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US midterm elections: Barack Obama’s legacy could be ruined in one day


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That's who is screwing poor people? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication. Do you believe the Republicans have had a hand in ruining Obama's legacy too?

How about you offer evidence to show that the facts in there are false? Just sayin'.

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“The plight of uninsured Americans and the hardships caused by unfair insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed,” he added. “But it wasn’t the change we were hired to make. Americans were crying out for an end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs — not for changes in their health care.”

The US economy continues to grow, not recede, jobs are on the increase, and wages are on the rise.

So here's a politician who is riding the wave of fake news.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the Koch brothers are calling in their chits to make sure they get what they paid for, when various tax breaks get renewed.

It's business as usual and the snouts are ready to dive back into the trough. To the tune of $440 Billion in corporate favours over the few years. More "trickle down" economics?

And to think that the Republicans are the party that want to cut the deficit (which has been shrinking quite nicely without their help).

Kochs target Republicans on tax breaks


11/12/14 5:41 PM EST

Powerful conservative groups including those backed by the Koch Brothers are pushing Republicans to take a hard line on a raft of expired tax breaks pending in the lame duck, an effort that could jeopardize party leaders’ hopes for a low-drama Congress.

Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Action for America and others want Republicans to capitalize on their election victory by killing some of the tax “extenders” they’ve long hated, such as a one subsidizing the wind energy industry.

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Americans for Prosperity said it will spend $200,000 targeting 25 House Republicans on the wind issue. Among them: Reps. Gus Bilirakis (Fla.), Larry Bucshon (Ind.), Renee Ellmers (N.C.) and Michael Turner (Ohio).

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/11/lame-duck-congress-tax-breaks-112834.html#ixzz3KGrl03MN

Still, someone has to screw the poor at Christmas, it's a tradition.

the deficit (which has been shrinking quite nicely without their help).

????????? Last time I looked it was about 17 TRILLION $ and rising. Shrink that!

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That's who is screwing poor people? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication. Do you believe the Republicans have had a hand in ruining Obama's legacy too?

How about you offer evidence to show that the facts in there are false? Just sayin'.

There is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame, or lazy. Just saying.

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That's who is screwing poor people? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication. Do you believe the Republicans have had a hand in ruining Obama's legacy too?

How about you offer evidence to show that the facts in there are false? Just sayin'.

There is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame, or lazy. Just saying.

Prototypical democrat voter. 555

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the deficit (which has been shrinking quite nicely without their help).

????????? Last time I looked it was about 17 TRILLION $ and rising. Shrink that!

Please look up the following words:

(1) Deficit

(2) Debt

You can't reduce the debt until you eliminate the deficit and go into the black.





Edited by Chicog
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That's who is screwing poor people? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication. Do you believe the Republicans have had a hand in ruining Obama's legacy too?

How about you offer evidence to show that the facts in there are false? Just sayin'.

There is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame, or lazy. Just saying.

So you don't wish to offer any evidence then? No surprise really.

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That's who is screwing poor people? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication. Do you believe the Republicans have had a hand in ruining Obama's legacy too?

How about you offer evidence to show that the facts in there are false? Just sayin'.

There is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame, or lazy. Just saying.

So you don't wish to offer any evidence then? No surprise really.

Evidence of what? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication or the fact there is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame,'or lazy?

Edited by CMNightRider
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Evidence of what? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication or the fact there is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame,'or lazy?

You seem to be avoiding the statement that Republicans are trying to end tax credits for the working poor, while extending what amounts to $440Bn tax breaks that will benefit their corporate paymasters.

That was in the NY Times, not the Daily Kos, which you would have known had you read the link. I posted that version because it highlighted only the relevant parts.

If you want to read the full NYT story it's here.

Now, my question again: Do you have any evidence that this is not true?

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Evidence of what? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication or the fact there is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame,'or lazy?

That seems to be a rather dramatic way of saying "I'm alright Jack".

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Evidence of what? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication or the fact there is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame,'or lazy?

You seem to be avoiding the statement that Republicans are trying to end tax credits for the working poor, while extending what amounts to $440Bn tax breaks that will benefit their corporate paymasters.

That was in the NY Times, not the Daily Kos, which you would have known had you read the link. I posted that version because it highlighted only the relevant parts.

If you want to read the full NYT story it's here.

Now, my question again: Do you have any evidence that this is not true?

About 43% of Americans don't pay federal income taxes, and many of those receive some sort of welfare. The tax credit they are talking about means little to nothing to a person that don't pay income taxes (poor people).

If you had a job where you only made around $10 to $15 an hour, what would you do? Would you think about attending a community college or a trade school in order to get the skills required for a higher paying job or would you just do nothing. Doing nothing is what a lot of people do for whatever the reason may be.

What did you do for a living? Did you sit around waiting for someone to give you a job? You probably worked on educating yourself or learned a skill and saved your money so you could retire in Thailand. You're not one of those people who inherited money are you?

It doesn't make any difference if the democrats or republicans are in power. There will always be poor people because some people just aren't motivated enough to work. They want something for nothing. If America cut welfare except for the really needy, you would see people getting of the butts and working for a living.

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Evidence of what? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication or the fact there is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame,'or lazy?

You seem to be avoiding the statement that Republicans are trying to end tax credits for the working poor, while extending what amounts to $440Bn tax breaks that will benefit their corporate paymasters.

That was in the NY Times, not the Daily Kos, which you would have known had you read the link. I posted that version because it highlighted only the relevant parts.

If you want to read the full NYT story it's here.

Now, my question again: Do you have any evidence that this is not true?

Perhaps you might consider reading both publications for comparison's sake.

The NY Times version had this to say, which was omitted from the Daily Kos article.

"Republican aides involved in the negotiations reacted angrily to the White House’s efforts to torpedo the talks. They noted that Mr. Obama had pushed for his own version of a permanent, expanded research and development credit as a boon to the economy and embraced a narrower proposal to let small businesses deduct the cost of investments. Now, they say, he is reversing himself rather than accept yes for an answer."

BOTH PARTIES want to end the two tax breaks because the flood of newly legalized illegal immigrants would overwhelm the system.

The Daily Kos took more than a little literary license to get their anti-Republican point across.

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Wait a minute. You mention the New York Times and post the "Daily Kos" article again. It's interesting how some people seek out radical, left wing news to support their socialistic views. Is that your view of America? Do you believe America should continue down the road of socialism?

Hang on, when when someone of a more centrist point of view points out that the likes of Fox News are not a legitimate news agency, but are in fact part of the squalid right-wing propaganda machine, we get all this crap about shooting the messenger.

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Hang on, when when someone of a more centrist point of view points out that the likes of Fox News are not a legitimate news agency, but are in fact part of the squalid right-wing propaganda machine, we get all this crap about shooting the messenger.

Probably because that is a load of crap and "centrists" don't make such ridiculous claims.

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Evidence of what? The "Daily Kos" is just another liberal publication or the fact there is no reason to remain poor in America, unless a person is either sick, lame,'or lazy?

You seem to be avoiding the statement that Republicans are trying to end tax credits for the working poor, while extending what amounts to $440Bn tax breaks that will benefit their corporate paymasters.

That was in the NY Times, not the Daily Kos, which you would have known had you read the link. I posted that version because it highlighted only the relevant parts.

If you want to read the full NYT story it's here.

Now, my question again: Do you have any evidence that this is not true?

Perhaps you might consider reading both publications for comparison's sake.

The NY Times version had this to say, which was omitted from the Daily Kos article.

"Republican aides involved in the negotiations reacted angrily to the White House’s efforts to torpedo the talks. They noted that Mr. Obama had pushed for his own version of a permanent, expanded research and development credit as a boon to the economy and embraced a narrower proposal to let small businesses deduct the cost of investments. Now, they say, he is reversing himself rather than accept yes for an answer."

BOTH PARTIES want to end the two tax breaks because the flood of newly legalized illegal immigrants would overwhelm the system.

The Daily Kos took more than a little literary license to get their anti-Republican point across.

I see no reason why you can't put rules in place to exclude those immigrants protected by temporary relief. They are already not entitled to other Federal benefits.

On the other issue, From what I read the issue is the Dems want these tax breaks at individual level as well as for business, but the Republicans want to exclude the individual credits.

Also, if the Republicans force through this bill it adds $440Bn to the deficit over ten years.

They don't seem to mind increasing deficits when it suits their paymasters.

CMN said:

About 43% of Americans don't pay federal income taxes, and many of those receive some sort of welfare. The tax credit they are talking about means little to nothing to a person that don't pay income taxes (poor people).

The articles refer throughout to what they call the "Working Poor".

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Hang on, when when someone of a more centrist point of view points out that the likes of Fox News are not a legitimate news agency, but are in fact part of the squalid right-wing propaganda machine, we get all this crap about shooting the messenger.

Probably because that is a load of crap and "centrists" don't make such ridiculous claims.

What's ridiculous about Fox New being a squalid right-wing propaganda machine?

Pretty nailed on, that is.

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Wait a minute. You mention the New York Times and post the "Daily Kos" article again. It's interesting how some people seek out radical, left wing news to support their socialistic views. Is that your view of America? Do you believe America should continue down the road of socialism?

Do you truly believe that the New York Times is "radical, left wing news"?

Do you truly believe that America is going "down the road to socialism"?

Quite frankly, I have to wonder if you really understand what those terms mean

The Daily Kos took more than a little literary license to get their anti-Republican point across.

As per usual. Partisan politics at its worse.

Do tell us more about the worst of partisan politics. rolleyes.gif

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Republicans are floating the idea of their not inviting the president to congress to give the State of the Union address in January. It's almost as if they don't want to keep control of the senate, because this is precisely what they shouldn't do. It will make them seem petty and more interested in fighting than solving problems.

Republicans need to pass tough legislation that makes the president appear in the eyes of the American people to the be the obstructionist. They'll control both houses, so it really shouldn't be that difficult to get it done. The Republican governors who have a realistic shot at the White House in 2016 should be on the phone to Mitch McConnell everyday to make sure that happens. A few of them could beat Secretary Clinton, but not if congressional Republicans damage the brand with more of the same old same old.

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Republicans are floating the idea of their not inviting the president to congress to give the State of the Union address in January. It's almost as if they don't want to keep control of the senate, because this is precisely what they shouldn't do. It will make them seem petty and more interested in fighting than solving problems.

Republicans need to pass tough legislation that makes the president appear in the eyes of the American people to the be the obstructionist. They'll control both houses, so it really shouldn't be that difficult to get it done. The Republican governors who have a realistic shot at the White House in 2016 should be on the phone to Mitch McConnell everyday to make sure that happens. A few of them could beat Secretary Clinton, but not if congressional Republicans damage the brand with more of the same old same old.

Just curious, where are you reading that?

Edit in: Never mind, scratch that.Salon has a right snappy report on the rumor and, of course, MSNBC is very likely running with it.


The idea originated from an editorial in Breitbart News, which is now, according to the liberal progressives, the fount of all knowledge instead of the rag they usually portray it to be.

He might as well mail it in. Nobody will pay any attention to what he says anyway.

Edited by chuckd
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Will Republicans bar Obama from State of the Union address?

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — As Republicans consider ways to register their opposition to President Barack Obama’s executive order on immigration, one unprecedented option is making the rounds: blocking the State of the Union address.


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Will Republicans bar Obama from State of the Union address?

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — As Republicans consider ways to register their opposition to President Barack Obama’s executive order on immigration, one unprecedented option is making the rounds: blocking the State of the Union address.


I doubt it will happen, but I wouldn't put it past the spiteful little sourpusses trying.

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Some guy wrote an editorial for Breitbart News suggesting it as an option.

The left wing dingbats are off and running with it. You guys can pull your feelers in. It is much ado about nothing.

He might as well mail it in though. All the attention will be on how many times he uses the word "I", "me", "mine" or "my"

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Some guy wrote an editorial for Breitbart News suggesting it as an option.

The left wing dingbats are off and running with it. You guys can pull your feelers in. It is much ado about nothing.

He might as well mail it in though. All the attention will be on how many times he uses the word "I", "me", "mine" or "my"

That's not the point though, is it?

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