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I have never had a problem of any kind with the officers at the office I go to ( Korat )

They have always been courteous and very helpful.

I have seen them make things difficult for rude and disrespectful expats, but they are just fools.

Considering some of the nightmare post I read from guys who deal with other immigration offices, I think I will just stay in my happy little area until it is time for me to " go up the chimney"!

Over the years, I have gotten to know and like most of the officers in the office I report to.

I would be shocked if I found them trying to do something like that here.

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Question to the OP (and it should not be entirely relevant)

1. What's the age difference between you and wife?

2. Do you speak Thai?

3. What were you wearing?

4. Do you look the gullible type?

If you can answer these, then advice will come.

I agree with most; you should not have paid the bribe if all was in order.

Edited by Blackfox
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The law is clear that a border agent doesn't even have to allow you to enter even if you have a valid visa. Of course that would be messed up in itself but this seems like a simply case of bribery allowing you to circumvent the rules and if I were you I would be thankful.

The law is clear ??? Show us that law please. An immigration officer need a very good reason to refuse entry. Not just his "discretion", that is mind that exist only in the mind of ignorant foreigners.

A Thailand border agent can deny entry to anyone "they feel" or they "suspect" is an undesirable or is not a valid tourist or a host of other reasons. There is no court at the border to appeal to. Start mouthing off to an immigration officer and piss one off either here or anywhere else and see if you get into that country. So yea, while they may have a check-box to indicate something different, the reason can be as simple as you pissed them off ... just understand it is at their discretion.

I am not going to spend much time trying to educate you because if you want the knowledge it is readily available on the net ...

"even if you've arranged a visa for a country in advance, this does not mean you are entitled to enter. The final decision is made by the immigration officer at the border." ... http://wikitravel.org/en/Visa

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Any border agent can deny entry to anyone "they feel" or they "suspect" is an undesirable or is not a valid tourist or a host of other reasons. There is no court at the border to appeal to. Start mouthing off to an immigration officer and piss one off either here or anywhere else and see if you get into that country. So yea, while they may have a check-box to indicate something different, the reason can be as simple as you pissed them off ... just understand it is at their discretion.

I am not going to spend much time trying to educate you because if you want the knowledge it is readily available on the net ...

"even if you've arranged a visa for a country in advance, this does not mean you are entitled to enter. The final decision is made by the immigration officer at the border." ... http://wikitravel.org/en/Visa

This is your approximative explanation, and you shown just a generic tourism website like. It is not the "clear law" that you mentioned.

By the way, there is an appeal process for being refused entry In Thailand. That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

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The OP paying a bribe has nothing to do with other tourists paying a bribe. Regardless if he pays or not, you certainly don't have to or can attempt not to. If 99 other people pay before you, it doesn't change if you have to or not. When dealing with a situation like this, it is always best to smile, stay calm and decide if an escalation is worth it. (ie. do I pay 1,000 baht or risk making a scene and being denied entry)

If this crossing is so corrupt that the border agent is openly asking people to pay 1,000 baht to every person, as some here seem to suggest, then you can be fairly certain his boss knows he is doing this and getting a cut. Escalation might result in an entry refusal or even an arrest if you carry your righteousness too far. Just as video recording an incident might (don't know law) end you up and jail and nobody caring about what you recorded illegal at immigration.

Best to smile, remain calm and act a bit confused explaining how you prepared for this trip including how much money you brought based on the rules you read and just don't have an extra 1000 on you to spend. If that doesn't work then just pay and save yourself the time, headaches and possible refusal or incarceration and just accept this is how it is done. Trying to be a hero over 1000 baht in a foreign country with people who have such power over you is simply a stupid move ... you are not going to change the policy at a border crossing dealing directly with those corrupt officials. After if you still want to make waves or feel a need to do something then write some letters to much higher ups. Not a lot of difference than dealing with a bad cop anywhere, his buddies and immediate supervisor on the street is not likely going to arrest him or likely even overrule him.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Any border agent can deny entry to anyone "they feel" or they "suspect" is an undesirable or is not a valid tourist or a host of other reasons. There is no court at the border to appeal to. Start mouthing off to an immigration officer and piss one off either here or anywhere else and see if you get into that country. So yea, while they may have a check-box to indicate something different, the reason can be as simple as you pissed them off ... just understand it is at their discretion.

I am not going to spend much time trying to educate you because if you want the knowledge it is readily available on the net ...

"even if you've arranged a visa for a country in advance, this does not mean you are entitled to enter. The final decision is made by the immigration officer at the border." ... http://wikitravel.org/en/Visa

This is your approximative explanation, and you shown just a generic tourism website like. It is not the "clear law" that you mentioned.

By the way, there is an appeal process for being refused entry In Thailand. That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

I understand now how you can be ignorant to such a thing, that is common knowledge to most, since you seem to have a reading comprehension problem too as well as too lazy to do your own research. You also don't want to believe a well respected encyclopedia page but would rather throw out some random thing, without links but demanding them from me, that you heard from an anonymous internet poster .... please do explain the appeal process at the airport, do they get an immigration judge or consultant staff down there to hear your case? Even in the UK, it is rare they would allow you to stay a very short time (24-hours?) to appeal such a ruling and it would have to be under specific circumstances. In the vast majority of cases you simply refused entry and can do any appeal you plan back home.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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I understand now how you can be ignorant to such a thing, that is common knowledge to most, since you seem to have a reading comprehension problem too as well as too lazy to do your own research.

No problem, your apologetic and casual attitude toward crime and immigration policies goes well together with the nice attitude above. I'm done with you here, you can continue pontificating.

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I understand now how you can be ignorant to such a thing, that is common knowledge to most, since you seem to have a reading comprehension problem too as well as too lazy to do your own research.

No problem, your apologetic and casual attitude toward crime and immigration policies goes well together with the nice attitude above. I'm done with you here, you can continue pontificating.

smile.png Sounds like a good plan. Save yourself some time and frustration arguing about something you cannot win ... sound familiar?

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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It's a complete mystery to my why anyone being asked for a bribe for some normal paperwork does not report the crooked official immediately.

And who do I report it to ?

I would start with whoever is in charge of that office. Failing that the main office in Bangkok.

So has anyone actually done this? Been asked for tea money and then, instead of paying, asked to speak to the supervisor & reported the corrupt IO's behavior?

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So has anyone actually done this? Been asked for tea money and then, instead of paying, asked to speak to the supervisor & reported the corrupt IO's behavior?

Yes, read report above from Cold Singha or OP in


Remember this is just petty extortion. Nobody is going to get harmed. They know what they are doing is not right.

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You have to take the wife for a 60 day extension.

I don't believe it is required that you take your wife with you for the 60 Day extension, (maybe some offices insist on this)

Marriage papers should be enough.

Most offices require your wife. marriage certificate and prof of residence (usually your wife house book) with 1900 baht. This can be done one time per visa then you must exit Thailand.

My wife always goes with me to be safe and they make her sign the copies we provide along with me. There is no limit to the number of 60 Day extensions you can get based on marriage ... you just can't get extensions back to back.

If you are on a yearly extension through marriage it's only one extension per entry as I unfortunately found out last year which resulted in bombing up to Vientiene get a new non-O after 17 years of back to back yearly extensions :(

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Kittykong if you don't pay the "extra" you will be given the runaround,maybe having to go back several times If you query the request to a superior officer you will be told "this is correct" then what are going to do?...They do what they like to you ,you're standing on one leg in here,,Wake up!!!!

I dont pay the extra. I just go back for my certificate the following week. I only go twice, which is as many times as I would have to go if I paid 200B.

I dont see how a superior officer can say that is it correct when it patently isn't. Anyway, if he does say that it is correct you just take the complaint higher up.

The only reason that these third-world scams continue is because people don't complain and shame the guilty.

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Any border agent can deny entry to anyone "they feel" or they "suspect" is an undesirable or is not a valid tourist or a host of other reasons. There is no court at the border to appeal to. Start mouthing off to an immigration officer and piss one off either here or anywhere else and see if you get into that country. So yea, while they may have a check-box to indicate something different, the reason can be as simple as you pissed them off ... just understand it is at their discretion.

I am not going to spend much time trying to educate you because if you want the knowledge it is readily available on the net ...

"even if you've arranged a visa for a country in advance, this does not mean you are entitled to enter. The final decision is made by the immigration officer at the border." ... http://wikitravel.org/en/Visa

That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

@@ That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

Really funny! giggle.gifclap2.gif

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@@ That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

Really funny! giggle.gifclap2.gif

My quote unabridged

By the way, there is an appeal process for being refused entry In Thailand. That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

And your you point is ?
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The final point was clearly explained from serveral posters.

What do you think about?

You also don't want to believe a well respected encyclopedia page but would rather throw out some random thing, without links but demanding them from me, that you heard from an anonymous internet poster .... ?

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The final point was clearly explained from serveral posters.

What do you think about?

You also don't want to believe a well respected encyclopedia page but would rather throw out some random thing, without links but demanding them from me, that you heard from an anonymous internet poster .... ?

More lilke one obnoxious poster actually. No problem, stick with the well respect encyclopedia, , make it your law.

Edited by paz
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The final point was clearly explained from serveral posters.

What do you think about?

You also don't want to believe a well respected encyclopedia page but would rather throw out some random thing, without links but demanding them from me, that you heard from an anonymous internet poster .... ?

More lilke one obnoxious poster actually. No problem, stick with the well respect encyclopedia, , make it your law.

From JohnThailand: Any border agent can deny entry to anyone "they feel" or they "suspect" is an undesirable or is not a valid tourist or a host of other reasons.

He is 100% right.

Even if you have no return ticket/hotel bookings, the immigration staff can deny the entry. It´s all in the officers hand.

Edited by skiller
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Any border agent can deny entry to anyone "they feel" or they "suspect" is an undesirable or is not a valid tourist or a host of other reasons. There is no court at the border to appeal to. Start mouthing off to an immigration officer and piss one off either here or anywhere else and see if you get into that country. So yea, while they may have a check-box to indicate something different, the reason can be as simple as you pissed them off ... just understand it is at their discretion.

I am not going to spend much time trying to educate you because if you want the knowledge it is readily available on the net ...

"even if you've arranged a visa for a country in advance, this does not mean you are entitled to enter. The final decision is made by the immigration officer at the border." ... [/size]http://wikitravel.org/en/Visa

That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

@@ That is the case for people that arrives by air. I've learnt that from this forum Mods and Admins.

Really funny! giggle.gifclap2.gif

Believe this is pretty similar laws everywhere ...

How Can I Use a Visa to Enter the United States?

Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States. While having a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States, it does indicate a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad has determined you are eligible to seek entry for that specific purpose. DHS/CBP inspectors, guardians of the nations borders, are responsible for admission of travelers to the United States, for a specified status and period of time. DHS also has responsibility for immigration matters while you are present in the United States.


Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Believe this is pretty similar laws everywhere ...

How Can I Use a Visa to Enter the United States?

Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States. While having a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States, it does indicate a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad has determined you are eligible to seek entry for that specific purpose. DHS/CBP inspectors, guardians of the nations borders, are responsible for admission of travelers to the United States, for a specified status and period of time. DHS also has responsibility for immigration matters while you are present in the United States.


Thailand is not the US, you're on the wrong forum biggrin.png

In Thailand an immigration office needs a good reason to refuse entry. not just "discretion".

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Believe this is pretty similar laws everywhere ...

How Can I Use a Visa to Enter the United States?

Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States. While having a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States, it does indicate a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad has determined you are eligible to seek entry for that specific purpose. DHS/CBP inspectors, guardians of the nations borders, are responsible for admission of travelers to the United States, for a specified status and period of time. DHS also has responsibility for immigration matters while you are present in the United States.


Thailand is not the US, you're on the wrong forum biggrin.png

In Thailand an immigration office needs a good reason to refuse entry. not just "discretion".

Everywhere needs a good reason and Thailand like most places it is as the border control's discretion to make the call but feel free to continue to be purposely obtuse rather than accept a factual reality.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Believe this is pretty similar laws everywhere ...

How Can I Use a Visa to Enter the United States?

Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States. While having a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States, it does indicate a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad has determined you are eligible to seek entry for that specific purpose. DHS/CBP inspectors, guardians of the nations borders, are responsible for admission of travelers to the United States, for a specified status and period of time. DHS also has responsibility for immigration matters while you are present in the United States.


Thailand is not the US, you're on the wrong forum biggrin.png

In Thailand an immigration office needs a good reason to refuse entry. not just "discretion".

Wrong forum, wrong wife and possibly wrong narcotics.

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