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US mid-terms: Hillary Clinton’s dry run for 2016?


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US mid-terms: Hillary Clinton’s dry run for 2016?
By Kim Ghattas
BBC News, Washington

WASHINGTON: -- The mid-terms are over. The 2016 presidential race starts now.

The results improved the chances of some Republican presidential hopefuls like Chris Christie, while it gutted the Democratic field from rising stars and undermined the chances of Democratic hopefuls like Governor Martin O'Malley.

But how did the Democratic favourite Hillary Clinton perform?

For two months, Mrs Clinton criss-crossed the country, campaigning hard to help Democrats in tight races, from Georgia to Louisiana and even Iowa where a seat held by a Democrat for three decades was up for grabs.

She and ex-President Bill Clinton were the surrogates every Democrat wanted while President Barack Obama was spurned.

Mrs Clinton threw her weight behind 25 vulnerable candidates, senators, governors and members of the House of Representatives. Just over half of them lost - and Republicans pounced.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29942207

-- BBC 2014-11-07

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I remember the 1980 election when Ronald Reagan was widely dismissed at 69 years of age as being too old. Hillary Clinton will be 69 on election day in 2018, and she is not aging as well as Reagan did--neither as physically fit or even in general health. I would be surprised to see if she can even manage the demands of a presidential campaign at her age and physical condition.

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God Help America if this lady becomes president,

God and America have been ignoring each other, for the time being.... in case you have not noticed.

I see no reason for not electing this lady....if Obama can do it, why not a lady?

She is one up on Sarah Palin, if that helps. I actually think she could get something done.

We need to get all this out of the way. We had our Obama, next we need a lady. After that, perhaps somebody who is actually qualified will have a chance.

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God Help America if this lady becomes president,

God and America have been ignoring each other, for the time being.... in case you have not noticed.

I see no reason for not electing this lady....if Obama can do it, why not a lady?

She is one up on Sarah Palin, if that helps. I actually think she could get something done.

We need to get all this out of the way. We had our Obama, next we need a lady. After that, perhaps somebody who is actually qualified will have a chance.

You're forgetting the Latins. After the old lady, it'll be Latins saying it's their turn. And there just might be one Latin I would be interested in voting for. Considering how much the media hates Ted Cruz, he must be good.

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I remember the 1980 election when Ronald Reagan was widely dismissed at 69 years of age as being too old. Hillary Clinton will be 69 on election day in 2018, and she is not aging as well as Reagan did--neither as physically fit or even in general health. I would be surprised to see if she can even manage the demands of a presidential campaign at her age and physical condition.

Or surmount the mountain of deserved hatred she has accrued ... she won't even be nominated ... Democrats just found out in the 3 day old election what baggage is ... and as with obama - Hillary will be politely and not so politely ushered off - stage left... her baggage is far too much weight to carry... Why fight anything done by these two after the blinding light of the Election Results... New Blood will be seen as needed... not old real blood in Benghazi.

And the real results of the mid term elections is a shellacking by the Republicans - Democrats shellacked ... Does anyone really believe the Democrat operatives and their leftist voter engineers want that kind of two year old track record... Democrat operatives are not good people -- but they are not stupid enough to spend millions on a over the hill loser with enough baggage to fill up a 747.

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The Dems will work diligently for the next two years to blame all of their past 6 years worth of criminal activity on the GOP...I believe the American public is better educated today...and will not fall prey to their tactics...

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It becomes obvious that at almost exactly this time election night 2016 a lot of reactionary old timers will begin crying in their beer as Hillary begins her statement accepting the decision of the national electorate to elevate her to be 45th President of the United States. thumbsup.gif

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Those who worship Hillary do so because she is the only one they think can get elected in 2016 not because she has the real talent and qualifications... Being a politico is not enough to hold the office of the President.

The only reason that Hillary and obama have not been tied to a smoking gun in the Benghazi disaster and deaths in the various hearings is that the information to convict them has been destroyed, or buried or individuals have been coerced to the extreme not to reveal information. When Hillary and others are forced to come to Senate committee and give sworn statements the truth will begin to come out. Just like the IRS scandal the successful hiding of evidence does not mean that crimes were not committed.

Hillary infamous statement about the Benghazi disaster is enough to hang her by her political neck.. "what difference does it make?"

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After a Republican Election of Epic Landslide proportions - people want to talk about Hillary - Really? Hillary - a Democrat retread of little accomplishment. Let's see the wife of a 2 term President. Okay, then appointed Secretary of State by obama to calm down the political split and in hopes she would travel around the world 90% of the time to keep her out of his sight. I think she is one reason that obama has held few cabinet meetings. Had Hillary never been the wife of President Clinton - she would have never made it past the State House in Arkansas... if that.

So - How About Talking about two rising political stars ... instead of a politico has been - that never was...

Meet Mia Love - a New Member of the U.S. House of Representatives - Utah

and Tim Scott, U.S. Senator - South Carolina Newly elected after serving an appointed term in office


Oh - and they are Republicans...

Yet - certain posters just go on and on about only old white guys voted in the just past Mid Term elections. Delusional is an apt term for those who wish it to be...

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I remember the 1980 election when Ronald Reagan was widely dismissed at 69 years of age as being too old. Hillary Clinton will be 69 on election day in 2018, and she is not aging as well as Reagan did--neither as physically fit or even in general health. I would be surprised to see if she can even manage the demands of a presidential campaign at her age and physical condition.

Her Thighness...

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I remember the 1980 election when Ronald Reagan was widely dismissed at 69 years of age as being too old. Hillary Clinton will be 69 on election day in 2018, and she is not aging as well as Reagan did--neither as physically fit or even in general health. I would be surprised to see if she can even manage the demands of a presidential campaign at her age and physical condition.

Her Thighness...

So 69 wuz the vintage age for Ronald Reagan who was and still is the oldest president elected but being 69 is an immediate disqualifier for Hillary Clinton.

I see....and so do many others see....

That the posts against Hillary are clear -- her political opponents don't like her and fear her experience, expertise, extraordinary professional career and life history. They don't like her politics, they don't like her smile, they don't like her husband and they don't like her political party.

One can oppose Hillary without excess and one can support Hillary without being dogmatic. Some people however have never liked the classic American bargain deal of getting two for the price of one. cool.png

People began to think of Hillary as a possible POTUS back during the 1990s when she ran the White House and the country. When Bill said, "Yes dear," everyone around them knew who was boss. wink.png

Beginning in January 2017 counterfeit Bill will have the Secret Service tagging along with him again and the only thing he'll have hanging out is a webcam from his chest pocket. biggrin.png

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Those who worship Hillary do so because she is the only one they think can get elected in 2016 not because she has the real talent and qualifications... Being a politico is not enough to hold the office of the President.

The only reason that Hillary and obama have not been tied to a smoking gun in the Benghazi disaster and deaths in the various hearings is that the information to convict them has been destroyed, or buried or individuals have been coerced to the extreme not to reveal information. When Hillary and others are forced to come to Senate committee and give sworn statements the truth will begin to come out. Just like the IRS scandal the successful hiding of evidence does not mean that crimes were not committed.

Hillary infamous statement about the Benghazi disaster is enough to hang her by her political neck.. "what difference does it make?"

According to the AP, there have been 13 different investigations by the Republican controlled House into events in Benghazi all of which have produced an incredible 25,000 pages of testimony, questions and answers, lectures, fireworks, bogus sincerity, political posturing, partisan bickering, false concern, documents. beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

A Clinton spokesman responded quickly to the story released Monday, calling it "patently false," and a group helping with the former secretary of state's communications and rapid response mobilized an entire communications strategy, website and talking points around the issue.

The strategy has a directness that has not always been seen from Clinton aides and affiliated groups, which have generally waited for a story to fully emerge before taking it on

"Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me," Clinton wrote in her book of memoirs of her tenure as secretary of state, thus making clear she would not participate further in any GOP led Benghazi hearings.


“The Benghazi Hoax,




New Benghazi Investigation Spooks GOP Leaders It’s not just the Democrats who are opposed to a new select committee looking into the Benghazi attacks. Many top Republicans are uneasy, too. http://www.thedailyb...ion-spooks-gop-
US Embassies & Consulates attacked under Bush:
June 14, 2002, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide bomber kills 12 and injures 51.
February 20, 2003, international diplomatic compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Truck bomb kills 17.
February 28, 2003, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Gunmen on motorcycles killed two consulate guards.
July 30, 2004, U.S. embassy in Taskkent, Uzbekistan
Suicide bomber kills two.
December 6, 2004, U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Militants stormed and occupied perimeter wall. Five killed, 10 wounded.
March 2, 2006, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
Suicide car bomber killed four, including a U.S. diplomat directly targeted by the assailants.
September 12, 2006, U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria
Gunmen attacked embassy with grenades, automatic weapons, and a car bomb (though second truck bomb failed to detonate). One killed and 13 wounded.
January 12, 2007, U.S. embassy in Athens, Greece
A rocket-propelled grenade was fired at the embassy building. No one was injured.
July 9, 2008, U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey
Armed men attacked consulate with pistols and shotguns. Three policemen killed.
March 18, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Mortar attack misses embassy, hits nearby girls' school instead.
September 17, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
Militants dressed as policemen attacked the embassy with RPGs, rifles, grenades and car bombs. Six Yemeni soldiers and seven civilians were killed. Sixteen more were injured.
The University of Maryland database also lists 64 attacks on American diplomatic targets during the George W. Bush administration.
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Time to rethink Hillary Clinton 2016

“She is smart, tough and savvy and has a capacity to learn from failure and adjust. But . . . people are bored of her and feel like she has been talking at them forever. . . . She is a dull, grating, inauthentic, over-eager, insipid elitist with ideological blinders yet no particular vision and is likely to be reduced to running on a dubious promise of experience and competence while faking idealism and hope — a very common type of presidential contender in both parties, but one that almost always loses.”


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For 2016, Hillary Had the Worst Night

Exit Poll Question:

But here’s the kicker -- my absolute favorite:

In the 2016 presidential election, for whom would you be more likely to vote?

Hillary Clinton (Dem): 24 percent. The Republican candidate: 40 percent.

That’s right. The yet-to-be-named Republican beats Hillary.


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That's because the turnout was so low for this (and most) midterm elections ... and it was largely the right wing tea party types / angry white men demographic. Such a poll means nothing compared to the demographics of a typical turnout for a PRESIDENTIAL election.

Cheers, and bring on President Clinton 2.0.

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