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Thai Tourism Ministry planning 'international celebrities selfies' campaign


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Western celebrities getting in bed with a Junta run tourist campaign would be risking their careers...... I cant see them queing up.

Im sure some numpties would be willing but the moment press got hold of the scoop celebrity helps undemocratic Junta promote tourism its career over..

Please do it we could all do with the laugh clap2.gif

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Another day, another press release that is beyond absurd. Do they understand how the net works? That you can check these wild claims ....

Also, isn't Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul female? She is - let's be generous as she should never have been appointed to a job she was unfit for - hopeless.

"According to Kobkarn, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports is currently in talks with "renowned concert agencies" about the campaign." <== hilarious

She went to the same college as Hillary Clinton and was the Chairman of Toshiba of Thailand.

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There are already some great endorsement pics from Lady Gaga in Thailand on file that can be used for starters. And her tweet about the fake Rolexes really encouraged more quality tourists to come to Thailand. They could re-run that one too.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Wasn't it last year that Rihanna took a selfie in Patong, Soi Bangla with a Slow Lori? Yes, that's right and then went on to post on twitter that she wasn't aware such touts are illegal and that the Loris are endangered. Right after that she posted another comment about a girl shooting ping pongs from her V.

Yeah, I'm sure the Selfie campaign would be a great idea so that people know what a sh&&hole the place is. Oh and the police said they couldn't find the sex shows that Rihanna was on about. Amazing Thailand

If Thailand is such a sh&&hole why do you visit or live here? Only place you can get a girl? Other areas around the world Amsterdam, HongKong, Japan have red light areas and prostitution so don't make like its only Thailand that is sleezy. Should be able to be a destination for sexpats and families /couples just different areas.

Well, perhaps that's because we live in Thailand. wai2.gifwai.gif

We comment on Thailand.

At times, we mock Thailand.

Myself? I'd do it in any country I lived in.

The "What about so and so..." is irrelevant.


There's only so much time in the day...


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Freebies for celebrities? What could go wrong?

Freebies don't necessarily guarantee good publicity. Appears even some journalists don't even feel obligated to say nice things just because they get a freebie. Was a bit surprised at the the level of candidness in this article. Thailand Tourism Pins Hopes on AEC

That Thai beaches overall are not the nicest, cleanest or safest in Asia has little to do with the marketing hype, while the overall political and economic climate has meant most Thais have stopped smiling a long time ago, despite what some opinion polls would try to make out, unless there is a financial transaction in their favour.

At the same time rises in wages, land prices, construction costs and a dual pricing regime that sees foreigners charged up to 500 per cent more for entry into tourist attractions and national parks than Thais has seen Thailand now become a considerably more expensive and less amazing destination than many of its competitors.

In comparison to the majestic, ornate and extensive temple ruins of Cambodia’s Angkor Wat or Indonesia’s Borobudur, visitors to Ayutthaya find the decaying stone structures and prangs (Khmer-style towers) of Wat Phra Mahathat, rows of headless Buddha statues and the much photographed Buddha head entwined in the roots of a tree.

At the Ayutthaya “Japanese village” visitors would need to read a signboard to know that what they are looking at in any way commemorates the role of early Japanese settlement in the city’s growth.

Surrounded by meticulously manicured lawns there is virtually nothing that takes visitors back to a time when some 3,000 Japanese traders, missionaries and settlers were a vibrant part of Ayutthaya’s prosperity.

How this can be termed a village beggars belief, while the plastic elephant tusks used to illustrate the ivory trade are laughable.

Likewise the city’s “Buffalo Village” with its black, white and pygmy buffalo herd rescued from abattoirs and 20-metre long demonstration ploughing and unladen sled pulling show is unlikely to be high on the “must do list” of most Southeast Asian tourists.


While Buddhists might attach great importance in visiting an endless number of temples “famous” for this reason or that, whether a man-made cement Buddha statue is sitting or laying down, has its legs crossed one way and its hands crossed another is likely to be of little interest to the regions Muslim or Christian followers.

While the “Asean’s tale of the old town” familiarisation trip failed provide much of an insight into the work and living environment of the regions inhabitants, it did expose what critical condition the Thailand tourism industry is in, as well as the blasé approach educators, lawmakers and industry leaders have taken to ensuring readiness for the AEC next year.

At all of the tourist destinations visited over the three days of the “Asean’s tale of the old town” familiarisation trip, foreign and local tourists were all but nowhere to be seen, with the exception of two tourist coaches at Wat Phra Mahathat in Ayutthaya.

While the TAT might see the future of the Thailand tourism industry being in attracting fewer, but higher spending tourists, it is quantity and not quality that are needed to make tourist attractions viable and fill the tens of thousands of currently empty hotel rooms nationwide.

Viewing the AEC simply as a milch cow from which large numbers of tourists can be harvested is doomed to failure if those tourists can’t communicate with hotel staff to ask for a clean towel or get directions from tourist attraction staff on the location of the nearest toilet.

Likewise the continuation of racist dual pricing is also a no-brainer and a potent insult to tourists who have elected to spend their hard earned savings by travelling to another country and injecting their money in the local economy.

There's also a pretty hard slap of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports over revenue figures at the bottom.

Seems some people don't know the rules of the game when they are given something for free. No doubt they won't be invited on another so-called famtrip

Source: http://www.establishmentpost.com/thailand-tourism-pins-hopes-on-aec/

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Wouldn't elections be easier and cheaper??coffee1.gif

Change the record. This has nothing to do with elections - which are in fact very expensive - but has everything to do with the parlous state of the shallow mentality of far too many Thais. Your reply, by contrast, merely confirms your an*l obsession with kissing Shinawat bu*t.

As opposed to your obsession with them? pot and kettle spring to mind!!

I notice your offered Nothing constructive to the debate apart from your usual one sided political opinion, try changing your own record even better still, change the genre!!

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This is a great idea! Such celebrity selfies and comments on their social media sites will make great targets for activist organisations to bombard. This would really keep Thailand's shortcomings in areas such as human trafficking, fishing boat slavery, Koh Tao, Andy Hall, scams, crime, road safety; etc., etc., etc.; in the international media and public eye...........And just maybe it might force some change for the good to occur.

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Another stupid idea of this minister: She waste the money to hell. Isn't there anyone who can stop her!

She more works on the project: how i can keep future visitors stay away from Thailand!

You seem to know the minister well. How long has she been on the job? How much is she spending on the idea you quote above?

Or are you just another troll with no facts? I read your past posts. 78 anti Thai posts and 1 pro Vietnam post suggesting people go to Vietnam instead of Thailand. Kind of obvious aren't you?

Edited by thailiketoo
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