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Danish expat witnessed his Thai wife’s murder


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"Palles wife was transferred to the larger Uthai Tani Hospital...her throat started swelling, breathing became difficult for her and she lost her voice."

Getting hit on the head with a stick doesn't cause your throat to swell up.

Having an severe allergic reaction to a drug or antibiotic certainly could be life threatening, if medical personnel are too incompetent to do anything about it....

I see no particular reason to suggest medical incompetence was involved. A more plausible cause of the throat swelling, which I was trying to allude to earlier, was a deliberate act, ie, poisoning.

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

Im no apologist for the life is cheap cultures, but seriously, you don't think $hit like this happens in European countries? Low-lifes abound in most countries.
Indeed, but I bet a lot of foreign men in Thailand would not have married the ''ghetto'' girls from their own countries-they do here and are surprised when things get nasty.
i resent this my This wife comes from slums and is by far kindest and nicest person anyone could meet. Its exactly because she grew up with a lot of these low life on drugs and alcohol she resolved to get out and did get out before i met her. A number of her friends also managed it bury not many and sadly many honest decent people are left in those places facing rape murder and rest but they know rules and keep to them so are rarely bothered. Forang are mostly simply stupid but dont paint all people same just because through no fault they are placed in such places. Idl irk to see people like you who make this sort of comment go and be forced to live in those areas with no way out you'd be like lamb to slughter

I think you missed my point. And not that it's any of your business: I lived a year in the squater camps of South Africa. Probably more empathetic than yourself, and trust me Thai ''slums'' are like the Hamptons if you compare them to African ones.

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Aren't there blood relatives of the murdered Thai woman who want to see justice served? A sister is mentioned. That's pretty screwed up if nobody other than the farang husband is bothered to act.

Agree, thainess at its worst - Palle Jensen should take his son and go to DK but for sure leave UT/Thailand, these thai-addicts are the lowest scum

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