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No Israel charge over Gaza ship raid


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As usual your missing the point it was not a pirate ship? It was delivering aid to people starving to death by an illegal blockade targeting civilians! A war crime?

As usual, the "point" is foolish. A defensive military blockade, to prevent supplies from reaching terrorists, is not illegal and the people of Gaza have an obesity problem. They are not starving. The Turkish mercenaries and useful idiots tried to run it and then attacked the soldiers enforcing the blockade. The Turkish pirates were killed in self defense as the court ruled.

The panel's report said the commandos did face "significant, organised and violent resistance", requiring them to "use force for their own protection".

Your pavlovian responses are generally predictable, but that is the best yet - the people of Gaza are not starving so an oppressive regime is entitled to punatively restrict their access to basic food stuffs, basic medicine, basic educational materials, even kids toys?

It beggars belief that anyone would see this as anything other than collective punishment by a desperate Israeli regime that realises the world is turning against its sickening brutality.

Edited by RuamRudy
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As said many times already, all the ships captain had to do was to take the ship to a designated port for inspection and the items would have been able to enter Gaza legally. The Turkish mercenaries were trying to break the blockade. They attacked the soldiers enforcing it and were dispatched in self defense.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Appropriate action by a country fighting for it's very existance. Well done Israel and good luck.

The ICC has said that there is reasonable grounds to believe war crimes were committed. For some reason, nothing to do with acquittal or innocence, the ICC did not proceed with the case. The decision will be appealed.

Thus, it's reasonable to assume there were war crimes. As such, to cheer on the murders of 9 innocent men is disgusting and hate speech.

I pity the member who dares to say your words but talking about Palestine.

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The "activists" were Turkish mercenaries that attacked the soldiers with steel pipes, metal chains and knives, before they boarded the ship. They got exactly what they were asking for.

As usual UG, you have turned every thing upside down. The ship delivering aid was attacked in international waters by heavily armed Israeli soldiers, and the crew defended themselves with whatever came to hand.

No weapons were found on the ships, 9 innocent people were murdered.


1, Ship was boarded NOT attacked

2. Soldiers are armed, hence they are soldiers.

3. Knife is a weapon, in a trained hand, folk is a weapon

4. Innocent would be if they held their hands up, they attacked the soldiers.

5. Last time i checked when you about to enter restricted area you assume responsibility for consequences to come

But all of that, clearly does not sit well with you, because any excuse to bash Israel is a good excuse, no matter how nonsensical it may be

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As said many times already, all the ships captain had to do was to take the ship to a designated port for inspection and the items would have been able to enter Gaza legally. The Turkish mercenaries were trying to break the blockade. They attacked the soldiers enforcing it and were dispatched in self defense.

Uly, stop posting logic, it does not sit well with the usual suspects.giggle.gif

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Appropriate action by a country fighting for it's very existance. Well done Israel and good luck.

The ICC has said that there is reasonable grounds to believe war crimes were committed. For some reason, nothing to do with acquittal or innocence, the ICC did not proceed with the case. The decision will be appealed.

Thus, it's reasonable to assume there were war crimes. As such, to cheer on the murders of 9 innocent men is disgusting and hate speech.

Don't be foolish. Is everyone that is a suspect in a crime guilty? They have already been forced to admit that the soldiers acted in self defense. The ICC did not charge them because they have no case. rolleyes.gif

The panel's report said the commandos did face "significant, organised and violent resistance", requiring them to "use force for their own protection".

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The "activists" were Turkish mercenaries that attacked the soldiers with steel pipes, metal chains and knives, before they boarded the ship. They got exactly what they were asking for.

As usual UG, you have turned every thing upside down. The ship delivering aid was attacked in international waters by heavily armed Israeli soldiers, and the crew defended themselves with whatever came to hand.

No weapons were found on the ships, 9 innocent people were murdered.

Luckily, there is video footage to discredit those blatant lies. Otherwise, the soldiers that were simply defending themselves would surely have been charged.
They invaded a foreign flagged vessel in international waters and proceeded to commit, what the Hague considers to be, possible war crimes, but you still try to defend then. It says much about you.

Don't waste your time they obviously have no real education and are unable to read past the rhetoric of the Zionist news.

Simple people make simple mistakes. Such as it is illegal to board a ship without the Captains permission in international waters and the Gaza waters in any case were blockaded to stop food and medicine getting in surely that's a war crime for a start. It's called "collective punishment" of civilians for the less educated.

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Don't waste your time they obviously have no real education and are unable to read past the rhetoric of the Zionist news.

It is all a big Jewish conspiracy that the ICC did not charge those soldiers, that they had to admit were protecting themselves. Sorry that we were not "educated" at a radical Islamic mosque, so we could see things more clearly. giggle.gif

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Don't waste your time they obviously have no real education and are unable to read past the rhetoric of the Zionist news.

It is all a big Jewish conspiracy that the ICC did not charge those soldiers, that they had to admit were protecting themselves. Sorry that we were not "educated" at a radical Islamic mosque, so we could see things more clearly. giggle.gif

I had to like your post it most likely is a conspiracy as the ICC is quiet political.

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  • 1 year later...

Of course the case was dismissed. What a waste of the court's recourses.

The panel's report said the commandos did face "significant, organised and violent resistance", requiring them to "use force for their own protection".

The key word is resistance because as usual Israel fires the first shot, then plays the victim.

I hope the appeal is successful. At the least it will keep the spotlight on Israel's illegal occupation.

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Looks like there may finally be some justice for the 9 innocent victims murdered by Israel in 2010


A frivolous lawsuit with little meaning. No matter where the ship was registered, it was trying to ignore a legal, defensive, military blockade.

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Of course the case was dismissed. What a waste of the court's recourses.

The panel's report said the commandos did face "significant, organised and violent resistance", requiring them to "use force for their own protection".

Crack commandos so scared of activists seeking to alleviate state sponsored terrorism on a beleaguered people that they need to kill 9 of them?

As the article states, there is "reasonable basis" to believe war crimes had been committed.

Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

All the ships captain had to do was to take the ship to a designated port for inspection. He refused and was refused entry and put up a fight and lost. Turkey and the shipping company should pay damages to Israel.

You would demand no less in your country.coffee1.gif

As the ship was in INTERNATIONAL WATERS why should the captain comply?

Can someone remind me exactly how many crack Israeli commandos were actually killed and injured by the "mercenary Turks, and what weapons of war the Turks were armed with?

Edited by billd766
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The "activists" were Turkish mercenaries that attacked the soldiers with steel pipes, metal chains and knives, before they boarded the ship. They got exactly what they were asking for.

As usual UG, you have turned every thing upside down. The ship delivering aid was attacked in international waters by heavily armed Israeli soldiers, and the crew defended themselves with whatever came to hand.

No weapons were found on the ships, 9 innocent people were murdered.


1, Ship was boarded NOT attacked

2. Soldiers are armed, hence they are soldiers.

3. Knife is a weapon, in a trained hand, folk is a weapon

4. Innocent would be if they held their hands up, they attacked the soldiers.

5. Last time i checked when you about to enter restricted area you assume responsibility for consequences to come

But all of that, clearly does not sit well with you, because any excuse to bash Israel is a good excuse, no matter how nonsensical it may be

Boarding in international waters without permission from the captain is indeed an attack. An illegal attack.

Which makes your remaining points redundant.

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Trying to run a military blockade is illegal and setting one up in international waters is legitimate. The phony peace activists/mercenaries got what was coming to them for attacking Israel soldiers that were stopping them from circumventing the law.

Whose laws...Israel's alone as usual??
Israel yet again contravenes the Geneva Convention with regards to collective punishment and a duty of care of an occupying power, in that it controls all land, sea and air routes into Gaza.
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory [edited statutes against population transfers...don't want to drift off topic]
Article 33. No persons may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
The Israeli blockade of Gaza is illegal, and they had no legal right to prevent a ship reaching Gaza, especially when it was in international waters.
Edited by dexterm
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I can see that this is going to be another circular argument with no end.

An update was posted by a member, but that seems to be lost in the 'discussion.'

You can wait for a topic by the news team.


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