there are probably plenty times when you could have possibly have made a safe decision but opted to take the one that makes you more money. just about every one every where in the world does it, I doubt you would be different.

Hi Graeme, you dont know me and i certainly dont need or want to explain my experiences on an internet forum, i only read news on this site thats all and i am frustrated with all the deaths of farang expats and tourists, is that difficult to understand? What gives you the right to suggest a 1 way ticket....

All I will say, is my experiences were a result of thai's losing face justifiably and rightly so in this example.....So like that other grub said its my fault because i have a Business in another country, I pay all my taxes etc and obey Thai Law, because i am a farang I have to accept being subjected to that treatment? FYI' the ThaI was locked up after the gun incident, so its against thelaw and you seem to think it wasok because its thailand? lol Sorry mate, i dont agree. I find it difficult to understand the mindset of people these days.....I take everyday as it comes and certainly have a higher value of l5fe than some and try to treat everyone how I want to be treated. RIP to this poor guy.


However tragic this accident was, it has to be said that the guy, at the age of 29 yo, should have had the sense not to take a jestski out in those conditions. Of course the Renter should have shut up shop until favourable conditions returned, but in the final analysis we all have to take responsibility for our actions. Jetskis in unskilled hands are a menace. Most tourists are probably unskilled and therefore should steer clear but many will continue taking risks and feeding the press with more stories like this one.


So many things are wrong here.

-Jet skis should not be on any Phuket beaches, period. If this was enforced, the points below would be moot.

-All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license, this Russian did not have one, the same as every other jet ski renter in Phuket. Why isn't Marine 5's boss enforcing existing laws on the books? The answer is rhetorical and it's all about the baht.

- Conditions were far too dangerous for the jet ski clowns to even consider renting them out.

-Why isn't there a better medical procedure used for conditions like this? Seriously taking the guy to Patong, then deciding to transfer to Vachira, really doesn't cut it. Why wasn't he taken straight away to one of the private hospitals? Ambulances should be stationed not more than 5-10 minutes away. This is a holiday island with first world prices for goods and services, yet 3rd world medical emergency services.

-Marine 5 boss calling this an "accident". No it's not an accident, it's a serious incident due to your dereliction of duty by not enforcing laws that are on the books for some reason unbeknownst to the general public. Shame on Marine 5 and it's lack of a backbone on the jet ski issue.

@steelpulse: you write: "All jet skis ridden require a Thai captain's license" - and you are absolutely correct ! !

Thai Maritime Law clearly states that:

1) Any watercraft which is used in any Thai waters MUST bear lawful registration (This would certainly include a Jet-Ski, as does it a rubber-dinghy and any size mono/or/multi hull vessel.

2) The operator of ANY water-craft used in Thai waters MUST have a valid Captain's License

So; this being the Law (!) how can these Jet-Skis even be rented-out to people who obviously do not have a Captain's License ? ? ? ? Having said that; if the law were to be enforced, there would be 95% less craft on Thai waters, because hardly any Thai's (Fishermen; Jet-Ski chaps; Tourist-Boat "captains") hold a Captains License. They don;t hold a license, because this law is NOT being enforced by the authorities ! ! !

While this is happening, the corpses just keep piling-up . . . . . . . .



So many things are wrong here.

-Jet skis should not be on any Phuket beaches, period. If this was enforced, the points below would be moot.

-All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license, this Russian did not have one, the same as every other jet ski renter in Phuket. Why isn't Marine 5's boss enforcing existing laws on the books? The answer is rhetorical and it's all about the baht.

- Conditions were far too dangerous for the jet ski clowns to even consider renting them out.

-Why isn't there a better medical procedure used for conditions like this? Seriously taking the guy to Patong, then deciding to transfer to Vachira, really doesn't cut it. Why wasn't he taken straight away to one of the private hospitals? Ambulances should be stationed not more than 5-10 minutes away. This is a holiday island with first world prices for goods and services, yet 3rd world medical emergency services.

-Marine 5 boss calling this an "accident". No it's not an accident, it's a serious incident due to your dereliction of duty by not enforcing laws that are on the books for some reason unbeknownst to the general public. Shame on Marine 5 and it's lack of a backbone on the jet ski issue.

The people who rent things in Thailand do not care about safety. I've not been to Phuket however in Pattaya you can rent big bikes without even having a full licence.

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It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

"Unsuspecting and Trusting"??

Russians have more street sense by age 5 than most Americans at age 40.

The victim was a grown man who was out there having fun and accepted the risk.

Happens all the time.

Sometimes you have to save people from themselves. He should not have been able to rent a Jet Ski in dangerous conditions. The operator was hoping

he could get some money for fictitious damage.

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​Not one place on this earth, where tourist visit, enforce licensing laws.. Europe, Asia, USA, Australia... to the stupid comments, life is cheap in the East, get a life...

tons ot places to the contrary insist on motorcycle license, car driving license, padi, tow in wave training. kuta beach bali wont rent surfboards in high surf

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Hope the operators have to compensate the family for the death at least.

In fairness and all that.

If they operated as required they have insurance, which will compensate.
And what if they are uninsured?

Ah that's right, the wave was the cause.

You kill a thai here on the roads and you'll be paying up regardless of insurance or the cause.


Life is cheap in The East.

Another "East bashing" comment?

At a hospital in Melbourne within the past 72 hours

(Name of hospital, patient, and staff not to be mentioned)

... a young hoon lay on the table in surgery, being prepared for what was looking like maybe an amputation, with leg bits poking out - chopped up muscles and sinew - smashed bone - a total mess. Because? .. on his jet ski, he got too close to a boat, crashed and had the propeller do the job of mangling his leg.

Hey, this is not "The East"

Well at least if this idiot does survive with one and a bit legs, he won't be on his way to Thailand any time soon.


Steelpulse makes some good points and as well ClutchClark raises a valid point but.....

Why on earth would you transfer a patient from one hospital to another unless you were 100% certain that the patient is stable? He was alive and breathing (albeit unconscious) in the hospital.......

I would think the doctor/hospital has a few questions to answer on this one.......


Steelpulse makes some good points and as well ClutchClark raises a valid point but.....

Why on earth would you transfer a patient from one hospital to another unless you were 100% certain that the patient is stable? He was alive and breathing (albeit unconscious) in the hospital.......

I would think the doctor/hospital has a few questions to answer on this one.......

Because Patong hospital is a joke. Often no real doctor on duty. About all they are good for is nurses dressing wounds. Quite honestly it's a scandel given how much money was spent on that newish building.

  • Like 2

​Not one place on this earth, where tourist visit, enforce licensing laws.. Europe, Asia, USA, Australia... to the stupid comments, life is cheap in the East, get a life...

With your keen insight, you should apply for a job with TAT. Brain optional


Reference the hospital transfer If you have head trauma it is sometimes necessary to remove part of the skull to alleviate the pressure ..perhaps the local hospital didn't have the necessary equipment and surgeons on hand

  • Like 1

​Not one place on this earth, where tourist visit, enforce licensing laws.. Europe, Asia, USA, Australia... to the stupid comments, life is cheap in the East, get a life...

With your keen insight, you should apply for a job with TAT. Brain optional

I can state unequivocally that the US enforces licensing laws. In fact, the insurance companies even mandate it.



So many things are wrong here.

-Jet skis should not be on any Phuket beaches, period. If this was enforced, the points below would be moot.

-All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license, this Russian did not have one, the same as every other jet ski renter in Phuket. Why isn't Marine 5's boss enforcing existing laws on the books? The answer is rhetorical and it's all about the baht.

- Conditions were far too dangerous for the jet ski clowns to even consider renting them out.

-Why isn't there a better medical procedure used for conditions like this? Seriously taking the guy to Patong, then deciding to transfer to Vachira, really doesn't cut it. Why wasn't he taken straight away to one of the private hospitals? Ambulances should be stationed not more than 5-10 minutes away. This is a holiday island with first world prices for goods and services, yet 3rd world medical emergency services.

-Marine 5 boss calling this an "accident". No it's not an accident, it's a serious incident due to your dereliction of duty by not enforcing laws that are on the books for some reason unbeknownst to the general public. Shame on Marine 5 and it's lack of a backbone on the jet ski issue.

steelepulse - I totally agree with most of what you stated except for "All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license..."

You can't be serious? Are you telling me that any tourist that arrives at a beach tourist destination must adhere to the laws of acquiring a Captains license before they can rent a jet ski to pass time on their holiday? It's like requiring tourists to acquire a Thai Motorbike license before they can rent a motorbike during their holiday stay; it's not going to happen and as much as we would all like EVERYONE to be properly licensed to handle any type of vehicle, it's not going to fly with the tourist...never, but on the balance of your statement, I fully agree with you. I don't necessarily put 100% of the blame on the operator since it takes two to tango and the Russian should have known better than to have chosen a time of rough conditions to enjoy himself. They shouldn't have rented it to him and he should have had better sense then to have rented it, but it happened and all we can say is RIP.


​Not one place on this earth, where tourist visit, enforce licensing laws.. Europe, Asia, USA, Australia... to the stupid comments, life is cheap in the East, get a life...

With your keen insight, you should apply for a job with TAT. Brain optional

I can state unequivocally that the US enforces licensing laws. In fact, the insurance companies even mandate it.


And so does the UK.....famous for its "Nanny State"! In this case a stern Nanny might be useful!

  • Like 1

Gees he saved being scammed fifty grand for crashing a jet ski, wonder if they will go after his possessions or relatives.


It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

"Unsuspecting and Trusting"??

Russians have more street sense by age 5 than most Americans at age 40.

The victim was a grown man who was out there having fun and accepted the risk.

Happens all the time.

Another armchair been nowhere know it all.


Time to put an end to it! Ban jet skis in Thai waters, Mr. Gen. PM. Supermaster of the Universe, and show the world that you truly are implementing positive changes to Thailand, since a ban of jet skis will erase a lot of those disgusting, greedy, cheating, offensive and aggressive beach bum Rastafari Mafiosi along with it. Win win situation for you and Thailand's tourists, Mr. Superman!

  • Like 1

As much as I'm against the jet ski mafia, this was an accident and not the jet ski operators fault.

The Russian man took a risk, probably hitting a big wave at a high speed.. Now if someone had rented a motorcycle and crashed, would you be blaming the rental company?

I agree that the jet ski mafias are a big cancer in Thailand because of the scams, but this was an unfortunate accident.

Jet ski's are tons of fun!

  • Like 1

When did it become ok to bash the dead...I have to say, i don't post a lot ...But I have been a member since 2007.....All of the people that have been here for years such as myself are not shocked by the qoutes of others as saying" thanks that the jet ski got retrieved", instead it's this constant diahrreha of the mouth on this site!! This site has become so off topic and one sided that even the moderators have to announce when they have to delete a post for whatever reason...just delete it. Hey TV, love you guys and I know that your servers are not in Thailand, but why you Moderators only claim to have deleted the" offensive remarks", why not throw it all out there? Thailand is corrupt, fake, disengenuine, and full of falsehoods!! The noose is tightening, just my opinion....I remember when this site hooked up up with Thaifriendly....that was a good year!! Now?? come on "moderators", save the BS for the tourists and have a seperate thread thread that reads," I have lived here for more than ten years". So tired of your off topic thread posts..." I am am 50, where should I go to meet a girl?" Or, I just went and got my second multiple entry, now what do I do I do?

You should have a beginner section on Thailand and a "I have been here for a while section"

No disrespect, just my opinion

  • Like 1

​Not one place on this earth, where tourist visit, enforce licensing laws.. Europe, Asia, USA, Australia... to the stupid comments, life is cheap in the East, get a life...

not true Jet skis are banned in Hawaii they can only be ridden by Hawaii Life Guard Association. Only, but if you a Big Wave Surfer you can receive a license to Tow in Surf. The class costs 500$ and takes 6 week course only given in Honolulu 6 times a year.

Jet skis for Ocean safety is 1 thing but renting is and will destroy the image of Phuket.

Im just so surprised that with all the bad stories in the press and social media, that people Still rent jet skis. Amazing..................Thailand

  • Like 2

So many things are wrong here.

-Jet skis should not be on any Phuket beaches, period. If this was enforced, the points below would be moot.

-All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license, this Russian did not have one, the same as every other jet ski renter in Phuket. Why isn't Marine 5's boss enforcing existing laws on the books? The answer is rhetorical and it's all about the baht.

- Conditions were far too dangerous for the jet ski clowns to even consider renting them out.

-Why isn't there a better medical procedure used for conditions like this? Seriously taking the guy to Patong, then deciding to transfer to Vachira, really doesn't cut it. Why wasn't he taken straight away to one of the private hospitals? Ambulances should be stationed not more than 5-10 minutes away. This is a holiday island with first world prices for goods and services, yet 3rd world medical emergency services.

-Marine 5 boss calling this an "accident". No it's not an accident, it's a serious incident due to your dereliction of duty by not enforcing laws that are on the books for some reason unbeknownst to the general public. Shame on Marine 5 and it's lack of a backbone on the jet ski issue.

steelepulse - I totally agree with most of what you stated except for "All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license..."

You can't be serious? Are you telling me that any tourist that arrives at a beach tourist destination must adhere to the laws of acquiring a Captains license before they can rent a jet ski to pass time on their holiday? It's like requiring tourists to acquire a Thai Motorbike license before they can rent a motorbike during their holiday stay; it's not going to happen and as much as we would all like EVERYONE to be properly licensed to handle any type of vehicle, it's not going to fly with the tourist...never, but on the balance of your statement, I fully agree with you. I don't necessarily put 100% of the blame on the operator since it takes two to tango and the Russian should have known better than to have chosen a time of rough conditions to enjoy himself. They shouldn't have rented it to him and he should have had better sense then to have rented it, but it happened and all we can say is RIP.

I would in general not blame the Jetski owner the russian was an adult 29 yo. he should know the risk.

Back to the license discussion.

I have rented with friends several times boats for river and kanal cruises in Holland, France and Germany there is no license necessary, but when I do the same cruises with my own boat then I need a license, this is also real hypocracy. You getting 20-30 minutes briefing and a proper manual that's it.

Simple said, if you getting a Thai Captains license or any license from another country, the this makes you not automatically to an experienced raider, specially for such extreme conditions likes this case.

I blame 25% the authorities that there is not a good trained and qualified beach watch who have the power to block the beach for all in condition like this.

25% I would blame the jetski owner, they having no idea about responsibility.

And minimum 50% the rider.

When I was young I was used to real speed driving in cars, motorbikes and alpine ski.

I had several accidents mainly with motorbikes off road, and alpine ski off track never other

ppl involved I could be several times dead, anyway this does'nt stoped me.

Did know there was a risk, but I does'nt cared about it.

I can not blame others for what I did, caused I was old enough to use my brain.

They only excuse I have, I was a well trained sportman who was going on his limits.

To all the old couch potatoes out there, think decades backwards as you was young,

did you never made somethings to risky, before you blame others.



Hope the operators have to compensate the family for the death at least.

In fairness and all that.

If they operated as required they have insurance, which will compensate.
And what if they are uninsured?

Ah that's right, the wave was the cause.

You kill a thai here on the roads and you'll be paying up regardless of insurance or the cause.

Compensate the family for the false of the raider, this just ridiculous not any insurance would pay for this case, except the raider having an own accident insurance who take car of his insuries, but you have to read the terms carefully a lot of insurances excludes risk like this.

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