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Big Bank Hank, US rapper, dies at 57


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Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57

(BBC) Big Bank Hank, the New York rapper who, as part of the Sugarhill Gang, released what is generally regarded as the first rap record, has died at the age of 57.

The performer, real name Henry Jackson, died from kidney complications due to cancer, according to reports.

Jackson formed the Sugarhill Gang with Master Gee and Wonder Mic, having a big hit in 1979 with Rapper's Delight.

The record sold several million copies worldwide and helped establish rap as the genre it is today.

The full version of Rapper's Delight ran nearly 16 minutes long and was recorded in a single take.

The song - famous for its "hip, hip, a hop" refrain - featured 'Big Bank' introducing himself as "six foot one and tons of fun".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30011178

-- BBC 2014-11-12

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Jackson formed the Sugarhill Gang with Master Gee and Wonder Mic, having a big hit in 1979 with Rapper's Delight.

The record sold several million copies worldwide and helped establish rap as the genre it is today.

Only several million copies worldwide ? Surprised at that.

Still have it on vinyl.

RIP big guy.

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Not many rap fans in Thailand.

just wanted to say...never liked rap, never will. Can it be called music? I guess some people like it.

Can it be called music? Keep your ignorance to yourself.

You're welcome to say you don't personally like it, draw the line there.

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Not many rap fans in Thailand.

just wanted to say...never liked rap, never will. Can it be called music? I guess some people like it.

Can it be called music? Keep your ignorance to yourself.

You're welcome to say you don't personally like it, draw the line there.

Read my post again.

It was my heartfelt opinion. I would say I do not care for gravy and potatoes as well. Where does your anger come from?

In the sixties, my dad used to make fun of the Beatles....saying it was not real music either. lol

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If you really want to experience the "Rap" culture...go to the Philippines. They play uncensored rap at top volume (any shopping mall), and nobody seems to mind the lyrics. It is hilarious.

Then..at 1 pm..the speaker cuts off, and everyone stops to pray, while a "Hail Mary" is sent over the loudspeaker.

ten seconds later....here comes that wicked blast of profanity......wannafuqurmammainherass.

great fun.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I am not a big fan of rap music, but I noticed that over the years it has started to grow on me. First there were some rap-type lyrics incorporated into a more mainstream song and now there are a few rap songs I just plain like.


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Not many rap fans in Thailand.

just wanted to say...never liked rap, never will. Can it be called music? I guess some people like it.

Can it be called music? Keep your ignorance to yourself.

You're welcome to say you don't personally like it, draw the line there.

Read my post again.

It was my heartfelt opinion. I would say I do not care for gravy and potatoes as well. Where does your anger come from?

In the sixties, my dad used to make fun of the Beatles....saying it was not real music either. lol

Nah, just having a grumpy morning, hope I didn't offend you.

SOme of the other posters after you though? Rap isn't a genre? Where does this come from?

Hiphop is the broader genre and all that you hear coming out of your radios, especially in asia, is just pop music, barely related to hiphop.

Back to the guy who said it isn't a genre. How come it has generated an enormous sub-culture over 3 decades and influenced popular culture. Sampling has even been recognized by the grammy people as an art form.

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The reason it's been so popular is that Blacks like it because they think it makes them look gangsta, Whites like it because it they think it makes them look gangsta, and the record companies love it because it's piss easy to knock out to both sets of idiots for two bob and they make a fortune out of it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the autotune/drum machine crap that passes for white music these days, either.

Edited by Chicog
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Well, this sure brought the old farts out, didn't it?

RIP Hank.

I don't see why seeing it for what it is makes you an old fart.

Look at the new Floyd album: Remixed outtakes from 1993 and a load of .

But stick it online or in a CD cover and there are always idiots that will buy it regardless of how bad it is.

Still, at least poor Hank didn't get a "cap popped in his ar*se" from one of his "niggaz".

Makes a change for one of them to die of natural causes.

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RIP to the guy, but he actually bit the lyrics from Casanova fly, who never got any recognition for that fact. Big Hank didn't even change them, so he calls himself Casanova fly in the rap, which was a bit lame.

Ironically, later in the song he relates the advice he received from his mother:

"But whatever you do in your lifetime

You never let an MC steal your rhyme"

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I do find it amusing that someone talking over a drum machine and some sampling can be described as a "song".


Which just highlights your ignorance. There's no drum machine or samples on 'Rapper's Delight' - that's a real drummer and bass player.

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I do find it amusing that someone talking over a drum machine and some sampling can be described as a "song".


Which just highlights your ignorance. There's no drum machine or samples on 'Rapper's Delight' - that's a real drummer and bass player.


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