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Help, I am being stalked.


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I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number. Fortunately I am not intimidated or scared, but I am sure where children are invovled it would be very worrying.

I never reply too any of her messages but still now after 2 years i get them. God knows how but she found my knew ( 1 year ) GF's number and sends her threatening messages as well. My current GF's advice......................'this is some thai woman, this is love' my reply, what a load of shit!!!

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I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number. Fortunately I am not intimidated or scared, but I am sure where children are invovled it would be very worrying.

I never reply too any of her messages but still now after 2 years i get them. God knows how but she found my knew ( 1 year ) GF's number and sends her threatening messages as well. My current GF's advice......................'this is some thai woman, this is love' my reply, what a load of shit!!!

Why don't you block her number?

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I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number. Fortunately I am not intimidated or scared, but I am sure where children are invovled it would be very worrying.

I never reply too any of her messages but still now after 2 years i get them. God knows how but she found my knew ( 1 year ) GF's number and sends her threatening messages as well. My current GF's advice......................'this is some thai woman, this is love' my reply, what a load of shit!!!

It's usually one of your 'friends' feeding her information in exchange for .....

Time to clear out all your old friends from the time you were with her.

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I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number. Fortunately I am not intimidated or scared, but I am sure where children are invovled it would be very worrying.

I never reply too any of her messages but still now after 2 years i get them. God knows how but she found my knew ( 1 year ) GF's number and sends her threatening messages as well. My current GF's advice......................'this is some thai woman, this is love' my reply, what a load of shit!!!

Why don't you block her number?

Well I tried that before, but AIS told me it couldnt be done on my old phone.

I will try again, perhaps its now possible. But then all she will do is send messages from another number.

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I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number. Fortunately I am not intimidated or scared, but I am sure where children are invovled it would be very worrying.

I never reply too any of her messages but still now after 2 years i get them. God knows how but she found my knew ( 1 year ) GF's number and sends her threatening messages as well. My current GF's advice......................'this is some thai woman, this is love' my reply, what a load of shit!!!

It's usually one of your 'friends' feeding her information in exchange for .....

Time to clear out all your old friends from the time you were with her.

Yes i agree with you and do have my suspicions.

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Why haven't you blocked this woman from sending text messages to your phone?

The meeting site is on my computer.

Not on my cell phone.

I blocked her 1 time, but she was back with another name the next day.

Shut the site down and go to another one......

I have the strong feeling that leaving that site would be great mistake.

Now I can follow her mind setting and her steps.

But she don't know that as I can visit other accounts without leaving a trace.

The photo's at the market and later the photo's at the school gave her steps away without that she know it.

But I will never reply to any messages from her.

That would be a complete mistake.

you are assuming ,of course, that she is actually a she, not a him.

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Irresponsible idiot ! This has been going on for 10 months, and now you decide you dont want to play anymore ?

By leaving it this long you have in effect encouraged this person.

If you had any balls, you would have dealt with this ages ago, but perhaps your ego enjoyed the attention, you should encourage this person to meet, be friendly, then at the meeting (take someone with you) make it quite clear you want nothing to do with her and if she persists further action via the Police or whatever will follow.

Stop being a whimp and a push-over, sort it out man, that's what parents do ! when their child is involved.

If only life and specifically dealing with ''crazies'' was that simple.......

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Keep thorough records of everything.

Go and see a lawyer - don't delay.

Edit to add - inform the school.

This seems like sound advice. By the way, I have read many times that we must be extremely careful about the words we use, if you felt the chances of you ever being stalked were 1-100 that means you were almost certain it was going to happen, on the other hand if the odds were 100-1 .....you thought the chances were very slim indeed.

Hope all resolves itself satisfactorily for all concerned. GB.

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I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number. Fortunately I am not intimidated or scared, but I am sure where children are invovled it would be very worrying.

I never reply too any of her messages but still now after 2 years i get them. God knows how but she found my knew ( 1 year ) GF's number and sends her threatening messages as well. My current GF's advice......................'this is some thai woman, this is love' my reply, what a load of shit!!!

Why don't you block her number?

Well I tried that before, but AIS told me it couldnt be done on my old phone.

I will try again, perhaps its now possible. But then all she will do is send messages from another number.

Dial *189 and keep blocking them. She will run out of phones before you run out of block spots.

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Why don't you block her number?

I have the feeling that some posters don't read the OP.

The stalking is not happening by phone calls but on a meeting/dating site on my computer.

The meeting/dating site is "Badoo".

The stalking is only done by messages in the meeting/dating site.

Blocking a phone number has absolutely no meaning.

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Why don't you block her number?

I have the feeling that some posters don't read the OP.

The stalking is not happening by phone calls but on a meeting/dating site on my computer.

The meeting/dating site is "Badoo".

The stalking is only done by messages in the meeting/dating site.

Blocking a phone number has absolutely no meaning.

Thailiketoo say Confucius would be wiser if he read the post I was responding to and maybe if really enlightened include it in his post reply.

I was responding to

paul955, on 14 Nov 2014 - 14:34, said:snapback.png

I have been having a similar thing for the last 2 years since finishing with my old GF in Bangkok. I am constantly getting text messages from her about how she can kill me without going to the monkey house, etc, etc. Ive changed phone number but she knows where I work and always manages to get the new number.

Confucius will note that post is about a phone to which I responded, "Why don't you block her number? "

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Go and see the BIB with a bottle of whiskey and tell them that you are in fear for your children... not you just the kids at the school! Take evidence with you of this nut case and show them. The police will not want to act on something they feel is nothing... so motivate them. The bottle should do the trick and you concern with regards to your children and the other students in their class as well as the teacher/s should be enough to get them to act. Even if it is just them paying the nut a visit and to warn her off. But keep your head on a swivel and pick the kids up and drop them off everyday. Block the calls from this person and block their emails from your internet provider and send the match people a warning about this person as well. Oh.. and get off that site altogether!

Safety is paramount here, for you and your kids. So do not let your guard down and stay in touch with the BIB regarding the matter!

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Go and see the BIB with a bottle of whiskey and tell them that you are in fear for your children... not you just the kids at the school! Take evidence with you of this nut case and show them. The police will not want to act on something they feel is nothing... so motivate them. The bottle should do the trick and you concern with regards to your children and the other students in their class as well as the teacher/s should be enough to get them to act. Even if it is just them paying the nut a visit and to warn her off. But keep your head on a swivel and pick the kids up and drop them off everyday. Block the calls from this person and block their emails from your internet provider and send the match people a warning about this person as well. Oh.. and get off that site altogether!

Safety is paramount here, for you and your kids. So do not let your guard down and stay in touch with the BIB regarding the matter!

I have never met a person who has taken a bottle of whiskey to a Thai police station. Have you actually taken a bottle of whiskey to a Thai police station and tried to bribe them or are you just pretending?

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Sometimes, the best way to repel idiots is to act like one yourself.

Military service is compulsory in my home country and very few exemption warrants. A friend who didn't want to spend time in the military wrote a letter to the army after receiving his calling up paper shortly after his 18th birthday. He thanked them for the opportunity to learn how to kill, and he wrote to let them know he wanted to learn how to kill efficiently in as many ways as possible. He also said that he wanted to serve in a unit where it was likely he'd be given the chance to kill other people in action. He even let them know that he wanted to discuss a few methods of killing he'd drafted himself. Two weeks later he received his exemptions. They didn't want anything to do with him.

You could use a similar tactics with this woman. Why not start chatting with her on this dating site and after a while begin to behave as you are the one chasing after her? Call her, email her, chat with her as much as you can. If she swallows the bait she'll get more and more annoyed with you. Start mixing the conversations with hints that you are in financial trouble and that you need to borrow money. At that point you may want to introduce a few suggestions involving swinger clubs (and at least if she says yes you'll get proper sha**ed). Arrange a date and make sure you show up smelling like a dog (he**, rub yourself somewhere with dog poo, just enough to give her a slight whiff every now and then), interrupt her all the time and talk abut all your problems. During dessert you can start talk about animal sex. And ask for a loan in between. You should have no issues with this woman again.

Classic tvf right there, cracked me up!

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On the other hand, if you give ANY kind of attention, you will open a can of worms.

That was my way of thinking too.

If I would reply or give any reaction, that would be seen as an attention and the real troubles would start.

After 10 months ! you are a simpering coward, any excuse not to deal with the situation, anyone suggests "do nothing" and you are right behind it, and how has that worked out for you for the last 10 months ?.......exactly!

Its time to confront the issue and deal with it, OR shut the hell up and get on with it, and stop moaning to all and sundry over your in-action.

I believe there may be a bit of healthy fear there. He has a son. Mingling with this ilk endangers his son and makes his fears insincere. This isn't something they teach in school. As thoughts go through my head about the wife that was murdered in front of her husband, and other stories of these people's affinities for brief, periodical homicidal rages, I believe that politely ignoring and not feeding out any rope for her to grasp on to is the best method.

My advice is to confront the issue by not confronting it. A bad wind blew his way, and you can't fight the wind. Let it go and move on. She will eventually (sooner rather than later) find another narcissistic resource to feed her ego as long as he does nothing and ignore it. I do not mean be careless. Be vigilant to his own, but ignore her.

In a strange sense, it is curious that suggesting ignoring her gets you all worked up... so, maybe this is indeed the best approach to this. She will go out in a burst of anger to satisfy her narcissistic nature by sending him a few hate letters and tell all her friends all kinds of sordid things about him, and the matter will be closed.

Ignore, ignore, ignore.

But remain vigilant on your watch, as any good father does regardless.

All the best.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Go and see the BIB with a bottle of whiskey and tell them that you are in fear for your children... not you just the kids at the school! Take evidence with you of this nut case and show them. The police will not want to act on something they feel is nothing... so motivate them. The bottle should do the trick and you concern with regards to your children and the other students in their class as well as the teacher/s should be enough to get them to act. Even if it is just them paying the nut a visit and to warn her off. But keep your head on a swivel and pick the kids up and drop them off everyday. Block the calls from this person and block their emails from your internet provider and send the match people a warning about this person as well. Oh.. and get off that site altogether!

Safety is paramount here, for you and your kids. So do not let your guard down and stay in touch with the BIB regarding the matter!

I have never met a person who has taken a bottle of whiskey to a Thai police station. Have you actually taken a bottle of whiskey to a Thai police station and tried to bribe them or are you just pretending?

Some cops stopped me one night at about 11 pm & invited me to sit down & drink whiskey with them

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There is an easy way to get her out of your life. Have sex with her but do not pay her.

I'm not so sure, SL. I once had a woman call me ten times a day for a month after I did that.

No woman likes being a victim of the old "Pump and dump."

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Go and see the BIB with a bottle of whiskey and tell them that you are in fear for your children... not you just the kids at the school! Take evidence with you of this nut case and show them. The police will not want to act on something they feel is nothing... so motivate them. The bottle should do the trick and you concern with regards to your children and the other students in their class as well as the teacher/s should be enough to get them to act. Even if it is just them paying the nut a visit and to warn her off. But keep your head on a swivel and pick the kids up and drop them off everyday. Block the calls from this person and block their emails from your internet provider and send the match people a warning about this person as well. Oh.. and get off that site altogether!

Safety is paramount here, for you and your kids. So do not let your guard down and stay in touch with the BIB regarding the matter!

I have never met a person who has taken a bottle of whiskey to a Thai police station. Have you actually taken a bottle of whiskey to a Thai police station and tried to bribe them or are you just pretending?

I have done it. Wasn't a bribe it was an act of thanks for undertaking forthcoming work.

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I'd shag her until she couldn't walk right....ever. Take my advice: I never have to break up with chicks; I make sure they break up with me. Anal? Anal?

Finally someone else who gets it.

As victim of a stalker, by reacting in all the reasonable ways like trying to explain, requesting they stop and all that kind of thing just gives them the attention that they crave. Obviously the OP has given his stalker very little to go on and that's fair enough.

My point is just a general one that may not always apply, and it's this: the best way to get rid of someone is to be something they don't want. If they don't respect you there's no reason why you should respect them, and thus most people can be off-loaded simply by changing how you are towards them. Basically you become exactly not what they want.

Depends on your grasp of psychology and level of insight into their (or human) behaviour.

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