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Am I ADHD? Or maybe deficient in certain vitamins?

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Hey all,

I've noticed that I have a lot of trouble focusing. Low attention span, hard to focus on a certain task. I tend to bounce around from task to task, which ends up in me not getting much done.

Years ago, a psychologist told me that I was ADHD, and wanted to prescribe me Ritalin. I rejected the diagnosis and the drug, thinking he was off base.

But here i am years later, wondering if maybe he was correct.

I also suffer from low energy, low libido, low motivation.

I am trying to figure out whether it's ADHD, or maybe if I am just deficient in certain vitamins (or both). I recently read that a deficiency in Vitamin D-3 can produce low testosterone, which would explain the low libido. I haven't always had low libido, it used to be very high back when I lived in USA. But I got a lot more sunlight then, and was more active. I used to walk daily, get sunlight, get activity. But here in CM, it seem anywhere i walk i get blasted by tuk tuk exhaust and nasty red cab smoke. So i tend to spend the majority of my time indoors.

I am moving to a new place soon on the outside of town where i will actually be able to walk, and breathe clean air - woo hoo! Hoping just being active will help increase energy levels.

But all that being said, I have always had a problem focusing and keeping my attention on a certain task. Which brings me back to the ADHD thing.

Anyone out there with ADHD? How do you treat it? How was it diagnosed?

Are there alternative / over the counter treatments that I can try vs prescription drugs? I have heard that certain nootropics such as Piracetam can be helpful. Anyone try that? How about herbs/natural remedies? B-vitamins?

Would love to hear from some experienced peeps out there.. feel a bit lost/confused as to what to think or do about this!


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what does your daily diet consist of ? on an average day ...( the truth) incl alcohol ...

I don't drink much alcohol, usually only socially. Definitely not daily.

My diet usually alternates between Western and Thai food.

Morning: coffee / latte

Breakfast: eggs or yoghurt

Lunch: Ham / cheese sandwich.

Dinner: Stir fry chicken / vegetables / rice.

Something like that.


what do you drink ? coke, pepsi , diet coke , water ....do you exercise ? are you on any meds ? smoke cigs or weed ? use other drugs? if you have one addiction to either foor or drink what would it be ? the weak spot?


Maybe toddle along to a blood test lab - not costly, then if they find nothing at least you have ticked off some 'possibles'

Good luck- not fun to be lacking energy all the time. Sometimes stress can be a cause.


Please elaborate on "low energy"

Also "low motivation" difficulty in focusing /processing/thinking? brain fog? brain lock? etc?


what do you drink ? coke, pepsi , diet coke , water ....do you exercise ? are you on any meds ? smoke cigs or weed ? use other drugs? if you have one addiction to either foor or drink what would it be ? the weak spot?

I drink mainly filtered water. I will admit to having a Coke or a soda with a meal, but that's a recent addition.

I'm on no meds or drugs. I am actually pretty anti-drug if i can at all avoid it. Which is why i rejected the Dr's diagnosis way back when.

I currently do not exercise.

But the mental aspects of this problem (lack of focus and concentration) are long standing, and were the same when I did exercise.


OP, go to any pharmacy if you in Thailand and buy some Centrum, see if it helps, if it does not, you know you have a problem

Krill and calamari oil suppose to help with brain activity and memory


Maybe toddle along to a blood test lab - not costly, then if they find nothing at least you have ticked off some 'possibles'

Good luck- not fun to be lacking energy all the time. Sometimes stress can be a cause.

What would I be looking for in this blood test? Just anything out of the ordinary?

Can nutritional / vitamin deficiencies be detected in a blood test?

Thanks for the good luck! I've dealt w this for a long time, and am just wondering if there's anything that can be done about it.


OP, go to any pharmacy if you in Thailand and buy some Centrum, see if it helps, if it does not, you know you have a problem

Krill and calamari oil suppose to help with brain activity and memory

Do you know what people who clean porto-potties find at the very bottom? Lots and lots of centrum pills :)

They don't get dissolved by the body and thus don't get absorbed. I've read as low as 5-10% absorption rate, not to mention the cocktail of chemicals and crap that make up those pills.




A multi vitamin is not a bad idea, however! :) Maybe I should look into a more soluble one...

Anyone know some good ones available in Thailand? I am in Chiang Mai.


OP, go to any pharmacy if you in Thailand and buy some Centrum, see if it helps, if it does not, you know you have a problem

Krill and calamari oil suppose to help with brain activity and memory

Are Krill and Calamari Oil available here? I was just listening to a Joe Rogan podcast which talked about how essential EPA and Omega 3's are to brain function! Very interesting...


get some exercise into you thats a no brainer , always ask for no msg when you eat thai food , drink more water and stop the sodas .... i will pm some more info ... good man stay away from the meds ..diet and exercise is the key .ADHD is a modern disease that if you did have it can be 100% cured by diet ....



Maybe toddle along to a blood test lab - not costly, then if they find nothing at least you have ticked off some 'possibles'

Good luck- not fun to be lacking energy all the time. Sometimes stress can be a cause.

What would I be looking for in this blood test? Just anything out of the ordinary?

Can nutritional / vitamin deficiencies be detected in a blood test?

Thanks for the good luck! I've dealt w this for a long time, and am just wondering if there's anything that can be done about it.

Yes some vitamins deficiency like B12 can be shown in a blood result if you specifically ask for it.

More importantly you will have your blood cell count, which shows your level of white cells, these are there to fight infection, if there are numerous you might have something going on.


OP, go to any pharmacy if you in Thailand and buy some Centrum, see if it helps, if it does not, you know you have a problem

Krill and calamari oil suppose to help with brain activity and memory

Are Krill and Calamari Oil available here? I was just listening to a Joe Rogan podcast which talked about how essential EPA and Omega 3's are to brain function! Very interesting...

buy some organic flaxseed oil ... bottle of liquid not capsules , you can buy organic in CM i am sure ... amazing stuff .. your brain will love it and your energy levels will be mega boosted ...


Please elaborate on "low energy"

Also "low motivation" difficulty in focusing /processing/thinking? brain fog? brain lock? etc?

Difficulty focusing. I bounce around from task to task and can't seem to keep on one thing. Low attention span.

I feel like if i could focus one one task, I could actually get a lot more done.

Bouncing around just gets a little done on many things, and the result ends up being not getting a whole lot done.

I don't have brain fog so to speak, but I know what you mean by that.


Please elaborate on "low energy"

Also "low motivation" difficulty in focusing /processing/thinking? brain fog? brain lock? etc?

Difficulty focusing. I bounce around from task to task and can't seem to keep on one thing. Low attention span.

I feel like if i could focus one one task, I could actually get a lot more done.

Bouncing around just gets a little done on many things, and the result ends up being not getting a whole lot done.

I don't have brain fog so to speak, but I know what you mean by that.

low energy ?


> low energy ?

I just am not energized and full of motivation and charge. Where as I can think back to times years ago when I was. If i got a good night's sleep, i would wake up feeling tip-top and ready to conquer the world.

Now? No matter how much I sleep, i tend to be sluggish and MEH about everything. I just don't feel like my old self.


these are the symptoms of B12 deficiency

You don't need to tick all of them to qualify and you can get them cheap, but also do a blood test

  • Weakness and fatigue

  • Light-headedness and dizziness

  • Palpitations and rapid heartbeat

  • Shortness of breath

  • A sore tongue that has a red, beefy appearance

  • Nausea or poor appetite

  • Weight loss

  • Diarrhea

  • Yellowish tinge to the skin and eyes


> low energy ?

I just am not energized and full of motivation and charge. Where as I can think back to times years ago when I was. If i got a good night's sleep, i would wake up feeling tip-top and ready to conquer the world.

Now? No matter how much I sleep, i tend to be sluggish and MEH about everything. I just don't feel like my old self.

This is a mood alteration.

when you say "now" since how long has it been going on? Is it getting worse?

How long have you been in CM?

You mentioned something about sunlight, are you spending more and more time indoors? How do you feel when exposed to extended time in sunlight ?


> low energy ?

I just am not energized and full of motivation and charge. Where as I can think back to times years ago when I was. If i got a good night's sleep, i would wake up feeling tip-top and ready to conquer the world.

Now? No matter how much I sleep, i tend to be sluggish and MEH about everything. I just don't feel like my old self.

This is a mood alteration.

when you say "now" since how long has it been going on? Is it getting worse?

How long have you been in CM?

You mentioned something about sunlight, are you spending more and more time indoors? How do you feel when exposed to extended time in sunlight ?

I have lived in CM for a little over 1 year now.

I will admit to not getting outdoors as much as I should. The red cab exhaust and bad air seem to get me when i walk just about anywhere.

Sounds like i need to get out of town more, go hiking, go on sunny motorbike rides.

I know sun and vitamin D-3 are both vital.

Also, thanks for posting the b-vitamin deficiency info. I will admit that matches what I'm experiencing pretty darn closely!

Sounds like, more sun, more b-vitamins, and maybe even some exercise are in order. I am moving to a new place soon on the edge of town, much cleaner air, more rural. So i will actually be able to WALK again! I miss walking, I used to do it every day back home.


> low energy ?

I just am not energized and full of motivation and charge. Where as I can think back to times years ago when I was. If i got a good night's sleep, i would wake up feeling tip-top and ready to conquer the world.

Now? No matter how much I sleep, i tend to be sluggish and MEH about everything. I just don't feel like my old self.

This is a mood alteration.

when you say "now" since how long has it been going on? Is it getting worse?

How long have you been in CM?

You mentioned something about sunlight, are you spending more and more time indoors? How do you feel when exposed to extended time in sunlight ?

I have lived in CM for a little over 1 year now.

I will admit to not getting outdoors as much as I should. The red cab exhaust and bad air seem to get me when i walk just about anywhere.

Sounds like i need to get out of town more, go hiking, go on sunny motorbike rides.

I know sun and vitamin D-3 are both vital.

Also, thanks for posting the b-vitamin deficiency info. I will admit that matches what I'm experiencing pretty darn closely!

Sounds like, more sun, more b-vitamins, and maybe even some exercise are in order. I am moving to a new place soon on the edge of town, much cleaner air, more rural. So i will actually be able to WALK again! I miss walking, I used to do it every day back home.

No problem

Vitamin D is essential yes, but you get it from sun and in Thailand, given the amount of sunshine, I don't think that's your problem... Anyway you only need 1/2h of sun exposure a day, I guess you must still go out buy groceries etc...

Exercise is a good one to get more energy too.

You can get B12 in any pharmacy, but I would still do a CBC (complete blood count) to make sure nothing is going on.

Keep us posted ! :)

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OP, go to any pharmacy if you in Thailand and buy some Centrum, see if it helps, if it does not, you know you have a problem

Krill and calamari oil suppose to help with brain activity and memory

Are Krill and Calamari Oil available here? I was just listening to a Joe Rogan podcast which talked about how essential EPA and Omega 3's are to brain function! Very interesting...

Have not seen it in Thailand, i got mine from Oz


They ship to Thailand, no problem.

I am also on taking this, http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/product.asp?id=49400&pname=Cenovis%20Multivitamin%20&%20Minerals%20200%20Tablets

And energy levels are up(i am working 20 hours a day)

Centrum is the only one available in Thailand, but if you order from this store, have different brands, but the one i posted i find to be best value and it actually works.

Flexseed oil bottled, i have not been able to find in Thailand, only caps.

Again if you go for caps, see the same website, they have really good deal http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/product.asp?id=57462&pname=Healthy+Care+Super+Flaxseed+Oil+1000mg+200+Capsules


My sister had ADD as a student. She and I trialed a diet cutting out as much preservatives as possible. It actually helped both of us.

In Thailand you'd have to cut the MSG too. Add in some exercise and you may just improve (an unexercised body is a fidgety body).


yes buy some Centrum and maybe some of the unsaturized oil tablets and eat one per day.

Just to be sure there is no deficit.

Than make a full blood test including hormons....

My father felt something like that....he had a fatty liver....others may have low Testosterone (considering you are male). Just test everything, it doesn't cost much.....


> low energy ?

I just am not energized and full of motivation and charge. Where as I can think back to times years ago when I was. If i got a good night's sleep, i would wake up feeling tip-top and ready to conquer the world.

Now? No matter how much I sleep, i tend to be sluggish and MEH about everything. I just don't feel like my old self.

This is a mood alteration.

when you say "now" since how long has it been going on? Is it getting worse?

How long have you been in CM?

You mentioned something about sunlight, are you spending more and more time indoors? How do you feel when exposed to extended time in sunlight ?

I have lived in CM for a little over 1 year now.

I will admit to not getting outdoors as much as I should. The red cab exhaust and bad air seem to get me when i walk just about anywhere.

Sounds like i need to get out of town more, go hiking, go on sunny motorbike rides.

I know sun and vitamin D-3 are both vital.

Also, thanks for posting the b-vitamin deficiency info. I will admit that matches what I'm experiencing pretty darn closely!

Sounds like, more sun, more b-vitamins, and maybe even some exercise are in order. I am moving to a new place soon on the edge of town, much cleaner air, more rural. So i will actually be able to WALK again! I miss walking, I used to do it every day back home.

Many farangs experience Vitamin B-12 deficiency in Thailand. I don't know about you, but I only eat red meat about 4 or 5 times per year here as the local beef is so bad and the imported is too expensive. 2 years ago I took a blood test and indeed I was anemic. I take sub-lingual B-12 now and feel better.



How old are you now, and when did this problem begin? To meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD at least some of the symptoms would have had to be present, consistently, since childhood, and would certainly have been reflected in problems functioning in school. If this was not the case, ADHD is unlikely. The problems you mention could also be due to anxiety or depression, or (less likely) certain neurological conditions. B12 or other nutritional deficiency would be more likely if this was a fairly new problem rather than one you have had most of your life, but in any case no harm in getting a B12 level done and while at it I would suggest a full thyroid panel. Nothing you have said suggests an infectious process.

The diagnostic criteria for ADHD are as follows. Note that all criteria must be met, and the last 2 require skilled psychiatric evaluation:

  1. Inattention: Six or more symptoms of inattention for children up to age 16, or five or more for adolescents 17 and older and adults; symptoms of inattention have been present for at least 6 months, and they are inappropriate for developmental level:
    • Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or with other activities.
    • Often has trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities.
    • Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
    • Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., loses focus, side-tracked).
    • Often has trouble organizing tasks and activities.
    • Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to do tasks that require mental effort over a long period of time (such as schoolwork or homework).
    • Often loses things necessary for tasks and activities (e.g. school materials, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, mobile telephones).
    • Is often easily distracted
    • Is often forgetful in daily activities.
  2. Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Six or more symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity for children up to age 16, or five or more for adolescents 17 and older and adults; symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity have been present for at least 6 months to an extent that is disruptive and inappropriate for the person’s developmental level:
    • Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat.
    • Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected.
    • Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate (adolescents or adults may be limited to feeling restless).
    • Often unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly.
    • Is often "on the go" acting as if "driven by a motor".
    • Often talks excessively.
    • Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed.
    • Often has trouble waiting his/her turn.
    • Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games)

In addition, the following conditions must be met: (all of them)

  • Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms were present before age 12 years.
  • Several symptoms are present in two or more setting, (e.g., at home, school or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).
  • There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, school, or work functioning.
  • The symptoms do not happen only during the course of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g. Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or a Personality Disorder).


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