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Trouble accessing webhost from Thailand

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I'm having trouble today trying to access 1and1dotcom & websites they host.

They all fail as unreachable. Their mailservers are unreachable too.

Trying tracert in a dos window, it seems to timeout before leaving Thailand from what I can gather. If I try via Tor, it accesses it OK.

I think that 1and1 are somewhere in Kansas? Tried some Kansas news websites (assuming they're hosted there)– all load OK.

Also 1and1 in the UK and Germany are unreachable via Thailand

Any ideas anyone – is it an access problem purely from here, or is there something else going on?


Working fine for me on 3BB.

It's probably some routing problem with your ISP. If you have a VPN it should get round any routing blockages, as does TOR.

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