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New $123 garment wage tops LAC voting #BreakingNews


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NEXT year’s minimum monthly wage in Cambodia’s garment industry will likely be $123, after the Ministry of Labour’s Labour Advisory Committee (LAC) voted for the wage this morning.

Sixteen committee members voted for the government-sponsored $123 figure, while seven voted for the employer-backed $110 and two voted for the union-suggested $140, Labour Ministry spokesman Heng Sour said this morning.

The committee contains 14 representatives from government, seven representing factories and seven from the union side.

“[LAC members] did not come to a consensus, so they voted,” Sour told the Post. “We just completed the vote and the majority of the LAC unions voted for $123 for the new minimum wage for 2015.”

Government officials previously endorsed $121 for next year’s minimum, but raised that figure by $2 this morning, Sour said.

A Labour Ministry statement said their decision will now go before Labour Minister Ith Sam Heng for approval and, if approved, will be implemented on January 1.

Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union president Ath Thorn, one of two who voted for $140, said the wage is less than unions will accept.

“We are not satisfied,” Thorn said.

Eight independent labour unions that supported last year’s nationwide garment worker strike will meet this afternoon to discuss their next course of action.



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