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Thailand to 'be more careful' after Vanessa Mae ban


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Rumours are circulating that Police Captain Chalerm and his innocent sons are making a bid to represent Thailand at the next Winter Olympics. The four-man bobsled team are practicing on Thailand's version of the Cresta Run, known locally as the "Twenty Club Run". At the time of going to press it is unclear whether the senior member of the team will be available however, since he is currently detained on suspicion of possessing "too much Thainess".

Edited by asdecas
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Thailand officials seemed pretty clueless

She was 10 years older than the next oldest competitor in the event and ranked outside the top 2000 skiers in the world.....Under what circumstance could anyone believe that a few rigged races could qualify her for Olympic games?

The problem is with the races being fixed it did allow her to meet the FIS standard to participate in the Olympic games. The standard is

very easy and any athlete can reach the standard.(She is a recreational skier not an athlete) Note: she was participating in the Olympics

not competing as she was not competitive in any way. Now if it were a combined event, skiing-violin then she would have been competing.

To be fair she is not the only person to do this, just the most obvious in the manipulation.

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No harm to her...... news media are constantly searching for really pretty athletes, and here is one. Pity all the ugly woman tennis players, weight lifters, high jumpers, golfers, and even the little gymnasts have the trouble of being underage. giggle.gif

Violinist is just a nice bonus and spreads her appeal to other audiences. This girl is gold and should spend her banned time getting rich endorsing clothing or being a cause celeb-re to women. If her English is good, there is a reality show material here. Sky, not ski, is the limit.wai.gif

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