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People want govt to solve problems 'even if it takes over a year'

Lite Beer

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You really should work on sentence structure bangrak, but I gather you think there was a shady element to Thailand's economy under Thaksin. Of course there was, there has always been a shady element in Thailand's economy under all governments, including the military governments. I don't think having more of the same justifies the coup.

Reality--It's NOT more of the same it is LESS , far less than the last 3 years. it has to be. If I wanted to lose the trillion I couldn't.

You have no evidence to support that, and the past history of military governments in Thailand hasn't been good. You are truly an example of "hope over experience."

We have figures out from the last regime PTP to say the money is missing--until we get figures re the PM better keep shtum.

Give the bleeding PM -thing a rest your killing off TVF--go on to other topics. You thrive on replies not on anything useful to say----counter attack --yawn..............you are on a non stop endurance test until the PM has finished his mission.

"until we get figures re the PM better keep shtum."

We're not going to get figures regarding the PM or military, as I keep reminding you. http://thediplomat.com/2014/10/thai-junta-beset-by-corruption-scandals/

"Give the bleeding PM -thing a rest your killing off TVF--go on to other topics."

Right, as soon as you stop twisting every topic into a critique of Thaksin and Yingluck.

Not really, as long as there are news stories of bogus polling organizations such as Thai Researchers into Community Happiness Association giving ridiculous poll results I'll keep pointing out the absurdity.

"You thrive on replies not on anything useful to say"

Do you think your lame defense of the junta by constantly criticizing the Yingluck government is useful?

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Just to be clear, and resolve your earlier post, are you now abandoning Fiji as an example of a successful military government? Do you have an alternate example?

The last government was inept, one of many inept governments in Thailand's history. I've never argued otherwise. However they tried to hold elections and give the Thai people the option of electing another government, which is how inept governments should be dealt with. Furthermore, nobody has given me any reason to think that this military government will make things better in Thailand. You certainly haven't, and neither has Prayuth.

Do I have to speak about Fiji every post like you do about the PM. Yingluck and the PTP shot themselves in the foot and you still come out with "well they tried to hold elections" sorry they did that for the reason of 180 days amnesty re born. you know that--Shins ploy not Yinglucks, as she never had any idea what was what. Head of the rice committee Ha ha. No one knows the future if things will be wonderful, so how do we do that through a MEDIUM.

So Fiji is not a military government success story, but you won't admit it, and you think a military coup is a better way to remove a government than an election. Since you failed to address anything in my earlier reply directly I have to draw these conclusions from your evasions.

Good night, you'll argue the hind leg off a donkey. I have nothing to admit to you. I also do not answer to you. bye.

"I also do not answer to you."

Victory! clap2.gif

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If changes are not made,it will just return to fighting between vested

interests again,that nearly lead to the brink of civil war.

OK the present Govt. is not elected,BUT look at how the last elected

Govt. nearly brought Thailand to its knees,with corruption,infighting,

and wasting a huge amounts of money,if that is the alternative what

we have now is a much better solution,at least there seems to be a

policy to change things,while not perfect,its a start.

The day i dread is when professional politicians return to Parliament,

and the cycle kicks off again,nearly all are only in this game to enrich

themselves,and could not give a toss about the people or the country.

but that seems to be the world over not just in Thailand.

regards Worgeordie We are only pawns in their game.

Agree with you on most of what you say. How ever there have been changes made. Maybe a few months is not enough time to see them. Look at the number of police transferred to do nothing desks. Just my opinion but it seems to me that there is more arrests being made. They are not like the PTP ones where they had all the people on their radar for months before announcing they were going to have a crack down. Seems like the present government is taking them down as they come. Of course there is a long way to go.

What really caught my eye was

Another 72 per cent wanted no violence in the country

Some how that 28% figure worries me. Are they red shirts I have been getting the feeling that most of them were tired of it. Or were they talking about people in the south? Either way it is an awfully big number. But then again I am not a big fan of Thai poll's. It would be nice for the Government to lay out the big bucks and get an outside respectable poll company to do an in depth poll.

This is a poll by the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association http://asiancorrespondent.com/126917/why-are-some-opinion-poll-results-so-positive-of-the-thai-junta/, you needn't take anything they report seriously. You'll never see the government pay for a respectable poll company because these companies won't let the government dictate the poll results in advance.

"Look at the number of police transferred to do nothing desks."

Thailand has over twice as many flag officers (admirals and generals) as the US for an active force less than one quarter the size. One suspects quite a few do-nothing desks in the military as well.

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Getting pretty hot in the room when people start to ask questions to which you don't have sensible answer, isn't it

That's why you do not deserve a sensible answer.

My question all along has ben give me all the mega achievements PTP had in their 3 years. I have never received answers so Why in hell am I obliged to answer your propaganda-like hate the PM. + I do not answer to you or any baiting questions.

Stop stirring up trouble.

"My question all along has ben give me all the mega achievements PTP had in their 3 years."

I told you elections, but you don't think elections are important. Yet you claim to support democracy.

I've asked you repeatedly for an example of a military government that served the country well, and received no answer other than the Fiji, which, as I and others pointed out, is far from a good example. I asked why you think coups are better than elections, and never received an answer. I've also asked for a reason to believe that the junta supports democracy, still no answer. I've challenged your assumption that the junta will fight corruption with references to recent and historical events, and you've yet to answer any of the challenges. I could go on, but readers get the picture, you're a broken record that keeps playing "I hate Thaksin".

Elections are their only "mega acheivement"?? What does that mean?

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Getting pretty hot in the room when people start to ask questions to which you don't have sensible answer, isn't it

That's why you do not deserve a sensible answer.

My question all along has ben give me all the mega achievements PTP had in their 3 years. I have never received answers so Why in hell am I obliged to answer your propaganda-like hate the PM. + I do not answer to you or any baiting questions.

Stop stirring up trouble.

"My question all along has ben give me all the mega achievements PTP had in their 3 years."

I told you elections, but you don't think elections are important. Yet you claim to support democracy.

I've asked you repeatedly for an example of a military government that served the country well, and received no answer other than the Fiji, which, as I and others pointed out, is far from a good example. I asked why you think coups are better than elections, and never received an answer. I've also asked for a reason to believe that the junta supports democracy, still no answer. I've challenged your assumption that the junta will fight corruption with references to recent and historical events, and you've yet to answer any of the challenges. I could go on, but readers get the picture, you're a broken record that keeps playing "I hate Thaksin".

Elections are their only "mega acheivement"?? What does that mean?

It means their government had legitimacy. Compared to what Thailand has now, that's a mega-achievement.

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