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Israel invites Thai workers to return in wake of Gaza violence


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What about employing some of the Palestinians from Gaza, where the unemployment rate is over 50%?

Or is that not in line with the strategy of the new masterrace??coffee1.gif

Your reference to Jews as master race is typical neo anti-semitic rhetoric pushing the big lie that modern Israel has an equivalence to Nazi Germany.

The mess that is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict gives liberty to people who want to express their disdain for Jews who now feel comfortable and even applauded and supported to express such rabid hate speech on public forums like this.

But that does NOT make it right or correct any more than when such antisemitism was temporarily more in the closet.

Telling the truth is not hate speech, But Israel supporters have turned legitimate criticism of Israel into a crime called anti semitism, here's a link to a holocaust survivor who compares Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of Jews in the 1930's.

Dr Meyer, a Jew himself has been labelled an anti semite for telling the truth.


By the way Jingthing there are many more links to similar stories!!

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What about employing some of the Palestinians from Gaza, where the unemployment rate is over 50%?

Or is that not in line with the strategy of the new masterrace??coffee1.gif

Your reference to Jews as master race is typical neo anti-semitic rhetoric pushing the big lie that modern Israel has an equivalence to Nazi Germany.

The mess that is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict gives liberty to people who want to express their disdain for Jews who now feel comfortable and even applauded and supported to express such rabid hate speech on public forums like this.

But that does NOT make it right or correct any more than when such antisemitism was temporarily more in the closet.

Telling the truth is not hate speech, But Israel supporters have turned legitimate criticism of Israel into a crime called anti semitism, here's a link to a holocaust survivor who compares Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of Jews in the 1930's.

Dr Meyer, a Jew himself has been labelled an anti semite for telling the truth.


By the way Jingthing there are many more links to similar stories!!

You are confused and this is the typical Israel demonization tactic, putting words in people's mouths that weren't ever said. Nobody has said that mere legitimate criticism of Israel government policies is antisemitic They deserve it like pretty much all governments in the world. However, suggesting that Israel and Nazi Germany are equivalent, or as in this thread the absurd suggestion that Israel is based on a Nazi style world domination master race ideology IS antisemitic. It does harken back to the Elders of Zion big lie. I don't care about the predictable game of digging up some random anti-Zionist Jews that supposedly supports your demonization agenda. Makes no difference. The truth is Israel is not equivalent Nazi Germany ... period. Humans being crappy to other humans happens all over the world and yes Israel does some it and so do the Palestinians to some of their own people. So does my own country, the USA and many other countries. But stop with the Nazi Germany equivalence garbage directed at Jews. The intent is obvious. They don't do that in criticizing other government with faults, only Israel, coincidentally the one state associated with Jews, the main genocide target of the Nazis.

BTW, if people really believe this big lie, that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany, better tell the THAILAND government about this and stop them from allowing their people to work for those horrible "Nazi Jews" ... how about that?

Edited by Jingthing
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Not shure that Israel has a good reputation with their immigrant workers...

I've never heard a Thai success story 'from zero to hero' coming from Israel.

Can't say that I know any stories of temporary migrant workers going from zero to hero, although I confess I don't really know what that means exactly. I have yet to hear of any horror stories regarding migrant temp workers in Israel, which pretty much indicates things go pretty smoothly. The people work their shift, are fed and housed, and send remittances home. That is a huge part of the global economy and I would guess that no news is indeed good news when it comes to migrant labor as abuses tend to get noticed.+

BY the way, I know of one kibbutz in the Western Galilee that had used Thai workers in their banana fields for nearly 20 years now.

Edited by Johpa
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here's a link to a holocaust survivor........

Interested to hear the opinion of pogrom survivors, holocaust survivors and the children of holocaust survivors in Israel?

I suspect not!

Using that fella (rest in peace) to make a point, could be said to be pulling the holocaust card from another angle.

I see similar when Israel's opponents wheel out Neturei Karta members at Anti Israel Rallies.

For every Jew that can be found criticising Israel (or outright rejecting its legitimacy) there is another in support of it.

Criticism is one thing. However, it can also act as a benign mask for a far deeper and malicious opposition to Israel full stop.

If the anti defamation league and similar may be perceived as over vigilant to the point of paranoia, consider the following :

"The Jewish imagination is paranoia confirmed by history", as one Jew put it in a recent documentary in Britain.

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Being as you are so proactive regarding the employment situation in Israel Jingthing why don't you offer your undoubted talents to the state you idolize?

Man up, ''Actions speak louder than words.''

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jingthing is a jew you cannot expect to get a fair an balanced review from him where Isreal and Palestine is concerned you will just get the usual Anti semitism and racist accusations from him and he considers israel to be the saints of the middle east LOL

Well in comparison to the rest of the neighbours , Israel is a saint, but that would be hard to grasp for a non Jew who hates Jews .

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Being as you are so proactive regarding the employment situation in Israel Jingthing why don't you offer your undoubted talents to the state you idolize?

Man up, ''Actions speak louder than words.''

I consider that a troll baiting question, so no response, other than to say I do not "idolize" any nation state, including Israel.

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jingthing is a jew you cannot expect to get a fair an balanced review from him where Isreal and Palestine is concerned you will just get the usual Anti semitism and racist accusations from him and he considers israel to be the saints of the middle east LOL

Well in comparison to the rest of the neighbours , Israel is a saint, but that would be hard to grasp for a non Jew who hates Jews .

There ya go again another idiot accusing people of hating jews I dont hate jews I just made a truthful comment about Jingthing when anyone mentions jews in a negative light he does the exact same thing if someone mentions homos in a negative light.

its just the way he is a liberal lefty with a lot of chips on his shoulder that is all I dont hate jews nor homos

Edited by DiamondKing
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jingthing is a jew you cannot expect to get a fair an balanced review from him where Isreal and Palestine is concerned you will just get the usual Anti semitism and racist accusations from him and he considers israel to be the saints of the middle east LOL

Well in comparison to the rest of the neighbours , Israel is a saint, but that would be hard to grasp for a non Jew who hates Jews .

There ya go again another idiot accusing people of hating jews I dont hate jews I just made a truthful comment about Jingthing when anyone mentions jews in a negative light he does the exact same thing if someone mentions homos in a negative light.

its just the way he is a liberal lefty with a lot of chips on his shoulder that is all I dont hate jews nor homos

Do not know if you take your drivel as a compliment or an insult, but looking at your posting style, comment and lack of comprehension will take it a compliment,

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jingthing is a jew you cannot expect to get a fair an balanced review from him where Isreal and Palestine is concerned you will just get the usual Anti semitism and racist accusations from him and he considers israel to be the saints of the middle east LOL

Well in comparison to the rest of the neighbours , Israel is a saint, but that would be hard to grasp for a non Jew who hates Jews .

There ya go again another idiot accusing people of hating jews I dont hate jews I just made a truthful comment about Jingthing when anyone mentions jews in a negative light he does the exact same thing if someone mentions homos in a negative light.

its just the way he is a liberal lefty with a lot of chips on his shoulder that is all I dont hate jews nor homos

Do not know if you take your drivel as a compliment or an insult, but looking at your posting style, comment and lack of comprehension will take it a compliment,

Take it anyway you want

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Glimpsed quite a lot of workers with a Thai appearance up in places like the Golan Heights (the old "wrap yourself up like a mummy, when working out in the sun" apparel kind of gave it away). It appeared to be 'farm hand' work, work in fields, tractor driving, watering in the orchards. Always waved to them whenever they chugged past me on a tractor when being transported to the fields, and the response was always lots of wide white smiles and waves back. Later on I spoke to an Israeli woman in one of Golan's Moshav who was desperate to get workers during busy seasons, and she pre-empted what I would have asked next by saying the rate she was offering was very reasonable indeed (I believed her, based on how it came across) and as a result she was frustrated that locals wouldn't take the work, but she also knew why and it is a story that was familiar.

Basically, it was - "Why do hard graft like that if you can get cushier work serving coffee or something, somewhere far more eventfull?" and it was very hard for her to compete with that. Few are interested in agricultural work, as few are in Britain, although the core problem in Britain (I suspect) is that the pay would be rock bottom but the work would be hard graft, so they advertise overseas in the first instance. Potential younger workers were willing to receive less pay for cushier work conditions in places like Tel Aviv where daily life was more thrilling and where all the action is. Understandable. It also became harder to fill the gaps in labour when the days of foreign volunteers dried up long ago, compared to decades ago. If the South East Asian workers are being payed well or not, I don't know, and I don't know if Israel has a minimum wage in place or not. Whatever the case, these guys were working in beautiful surroundings, lush cherry orchards in the Golan Heights, quiet and healthy. Have they been converted to Hummus and Falafel?

Thank you for this very informative post, that certainly gives us a better understanding of the environments and working conditions of the Thai workers in Israel.

I found this very interesting video on Utube. The Thai workers all look well treated, happy and content to me and seem to be well accepted into Israeli society.

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Not shure that Israel has a good reputation with their immigrant workers...

I've never heard a Thai success story 'from zero to hero' coming from Israel.

So which country using imported Thai guest farm workers has a better reputation turning Thai farm workers from "zero" to hero? I reckon being a guest farm worker anywhere to anywhere isn't exactly the typical path to fame and fortune.

Jingthing, you are an antagonist and simply don`t know when to give it a rest.
Why is that? Because he puts trolls back to their place? Or because he provides valid points making Israel and Jew haters look like fools?

Why have you not questioned the fact that Egypt not only does not invite "their brothers" to work but totally shut down the border ?

Why have you not questioned the fact that Saudi's do not invite them to work but bring Indians or anyone else but fakestinians?

Why Kuwait ?Qatar? Or any other of their brothers do not and use any and everyone else but them.

So how is it that the ones who claim to be neutral have a problem with Israel inviting thai workers and then without a single clue try to blame Israel for mistreating them?

No need to answer, it's pretty clear.

Edited by konying
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Labour exchange. Does Thailand really want Israeli workers? The type that buy one small bottle of water to share between 6 of them? What sort of work would they do and what sort of pay would they expect. What living conditions could they abide by?

Has anyone experienced these imported workers?

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That kibbutz, Matzuba, is the one I referenced earlier as having Thai workers working the bananas. The manager of the bananas there, Aaron, was a roommate of mine many, many years ago. Edited by Johpa
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Labour exchange. Does Thailand really want Israeli workers? The type that buy one small bottle of water to share between 6 of them? What sort of work would they do and what sort of pay would they expect. What living conditions could they abide by?

Has anyone experienced these imported workers?

Israel is an advanced country best known these days for high tech type stuff. Obviously, labor at that high skill level doesn't come cheap.

Oh ... and hummus.

I doubt there is interest in Israeli farm workers in Thailand from the Israelis or the Thais.

I did hear there was a foreign Jewish farmer in Isaan ... I forget whether he's Israeli or not.

He runs the farm though ... so bossy!

Your comment insinuating comical stinginess ...wow, what other negative stereotypes about Jews would you like to randomly promote here, in case some people haven't yet been brainwashed from childhood to believe such crapola?

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I only hope that Thailand chooses not to send labor to Israel until Israel gets rid of the current government.

Not sure exactly what you're getting at, but for Israelis (and guest workers) living near Gaza, just changing the government in Israel won't necessarily take away the good chance there will be future violent conflicts between Israel and Gaza, including incoming rockets, probably stronger rockets. Actually a change in the Gaza government away from something like Hamas would be more beneficial to the Thai workers ... but that's not happening anytime soon.

For the time being, it's probably safe for the Thais ... the Gazans are in the process now of building up their arms supplies (and tunnels) now and it could be years before the next flareup. That's the status quo now, horrible as it is.

I can see questioning going into a country in conflict as a guest worker. I suppose the potential guest workers should at least be informed about the history there and left to make their own adult decisions about what risks they are willing to take, or not.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not shure that Israel has a good reputation with their immigrant workers...

I've never heard a Thai success story 'from zero to hero' coming from Israel.

So which country using imported Thai guest farm workers has a better reputation turning Thai farm workers from "zero" to hero? I reckon being a guest farm worker anywhere to anywhere isn't exactly the typical path to fame and fortune.

Jingthing, you are an antagonist and simply don`t know when to give it a rest.

And what are you, my Daddy?

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Not shure that Israel has a good reputation with their immigrant workers...

I've never heard a Thai success story 'from zero to hero' coming from Israel.

So which country using imported Thai guest farm workers has a better reputation turning Thai farm workers from "zero" to hero? I reckon being a guest farm worker anywhere to anywhere isn't exactly the typical path to fame and fortune.

Jingthing, you are an antagonist and simply don`t know when to give it a rest.
Why is that? Because he puts trolls back to their place? Or because he provides valid points making Israel and Jew haters look like fools?

Why have you not questioned the fact that Egypt not only does not invite "their brothers" to work but totally shut down the border ?

Why have you not questioned the fact that Saudi's do not invite them to work but bring Indians or anyone else but fakestinians?

Why Kuwait ?Qatar? Or any other of their brothers do not and use any and everyone else but them.

So how is it that the ones who claim to be neutral have a problem with Israel inviting thai workers and then without a single clue try to blame Israel for mistreating them?

No need to answer, it's pretty clear.

Kuwait: We all know Arafat announced support for Saddam and then Kuwait kicked out 400k+ Palestinians. Has taken a long time for recovery of relations, but Kuwait has now re-opened relations with the Palestinian Authority & currently an estimated 80k Palestinians working in Kuwait.

Earlier this year Qatar agreed to allocate 20k work visas for Palestinians from Gaza & West Bank

An estimated 200k+ Palestinians working in KSA

Still small numbers, at least some opportunities for Palestinian workers to generate income to support their families.

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Not shure that Israel has a good reputation with their immigrant workers...

I've never heard a Thai success story 'from zero to hero' coming from Israel.

So which country using imported Thai guest farm workers has a better reputation turning Thai farm workers from "zero" to hero? I reckon being a guest farm worker anywhere to anywhere isn't exactly the typical path to fame and fortune.

Jingthing, you are an antagonist and simply don`t know when to give it a rest.
Why is that? Because he puts trolls back to their place? Or because he provides valid points making Israel and Jew haters look like fools?

Why have you not questioned the fact that Egypt not only does not invite "their brothers" to work but totally shut down the border ?

Why have you not questioned the fact that Saudi's do not invite them to work but bring Indians or anyone else but fakestinians?

Why Kuwait ?Qatar? Or any other of their brothers do not and use any and everyone else but them.

So how is it that the ones who claim to be neutral have a problem with Israel inviting thai workers and then without a single clue try to blame Israel for mistreating them?

No need to answer, it's pretty clear.

Sounds like you might be Jingthings boyfriend your so defensive of him when many other can clearly see Beetlejuice is spot on

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Sounds like you might be Jingthings boyfriend your so defensive of him when many other can clearly see Beetlejuice is spot on

This is a forum where different opinions are expressed. If you don't agree with me, fine. But stop with the crude personal attacks. NOT COOL.

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Intentional to differentiate Israeli Arab CITIZENS (20 percent of Israel's population) and Palestinian Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Anyway, the topic is about the Thai workers safety in coming back and being invited back. I hope this works out for the parties involved in this transition period after the recent war between Hamas ruled Gaza and the state of Israel.

Then why not just refer to them as Israelis, because that is what they are!! Why the need to distinguise between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs? Ofcourse nothing to do with racism??

Why the opposition against mixed marriages? Saw a documentary about a mixed couple(Jew/Arab) get married in Yaffa, where the party for the young couple was spoiled by thousands of demonstrators, who was unhappy with the race being polluted. Ofcourse nothing to do with racism??

Don't get me started on the settlements, the killing of more than 2000 mainly civilians in the latest masacre on Gaza!!

And 100% sure nothing to do with anti-semitism!!

We are just a few getting very tired of watching Israel doing whatever the want with impunity, thanks to big brothers veto-right in the UN!!

And if Israels right to the holy land is based on 2000 year old fairytales, then maybe it is time for the Americans to return all land to the Native Americans??

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There is racism in Israel. There is racism in Gaza. There is racism in West Bank. There is racism in Egypt. There is racism in the USA. There is racism in Thailand. There is racism in every country in the world. Not defending racism but am defending Israel against irrational demonization and endless efforts to attack their very legitimacy and existence.

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jingthing is a jew you cannot expectancies to get a fair an balanced review from him where Isreal and Palestine is concerned you will just get the usual Anti semitism and racist accusations from him and he considers israel to be the saints of the middle east LOL

A person could be a Mormon Martian and it wouldn't make the flame attack that Israel is the same as Nazi Germany any more truthful. Saying a country isn't the same as Nazi Germany is not the same thing as saying a country is perfect. NO country is perfect.

Yes isra hell is a Nazi and racist regime and whoever says that is not antisemitic.

Real Jews say exactly same thing, let's listen to them

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Intentional to differentiate Israeli Arab CITIZENS (20 percent of Israel's population) and Palestinian Arabs who do not live in Israel.

Anyway, the topic is about the Thai workers safety in coming back and being invited back. I hope this works out for the parties involved in this transition period after the recent war between Hamas ruled Gaza and the state of Israel.

Then why not just refer to them as Israelis, because that is what they are!! Why the need to distinguise between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs? Ofcourse nothing to do with racism??

Why the opposition against mixed marriages? Saw a documentary about a mixed couple(Jew/Arab) get married in Yaffa, where the party for the young couple

d by thousands of demonstrators, who was unhappy with the race being polluted. Ofcourse nothing to do with racism??

Don't get me started on the settlements, the killing of more than 2000 mainly civilians in the latest masacre on Gaza!!

And 100% sure nothing to do with anti-semitism!!

We are just a few getting very tired of watching Israel doing whatever the want with impunity, thanks to big brothers veto-right in the UN!!

And if Israels right to the holy land is based on 2000 year old fairytales, then maybe it is time for the Americans to return all land to the Native Americans??

You are totally RIGHT.

For Zionists you are anti semitic.

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