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Danish expat witnessed his Thai wife’s murder


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A terrible tragic story indeed once this gets into the media back in Denmark I am sure more people will realise what a backward country Thailand really is and will think twice about coming here on holiday and as for looking for help in the hospital that is the thing about speaking the language it’s a must in Thailand if you are going to live here permanently or until the visa restrictions force you to leave. I hope that Palle Jensen and his son have now manage to get out of the country and home safely to a proper caring family.

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I can't avoid asking myself if there were any warning signs that were ignored for some idealistic reason/s. Maybe there was something going on that the husband was ignorant to. There are too many maybes in my mind right now because there are not enough details about the family and about her. There is not even a reason mentioned, and that seems odd. Normally someone has at least a vague conception about why, maybe, it happened. I think that it is normal for Thais in the family to keep the farang out of the "inner circle" like a piece of furniture, and it seems this may be the case here, but there I go again with another maybe / may be. As wrong as it was, Thais do not usually behave this way unless they "feel" some line has been crossed... no matter how bizarre the line seems. I am saying that she must have really done something to really get them that mad at her and to want to kill her son. I guess my question is, what was that thing, and why is it not mentioned or the husband totally ignorant of it? This could be another reason, maybe, that no one interfered, even though that, too is wrong on so many levels. I am too confused to feel sadness for this man because there are too many pieces missing here.

It is sad that instead of accepting the facts you are looking for maybes and you doubt the sincerity of the victims.

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I can't understand this, life is usually better regulated in the village than in a big town. The village chief,or pu yai, is an influenciel figure of respect and has a great deal of power,he is also the go-between the villagers and police. In my village there is almost no need for police action as the pu yai regulates things from theft to domestic strife and he does it very well.

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I can't avoid asking myself if there were any warning signs that were ignored for some idealistic reason/s. Maybe there was something going on that the husband was ignorant to. There are too many maybes in my mind right now because there are not enough details about the family and about her. There is not even a reason mentioned, and that seems odd. Normally someone has at least a vague conception about why, maybe, it happened. I think that it is normal for Thais in the family to keep the farang out of the "inner circle" like a piece of furniture, and it seems this may be the case here, but there I go again with another maybe / may be. As wrong as it was, Thais do not usually behave this way unless they "feel" some line has been crossed... no matter how bizarre the line seems. I am saying that she must have really done something to really get them that mad at her and to want to kill her son. I guess my question is, what was that thing, and why is it not mentioned or the husband totally ignorant of it? This could be another reason, maybe, that no one interfered, even though that, too is wrong on so many levels. I am too confused to feel sadness for this man because there are too many pieces missing here.

It is sad that instead of accepting the facts you are looking for maybes and you doubt the sincerity of the victims.

I think there were warning signs. The wife was raped by some one who obviously felt he could do this with impunity and the wife didn't report the assault to police at the time. There may also have been relationships, rivalries and jealousies going way back that the husband never knew anything about.

Since the wife didn't report the crime at the time, there was little point in trying to act in a farang way and publicly declaring the assailant persona non-grata in front of his own kind who might actually have sympathised with him. Bear in mind that rape is portrayed in Thai soap operas as a man's inalienable right and that is the only culture uneducated Thais are exposed to.

With the benefit of hindsight, I would say I wanted nothing to do with a rural culture where rape is accepted practice by males and females don't dare report it. I would have taken my family to live somewhere else in Thailand and not had anything to do with the people in this area, least of all paid for ceremonies where the rapists or their friends or relatives were likely to show up. There are plenty of mass ordinations in Bangkok and elsewhere that young Thai men can join in without forcing their parents or step parents to pay for a lavish meal for free loading villagers just for face. Ordinations have become a financial strain on poor families and seem to have nil religious significance any more. The lads usually only stay in the monastery for about two weeks before they go back to riding their motor bikes, smoking and drinking and chasing after girls. In past it was considered a three month obligation.

If the murderers have any connection with a policeman, no matter even a police constable, they will never be charged with any crime.

Edited by Dogmatix
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I can't avoid asking myself if there were any warning signs that were ignored for some idealistic reason/s. ..........

I'm thinking his wife being previously raped in the village was probably a warning sign.

I don't quite understand. Raped by who? What you are suggesting is too scary to imagine. Too many details missing.

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I can't avoid asking myself if there were any warning signs that were ignored for some idealistic reason/s. ..........

I'm thinking his wife being previously raped in the village was probably a warning sign.

I don't quite understand. Raped by who? What you are suggesting is too scary to imagine. Too many details missing.

Reading the entire article will clear up some of those missing details.

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as well as loss of face money almost certainly comes into it and if his wife had asserts or house in her name and did not make a will they probably under this law come in line before their son or him its always face and money here hence so many family murders by family

Actually the house and land WILL go to the son and also to the husband before ANYBODY else in the family under Thai inheritance law.

If he had no children the house and land would go to the husband but he would have to sell it inside of a year.


Wills, succession, inheritance law in Thailand.doc

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Bold words. Bold thoughts. Do you have the bottle?

I must admit I am unfamiliar with this particular turn of phrase. If you mean can I walk the talk, the only thing I can say is... you never know until you are actually faced with the situation. However, in my past experience I have both won and lost against long odds (and for smaller stakes to boot!)

I can say for dead certain, that would be my reaction. I am quite sure I would carry it to conclusion. One thing I did not say, this is all in leu of a proper police investigation and prosecution. I am not for barbarism nor chaos. But justice should be served one way or the other.

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Nothing in my post suggested the assumption you have made.

My post had nothing to do with the legalities of the assailants guilt or innocence.

My post was of a medical nature and wondered about the victims onset of death.

I did not mean to offend you by calling you American. However, it is not much of an assumption since you have, in this very thread, as much as said you are.

Your post had nothing to do with legalities... really? "This poor man watched his wife assaulted in front of his very eyes. (I will refrain from saying murdered since the description of events seems to leave open the possibility she died from some medical complication)."

The conversation you involved yourself in seems to be above your comprehension level.

I will state this one last time. The conversation I was involved in was not about the crime, it was a discussion of the nature of the medical condition the victim of the violent assault succumbed to.

I can't make it any more clear.

You're obviously pretty slow, so I will use small words for you.

The bold text above, is a quote from you.

The bold text above, clearly indicates an opinion about the legal situation.

So the conversation you were involved in WAS about the crime.

Either you don't understand the words that are coming out of your own keyboard, or you're taking the piss.

If you think "... died from some medical complication" constitutes "discussing the nature of the medical condition" you are dumber than you sound.

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Nothing in my post suggested the assumption you have made.

My post had nothing to do with the legalities of the assailants guilt or innocence.

My post was of a medical nature and wondered about the victims onset of death.

I did not mean to offend you by calling you American. However, it is not much of an assumption since you have, in this very thread, as much as said you are.

Your post had nothing to do with legalities... really? "This poor man watched his wife assaulted in front of his very eyes. (I will refrain from saying murdered since the description of events seems to leave open the possibility she died from some medical complication)."

The conversation you involved yourself in seems to be above your comprehension level.

I will state this one last time. The conversation I was involved in was not about the crime, it was a discussion of the nature of the medical condition the victim of the violent assault succumbed to.

I can't make it any more clear.

You're obviously pretty slow, so I will use small words for you.

The bold text above, is a quote from you.

The bold text above, clearly indicates an opinion about the legal situation.

So the conversation you were involved in WAS about the crime.

Either you don't understand the words that are coming out of your own keyboard, or you're taking the piss.

If you think "... died from some medical complication" constitutes "discussing the nature of the medical condition" you are dumber than you sound.

You appear to have personal issues and a problem controlling your emotions, based on threat of violence against the attackers rather than caring for the child as you indicated in an another post.

Your out-of-control emotions and hostility appears to be clouding whatever reasoning you were born with.

I can't make this any clearer for you.

My question was of a medical nature, it concerned the time frame involved between the assault and when swelling finally started over a day later and when she died two days later. It was a question as to why the first hospital exam and x-ray did not identify a serious issue. It was a question about the 2nd hospital's practice of placing numerous tubes which filled her mouth (and which possibly went into her throat) and the description of her throat swelling while those tubes were in situ. It was a question about medical practices that may or may not have contributed to her death. It was not a post suggesting the attackers were guilty or innocent.

I typically do not make such assumptions of guilt or innocence based on the sketchy and one-sided details we have available in one news article. Unlike yourself who is ready to kill based on same news article.

Since you appear to only want to start problems and you are not wanting to discuss the medical aspects of her assault, there is really no reason for you to waste any more of my time. Run along will ya?

Edited by ClutchClark
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Not surprising that the Thais restrained him first and not their bamboo wieldin brethren. pack animals with IQ's equal to boast

Who are you saying are pack animals?

The morons that rushed to defend the guy who had just struck the Danish guys wife...did you read a different article than I?

Na , he just needed to say something, Bless him !!!

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over 30+ years here and my Thai wife is most critical of thais much more so than forang and she came from the slums. Time and time again she says most poor are animals and will cheat lie kill their brother sister or others for sake of some money. We live in a Thai village and see what its really like many times but are very careful and anyforang who thinks they are safe in their little gated communities is nuts. Here like everywhere choose your family here vary very carefully and your thai wife. I dont know facts but probably drugs jealousy a turned down request for financial help or any little thing can and does set many thais off. You only need to look at driving here to get a glimpse of what I'm saying.

sorry just read article properly loss of face its always loss of face dont make a poor This loose face or even a rich one your likely to get a bullet in your head if lucky

Having said that id not want to live anywhere else and 99.9999% of time it does not end in murder. Its also not safe in UK USA or Europe you only feel a bit safer but i known this sort of thing happens as much IMO in west only here its often family members but it happens in families in west. Young girls being raped by their step fathers or even by their own father beaten near to death by their parents and rest.

In 30+ years here bringing up 2 sons we've seen a lot and even had sexual attacks by teachers here on our sons by neighbours and others and if you do liven one of gated ghettoes id worry about gardeners and others and dont tthink for one minute your silly security at gate offers any protection whatever only a false sense of security

Yeah right. Divorcees being beaten to death in front of huge congregations of people happens everyday where I live.

Fact is, yesz this stuff happens. Issue is, there wi be another senseless idiotic story just like this in Thailand next week. One recurring theme will be that a corrupt police force completely failed to intervene.

Comparing thailand with the west and believing that it is even remotelg statistically similar proves that sometimes, farangs should stay out of the sun or off the laokao.

BS and it does not happen here every day so dont talk crap and police refused to intervene in UK over many issues including manchester 1500 + teenage girl sexual abuse Yes were really do much better not in UK

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Tragic story.

Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I do my best to avoid hill-billies in all countries, especially this one. The darker and dirtier they are, the faster I make an effort to avoid them.

Yes, I know such things happens everywhere, with all sorts, but 99% of the confrontations I've witnesses in Thailand over the 15 years I've been here, they are lower class, darker skin, and generally dirty.

I also will not hang out anywhere where there are Thai males drinking. Been there, done that, seen way too many fights start that turned epically violent over nothing at all.

correct sad for the guy but neither not any sensible person would happily go into estates in UK full of human rash on drums rape knifing and the rest and UK police do nothing for poor innocents who have to live in those places. I feel really sorry for this guy but when i told my Thai wife she said what did he except marrying into such a family and she knows she grew up in slums

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You're obviously pretty slow, so I will use small words for you.

The bold text above, is a quote from you.

The bold text above, clearly indicates an opinion about the legal situation.

So the conversation you were involved in WAS about the crime.

Either you don't understand the words that are coming out of your own keyboard, or you're taking the piss.

If you think "... died from some medical complication" constitutes "discussing the nature of the medical condition" you are dumber than you sound.

You appear to have personal issues and a problem controlling your emotions, based on threat of violence against the attackers rather than caring for the child as you indicated in an another post.

Your out-of-control emotions and hostility appears to be clouding whatever reasoning you were born with.

I can't make this any clearer for you. Of course you can't, you're not very bright, and you are wrong.

My question was of a medical nature, it concerned the time frame involved between the assault and when swelling finally started over a day later and when she died two days later. It was a question as to why the first hospital exam and x-ray did not identify a serious issue. It was a question about the 2nd hospital's practice of placing numerous tubes which filled her mouth (and which possibly went into her throat) and the description of her throat swelling while those tubes were in situ. It was a question about medical practices that may or may not have contributed to her death. It was not a post suggesting the attackers were guilty or innocent.

I typically do not make such assumptions of guilt or innocence based on the sketchy and one-sided details we have available in one news article. Unlike yourself who is ready to kill based on same news article.

Since you appear to only want to start problems and you are not wanting to discuss the medical aspects of her assault, there is really no reason for you to waste any more of my time. Run along will ya?

Well, I guess you are even dumber than you sound. You question my comprehension, and yet you think I said I was ready to kill over this?? I said if this happened to ME I would kill. Very big difference, lost on the stupid.

I quoted you not discussing the irrelevant medical complications you think you were "discussing". I don't see anywhere in your previous posts where you mention these issues. I will generously give you one more chance to cite them or you are lying, and as I said, dumber than you sound thinking that these issues are encapsulated within your short comment.

You are right about one thing though. I do not want to discuss the medical aspects of the assault. First and foremost, this article is not about her medical treatment. Her medical treatment is also completely irrelevant. It has no bearing on the crimes outlined, which, by the way, for the slow like you, IS what this article is about. Even if the Dr. that treated her had strangled her in the ER, the guy that hit her with the bamboo stick is still guilty of her murder.

If you can not grasp these concepts, you really should leave these discussions to the adults. Children should be seen and not heard, in your case.

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

Im no apologist for the life is cheap cultures, but seriously, you don't think $hit like this happens in European countries? Low-lifes abound in most countries.

Indeed, but I bet a lot of foreign men in Thailand would not have married the ''ghetto'' girls from their own countries-they do here and are surprised when things get nasty.

i resent this my This wife comes from slums and is by far kindest and nicest person anyone could meet. Its exactly because she grew up with a lot of these low life on drugs and alcohol she resolved to get out and did get out before i met her. A number of her friends also managed it bury not many and sadly many honest decent people are left in those places facing rape murder and rest but they know rules and keep to them so are rarely bothered. Forang are mostly simply stupid but dont paint all people same just because through no fault they are placed in such places. Idl irk to see people like you who make this sort of comment go and be forced to live in those areas with no way out you'd be like lamb to slughter

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I can't understand this, life is usually better regulated in the village than in a big town. The village chief,or pu yai, is an influenciel figure of respect and has a great deal of power,he is also the go-between the villagers and police. In my village there is almost no need for police action as the pu yai regulates things from theft to domestic strife and he does it very well.

all fine unless you totally fall out with head of village as we did 15 odd years ago now replaced by another. The head man totally unfairly took other side in a dispute with a local mafia type family. We refused to give in and refused his so called judgement and so went to police who said head of village already written our fault. We refused this and police laughed our face when our solicitor told him actual legal facts of the case which was 50/50 both parties to blame. they were very aggressive to me and my This wife and to 2 Thai supported who came with us. We stuck to our guns and in end to keep peace given other side had already murdred a local due to a minor dispute we let them save some face so avoided having to get more guard dogs and rest. However the head of village lost face so no one in village would talk or acknowledge us and some pressure we resisted was made but we did not give up. Our 2 children were were very young and we took extra precautions including a paid guard when taking them to and from school. The village though of us as super rich which were not but we invited some hisos we knew to visit. Now after 15+ years a few of village acknowledge us and mafia type family have been in and out of prison more times i can remember but never for long and have I understood killed at least 2 other Thais. Everyone fears them and police as we found out are no help and head of village is paid off. Were left alone and I'm still only forang in the village. Forangs i warn dont believe me but its no different than living in gangster controlled estates in UK or other places. We've been tempted to leave many times but its no problem and we still have 4 large guard dogs. SAme would happen anywhere in west controlled by mafia types if you are unlucky enough to come n conflict with them even in leafy surrey where I came from and perhaps worst there since its hidden behind respectability and charm.

Edited by icare999
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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I can't understand this, life is usually better regulated in the village than in a big town. The village chief,or pu yai, is an influenciel figure of respect and has a great deal of power,he is also the go-between the villagers and police. In my village there is almost no need for police action as the pu yai regulates things from theft to domestic strife and he does it very well.
all fine unless you totally fall out with head of village as we did 15 odd years ago now replaced by another. The head man totally unfairly took other side in a dispute with a local mafia type family. We refused to give in and refused his so called judgement and so went to police who said head of village already written our fault. We refused this and police laughed our face when our solicitor told him actual legal facts of the case which was 50/50 both parties to blame. they were very aggressive to me and my This wife and to 2 Thai supported who came with us. We stuck to our guns and in end to keep peace given other side had already murdred a local due to a minor dispute we let them save some face so avoided having to get more guard dogs and rest. However the head of village lost face so no one in village would talk or acknowledge us and some pressure we resisted was made but we did not give up. Our 2 children were were very young and we took extra precautions including a paid guard when taking them to and from school. The village though of us as super rich which were not but we invited some hisos we knew to visit. Now after 15+ years a few of village acknowledge us and mafia type family have been in and out of prison more times i can remember but never for long and have I understood killed at least 2 other Thais. Everyone fears them and police as we found out are no help and head of village is paid off. Were left alone and I'm still only forang in the village. Forangs i warn dont believe me but its no different than living in gangster controlled estates in UK or other places. We've been tempted to leave many times but its no problem and we still have 4 large guard dogs. SAme would happen anywhere in west controlled by mafia types if you are unlucky enough to come n conflict with them even in leafy surrey where I came from and perhaps worst there since its hidden behind respectability and charm.

through what kind of shît some people are willing to go... to live in an Issan village... for 15+ years... hired bodyguard(s !) to bring the kids to ( Issan village ) "school", how stupid is that? Living in an Issan village, for 15+ years... how braindead one must be? How cruel to deprive his own offspring from having a future?

i(not)care999, shame on you!

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"Palles wife was transferred to the larger Uthai Tani Hospital...her throat started swelling, breathing became difficult for her and she lost her voice."

Getting hit on the head with a stick doesn't cause your throat to swell up.

Having an severe allergic reaction to a drug or antibiotic certainly could be life threatening, if medical personnel are too incompetent to do anything about it....

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Tragic story.

Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I do my best to avoid hill-billies in all countries, especially this one. The darker and dirtier they are, the faster I make an effort to avoid them.

Yes, I know such things happens everywhere, with all sorts, but 99% of the confrontations I've witnesses in Thailand over the 15 years I've been here, they are lower class, darker skin, and generally dirty.

I also will not hang out anywhere where there are Thai males drinking. Been there, done that, seen way too many fights start that turned epically violent over nothing at all.

Pathetic racism at it's petty worst.Go back to your white ghetto.

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Tragic story.

Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I do my best to avoid hill-billies in all countries, especially this one. The darker and dirtier they are, the faster I make an effort to avoid them.

Yes, I know such things happens everywhere, with all sorts, but 99% of the confrontations I've witnesses in Thailand over the 15 years I've been here, they are lower class, darker skin, and generally dirty.

I also will not hang out anywhere where there are Thai males drinking. Been there, done that, seen way too many fights start that turned epically violent over nothing at all.

correct sad for the guy but neither not any sensible person would happily go into estates in UK full of human rash on drums rape knifing and the rest and UK police do nothing for poor innocents who have to live in those places. I feel really sorry for this guy but when i told my Thai wife she said what did he except marrying into such a family and she knows she grew up in slums

So going by your wifes comment and background you can expect some of the same!!

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