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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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Self defense or no self defense, they screwed. St, Louis us a shitty town anyway. Everyone should just leave and let the protestors have it, but then don't let the protestors out. Build a fiery moat around it while they are looting, stealing TVs and wheels and not paying attention.

Gotta ask, what the heck was protestor dude thinking when he just stole one wheel. He does realize cars have four . . . doesn't he?

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The State of Missouri has its National Guard, the State Police, the county Sheriff and the city police officers. In such situations cities and counties across the state will send officers as a helping hand. The local Sheriff has the authority to deputize citizens in the defense of the area... Normally this would be retired police officers, or trusted and capable people in the community. Some cities like nearby St. Louis have Police Reserve Units.

So there will be a force of many thousands of Law Enforcement. Many of the National Guard will be veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also - the potential rioters have made it known that they plan on attacking white communities... This is a very bad idea... as mostly likely the white people are heavily armed... and they will defend their homes and businesses... It could get real ugly.

Maybe it will start the race war that the instigators of these riots wish for...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

The National Guard won't be so effective. They will still burn and pillage.

Not as always. If you have no actual knowledge about something, perhaps you should refrain from passing judgement lest you sound like a dumb a...

A grand jury investigates a case to be referred to a prosecutor for indictment. or not. People expressing opinions about guilt should be prosecuted. Especially public figures. Wait for the Grand Jury report. coffee1.gif

Edited by Jimbolai
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The State of Missouri has its National Guard, the State Police, the county Sheriff and the city police officers. In such situations cities and counties across the state will send officers as a helping hand. The local Sheriff has the authority to deputize citizens in the defense of the area... Normally this would be retired police officers, or trusted and capable people in the community. Some cities like nearby St. Louis have Police Reserve Units.

So there will be a force of many thousands of Law Enforcement. Many of the National Guard will be veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also - the potential rioters have made it known that they plan on attacking white communities... This is a very bad idea... as mostly likely the white people are heavily armed... and they will defend their homes and businesses... It could get real ugly.

Maybe it will start the race war that the instigators of these riots wish for...

If that happens Al Sharpton and Obama should be held accountable for inciting racial tensions.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

The National Guard won't be so effective. They will still burn and pillage.

Not as always. If you have no actual knowledge about something, perhaps you should refrain from passing judgement lest you sound like a dumb a...

A grand jury investigates a case to be referred to a prosecutor for indictment. or not. People expressing opinions about guilt should be prosecuted. Especially public figures. Wait for the Grand Jury report. coffee1.gif

FBI Warns Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence By Extremists Protesters


Saint Louis University gives students protesting tips ahead of Brown verdict


Edited by thailiketoo
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Muslims want in on the action also . . .


Muslim groups have stepped up efforts to co-opt protests over the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., with a drive to equate the teen’s death to the death of a radical Islamist shot during an FBI raid in 2009, a Washington-based security watchdog group is warning.

Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked "Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”


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There are some who think stirring the pot in Ferguson takes us so much media space that the problems with the Executive Fiat to Declare Amnesty are out there ready to harm Americans. And the Ferguson fiasco is a distraction

Edited by JDGRUEN
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There are some who think stirring the pot in Ferguson takes us so much media space that the problems with the Executive Fiat to Declare Amnesty are out there ready to harm Americans. And the Ferguson fiasco is a distraction

There are some out there that think aliens have landed and that God was an alien that planted the seed of life in earth. Point being, there are many outlier and whacky people in the world with paranoid views on everything. Just because these "some out there" type people exist does not make their views reality.

Watching news now and hear very little about Ferguson is a story. A lot of news being devoted to extreme cold and huge snowfalls right now. Ferguson has taken up very little media space and, until state of emergency declaration, I did not even realize dumb arsseess where still out protesting rather than working and taking care if their families.

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Amazing the way some can justify the shooting of an unarmed black man. I'm only kidding...it's not amazing.

For the blissfully unaware portion of our membership:

Michael Brown was reported to be 6'4" and weighed in at 280 lbs.

As a comparison, refer to the following data:


Defensive and Offensive Linemen

Linemen are the tallest, heaviest and strongest players on the field. For example, all of the 2013 Seattle Seahawks’ offensive linemen are between 6 feet 3 inches and 6 feet 7 inches tall, while all of the defensive linemen stand between 6 feet 1 inch and 6 feet 7 inches tall. While body weight and strength are more important than height for linemen, retaining the necessary mobility to effectively play these positions would be difficult at a short stature while weighing over 300 pounds, as most linemen do.


Michael Brown did not play in the National Football league, not for the Seattle Seahawks nor for any other NFL club, nor did Michael Brown play organized football at all at any time that I can find or determine.

The thread is only into page 2 and already it has become a body of fiction, phantasma, wild outlandish exaggeration, from unproved claims Brown took the cop's gun away from him, that Brown was a gang member, to the grand jury's imminent decision being a conspiracy to divert attention from another supposed conspiracy to revise the country's immigration laws. Then comes the kitchen sink of Muslims massing in Ferguson -- probably arriving on the chariots of the gods or some such.

One can try hard to stick with a discussion of the issues but that gets very tuff to do when so many crackpot lunatics are out there on the loose howling at the moon.

So let's pause for a brief moment of sanity to take a second look at the dead guy, Michael Brown.....

Missouri teen shot by police was two days away from starting college


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I think everybody should take a deep breath and raise your hands if you have ever been to East St. Louis (Furguson) one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. OK. Now anyone with a raised hand can comment with some level of credibility.

Below is a clip of a guy going on vacation to a safe place after living in East St Louis.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The State of Missouri has its National Guard, the State Police, the county Sheriff and the city police officers. In such situations cities and counties across the state will send officers as a helping hand. The local Sheriff has the authority to deputize citizens in the defense of the area... Normally this would be retired police officers, or trusted and capable people in the community. Some cities like nearby St. Louis have Police Reserve Units.

So there will be a force of many thousands of Law Enforcement. Many of the National Guard will be veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also - the potential rioters have made it known that they plan on attacking white communities... This is a very bad idea... as mostly likely the white people are heavily armed... and they will defend their homes and businesses... It could get real ugly.

Maybe it will start the race war that the instigators of these riots wish for...

If that happens Al Sharpton and Obama should be held accountable for inciting racial tensions.

You are absolute right along with Holder being held accountable for inciting racial tensions too. It is mind boggling Obama and Holder would have injected their stupidy into this incident. You would think these two people would be supportive of law enforcement. This is just another example of Obama's lack of leadership skills and complete incompetence.

The Obama administration is doing a great deal to support law enforcement and the officials who enforce the law.

For example, AG Holder and former Prez Clinton held a two day conference for police chiefs and police superintendents from across the country to examine the lessons learned from Ferguson, Michael Brown and Brown's killer Darren Wilson, and the lessons yet to be learned.

Meanwhile the Department of Justice has brought constitutional and civil rights charges against 17 Dirty Harry police departments and is supervising those departments on the authority of consent decrees issued by U.S. courts. DoJ is 17 for 17 in these investigations and in the subsequent court filings and findings.

DoJ have investigations of same occurring in another 35 departments to include Ferguson and St Louis county. If the arrogant and smug Wilson gets back his active status with Ferguson, he's going to have DoJ attorneys popping out of his desk drawers each and every day.

The Obama, Holder, Bill Clinton and U.S. police chiefs along with the consent decrees are a balanced and reasonable approach to law enforcement and towards the officers of the law throughout the country. I cite the reasonable instance of the conference with the representation of the vast majority of the police that across the country are responsible and professional in their tough and demanding line of work while taking to task the Dirty Harry police departments and cops.

Prez Obama has no direct authority over the grand jury and neither does the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. Prez Obama is responsible for any US property in the state of Missouri while the (Democratic party) Governor Jay Nixon is responsible for state property.

Only if the president might declare a national state of emergency in Missouri would Washington become involved which would be highly unlikely to occur.

Everything else is the responsibility, duties, obligations of the State Government under the constitutional leadership of the elected governor as in the instance of the governor activating or using the State's National Guard militia forces. We in the U.S. also know that the president is the ultimate commander-in-chief of the National Guard of all 50 states and that he may take direct command of it, in whole or in part, at any time which I don't foresee occurring either.

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So let's pause for a brief moment of sanity to take a second look at the dead guy, Michael Brown.....

Missouri teen shot by police was two days away from starting college

Pretty much everyone strong-arms a store clerk and robs him before starting college. It is a common rite of passage. rolleyes.gif

Cigar stealing, cop assaulting Michael Brown had allegedly enrolled in some Technical School to become an air conditioning repairman.

You presumably have some scoop on that...if so, do let it out of the mystery bag.....

At this point of the thread it has at the least been established that Michael Brown was not an NFL lineman whether a offensive or a defensive one. Michael Brown never played organized football. Nor did he carry a gun despite the fact the armed police in the besieged city are armed and ready to shoot to kill anywhere in the town and to ask questions later.

Yes yes, the law empowers police to be executioners and given there are Dirty Harry police departments and Dirty Harry cops sanctioned by prosecutors that continue to control their juries, the laws need to be changed.

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The racist Fox News lemmings are trying to pin the murder of unarmed young black man as his own fault. This kind of a post brings these poor excuses for human beings out. They write one nonsense post after another always "liking" each other's posts. Sad.

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The racist Fox News lemmings are trying to pin the murder of unarmed young black man as his own fault. This kind of a post brings these poor excuses for human beings out. They write one nonsense post after another always "liking" each other's posts. Sad.

Are you a white person? Go to East St Louis. Walk around for 30 minutes. See if you last 30 minutes.

"Honkey Lips"


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