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Anyone heard of this Immigration policy?

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Follow up: My girlfriend brought the filled out form to the Office of Investigating Division of the Immigration Police and payed a 800 bht fine for non-compliance.

Basically, an 800 Bt shakedown. did she got a receipt for that ?>

I was given an English language brochure in which there is listed lots of other requirements such as if one travels to another province for more then 24 hrs one must report to that local police station with-in 48 hrs (which is a little non-sensical to me).

Would you post a picture of it? Where it happened ?

She received a receipt for payment of the fine for the offense as well was shown the laws and applicable fines in writing when the officer sat down with her and explained everything.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse here nor in my home country.

The pictures answer the rest of your questions.

Any other posts that imply illegal actions of other's, not of our non-compliance, will not be responded to by the OP.



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I was given an English language brochure in which there is listed lots of other requirements such as if one travels to another province for more then 24 hrs one must report to that local police station with-in 48 hrs (which is a little non-sensical to me).

These requirements are for aliens who have received temporary entry permit into the Kingdom.


We are talking here about the notification requirements as per section 37 of the Immigration Act.

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the
following :
1. Shall not engage in the occupation or temporary or employment unless authorized by the
Director General. or competent official deputized by the Director General . If , in any case , there is a law
concerning alien employment provided hereafter , the granting of work privileges must comply with the
law concerned.
2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official. Where there is proper reason
that he cannot stay at the place as indicated to the competent official, he shall notify the competent official
of the change in residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place.
3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty
– four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not
located the same area with the former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the
police station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.
4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty – four hours , such
alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty – eight hours from the time
of arrival.
5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the
competent official at the Immigration Division , in writing , concerning his place of stay , as soon as
possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is
an Immigration Office , the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.
The provision of ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) shall not apply to any cases under Section 34 by any conditions as
prescribed by the Director General.
In making notification under this Section , the alien may make notification in person or send a
letter of notification to the competent official , in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the
Director General .

Please note that the penultimate paragraph of section 37 specifically excludes "aliens entering into the kingdom for a temporary stay" from the requirements to "notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty–four hours from the time of arrival" (section 37(3)) and "if the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty–four hours, such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty–eight hours from the time of arrival" "by any conditions as prescribed by the Director General" (section 37(4))

The big question, to which I have yet to find the answer, is this: have any conditions been prescribed by the Director General of the Royal Thai Police, and if this has been the case, what are these conditions? Ask any lawyer who advertises himself as an immigration lawyer and he will not know and most probably won't be bothered to find out for you.

Ask the question under Contact us on on the website of the Immigration Bureau and you will not get an answer.

Ask the immigration officer at your local office who asks you to comply with these requirements and he will not know.

Conclusion: let us assume that no conditions under the penultimate paragraph of section 37 have been issued and therefore all aliens must theoretically comply with these reporting requirements.

This brings us to the next question: what forms, if any, are there for these two reports to the police station (not the immigration office)?

The form TM.28 is usually mentioned in this context, but there is some contradiction. The law clearly says that the police station must be notified, but the form addresses the report to "The Immigration Officer" and the footnotes say that

  • Your local police station must be notified of any change of address within 24 hours.

    (The reference to 24 hours seems to indicate that this refers to the change of address (section 37(3). Do they mean that this notification must be made to both the immigration officer and the local police?)

  • A stay in another province of over 24 hours must be reported with 48 hours of arrival in that place

    (This obviously refers to section 37(4). Do they mean that this notification must be made to both the immigration officer and the local police?)

The last paragraph of section 37 says that "In making notification under this Section, the alien may make notification in person or send a letter of notification to the competent official , in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director General". What is the text of these regulations?

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Yes right now. But they can always grab you by the balls if they want to.

Sure, and an accident can happen so on and so forth. Problem first and worry after, not the opposite.

It was explained to me that it serves this purpose in case of emergency.

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Maestro inside the brochure pictured it states "If there is no immigration Official located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified"

But to be honest I am not sure what this refers to as it is on the bottom of the page of reporting change of residence, traveling to other provinces and 90 day reporting etc.

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Only the land lord can report to the local police station, an only if there is no local immigration office. The land lord only reports upon your arrival, not every 90 days.

90 day reports cannot be done at the local police station, only at the immigration office for your area..

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Thank you Maestro for responding with the complete text of law, and examining it under both legal and practical aspects.

It appears quite clear to me that using para. 4 of section 37 to threaten or impose a fine is an abuse of an outdated, self referential legislation that has near to zero applicability in the entire country.

It is not surprising to see it coming from Div. 5, an attitude that is consistent with a track record of second guessing national regulations and policies. We still remember their "meeting with foreigner community" when they negated some aspects of the upcoming changes to regulations.

Edited by paz
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Follow up: My girlfriend brought the filled out form to the Office of Investigating Division of the Immigration Police and payed a 800 bht fine for non-compliance.

They attached a "Receipt Of Notification" into the last page of my passport.

She was told it was her responsibility that if I leave the country or am out of the province for more then a 7 days she has to report it to them, which can be done by internet but if that doesn't work she must go into the Immigration Office, when I return if I am going to live at the same residence. If I move then it is of the responsibility of my new landlord. Compliance required within 24 hrs.

My girlfriend was also asked to inform anyone she knows.

I was given an English language brochure in which there is listed lots of other requirements such as if one travels to another province for more then 24 hrs one must report to that local police station with-in 48 hrs (which is a little non-sensical to me).

These requirements are for aliens who have received temporary entry permit into the Kingdom.

My girlfriend was also asked to inform anyone she knows.

I am sharing my personal experience for the benefit of anyone whom might be interested. I cannot speak for or of other's and am not interested in arguing about or defending this post but will be happy to answer any intelligent questions or concerns of others.


This is insane....if you are leaving the province for 24hours report to police station...report at immigration if you leave the province for more then 7 days...<deleted>...who is allowing these laws?! Are you a prisoners if you are living here as expat? I really want to know what the officer at a police station will tell me if I come to report myself that I entered his province.

Pretty ridiculous but I think if you have reported once and keep staying at the same address, you're done. Then all you have left are the 90-day reports.

No one is going to keep re-reporting someone, who happens to travel a lot, either to other provinces or overseas, only to have to tell give them the same information, that is unchanged from before.

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Sounds like the initial officer was looking for a TM30 receipt for "NOTIFICATION FROM FOR HOUSE-MASTER,OWNER OR POSSESSOR OF THE RESIDENCE WHERE ALIEN HAS STAYED." This is not the 90-day report, but it is about the same size.

Never heard of that receipt being kept in a passport, just the routine 90-day report receipt.

In Chiang Mai this report can be made at the office where OP was sent behind the main office building. Mario is no doubt correct that the report can also be made at the local police station.

It is a one-time report. If you move, my understanding is that you have to get that report done again.

Mario is no doubt correct that the report can also be made at the local police station.

​ Totally agree with you, should be "upgraded" to "Super Mario" ASAP. thumbsup.gif

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Only the land lord can report to the local police station, an only if there is no local immigration office. The land lord only reports upon your arrival, not every 90 days.

90 day reports cannot be done at the local police station, only at the immigration office for your area..

Well yes, once. That is, the first time you make a lease and move into your apartment or rented house. If you continue to stay for 2 years, 5 years whatever, no further reports are made by them or by you. Only the 90-day reports.

A new report is only made if you are changing addresses, in which case the new land lord does this.

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Follow up: My girlfriend brought the filled out form to the Office of Investigating Division of the Immigration Police and payed a 800 bht fine for non-compliance.

They attached a "Receipt Of Notification" into the last page of my passport.

She was told it was her responsibility that if I leave the country or am out of the province for more then a 7 days she has to report it to them, which can be done by internet but if that doesn't work she must go into the Immigration Office, when I return if I am going to live at the same residence. If I move then it is of the responsibility of my new landlord. Compliance required within 24 hrs.

My girlfriend was also asked to inform anyone she knows.

I was given an English language brochure in which there is listed lots of other requirements such as if one travels to another province for more then 24 hrs one must report to that local police station with-in 48 hrs (which is a little non-sensical to me).

These requirements are for aliens who have received temporary entry permit into the Kingdom.

My girlfriend was also asked to inform anyone she knows.

I am sharing my personal experience for the benefit of anyone whom might be interested. I cannot speak for or of other's and am not interested in arguing about or defending this post but will be happy to answer any intelligent questions or concerns of others.


This is insane....if you are leaving the province for 24hours report to police station...report at immigration if you leave the province for more then 7 days...<deleted>...who is allowing these laws?! Are you a prisoners if you are living here as expat? I really want to know what the officer at a police station will tell me if I come to report myself that I entered his province.

Pretty ridiculous but I think if you have reported once and keep staying at the same address, you're done. Then all you have left are the 90-day reports.

No one is going to keep re-reporting someone, who happens to travel a lot, either to other provinces or overseas, only to have to tell give them the same information, that is unchanged from before.

Your welcome to think what you please, even make up your own laws, but posting it is not helpful to this serious discussion. If they are going to enforce it is entirely another matter which is revelant.

Also you re incorrect that no one is going to do the necessary reporting. I travel a lot, I left the country last month and actually am leaving again next week.

My girlfriend will be report again upon our return. We'd rather keep things in order especially if it can be done easily on the internet.

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Only the land lord can report to the local police station, an only if there is no local immigration office. The land lord only reports upon your arrival, not every 90 days.

90 day reports cannot be done at the local police station, only at the immigration office for your area..

The reporting of where you live is separate from the 90 day reporting.

I believe by reading the posts that some are getting confused on this issue.

I apologize if I caused any confusion in my OP when I stated that I went in for my 90 day and they looked in the back of my passport for the other report.

This was just an explanation of my experience and I did not mean to imply that they were the same or involved the other.

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To be clear what I have...........

I have been here full time 11 years last month......... had the house built and moved in over 10 years ago..

I have in my Passport for some years........ 2 yes TWO bits of white paper stapled into Passport from Immigration

1x is notice of 90 day report next due 30 Nov 2014.....


1x notice says "Receipt of Notification" and is dated 24 Dec 2013..

On paper I cannot own a house here, so it is a Thai friends name = Blue book I have but not in my name, so need the friends personal i.d copy both signed by my Thai friend [have many copies in the house]

I can only say what I have and do, no idea about other Immigration Offices....

Never took much notice, maybe it is when I get the new yearly Extension? the next 90 day report they want the Notification and Blue book/i.d copies ?? looking on my PC [keep all Passport item in a folder sent from my scanner] notice the last "Receipt of Notification" was dated Sept 2012

It has been reported on TV previously that some offices are attaching the receipt for the TM 30 in passports along with the 90 report receipt. At my first extension in CW (quit some time ago) I was asked (actually my was asked) and said we were not aware of it. Paid a 500 TB fine and made the report. The officer took a copy and made an input to the computer system. Never never been asked again.

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