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Australia: German tourist bashed for 'claiming he was a Hells Angel'


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Reasonable response methinks.

Similar to people claiming to be marines, SAS et all. Beat the shit out of the bullshitters. thumbsup.gif

Not intelligent enough to just ignore them then.

Worrying that at least one law enforcement professional likes your comment. Advocating serious assault, gbh as an acceptable remedy.

That's about as clever as saying it's acceptable to kill others who hold a different religious view.

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Beating a teen with a baseball bat, coward idiot bah.gif

What would you suggest he should beat him with then ?

I he would be smart enough he could try beating the teen in playing chess. Or start a ping pong match. But beating someone with a baseball bat while being surrounded by the own comrades in the own club house sounds like a coward, doesnt it?

Dude walked into a Hells Angles clubhouse, not a club room full of girlie Mensa boys meeting at Starbucks. Smart guy would have apologized and left before the beat the crap out of him

Ping-ping? lol, is that a smart guy's game. You are moving from coward to wimp to outright P'us.

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Reasonable response methinks.

Similar to people claiming to be marines, SAS et all. Beat the shit out of the bullshitters. thumbsup.gif

Many years ago when İ lived in the USA (As a Brit) İ lived with 1% bikers. Shared a house for 2 years with the former president of a major bike club who had recently come out of jail after a 9 stretch for a shootout with the HAs where half a doz or so died. Most of my friends had experienced club life wearing colours and had left due to the shit that being a club member brings. İnstead it was a case of free spirits who loved the freedom and camradere of the biking life who chose to drink, party and support each others families together. İ met many HAs, partied with them etc and understood them. Their philosophy was simple. İn their words ' İf you aren't an Angel then you ain't shit' They will use any non Angel or wannabe for whatever purpose suited them then screw you over. The biggest mistake anyone will ever make is to have, or claim an association with these people. Tatto shops in my city had HA tats on the wall for HAs but refused to do them unless a bona fide HA was present, as a few unfortunates had them done and when spotted were given a simple ultimatum...... Get it covered in 24 hours or we will come back with a wire brush and take it off!

For many years the HAs have had control of the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the major areas of the US. İ am out

touch now but would have expected them to move into meth by now. One H a İ got to know quite well due to meetings at the many funerals and parties after turned out to be the grandson of a well known mafia godfather so the ties continue.

İ shared a semi detached house/duplex with the afore mentioned guy and another pal and his wife and kids.

This guy was only 6 ft tall but 22 stone (140 kilo) of muscle.Ex special forces Vietnam, heavyweight boxing champion of marines for his year and his hobby was weightlifting. He stopped when he reached 27 stone (170 kilos) when he came out of the gym and went for a crap but was so pumped up he couldn't wipe his arse! He had been an enforcer/sgt at arms for a big club. His job was to stay sober and stop any trouble before it starts and to keep good releatoons with 'citizens'as non bikers were called. He left this when the president and others asked him to cover their asses when he knew they were out of line. (They ended up doing 25 to life a few years later and deserved it) Anyway. The Has were shit scared of him but he was actually a very quiet,thoughtful lad who was devoted to his wife and kids and hated violence. He just happened to be very good at it when needed.

İ got him a job at my company and did great, a model employee. First payday İ badgered him to come for a few beers. İ took him to a bar where you could get Newcastle Brown, Old Peculiar etc. After a half doz he got a glint in his eye and said 'İ'll take you to another fun bar 2 minutes away. This turned out to be the bar the local HAs callled their own. So we go in. There about 3 or 4 HAs there with their colours on and we sit at the bar being friendly. Then one HA i knew went into the old fashioned phone booth in the bar and İ watched him phone and phone. Before we had done our second beer another 10 HAs turned up.They new that 5 or 6 wouldn't manage this boy but couldn't lose face. My pal just wound them up then explained that he was only there for a beer and introduce me. The relief on their faces was priceless.

The end of that night is a whole new story with guns drawn, beatings and eating craw, all deserved. My man came out smelling and actually singing about roses. İn a nutshell.,. Never trust or have any dealing with HAs or any wannabe who claims affiliation. İf you do then don't be surprised if it goes bad.

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Bikers enjoy safety in numbers... Their chromosomes work better when collectively in a 'gang'.. It's like a small man syndrome with a Smiths/Lays crisp on him shoulder.. Get one on his own, they turn to a you know what!

Nah, most are fully willing to do damage when on their own unlike Thais in a street fight. This incident just took place in a club house and it still sounded as if only one did the hitting, unlike Thais who would have all been kicking and hitting.

Haha, but I am sure you are a big bruiser, special forces type trained in Akido hand to hand combat and could easily handle any of those sissy little Hell's Agenglea in a one on one situation

Edited by F430murci
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What is that suppsed to mean?

That you are celebrating that a kid got his skull bashed in by a miscreant that has no business anywhere but inside of a cage or dead?

I don't get it Jock--sometimes you have some decent posts but this one erases all those.

Would you happen to be one of these worthless POS Hells Angels?

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Reasonable response methinks.

Similar to people claiming to be marines, SAS et all. Beat the shit out of the bullshitters. thumbsup.gif

Many years ago when İ lived in the USA (As a Brit) İ lived with 1% bikers. Shared a house for 2 years with the former president of a major bike club who had recently come out of jail after a 9 stretch for a shootout with the HAs where half a doz or so died. Most of my friends had experienced club life wearing colours and had left due to the shit that being a club member brings. İnstead it was a case of free spirits who loved the freedom and camradere of the biking life who chose to drink, party and support each others families together. İ met many HAs, partied with them etc and understood them. Their philosophy was simple. İn their words ' İf you aren't an Angel then you ain't shit' They will use any non Angel or wannabe for whatever purpose suited them then screw you over. The biggest mistake anyone will ever make is to have, or claim an association with these people. Tatto shops in my city had HA tats on the wall for HAs but refused to do them unless a bona fide HA was present, as a few unfortunates had them done and when spotted were given a simple ultimatum...... Get it covered in 24 hours or we will come back with a wire brush and take it off!

For many years the HAs have had control of the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the major areas of the US. İ am out

touch now but would have expected them to move into meth by now. One H a İ got to know quite well due to meetings at the many funerals and parties after turned out to be the grandson of a well known mafia godfather so the ties continue.

İ shared a semi detached house/duplex with the afore mentioned guy and another pal and his wife and kids.

This guy was only 6 ft tall but 22 stone (140 kilo) of muscle.Ex special forces Vietnam, heavyweight boxing champion of marines for his year and his hobby was weightlifting. He stopped when he reached 27 stone (170 kilos) when he came out of the gym and went for a crap but was so pumped up he couldn't wipe his arse! He had been an enforcer/sgt at arms for a big club. His job was to stay sober and stop any trouble before it starts and to keep good releatoons with 'citizens'as non bikers were called. He left this when the president and others asked him to cover their asses when he knew they were out of line. (They ended up doing 25 to life a few years later and deserved it) Anyway. The Has were shit scared of him but he was actually a very quiet,thoughtful lad who was devoted to his wife and kids and hated violence. He just happened to be very good at it when needed.

İ got him a job at my company and did great, a model employee. First payday İ badgered him to come for a few beers. İ took him to a bar where you could get Newcastle Brown, Old Peculiar etc. After a half doz he got a glint in his eye and said 'İ'll take you to another fun bar 2 minutes away. This turned out to be the bar the local HAs callled their own. So we go in. There about 3 or 4 HAs there with their colours on and we sit at the bar being friendly. Then one HA i knew went into the old fashioned phone booth in the bar and İ watched him phone and phone. Before we had done our second beer another 10 HAs turned up.They new that 5 or 6 wouldn't manage this boy but couldn't lose face. My pal just wound them up then explained that he was only there for a beer and introduce me. The relief on their faces was priceless.

The end of that night is a whole new story with guns drawn, beatings and eating craw, all deserved. My man came out smelling and actually singing about roses. İn a nutshell.,. Never trust or have any dealing with HAs or any wannabe who claims affiliation. İf you do then don't be surprised if it goes bad.

Appreciate you writing such a detailed and interesting post.

Don't doubt most all of it.

I am not a weightlifter and I am upper 70's.

I keep a rifle in my ranch house for all sorts of varmints and vermin like these.

So do my neighbors.

Anyone that takes a baseball bat to an 18-year old kid and beats him to a pulp has broken the social contract and is not fit to participate in society any longer. Best to just put him down like a dog that gets into the chickens.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Bikers enjoy safety in numbers... Their chromosomes work better when collectively in a 'gang'.. It's like a small man syndrome with a Smiths/Lays crisp on him shoulder.. Get one on his own, they turn to a you know what!

Nah, most are fully willing to do damage when on their own unlike Thais in a street fight. This incident just took place in a club house and it still sounded as if only one did the hitting, unlike Thais who would have all been kicking and hitting.

Haha, but I am sure you are a big bruiser, special forces type trained in Akido hand to hand combat and could easily handle any of those sissy little Hell's Agenglea in a one on one situation

Not a big bruiser, special forces, astronaut, (tough) biker etc etc... Seen them in action plenty of times, intimidation is their only asset. Their beards are usually covering up their personnel insecurities. Like lost sheep.

Love some of the groups names though! post-189941-14159735165387_thumb.jpg

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If he had bothered to research the Hells Angels he would have known the outcome

his false claims would lead to. Personally can't understand why he would want to

join. Another tough guy wanna be bad ass I guess. blink.png

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It's nice to see that Aussies are taking a liking to the sport of baseball. I imagine that a beating with a cricket paddle would do an adequate job, but I always use a Louisville Slugger, as the grip and balance are just right to beat senseless anyone that I disagree with.

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Bikers enjoy safety in numbers... Their chromosomes work better when collectively in a 'gang'.. It's like a small man syndrome with a Smiths/Lays crisp on him shoulder.. Get one on his own, they turn to a you know what!

Nah, most are fully willing to do damage when on their own unlike Thais in a street fight. This incident just took place in a club house and it still sounded as if only one did the hitting, unlike Thais who would have all been kicking and hitting.

Haha, but I am sure you are a big bruiser, special forces type trained in Akido hand to hand combat and could easily handle any of those sissy little Hell's Agenglea in a one on one situation

Not a big bruiser, special forces, astronaut, (tough) biker etc etc... Seen them in action plenty of times, intimidation is their only asset. Their beards are usually covering up their personnel insecurities. Like lost sheep.

Love some of the groups names though! attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1415973513.591339.jpg

Well you're a wuss, because I could have taken on the whole gang and then burnt their building down for shyyyttes and giggles.

Actually, I know a lot of these biker dudes as my best friend from way back is a biker that has one of the more popular independent customer shops. My friend has a head ike a fire hydrant. I saw three bouncer dudes through him through a plate glass window at a club one night (in early 90s) and he got up and took care of business. He is now a 5th degree blackbelt and fights MMA, but too old to be anything really good. Point is, most of those dude are bad arse and not hiding behind some BS. If you are feeling squirrely, jump . . . might be the last feeling squirly jump you make.

I live in Florida panhandle (Eglin area) 5 moths our of the year. Most of my neighbors are ex special forces and ride Harleys. Yes, they are old, but they can still mess you up.

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What is that suppsed to mean?

That you are celebrating that a kid got his skull bashed in by a miscreant that has no business anywhere but inside of a cage or dead?

I don't get it Jock--sometimes you have some decent posts but this one erases all those.

Would you happen to be one of these worthless POS Hells Angels?


I have never been a HA or in any other type of Gang. I do know a biker who is part of a club, a guy that I have known for over 30 years. he also happens to be one of the few guys that I would trust with my life. I also know that he and other members of his club, do a tremendous amount of charity stuff for UK charities. Help for Heroes being a big benefactor.

What I am sick and tired of. Is the self entitlement of the younger generations. Who think it is totally acceptable to do whatever they want, because it is their " Yuman Rights " and the Brigade of ' Yuman Right " Lawyers / Activists, that spout the nonsense that nothing is their fault, mitigating circumstances / deprived childhoods et al.

This gives them the platform to think that they are not responsible for their actions. Sorry, I cannot accept that. This is just 1 of the reasons that the UK is going downhill. I have no doubt that it also applies to the vast majority of the EU too.

From the article.

She said Mr Aakbari offered no provocation and that Dickman's motivation was to punish the teen for "falsely claiming to be a member of the Hells Angels".

Yep, walking up to their clubhouse and claiming to be a HA is not provocative. Whether we agree with it or not. I was always under the impression that groups such as the HA etc, actually had quite strict codes of conduct for their members.

There will be more than just what is quoted in the article to this story. That is for sure.

I, for one, would not walk into to a HA clubhouse anywhere in the world claiming to be a HA member and not expect serious repercussions. I wonder how many TV members with disagree with me ?

But if you are 18 years old, you can do what you want. Its your " Yuman Right "

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I see loads of these guys who think they are Hells Angels members around Hua Hin and Cha Am. It's very sad, they just buy a big bike, leather waistcoast with some emblem thingy on the back and away they go. They're no more Hells Angels as the Pink Panther is a Soi Dog!

Some guys even have the leathers and ride a Honda Click.

True story.

Why sad and why do you think they think they are H.A. most of these are in a "family club" out for fun. If the patch is 3 parts and says H.A., banditos or mongols then they are in a criminal gang with countless murders connected to the organization. The kid was nearly clubbed to death simply for claiming false membership, he obviously had mental health issues as do a few TVF members.

Hells Angels are Hells Angels; Banditos are Banditos and Mongols are Mongols. They all hate each other and have been known to shoot each other. See Laughlin, Nevada.

If there are people who actually run around with patches saying Hells Angels with the other clubs name as well they would be well advised not to wear them around real Hells Angels. The Hells Angels patch consists of the name "Hell's Angels on the top, the Screaming Skull in the middle and the branch location on the bottom. Only full members wear all three. Prospects only wear the bottom with the location, hang-arounds cannot wear anything.

Hells Angels have no sense of humor regarding their colors and will cheerfully cause major damage to your person with no regard for consequences. The club also has very best solicitors (lawyers) that money can buy.

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Typical lots of clueless "keyboard warriors" posting on this topic who as usual do not understand the basic concept of an outlaw motorcycle club. If you don't know anything genuine, why post? These men live by concepts that are out of date in the majority of the modern world. Truth, Respect, Honour. Brotherhood and Family means everything. It is blatantly obvious that showing disrespect in a clubhouse is going to get you stomped. No sympathy for the victim.

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Typical lots of clueless "keyboard warriors" posting on this topic who as usual do not understand the basic concept of an outlaw motorcycle club. If you don't know anything genuine, why post? These men live by concepts that are out of date in the majority of the modern world. Truth, Respect, Honour. Brotherhood and Family means everything. It is blatantly obvious that showing disrespect in a clubhouse is going to get you stomped. No sympathy for the victim.

Which bit of inflicting bodily harm being illegal do you have difficulty comprehending?

All you are doing is blaming the victim.

Edited by samran
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Motor bike gangs have been outlawed in Queensland, and other states are looking at this now. The crime rate has fallen and drug distribution slowed, according to press reports.

The German teenager was not alone in being bashed. A year or two back, one bikie was beaten and killed while about to check in for a flight.

I am curious, under the aforementioned Queensland law, what constitutes a ”motor bike gang”? In the loosest interpretation, it could be a few guys who like to get together for a ride.

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You have to already be mentally ill to join the Hell's Angels.

No, you have to be mentally ill to seek out & visit the local Hell's Angel clubhouse & claim to be one of them. It's pretty much like this video: Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker...

Edited by USNret
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