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Head lice medicated shampoo to use with a 2 year old ? and what else ?


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I assume there is a medicated shampoo to kill off head lice that is sold in Thailand , can anyone recommend a brand they have used

it needs to be strong enough to work but not too harsh for a 2 year old girl,

The school is saying the best way to solve it is to cut off all her hair ! Well she probably got it at school so that would make it easier if they had a bunch of bald little kids :(

and what other steps do you need to take ?

I read you should wash all bedding etc , but what about normal clothes ?

or plush toys like Teddy Bears ?

Thanks for your ideas......

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You'll need to clean everything, including clothes and toys. Clean her room too. Perhaps the school were advising to cut her hair shorter.Shaving her head would probably help but obviously you don't want to do that!

Any pharmacy should have the shampoo. If you want a western style pharmacy with western prices try Boots or Watsons. Otherwise you could try a local pharmacy that will be much cheaper and just as effective. They will probably have more choice too. Good luck!

If you are unsure bring her to the doctor. If your in Bangkok St Louis hospital (Sathorn) has a very good pediatric centre. Just walk in at any time and you'll get a good doctor who speaks English..

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This is a big issue in UK daughter had them a few times, any way if you do manage to get rid of them use tea tree shampoo and conditioner this seemed to help. Also I used to put loads of conditioner on her hair and use a very fine tooth comb this helps to get them out.

Make sure you check your own hair because I ended up with them.

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I have been through this with two kids when we lived in NYC. Definitely clean out all your stuff! If you don't want to go the chemical route, what worked for us was dousing their head with olive oil (I am assuming vegetable would work) in the evening and then putting a shower cap on them - taped around it to keep it airtight. They slept with the shower cap on and the next morning I combed through their hair painstakingly with a lice comb (very fine teeth) and the critters came right off. We then washed their hair several times with Fairytales shampoo - although I am not sure you can get it here so we now use a Rosemary and Mint shampoo from Boots (critters don't seem to like mint and rosemary). I have also heard using dandruff shampoo seems to keep them away too, but haven't tested this.

To make sure they stay off we continue with the Rosemary and mint shampoo. For our girls their hair is always worn up in a tight pony tail or braids with a good spraying of hair product (the critters don't seem to like hairspray either). So far, so good for us. Good luck. I truly feel your pain. Now my head is itching thinking about it!

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From my experience most of the lice treatments work well I don't go in for any of those herbal remedies, most importantly is the lice comb to get the eggs, every morning and night after shower thoroughly comb her hair and scalp. Keep her hair tied up when at school

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Special comb, use conditioner before to help detaching them, I think cooking oil makes them uncomfortable and move so u can see them, and tea tree oil seems to work as repellent, and doesn't smell bad, and seems to be safe, some commercial products are basically pesticides, wouldn't use that, Fallen ones do not last long around on surfaces, high heat laundry and deep freeze, for instance teddy bear.

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Tea tree shampoo and conditioner helps to keep them off. Wash all bedding, clothes etc at 60c and anything that cannot be washed at this temperature should be placed in a plastic bag and frozen for 12 hours. The hair treatment products only kill the lice which leaves the nits(eggs) still in the hair so you then have to use the nit comb. Another way to destroy the eggs is to use a hot hair straighteners which burn the eggs.


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As posted, Tea Tree oil works fine, I'm also from UK, had 5 kids, as you prob know Nits (head lice) like nice clean hair, you will have to treat the whole family as they can jump from one host to another, nightly sessions of comb through with a Nit comb or very fine comb, gets the eggs out of the hair, live nits crush between your thumb nails, normally takes 2 -4 weeks of this. Used to be rife in UK schools, kids would arrive home with letter from school warning there had been reports of head lice, then the Mrs would break out the Tea tree oil and set to work. I was bald as a coot from age 23 so never bothered me lol...

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