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PM Prayut backs China's opening of infrastructure investment bank


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PM backs China's opening of infrastructure investment bank

NAY PYI TAW, 14 November 2014 (NNT) – Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has met with the Chinese premier as part of the ASEAN-China Summit in Myanmar and expressed support for the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Gen Prayut joined other ASEAN leaders and the ASEAN Secretary-General in the discussion with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang at the 17th ASEAN-China Summit in Nay Pyi Taw on Thursday. The Thai premier encouraged both sides to quickly proceed with the negotiation plan for enhancing the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) while asking China to expand its agricultural trade with ASEAN countries in a bid to uplift farmers’ quality of life and strengthen the regional agricultural sector.

Gen Prayut highlighted the benefit of establishing transport connectivity between ASEAN and China, saying it would greatly reinforce their joint economic power. He, therefore, affirmed that Thailand was supportive of China’s planned development of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

Coupled with the founding of the AIIB and advancement of the FTA, the Thai premier noted that China’s proposal of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative also reflected the country’s commitment to strengthening its partnership with ASEAN.

Regarding the South China Sea dispute, both ASEAN and China affirmed their determination to prevent the problem from escalating. Gen Prayut voiced satisfaction with the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) as well as the progress of negotiations on the formal code of conduct (COC). He then vowed that Thailand would continue to do its best in playing the role of coordinator between the two sides.

-- NNT 2014-11-14 footer_n.gif

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Backing everything China does, ' Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly '.

The idea got a frosty reception and little response from the G20 crowd, at that ASEAN summit.

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Possibly Thailand not far to be a "Autonomous Province of China" ? w00t.gif

Yeah, look at the 'infrastucture', railways and highways the Chinese communists (that's what they still say they are) have been building to and in Tibet, also called an 'Autonomous Province'..., the consequences of for the true Tibetans we have seen with tears in our eyes, but there, at least, the Chinese have paid for all of it by themselves, while here it are the Thais going to...

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Why should the State of Thailand pay One single Baht investing in this railroad and highway infrastructure, which is a dream-come-through for China, an invaluable present to be allowed to build it all, on the backbone line of S-E Asia, the Japanese tried it, now the 'new empire of the east' China has, alas, been allowed to become, will get it, for free, with many thanks, without a war, without even having to pay for it, as it will be made for the Thais to cover for all the expense, and not only with some rice for sure, look at that new state bank, the Thai PM is cheering to!

Doesn't anyone with a bit of common sense realize that the gain in economical, political and strategical(!) power will be tremendous for China, and by far outweigh the cost of the whole operation? So, why, why, why, not let China build that infrastructure by itself, and finance it all, within f.i. a deal giving China a 40 years license to build and maintain(!) that infrastructure, and collect a rent, from anyone wanting to make use of the infrastructure, for what Thailand is concerned with preferential low(!) pre-established(!) fixed(!) rates, a rato the use made of it by your country, and after 40 years it'd become Thai property for Thailand to maintain it(...!), and collect the rent! No way China could refuse such a deal! But when you start bowing so deep and wai-ing so high, you nearly lost balance, towards a colleague, the PM of another nation, being China in the case, it doesn't bode well...

It would for sure be more hard to shake big bribes and commissions out of the Chinese's pockets with this formula, but that would, really, truly, be 'serving the Kingdom of Thailand', all of those officially(!) busy with this infrastrure project have sworn to do anyway, isn't it, so, what will it be?

You mindlessly (I hope) buried the Kra Isthmus project, which could have been making the Thais sleeping rich and a give Thailand a geopolitical top value, to favour (Thaksin's...) Dawei, are you sure you want to miss out on this historical opportunity, and save Thailand from coughing up a few odd Trillions of capital + interest in the next ...40 years

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"The Thai Premier asked China to expand it's agricultural trade with ASEAN countries".

Well what he may not realise is that China is rubbing it's hands with glee and interprets expansion of agricultural trade as meaning "we sell you our agricultural stuff but we don't want to buy your stuff if possible". So the only beneficiaries will be the Chinese farmers, not the Thai farmers. As mentioned in relation to the opening of the 4th Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge at Chiang Khong, only 250km from the Chinese border, the opening of the bridge has facilitated the more rapid transit of Chinese garlic and ginger, that has all but crushed the competition from the locally grown Thai stuff because it's cheaper.

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Backing everything China does, ' Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly '.

...and when the China bubble burst LOS will be blown into the orbit.

Whether China or the US....Thailand and the rest of the Asean will be orbiting the world central bank.....count down has begun

let's see what's left oh yea "North American Union....Canada, US, Mexico....One big happy World Bank

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