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Israel reassures Jordan on Al-Aqsa mosque


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Israel reassures Jordan on Al-Aqsa mosque
Israel has promised Jordan it will stop Jews from praying at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound.

Jerusalem: Israel has promised Jordan it will not allow Jews to pray at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound as scores of Jewish extremists tried to march to the flashpoint shrine.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by phone with Jordan's King Abdullah II to personally reassure him there would be no changes to the decades-old status quo.

It came 24 hours after a tense confrontation at the mosque compound as Israeli police faced off with Palestinian stone-throwers bent on preventing a visit by Jewish extremists - prompting Jordan to recall its ambassador.

Jordan said the the move was for consultations and to protest Israeli "violations" at the site, known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary.

"I spoke today to King Abdullah of Jordan and we agreed that we will make every effort to calm the situation," Mr Netanyahu said.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/israel-reassures-jordan-on-alaqsa-mosque-20141107-11icgv.html

-- The Age 2014-11-07

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Well, I have to say that it's something. But I don't trust Netanyahu or Likud.

A slight easing of the Gaza blockade (as mentioned in the linked article) is good too.....but it's so very sad that we have to rejoice at an easing of something that shouldn't be there in the first place.

Lift the blockade, let the people repair the damage you have inflicted Israel.

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Well, I have to say that it's something. But I don't trust Netanyahu or Likud.

A slight easing of the Gaza blockade (as mentioned in the linked article) is good too.....but it's so very sad that we have to rejoice at an easing of something that shouldn't be there in the first place.

Lift the blockade, let the people repair the damage you have inflicted Israel.

But you trust Arabs , gee I am in shock

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Interesting. Is it possible that Israel is not particularly interested in a confrontation with Jordan at this particular moment in history?

It is also possible that unlike its neighbours Israel respects other religions and does not jail , hang or prevent anyone from practicing .

You left some, like stoning, beheading and bombing to name a few.

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Israel and Jordan have been the next thing to allies for many years now, but the King of Jordan does not want to say it publicly because of all his Palestinians. They have a lot more in common, than they don't.

Yes of course, both want to survive. Especially now that we know that obama is committing treason again and negotiating a nuclear deal with Ayatholla

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Well, I have to say that it's something. But I don't trust Netanyahu or Likud.

A slight easing of the Gaza blockade (as mentioned in the linked article) is good too.....but it's so very sad that we have to rejoice at an easing of something that shouldn't be there in the first place.

Lift the blockade, let the people repair the damage you have inflicted Israel.

You mention blockade? Have you slept with your enemy? How would you react if this was in your backyard or local pub?

Goods & supplies are transferred across all the time even while there was a quasi limited war.

Why don't you blame Egypt for the blockade instead of Israel? Aren't they of Arab brother-in sharing a common border?

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Well, I have to say that it's something. But I don't trust Netanyahu or Likud.

A slight easing of the Gaza blockade (as mentioned in the linked article) is good too.....but it's so very sad that we have to rejoice at an easing of something that shouldn't be there in the first place.

Lift the blockade, let the people repair the damage you have inflicted Israel.

You mention blockade? Have you slept with your enemy? How would you react if this was in your backyard or local pub?

Goods & supplies are transferred across all the time even while there was a quasi limited war.

Why don't you blame Egypt for the blockade instead of Israel? Aren't they of Arab brother-in sharing a common border?

Good points, and with other examples it is easier to blame the jews then fellow arabs/muslims. So much of what is the horror of Palestinians today was instigated or enabled by arab neighbors. Currently, I think Gaza is having more trouble with the new Egyptian government in moving arms through the border- an effective blockade because, after all, Hamas wants weapons. So, they continue the pressure on Israel alone.

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I think Jordan walks a tight wire currently, and with different shoes. Posters have noted that Jordan and Israel have shared priorities, I agree. Jordan though, regardless of how it came to pass, is a very likely soon to be target of the IS method of Jihad. For some time now the Jordanian authorities and Intel have agressively tried to battle the rising anti hashemite jihad sentiment, with marginal success. Israel would benefit from a Jordanian status quo, though it would benefit from other players in the region being fractured, as IS is convienently doing. In this region spokespeople are always speaking to different audiences- the audience here is clearly the West.

Jordan had possession of this area from 1948 to 1967; before that, no! The status quo is one of supremacy, nationalism, and separatist- but mostly, supremacy and the considerable liturgy of muslims reinforces their greatness, and the inferiority of other "people of the book." Therefore, when Bibi is thrown an "atta-boy" for calming people and ensuring the status quo what he is really doing is further enabling a diabolical, insidious subsuming of the Jewish landmarks and holy places.

There is no question in my mind that over the long haul of histroy the temple mount was incidental to Islam. When non arab peninsula muslims sought to consolidate power outside of Mecca they rebranded the temple mount as the place the prophet was at in his "Night Journey." Indeed, in the Night Journey he is said to have "traveled to the furthest mosque." Not only was there no mosque here at the time the prophet lived but the prophet has a falling out with the Jews in Medina (before he launched a slaughter upon Mecca) when the Jews rejected the prophet's fraternity in establishing the Qibla (direction of prayer) to Jerusalem. It did not go as the prophet wished and the Jews did not become chummy and join Islam. Therefore the prophet stated Al Lah changed the direction (Abrogation) to Mecca. The initial qibla was only a test for the jews; and they failed. It is incredulous that the temple mount would have been the "furthest mosque;" it simply had no value to muslims until later, when it had value to others.

The debacle of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular is simply a savage act of antisemitism and symbol of military conquest, evident throughout the Muslim World with little variation- they erect Mosques on other people's religious sites. Historically and theologically it cannot be intellectually sustained that Islam has a legitimagte claim to the Temple Mount. (The assertion that Ibrahim (Abraham) was to offer his son upon this site and Ibrahim was technically muslim is nonsense). Its establishment of the Noble Sanctuary and Al Asqa Mosque was of conquest, not scripture. Maintaining the status quo invariably empowers muslims with the continues sense of specialness, apartness, privledge, and right action in their behavior. I am unsure as to the mechanism to address this but always first candor and honesty should govern choices. The Temple Mount is precious as a testimony of earthly conquest, not divine mandate. I am aware that people's first refuge to such an observation is "but there will be war." Perhaps, and this should clearly be weighed carefully but what is more important is this refrain "but there will be war." Throughout the world islam is incrementally savaging civilization and tolerance is predicated, in general, from insulting Islam. No civilization can long survive if it cannot have honest discourse.

Jordan is a 2 faced gemini.

In reality Jordan can not be bothered dealing with Palestinians, as previous KIng had shown in the past, however to keep the face for the Arab Brothers, Jordan needs to bash Israel .

Jordan would much prefer Israel dealt with Palestinians, but again need to put a political show for the Arab Brothers.

Jordan, while speaking out against Israel has done nothing to very little about the problem.

Talk is cheap,actions speak louder than words.

Now, more than ever Jordan needs Israel on its side with ISIS on its door steps, but once again, need to put a show for the Arab brothers.

Reality is, Arabs as always will use any excuse to cause riots and violence and its not reserved to Israel.

Hamas and Abbas screaming war, because Arabs can not prey, well how many churches are there in Gaza or Westbank?

How many churches are there in Arab states and what happens to those who convert or practice anything else but Islam?

Its about time, world stopped bowing down to every muslim demand. When they learn to respect other religions is when they can demand and expect others to respect theirs.

PS. It was Arabs who started violence near the Temple, but its Israel's fault for not bowing down to them.coffee1.gif

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Yes your right, but with social media we know exactly what is going on in Israel and how people are treated.

Or, we are unwitting victims of brilliant and well organised propagandists posing as 'everyday folk'.

Everything is possible on the web. It can blow television out of the water, for political indocrination.

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I think Jordan walks a tight wire currently, and with different shoes. Posters have noted that Jordan and Israel have shared priorities, I agree. Jordan though, regardless of how it came to pass, is a very likely soon to be target of the IS method of Jihad. For some time now the Jordanian authorities and Intel have agressively tried to battle the rising anti hashemite jihad sentiment, with marginal success. Israel would benefit from a Jordanian status quo, though it would benefit from other players in the region being fractured, as IS is convienently doing. In this region spokespeople are always speaking to different audiences- the audience here is clearly the West.

Jordan had possession of this area from 1948 to 1967; before that, no! The status quo is one of supremacy, nationalism, and separatist- but mostly, supremacy and the considerable liturgy of muslims reinforces their greatness, and the inferiority of other "people of the book." Therefore, when Bibi is thrown an "atta-boy" for calming people and ensuring the status quo what he is really doing is further enabling a diabolical, insidious subsuming of the Jewish landmarks and holy places.

There is no question in my mind that over the long haul of histroy the temple mount was incidental to Islam. When non arab peninsula muslims sought to consolidate power outside of Mecca they rebranded the temple mount as the place the prophet was at in his "Night Journey." Indeed, in the Night Journey he is said to have "traveled to the furthest mosque." Not only was there no mosque here at the time the prophet lived but the prophet has a falling out with the Jews in Medina (before he launched a slaughter upon Mecca) when the Jews rejected the prophet's fraternity in establishing the Qibla (direction of prayer) to Jerusalem. It did not go as the prophet wished and the Jews did not become chummy and join Islam. Therefore the prophet stated Al Lah changed the direction (Abrogation) to Mecca. The initial qibla was only a test for the jews; and they failed. It is incredulous that the temple mount would have been the "furthest mosque;" it simply had no value to muslims until later, when it had value to others.

The debacle of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular is simply a savage act of antisemitism and symbol of military conquest, evident throughout the Muslim World with little variation- they erect Mosques on other people's religious sites. Historically and theologically it cannot be intellectually sustained that Islam has a legitimagte claim to the Temple Mount. (The assertion that Ibrahim (Abraham) was to offer his son upon this site and Ibrahim was technically muslim is nonsense). Its establishment of the Noble Sanctuary and Al Asqa Mosque was of conquest, not scripture. Maintaining the status quo invariably empowers muslims with the continues sense of specialness, apartness, privledge, and right action in their behavior. I am unsure as to the mechanism to address this but always first candor and honesty should govern choices. The Temple Mount is precious as a testimony of earthly conquest, not divine mandate. I am aware that people's first refuge to such an observation is "but there will be war." Perhaps, and this should clearly be weighed carefully but what is more important is this refrain "but there will be war." Throughout the world islam is incrementally savaging civilization and tolerance is predicated, in general, from insulting Islam. No civilization can long survive if it cannot have honest discourse.

Jordan is a 2 faced gemini.

In reality Jordan can not be bothered dealing with Palestinians, as previous KIng had shown in the past, however to keep the face for the Arab Brothers, Jordan needs to bash Israel .

Jordan would much prefer Israel dealt with Palestinians, but again need to put a political show for the Arab Brothers.

Jordan, while speaking out against Israel has done nothing to very little about the problem.

Talk is cheap,actions speak louder than words.

Now, more than ever Jordan needs Israel on its side with ISIS on its door steps, but once again, need to put a show for the Arab brothers.

Reality is, Arabs as always will use any excuse to cause riots and violence and its not reserved to Israel.

Hamas and Abbas screaming war, because Arabs can not prey, well how many churches are there in Gaza or Westbank?

How many churches are there in Arab states and what happens to those who convert or practice anything else but Islam?

Its about time, world stopped bowing down to every muslim demand. When they learn to respect other religions is when they can demand and expect others to respect theirs.

PS. It was Arabs who started violence near the Temple, but its Israel's fault for not bowing down to them.coffee1.gif

Your a bit off the truth old chap as the violence started by some guys with curly hair beards and hats invading the mount, they looked like Orthodox Jews not Palestinians to me. However, the Palestinians did then react by lobbing the odd pebble at them and the security forces trying to oppress them.

Israel then panicked as scared of Arab and world public opinion, and kicked the guys with curly hair beards and hats off the mount, so the Palestinians could get to the mosque. Then they grovelled to the Jordanians and had to say sorry for not been the decent chaps they claim to be.

Obviously chap more happened, civilians been attacked and all that as usual by the IDF. However, it's settled down now and Israel has realised its error and apologised which is a nice ending.

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Yes your right, but with social media we know exactly what is going on in Israel and how people are treated.

Or, we are unwitting victims of brilliant and well organised propagandists posing as 'everyday folk'.

Everything is possible on the web. It can blow television out of the water, for political indocrination.

No I am not saying that at all but cameras and Internet can spread actual events much faster than before and circumvent "Official Sources".

And you do need to be careful, and I am sure some footage is only shown that reinforces a certain political view on both sides. However, we do see a lot more about what is going on in real time, like the American Arab boy the IDF beat up after he was well suppressed and then denied it even though we saw the whole event which did Israel no favours.

But also on the other side the murder of Christians.

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The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.

-Albert Camus

Yes your right, but with social media we know exactly what is going on in Israel and how people are treated.

We know what liars the Palestinian terrorists are and how they use their own people as human shields.

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From Fatah, supposedly the more "moderate" Palestinian party:


‘hit the gas for al-Aqsa';
A screenshot from a cartoon published on the Facebook page of the Fatah movement depicting three Jews fleeing as a car driven by a Palestinian tries to run them over.

So not only propping up the terrorists as heroes, but URGING them on!


Note the obvious antisemitic imagery in the various Fatah/P.A. graphics in this link. Those who claim this is only about "anti-Zionism" rather than hard core Jew hating are not fooling anybody.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think Jordan walks a tight wire currently, and with different shoes. Posters have noted that Jordan and Israel have shared priorities, I agree. Jordan though, regardless of how it came to pass, is a very likely soon to be target of the IS method of Jihad. For some time now the Jordanian authorities and Intel have agressively tried to battle the rising anti hashemite jihad sentiment, with marginal success. Israel would benefit from a Jordanian status quo, though it would benefit from other players in the region being fractured, as IS is convienently doing. In this region spokespeople are always speaking to different audiences- the audience here is clearly the West.

Jordan had possession of this area from 1948 to 1967; before that, no! The status quo is one of supremacy, nationalism, and separatist- but mostly, supremacy and the considerable liturgy of muslims reinforces their greatness, and the inferiority of other "people of the book." Therefore, when Bibi is thrown an "atta-boy" for calming people and ensuring the status quo what he is really doing is further enabling a diabolical, insidious subsuming of the Jewish landmarks and holy places.

There is no question in my mind that over the long haul of histroy the temple mount was incidental to Islam. When non arab peninsula muslims sought to consolidate power outside of Mecca they rebranded the temple mount as the place the prophet was at in his "Night Journey." Indeed, in the Night Journey he is said to have "traveled to the furthest mosque." Not only was there no mosque here at the time the prophet lived but the prophet has a falling out with the Jews in Medina (before he launched a slaughter upon Mecca) when the Jews rejected the prophet's fraternity in establishing the Qibla (direction of prayer) to Jerusalem. It did not go as the prophet wished and the Jews did not become chummy and join Islam. Therefore the prophet stated Al Lah changed the direction (Abrogation) to Mecca. The initial qibla was only a test for the jews; and they failed. It is incredulous that the temple mount would have been the "furthest mosque;" it simply had no value to muslims until later, when it had value to others.

The debacle of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular is simply a savage act of antisemitism and symbol of military conquest, evident throughout the Muslim World with little variation- they erect Mosques on other people's religious sites. Historically and theologically it cannot be intellectually sustained that Islam has a legitimagte claim to the Temple Mount. (The assertion that Ibrahim (Abraham) was to offer his son upon this site and Ibrahim was technically muslim is nonsense). Its establishment of the Noble Sanctuary and Al Asqa Mosque was of conquest, not scripture. Maintaining the status quo invariably empowers muslims with the continues sense of specialness, apartness, privledge, and right action in their behavior. I am unsure as to the mechanism to address this but always first candor and honesty should govern choices. The Temple Mount is precious as a testimony of earthly conquest, not divine mandate. I am aware that people's first refuge to such an observation is "but there will be war." Perhaps, and this should clearly be weighed carefully but what is more important is this refrain "but there will be war." Throughout the world islam is incrementally savaging civilization and tolerance is predicated, in general, from insulting Islam. No civilization can long survive if it cannot have honest discourse.

Jordan is a 2 faced gemini.

In reality Jordan can not be bothered dealing with Palestinians, as previous KIng had shown in the past, however to keep the face for the Arab Brothers, Jordan needs to bash Israel .

Jordan would much prefer Israel dealt with Palestinians, but again need to put a political show for the Arab Brothers.

Jordan, while speaking out against Israel has done nothing to very little about the problem.

Talk is cheap,actions speak louder than words.

Now, more than ever Jordan needs Israel on its side with ISIS on its door steps, but once again, need to put a show for the Arab brothers.

Reality is, Arabs as always will use any excuse to cause riots and violence and its not reserved to Israel.

Hamas and Abbas screaming war, because Arabs can not prey, well how many churches are there in Gaza or Westbank?

How many churches are there in Arab states and what happens to those who convert or practice anything else but Islam?

Its about time, world stopped bowing down to every muslim demand. When they learn to respect other religions is when they can demand and expect others to respect theirs.

PS. It was Arabs who started violence near the Temple, but its Israel's fault for not bowing down to them.coffee1.gif

Your a bit off the truth old chap as the violence started by some guys with curly hair beards and hats invading the mount, they looked like Orthodox Jews not Palestinians to me. However, the Palestinians did then react by lobbing the odd pebble at them and the security forces trying to oppress them.

Israel then panicked as scared of Arab and world public opinion, and kicked the guys with curly hair beards and hats off the mount, so the Palestinians could get to the mosque. Then they grovelled to the Jordanians and had to say sorry for not been the decent chaps they claim to be.

Obviously chap more happened, civilians been attacked and all that as usual by the IDF. However, it's settled down now and Israel has realised its error and apologised which is a nice ending.

Distortion of facts is not exactly new to arab ways.

try being factual for a change.

it was a fakestian who shot an orthodox jew, followed by a car attack by yet another fakestinian that prompted temporary closure, followed by another car attack and all of these promoted and sponsored by your beloved, peace loving Abbas and Hamas

Then if you try to be factual, when orthodox jews did try to occupy arab side of the temple, authorities prevented them from doing so.

But do not let facts get in a way of lies, because lies suit you better.

Edited by konying
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From Fatah, supposedly the more "moderate" Palestinian party:


‘hit the gas for al-Aqsa';

A screenshot from a cartoon published on the Facebook page of the Fatah movement depicting three Jews fleeing as a car driven by a Palestinian tries to run them over.

So not only propping up the terrorists as heroes, but URGING them on!


Note the obvious antisemitic imagery in the various Fatah/P.A. graphics in this link. Those who claim this is only about "anti-Zionism" rather than hard core Jew hating are not fooling anybody.

You don't even list the source it could have come from a Jewish site stirring up trouble and you are trying to divert attention from what is really going on with a side show of cartoons. Soooooo childish

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